View Full Version : Changelog: Version 1.0.5 Hotfix

04-15-2009, 11:39 PM
Hi Community,

Amun (experimental) server is now open with the following changes:

Version: 1.0.5 (Hotfix) (Date: 2009/4/8)


- Fixed: The character animation in the inventory.

- Fixed: Error in the pet vision range (it wasn't always of 35 mts.)
- Modified: Free Pet makes it only disappear, not die.

- Fixed: Image corruption when entering the game after the initial video.
- Fixed: "Under Attack" fort information is now correctly updated in the map or via game messages.

- Fixed: Realm and fort gates no longer "sleep", they are always active.
- Fixed: Realm bonus now works correctly.
- Modified: Resource server functionality changed to accept a greater amount of downloads at the same time.


04-16-2009, 09:27 AM
Cool! :thumb: But one question. What does "Realm and fort gates no longer "sleep", they are always active." mean??? :confused:

04-16-2009, 09:43 AM
Door can now bite :p
j/k but I d like to know whats that, too

04-16-2009, 10:21 AM
Can you please move the pet/summon bar to the far right (the one with all the buttons), because when in 800x600 it gets in the the way of the chat box, and I cant click certain buttons from there. D:

04-16-2009, 10:44 AM
Can you please move the pet/summon bar to the far right (the one with all the buttons), because when in 800x600 it gets in the the way of the chat box, and I cant click certain buttons from there. D:

Same problem here!!!!

Hope you can fix it soon.


04-16-2009, 10:56 AM
Cool! :thumb: But one question. What does "Realm and fort gates no longer "sleep", they are always active." mean??? :confused:

Yesterday I died outside Trelle because I couldn't click the door.. there was no way to click it. And no, it wasn't because there were many goats, no. I just couldnt click the door.

04-16-2009, 11:27 AM
Yesterday I died outside Trelle because I couldn't click the door.. there was no way to click it. And no, it wasn't because there were many goats, no. I just couldnt click the door.

Then, may be it is necessary to fix the mouse not game? :harhar:

04-16-2009, 11:36 AM
Then, may be it is necessary to fix the mouse not game? :harhar:

100% sure, no xD

04-16-2009, 12:10 PM
- Fixed: Error in the pet vision range (it wasn't always of 35 mts.)

Looks like it is fixed.
Thank You for opening Amun for us.

04-16-2009, 12:50 PM
Can you please move the pet/summon bar to the far right (the one with all the buttons), because when in 800x600 it gets in the the way of the chat box, and I cant click certain buttons from there. D:

Same here. Impossible to play.

And I have only a box with nothing in it.

04-16-2009, 01:50 PM
Same here. Impossible to play.

And have only a box with nothing in it.

Ive never had that one before...:O but then again Im a conju, not a hunter.

04-16-2009, 02:01 PM
Can you please move the pet/summon bar to the far right (the one with all the buttons), because when in 800x600 it gets in the the way of the chat box, and I cant click certain buttons from there. D:

It would be nice if all boxes and windows incl. the hp/mana bar (Char. and pet/summon) could positioning by myself.

04-16-2009, 03:07 PM
Hi Community,

I'll clear up some of your doubts and some that came up in the Spanish forums too:

- In Regnum, when something "sleeps" is that it's out of the view distance of any player, for it to be out of the "sleeping" state it needs that at least one player has it in its view distance. This allows the server to relief its dynamic objects processing improving general performance. In the case of the door, now it never "sleeps" and keeps regenerating even if there are no players around.

- When using the free pet command to release them they don't execute the die action and they only disappear. The change is only visual.

- Pet speed has been adjusted but not completely tested, therefore not included in the changelog.

- The scrolls for Utghar characters created before the version that removed their bonus attributes in exchange for the helmet usability will be added among the next days, approximately one day after we apply the Hotfix to all official servers.


04-16-2009, 03:11 PM
Cheers for clearing a few things up Kailer, much appreciated :)

But what about...
Can you please move the pet/summon bar to the far right (the one with all the buttons), because when in 800x600 it gets in the the way of the chat box, and I cant click certain buttons from there. D:

Like so:


Im on Windows XP, hope this clears anything up.

04-16-2009, 03:48 PM
and please don't forget me!


04-16-2009, 04:17 PM
Hi Bladnoch and Mellion,

We are aware of that problem and we applied a change that makes the chat window push the pet control bar to the right.

And Mellion, we tested and the bar had no resource problem that could cause it appearing blank. Try updating all resources at once (now that it's fixed.)


