View Full Version : Do you dance on a corpse?
Just a little curious as I was just killed by three ignis. Two of them got me fair and square and well done to them (the hunters).
The third didn't even touch me (so I'm sorry I can mention a name as it didn't appear in my log) and stood bowing and dancing over my body.
Is this normal game etiquette?
I'd be interested to hear what people think.
Being English maybe I'm a little too well-mannered, I don't even attack unchallengings and definitely don't save camp.
Cup of tea anyone?
03-30-2009, 12:40 PM
well it can be questioned :) but i find it's just fun to add to the in Game Hate.
03-30-2009, 12:57 PM
I teabag you now,
If I love you I kiss you,
But dancing is gay,
Holy crap a Haiku!
If it (dancing) happens multiple times by players from the same clan,
the whole clan enters my shitlist.
well it can be questioned :) but i find it's just fun to add to the in Game Hate.
I find the concept of "In-game Hate" interesting. I wonder if this featured as one of the project deliverables in NGDs plan for introducing the Dance function.
Key benefits: "Increases In-Game Hate"
Instead of hating people who dance over the corpse, I think this has led me to "pity the fools".
03-30-2009, 01:26 PM
well-mannered players usually do reverence =)
But players with sence of honour do not attack you when you injured by mob.
03-30-2009, 02:53 PM
I sometimes teabag bug abusers and really annoying players - but I usually never dance on them.
03-30-2009, 03:01 PM
I dont remember last time i danced on a corpse, but i do reverence if I kill someone that hunted me or if someone killed me while grinding and I get some nearby allies to help me kill the player/party.
Done some thinking, i do cheer if i/my party manages to catch up and kill people that tries to run away from a failed fort war. Thats what you get for runnin away from your teammates
03-30-2009, 04:31 PM
Some good points are made in this topic: Although, I suggest you stop reading after page 11, because things get nasty there.
03-30-2009, 04:32 PM
I dance if I get jumped by an outnumbering force and still manage to beat them single-handedly.
03-30-2009, 05:52 PM
I only bow when i win a hard battle or when the player takes the brave way of dieing xD. Never dance, its just stupid ;)
03-30-2009, 06:28 PM
I never dance on dead enemys. For me that is a lack of dignity.
I don't dance....I t-bag - it's a sign of respect. Hell...I even have t-bag'd my own realm mates during a fight XD
....ask inkster :)
03-30-2009, 07:39 PM
I dance or clap on those who do it to me..
03-30-2009, 10:13 PM
sometimes I dance, could be if I know the person, but mostly it's just a bow
03-30-2009, 11:56 PM
In my view the man dance looks really dorky, hence I never dance.
I have been danced on, tea bagged, bowed too, clapped at, and ignored. In the end all I want to do is run back and kill them so it really doesn't matter.
Does it tick me off a little more when someone shows some disrespect to a corpse? Perhaps. But that doesn't affect the way I kill them later.
03-31-2009, 12:14 AM
I sit on peoples face all the time, kiss them as well.
depends on the person really, if its someone who trys scavenging, attacking grinders half health, they deserve no respect or honor. or raiding saves in groups and getting killed after killing some low level or mule, and a few known players who have shown me theyre pretty predictable in their rp whoring (attacking afks consistantly etc)
i will however respect someone who puts up a good fight fairly, or against all odds, (ie happen to be a large level difference but he was protecting someone) then i will respect someone like that. i dont usually dance or disrespect people in hunting parties, sometimes not even engaging in the attacks since theres more than enough people already attacking a lone player.
but all in all its just a game, and shouldnt be taken too seriously :)
03-31-2009, 01:20 AM
dance? dancing is for losers... i tbag almost everyone i kill to show utter disrespect and to piss them off. ooh yeah, i enjoy teabagging sensation too (even from a corpse).
03-31-2009, 02:00 AM
yeah... nightchill is a little big on the tea bagging, i pvp meleager once, won and he recieved a nice little tea big from his realm mate nightchill lol, enjoying it a little too much nightchill? anyway i love dancing on top of those annoying noobs who dance in front of you, basically saying "dance now noob"., but i bow a lot as that is what most pisses me off, when people bow over me (idk it just does), i dnt want your honor or pity.
I dance when I know I'm surely going to die in the next 5 seconds. :)
03-31-2009, 04:04 AM
I dance if it was a revenge kill, or if i won even outnumbered.
I reverance if it was a decent fight
I clap if it was someone who obviously didn't stand a chance but fought anyways
But i'm not a teabag fan. Personally I almost never see it on ra.
03-31-2009, 08:41 AM
I do not dance on people.
I do walk over them back n forth if they piss me off or revenge kill.
If i walk over you back n forth then blow kiss im saying kiss my arss dirt bag.
I bow at them for respect.
