View Full Version : Characters selection - Setting the place on fire :)
04-01-2009, 01:41 PM
Hi again,
I'm still a noob in this game, and i realise i made a mistake in character selection.
I have always thought that the game was divided in realms, acording to their abilitys. Alsius was stronger in warriors, ignis in mages and syrtis in archers.
Inside each realm, a race character was implied with the kind of class you chose.
So... i choosed Alsius and for a warrior i pick a utghar.
Now that i am a Utghar Barbarian lvl 50, i realise that this sucks! :) I should have picked a dwarf.
Here is my explanation:
I created a new warrior char (in alsius), just to see lvl 1 atributes...
All points have been given to constitucion:
Uthgar - Health 605
Inteligencia...25 Int
Destreza.......20 Dex
Concentração...20 Con
Força..........25 Str
Constituição...36 Cons
Nordo - Health 492
Dwarf - Health 605
By this, i see that chosing a Utghar is not a smart choice. Dwarfs have the same constitution, and are stronger. Not to mention that in a war, Utghars are bigger and easier to click on. So... they are good targets!
I belive that this could be something to think of, because i really like utghars and i wanna keep playing with them!
Sorry for the extencion of the post.
04-01-2009, 01:48 PM
Erm so make a dwarf then ? /me is a problem demolisher
04-01-2009, 05:42 PM
poor woden, you can only wave and be granted mercy in the face of 15+ Imperial guard so many times, sorry dude but they just got sick of seeing you at pb. I may be clan founder but now i cant stop them they wanna kill yer. Granted i've bowed to you many times (Hathor) and left you alone, and i will again but lets face it your a low lvl running through the major points of a war zone (for the love of god be a bit sneakier):biggrin:
04-01-2009, 08:29 PM
yeah dwarves have to be at eye level to elves/smurfs crotches all day long though while they defend their realm.
be happy youre a stinky goat.
04-07-2009, 11:04 AM
poor woden, you can only wave and be granted mercy in the face of 15+ Imperial guard so many times, sorry dude but they just got sick of seeing you at pb. I may be clan founder but now i cant stop them they wanna kill yer. Granted i've bowed to you many times (Hathor) and left you alone, and i will again but lets face it your a low lvl running through the major points of a war zone (for the love of god be a bit sneakier):biggrin:
Hi :)
I must say that i know when i dont stand a chance... and fighting against a party of enemies is dead for sure... But... on the other side... i never fought a ignis alone. Dont know why, but you always seem to run away from me, except when i'm on low hp from grinding.
Come alone, or bring 1 friend if you like... ;)
Cya in game, my dear enemie :P
04-07-2009, 11:07 AM
Again about the topic...
I belive that this happens in other realms as well... right?
If someone could try!?
11-17-2009, 02:59 PM
Again about the topic...
I belive that this happens in other realms as well... right?
If someone could try!?
I think that every realm thinks that they have the best fighters. The main thing people say about ignis is that it takes a force twice what we have to do the same task (this may be true for syrtis but they have way more people anyway).
Imo, I think that ignis has the best fighters (but then again i am ignis so my opinion would be as such). But in my experience, Alsius fights much harder than syrtis does and it takes less of them to kick us out of a fort.
11-17-2009, 03:06 PM
Dwarf is the only char with 30 const/30 Str at the start, which makes them, by stats alone, the best warriors in the game, though Im not sure why a dwarf is stonger than a ugthar twice his size.
No other realm has a 'realm' based 30/30 class, Wood Elf has 30 Dex but no 2nd 30 to back it up, and no race in Ignis starts on 30 Int as far as I know.
Note: Can we not get into the 'which realm is best' fights, there is no real answer only opinions and all its good for is starting a flame war.
11-17-2009, 03:34 PM
I believe Utghar have good intelligence compared to stupid dwarf ^^
11-17-2009, 04:09 PM
aye id value more mana over 5 str
11-17-2009, 05:25 PM
5 points really don't matter so don't worry. Get some good equips, a good build and go pawn =)
11-18-2009, 02:46 AM
Dwarf is the only char with 30 const/30 Str at the start, which makes them, by stats alone, the best warriors in the game, though Im not sure why a dwarf is stonger than a ugthar twice his size.
No other realm has a 'realm' based 30/30 class, Wood Elf has 30 Dex but no 2nd 30 to back it up, and no race in Ignis starts on 30 Int.
Note: Can we not get into the 'which realm is best' fights, there is no real answer only opinions and all its good for is starting a flame war.
Yes I never understood this. If we're supposed to be such great magicians, why is there no 30 Int race in Ignis? IIRC Dark Elves get 30 Conc, which is a scam when you realise how irrelevant it actually is. Maybe if it had a bearing on regeneration of Mana/HP it might work, but... is the tiny effect it has on spell focus really significant?
Yes I never understood this. If we're supposed to be such great magicians, why is there no 30 Int race in Ignis? IIRC Dark Elves get 30 Conc, which is a scam when you realise how irrelevant it actually is. Maybe if it had a bearing on regeneration of Mana/HP it might work, but... is the tiny effect it has on spell focus really significant?
Actually, Ignis have the best mage race in the game - Esquelios. They start with 30 int and 25 const. So do goat mages, but esquelios are smaller, and therefore harder to target (I know it's just a slight difference, but they're still the best :p).
11-19-2009, 02:23 AM
I don't recall correctly then. Probably because I don't consider Esquelios, what with how they look so gormless and all (C'mon NGD, give the toons some expression).
11-19-2009, 02:54 PM
aye id value more mana over 5 str
That's why I made a Goat knight :)
11-19-2009, 03:16 PM
(damm, why did I pick nordo? XD)
11-27-2009, 08:19 AM
(damm, why did I pick nordo? XD)
actually... i just choose the dark elf knight cause i like the gfx... and i like one
that i see on wz when i play my hunter :D
probably i put random the starting building points.. lol
11-27-2009, 06:54 PM
On Ignis, I choose a Molok knight, Instead of a Esquelio(esquilo or whatever it is pronouced) not because of the stats, more because that Esquelius have no skin color, It's like they have cancer or something. Moloks look more Healthy.
Yeah that was my only reason. :p
I also didn't choose a Dark Elf because I thought they where better as a mage.
If there was only an option to change the skin color back then.... or in the future.
11-28-2009, 06:30 PM
aye id value more mana over 5 str
11-28-2009, 08:54 PM
yeah.. thats what i was gona say, you have 5 int more.
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