04-16-2009, 07:07 PM

there is no change after the hotfix for me.

blank pet command box under chat windows in 800x600.

I tried a clean new install into another folder but that seems not to work at all atm.

04-16-2009, 07:12 PM
Thanks Kailer, Ill hug you forever! :)

04-16-2009, 07:21 PM

there is no change after the hotfix for me.

blank pet command box under chat windows in 800x600.

I tried a clean new install into another folder but that seems not to work at all atm.

This seems to be an isolated case. Could you post your system's full specs? (specially video card, video card driver, DirectX version)


04-16-2009, 07:49 PM
This seems to be an isolated case. Could you post your system's full specs? (specially video card, video card driver, DirectX version)


Hi Kailer,

this is not that much of an isolated issue, I have the same problem in Linux and do suspect my old drivers for my old graphics card.
I posted it in

Is there anything substantially different for the pet bar than all other windows/bars within the game?

04-16-2009, 08:03 PM
Hi Kailer,

this is not that much of an isolated issue, I have the same problem in Linux and do suspect my old drivers for my old graphics card.
I posted it in

Is there anything substantially different for the pet bar than all other windows/bars within the game?

Hi Monktbd,

If your driver under Linux is one of the 16x.x.x releases, please update them as they have a lot of texture problems.


04-16-2009, 08:07 PM
My specs are:

ubuntu 9.04 jaunty
gnome 2.26.1
512 Mb RAM
Mobile AMD Sempron 2800+

GeForce4 420 Go 32M

Nvidia Driver 96.43.10
Xorg 1.6.0

04-16-2009, 08:17 PM
My specs are:

ubuntu 9.04 jaunty
gnome 2.26.1
512 Mb RAM
Mobile AMD Sempron 2800+

GeForce4 420 Go 32M

Nvidia Driver 96.43.10
Xorg 1.6.0

Hi Mellion,

As you state, your driver is outdated and you must update it for Regnum to work correctly.


04-16-2009, 09:34 PM
Well surely my card is not supported by any newer version of the Nvidia drivers and I guess the same is true for Mellion's card.
I have to use the 96.43.xx version for Linux with this card.

If that is in fact the reason why it does not work then it is fine with me and I will need to wait until I get my hands on a newer card/computer.

Thanks for clearing this up. :)

04-16-2009, 10:05 PM
As regard pet speed it's fine untill you attack someone, after the fight if you move the pet will lag and die(did not seen changes: disappeared or dead my pet is not there anymore, and this sucks!). So if i attack someone and i need to run away my pet surely will die, imo the pet should have in all cases my same speed or it will be useless.

Anyway thanks for the hot fix.

04-17-2009, 12:13 AM
As regard pet speed it's fine untill you attack someone, after the fight if you move the pet will lag and die(did not seen changes:

Indeed, can't we just make it so whatever speed the hunter runs at, the pet runs at it too? Even a little faster would be nice, because when I start moving, the pet don't start till a second or so later. Making the pet a little faster then the hunter would compensate for this delay.

What about making the "attack" button the default instead of "follow"? Is that something that could happen?

04-17-2009, 12:39 AM
i dont see any reason why the pet should run at the speed of a hunter at all, even if it is to fix a bug of him dying. there has to be another way. why should a MOB (pet) all of a sudden run faster than its wild counterpart.

because that really imbalances keeping hunters from hunting grinders for awhile at times, kill their pet and they will stay away till they are regened on hp mana and recast revive pet.

basically if hes losing all he has to do is low profile and immune his pet and they both get away free. thats another issue i dont like at all.

04-17-2009, 12:45 AM
Yesterday I died outside Trelle because I couldn't click the door.. there was no way to click it. And no, it wasn't because there were many goats, no. I just couldnt click the door.

Kailer told me yesterday, in the Spanish forums, that this is another error, and they're gonna check it.

04-17-2009, 02:54 AM
After you attack something...pets fall behind again. Kinda makes pets a bit uselss right now....unless you just want a furry accessory

04-17-2009, 06:35 AM
Well surely my card is not supported by any newer version of the Nvidia drivers and I guess the same is true for Mellion's card.
I have to use the 96.43.xx version for Linux with this card.

If that is in fact the reason why it does not work then it is fine with me and I will need to wait until I get my hands on a newer card/computer.

Thanks for clearing this up. :)

yep, so it is.

As result I keep playing without pet. Pets in RO are not worth buying a new computer.