A kiss on its own = i like you
I do not tea bag.
kneeling is only used for Surak :)
I don't dance on corpse. I don't have time for that.
03-31-2009, 12:09 PM
I do walk over them back n forth if they piss me off or revenge kill.
If i walk over you back n forth then blow kiss im saying kiss my arss dirt bag.
i call that wiping my feet off of their filth :)
and i kiss people from fort walls mainly, or a goodbye kiss to make em feel all warm and fuzzy n loved while they rezz at save.
03-31-2009, 05:32 PM
I dont dance on a corpse (no time same as anpu) and it pretty lame
I will however teabag a select few (ask kailer, claudia headhunter, compost etc.
(yes ill teabag people from my own realm))
I will also blow a few select a kiss as im fighting them or as they die.
03-31-2009, 05:44 PM
i never survive a fight. :) how should i dance?
But i think it's not very clever. It's funny to see them stoped at my corpse as i'm lying and knowing that a bigger group of allie is coming to my position. I use to see nice fights from down there.
03-31-2009, 06:24 PM
I posted a survey, in the spanish forum, about this topic.
The results are clear, about what the community thinks about corps dancers.
Teabagging, doesn't almost exist in RA server... i 've never seen someone doing that.
I think that is really descasting ...
03-31-2009, 06:31 PM
Teabagging, doesn't almost exist in RA server... i 've never seen someone doing that.
I recall it existing to a certain hunter :sifflote:
03-31-2009, 07:08 PM
tbaggin' is exactly the same as dance.
The only difference with ppl who tbag is that they think they pwn more. But it's the same lame thing.
Just to let you know habits...
I never dance
I bow only to people who help me
Reverence to superiors - hard ass battle-proven lvl 50s
and (sarcastic) clap groups of muggers who ambush me when I'm grinding and don't even give me a chance to defend myself
03-31-2009, 10:01 PM
its more fun to teabag someone from your own realm when they die. you get to see them shout at you then :D
04-01-2009, 05:41 AM
ehh i only do that to the numerous afk people at cs in syrtis when im bored...but technically i dont have the required parts :sifflote: im a girl..and well a girl none the less..once had a nice pic of 3 of us all sitting on some guy who was afk and consistantly rp bait for scavengers, as he would be rezzed periodically by random start the cycle again.
i also sat on that macro guys face and use that as my wallpaper, after we baited a golem into killing him while he aura spammed himself to death.
04-01-2009, 10:32 AM
I t-bag running mages, because they're stupid.
For the rest, i don't have time to :D
04-01-2009, 11:36 AM
I recall it existing to a certain hunter :sifflote:
you mean that VR thread?=)
04-01-2009, 01:49 PM
Just a little curious as I was just killed by three ignis. Two of them got me fair and square and well done to them (the hunters).
The third didn't even touch me (so I'm sorry I can mention a name as it didn't appear in my log) and stood bowing and dancing over my body.
Is this normal game etiquette?
I'd be interested to hear what people think.
Being English maybe I'm a little too well-mannered, I don't even attack unchallengings and definitely don't save camp.
Cup of tea anyone?
/me has
Next question :thumb_up:
04-01-2009, 08:54 PM
Do you dance on a corpse?
maybe, =P
if you kill someone dont u earn the right to do watever you want to their dead body? =S
04-02-2009, 01:27 AM
ehh i only do that to the numerous afk people at cs in syrtis when im bored...but technically i dont have the required parts :sifflote: im a girl..and well a girl none the less..once had a nice pic of 3 of us all sitting on some guy who was afk and consistantly rp bait for scavengers, as he would be rezzed periodically by random start the cycle again.
i also sat on that macro guys face and use that as my wallpaper, after we baited a golem into killing him while he aura spammed himself to death.
girl sitting on face of male chars is not something that'll infuriate people. :D
04-02-2009, 02:41 AM
Who cares ?
The respect has long gone in this game, I used to bow to my dead ennemies after a fight. And generally they used to do the same whenever they killed me. However thoses days are past now.
Therefore I dance and tbag especially C*r*o, who think it was good to shame French Warriors hunters for pwning him all day long.
04-06-2009, 06:08 PM
I only do onto others as they do onto me. If you kill me and dance, or show any other disrespectful actions, I just hunt you down and kill you, then do the same back.
04-06-2009, 11:51 PM
I posted to the Spanish forum about the topic. But I'm fine with dancing, I'm guilty of it.
People who usually get it:
People who love to runaway from a fight.
Revenge dancing.
Cheap killers who pop in at the end to try to steal a kill.
Ignis dead, cuz I love them :wub2:
I kiss people now if I know them personally, or I fight them often. Kinda a respect thing. (Because Reverance isn't lvl 3 like my kiss :superpusso: )
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