View Full Version : Kill Stealing

04-02-2009, 07:56 AM
I have only played this game for about a week or so. it is a rather fun game. with only one real draw back for me. kill stealing now i don't know if this is a problem for anyone els but i have had more than five people steal kills from me. now i'm not counting the little guys i kill but the leaders and what not.

now i was on there this morning playing this with my sister and her friend. we where trying to kill a polar bear champ or something. im not to sure what it was. anyhoo, we had it all but dead when a hunter came along with with two of his little spawns and he took the kill. i got only 5exp when i know i would have got allot. is this a problem for anyone els or am i just unlucky?

i know its a bit of a rant but i had to ask.


04-02-2009, 08:39 AM
Yes xp Stealing is very common, i personally think that unless you are in a party that when you start a kill maybe others shouldnt be able to joine in if not in that party. if there not doing it for xp it's for the possible drops.
this is one of the few things i dont like about this game, you spend ages trying to kill say a leader mob then some higher lvl comes along bam dead.

04-02-2009, 08:49 AM
i got only 5exp when i know i would have got allot. is this a problem for anyone els or am i just unlucky?

Actually, I'm not sure you would have got a lot of XP. Basically, it works like this:

To get any XP at all, you have to deal at least 10% damage. If several players kill a mob together the XP from that mob is shared among all the players who did more than 10% damage, and the XP you get depends on the amount of damage you dealt (for simplicity: let us say you get 50% XP if you deal 50% damage). Also, there is a neat feature called group experience. You'll notice it in your log as (+GRP). This basically means that if several people help each other to kill a mob, they will get a group bonus.

Who actually kills the mob (the last hit) doesn't matter!

So if you have damaged a mob 85% of it's HP, and someone "steals" your kill - you don't get a lot less XP.

But how does this explain why you only got 5 XP from a leader mob? The answer is: it doesn't. It might be because of this: leader mobs (often labeled "Leader") are basically like other mobs, but with a lot more HP. That means even for a high level player it takes ages to kill a leader mob, but the mob still has almost the same level as the other mobs with the same name, that are not leaders. So my guess is that you tried to kill a leader for a lower level group of mobs? Always check the rating of the mob! If it's "Very easy", "Unchallenging" or even unranked it's not worth killing since it will give you very little XP. This also counts for leader mobs!

Leader mobs are often not worth killing, since it takes a long time and they doesn't give that much more XP. So my advice is to leave the leader mobs alone, unless you have to kill them for a quest, or if you know that the (boss-)mob has a nice drop.

As for kill-stealing on non-boss-mobs: try to use it to your advantage! Find out how many hits each of you need to kill a mob, then do that many hits. You'll get a little less XP, but kill the mobs much faster and with less mana-usage. The best thing is to form a group with something like 3-6 players (preferably of different classes).

If some higher level player kills all your mobs and is really annoying - go somewhere else if that player doesn't stop. Some people are just... annoying.

04-02-2009, 12:13 PM
it is not so much the loss in exp that erks me (if there is any?). it is that when you and your friends try really hard to get a kill just to have some guy with a high level taking it way from you.


04-03-2009, 01:05 PM
Kill stealing was never a problem in this game, because no one cared..(unless someone just likes getting there full xp when they have a booster). Like they said 10% and they'll get xp, just because they killed the mob, doesnt mean they stold anything from you.

04-03-2009, 01:38 PM
Kill stealing was never a problem in this game, because no one cared..(unless someone just likes getting there full xp when they have a booster). Like they said 10% and they'll get xp, just because they killed the mob, doesnt mean they stold anything from you.
Yes, I did care for kill stealing when using boosters, grp bonus is very nice, especially with 100% boosters :D

04-03-2009, 03:50 PM
The worst instance of this is when you spend several minutes attacking a mob leader (with the aim of getting a drop), and some clever person comes along just as you're about about to kill it and thinks it a good idea to help you take the last bit of health.

04-03-2009, 08:52 PM
Wow, Regnum has changed over the years. In the past there was no such thing called "kill stealing", but helping your mate from (possibly) getting killed and hence lvling faster. With the auras and big groups the xp sharing system changed, the 10% rule was addded and boosters appeared.

04-03-2009, 08:58 PM
Wow, Regnum has changed over the years. In the past there was no such thing called "kill stealing", but helping your mate from (possibly) getting killed and hence lvling faster.
Changed...and not for the better, with regards to this. :(

04-03-2009, 09:12 PM
There seems to be a time limit that your damage is remembered. I think it is around 60 seconds. I've seen cases where I get some level 50 down to 5% health, then they run and I chase. 2 minutes later, someone hits him once and kills him, and I get no RP. I've also seen the reverse, where I kill some almost-dead hunter running from someone else, and I get all 18 RP.

With this in mind, if the original poster was fighting a very difficult Leader for several minutes, got it near death, then someone else finished it in one hit, and most of their damage was done more than 60 seconds prior, they might get only a small percentage of the XP.

04-03-2009, 11:43 PM
I was killing 5 ignis and 20 other syrtis came and stole the kills :( nothing for me. pfft

04-04-2009, 03:16 PM
The worst instance of this is when you spend several minutes attacking a mob leader (with the aim of getting a drop), and some clever person comes along just as you're about about to kill it and thinks it a good idea to help you take the last bit of health.
I have killed a lot of leaders and got item drop only once (it wasn't even special), so killing leaders for drops doesn't really make sense.

04-04-2009, 05:51 PM
I have killed a lot of leaders and got item drop only once (it wasn't even special), so killing leaders for drops doesn't really make sense.
That wasn't the point i was making.

EDIT: i know people who have had good drops from mob leaders; they are rare but they do exist.