04-17-2009, 07:59 AM
I'm getting so fed up with all these "reasons" you all come up with against hunters. I'm not saying it's you but add all these up (I've seen these reasoned all over the forums by mostly non-hunter players):
hunters: should not have good attack because they have a pet that can deal damage, hunters should not evade so much because they can go invisible, they do not need extra protection they have speed, they can choose their fights so they should not be match to anyone their level or higher (you people seriously think all hunters have fun finding easy targets), hunters should be weak in close combat, hunters should be weak in range and so on..

and after all this you ask us to pause every 50 meters to wait for our pet to catch up? you'd be better understood by asking to remove wild spirit and mobility.

by the way..
-an untamed beastly yeti can catch a level 50 hunter running away and score a hit
-a tamed beastly yeti can not keep up running with a level 50 hunter

and finally to lengthen this rant a bit more I think it goes a bit like this:
everyone hates hunters because when you meet them you usually die - because you are ambushed, low on mana/health and/or several levels lower than the hunter. so you come here and and say the class is imbalanced(may be true to some point) and finally after all complaints hunters are "tuned down towards balance against other classes" and so hunters have no other choice than to "adapt to the situation" which means all hunters go to find even more easier targets and skill X (the only skill left after all nerfs) so they can live a bit longer.
rinse and repeat, back to where we started. after this everyone hates hunters because when you meet them you usually die - because you are ambushed, low on mana/health and/or several levels lower than the hunter..

try it, play a hunter. pick a fair fight with another class of your own level, win, and be proud - it's not so freaking easy you all make it sound. neither is hiding, seeking out targets, ambushing, running away from impossible situation and so on.. if I'm forced to play with a pet as otherwise I can not have good damage in small encounters I want that pet by my side. if limiting the pet speed is fair then be it but at least make pets keep up with their masters while not in combat mode

04-17-2009, 08:25 AM
I'm getting so fed up with all these "reasons" you all come up with against hunters.

Same here.

Even developers jumping on that damm ranting train is so unbelievable. The last updates only show to me that they lost contact to the actual gaming part of RO. Fort wars and gems offers me absolutely nothing interesting. It is static, laggy and repetitive.

They way of destruction of RO from my point of view:

* It all began with the possibility to grind to lvl 50 in the inner realm.
* Useless pet, slow, now dying if it is somewhat out of range.
* Tricks with much too high casting times.
* Hunters shouldn't do this, hunters shouldn't do that.
* Destruction of the evasion tree.
* Concentration on forts/invasions.
* Finally I'm done with premium because off those Lucky Boxes. I wasted 60€ on them and got 1 acceptable item: one single item!!!
* Now I "should" buy a new computer, because I can't see the pet commands. Come on, that can't be serious.
* forgot that one: Missing of beta/release testing. Is there any testing at all?

04-17-2009, 08:27 AM
i dont see any reason why the pet should run at the speed of a hunter at all, even if it is to fix a bug of him dying. there has to be another way. why should a MOB (pet) all of a sudden run faster than its wild counterpart.

Because they are weaker than their wild counter part as soon as they are pet they loose the challenging bonus thing, and can get 1 hit kill by any stupid lvl 40s.

04-17-2009, 08:28 AM
how about balancing out the problem with the speed so that,
as soon as the hunter goes out of combat a counter starts and after like 6 seconds the pet gets the same speed as the hunter. as soon as any attack action is done again the pet speed gets back to a fair value.

A slower pet is annoying for hunting, a fast pet is imbalanced in-fight. got to just switch speed then somehow :)

04-17-2009, 02:30 PM
how about balancing out the problem with the speed so that,
as soon as the hunter goes out of combat a counter starts and after like 6 seconds the pet gets the same speed as the hunter. as soon as any attack action is done again the pet speed gets back to a fair value.

A slower pet is annoying for hunting, a fast pet is imbalanced in-fight. got to just switch speed then somehow :)

I believe is this is how it is working (or "supposed" to work anyhow) after the hotfix, however the problem is that the pet never "exits" this normal speed mode, so after a fight he will behave like he did before the hotfix, lagging behind and out of range.

Currently the only workaround for this is to make the pet disappear/reappear again, f.ex. using Camoflage. The pet's speed will then be restored to hunter's speed again, until the next time you attack something.

04-17-2009, 03:50 PM
how about balancing out the problem with the speed so that,
as soon as the hunter goes out of combat a counter starts and after like 6 seconds the pet gets the same speed as the hunter. as soon as any attack action is done again the pet speed gets back to a fair value.

A slower pet is annoying for hunting, a fast pet is imbalanced in-fight. got to just switch speed then somehow :)

Yes, exactly! And maybe it is much easier - just to make the pet move the same speed as you while it's following you and normal speed while it's following (offensive) anyone else.

P.S. the pet speed isn't so annoying for me like that I HATE! it if the pet dies because of being blocked by a rock

04-17-2009, 05:35 PM
*long text* removed :p
hunters are weak in physical strength because
a. they have a pet
b. the ability to always get the first hit in

it was worse when hunters were on the top of the foodchain, specially if you were running around as a warlock.

but hey, a scout has never been strong in terms of strength.

a big downside and problem about this is that you can't really use the surprise attack against mobs and level faster.

a group of hunters are strong but this game is an rvr game with the possibility of pvp, get in a group and grab head of the pack, suddenly your group is very important ;p.

04-17-2009, 06:12 PM
hunters are weak in physical strength because
a. they have a pet
b. the ability to always get the first hit in

it was worse when hunters were on the top of the foodchain, specially if you were running around as a warlock.

but hey, a scout has never been strong in terms of strength.

a big downside and problem about this is that you can't really use the surprise attack against mobs and level faster.

a group of hunters are strong but this game is an rvr game with the possibility of pvp, get in a group and grab head of the pack, suddenly your group is very important ;p.
Not always the first hit.

Furthermore it doesn't justify the destruction of a whole class. Yes, we shouldn't be almighty, but still, we deserve a change to survive an attack too.

04-17-2009, 07:18 PM
hunters are weak in physical strength because
a. they have a pet
b. the ability to always get the first hit in

it was worse when hunters were on the top of the foodchain, specially if you were running around as a warlock.

but hey, a scout has never been strong in terms of strength.

a big downside and problem about this is that you can't really use the surprise attack against mobs and level faster.

a group of hunters are strong but this game is an rvr game with the possibility of pvp, get in a group and grab head of the pack, suddenly your group is very important ;p.

a. not all hunters want a pet but it seems it is forced
b. scoring first hit usually counts as much as 1 second of the battle (with bugged ambush maybe even 4), for the rest 20-30 seconds there's no surprise

so how about giving that pet some speed to keep up with us and at the same time force other classes to skill 1 special tree to 19

04-17-2009, 08:11 PM
scoring first hit usually counts as much as 1 second of the battle (with bugged ambush maybe even 4), for the rest 20-30 seconds there's no surprise

No, => Confuse. They should rather remove this spell than nerf the hunters' fighting abilities even more.

04-17-2009, 08:23 PM
Hi Community,

Please try to focus in the update errors and not in the Hunter's actual situation. To do so, create a new thread or use the existing ones. You must understand that when this happens, gathering feedback gets more complicated.


04-18-2009, 06:32 AM
- The scrolls for Utghar characters created before the version that removed their bonus attributes in exchange for the helmet usability will be added among the next days, approximately one day after we apply the Hotfix to all official servers.

It's been 1.5 days since the hotfix has been rolled out - still no free redis scroll :|

04-20-2009, 09:44 AM
I can play again with my zartik, thnaks for fixing the range bug :).

It semms there are less bugs with horses + bridge (especially between altruk and allahed), however now there are bugs with Meleket stairs : I fall through the stair 1/4 of the time :(.

04-20-2009, 04:16 PM
hm Mellion can you tell me your avg FPS at different places and actions, i mean in wars, when grind, when you are alone and dont move etc ..

04-20-2009, 05:49 PM
Any of you started to experience crashes everytime you change characters since 1.0.5 and 1.0.5(Hotfix) versions?

It's been happening to a few of my clan members and to me as well on the Windows client.

04-20-2009, 05:59 PM
hm Mellion can you tell me your avg FPS at different places and actions, i mean in wars, when grind, when you are alone and dont move etc ..

Hi bmaster,

I stopped playing all my chars yesterday because off 1.0.5 "hotfix".

If I'm logging in (RA) alone in Praire I have about 45 fps. Comming near a group fight at alsius merca or near a fort on european mornings my fps drops normaly to about 10-15 still playable.

But after that "hotfix" it is more like 5- fps and stop-motion. If I'm lucky I turn and run.

04-21-2009, 08:29 AM
unfortunately i stopped playing too because of the same reasons :( anyway i hope i can get another pc sooner

04-22-2009, 09:15 PM
Will the pet speed be corrected soon? Sure there are tricks to get them back to right speed...but after attacking they become wicked slow...


04-22-2009, 09:23 PM
or better give us the fps back we were used to have.