View Full Version : Is this right? getting a lvl 20 bow from a lvl 11 quest?

04-27-2009, 08:22 AM
So can anyone explain this one to me? I don't know why i'd get a bow that i won't be able to use for anotehr 9 lvls from a quest i can get now.

04-27-2009, 08:45 AM
Though I agree that a 9-lvl difference is kind of high, just be happy it's not the other way around ;)
There's a good few quests (in Alsius) that give items that are lower lvl than the actual quest lvl.

Besides, reaching lvl 20 doesn't take that long so it's worth keeping it in your inventory for a while.

05-04-2009, 06:57 AM
I agree with him. I made it to lvl 20 on my Ignis character in a few days. I even joined a clan and made lots of friends along the way :D

05-05-2009, 09:57 PM
much better than the other way around... think complete lvl 16 quests vs hard mobs, and you get a lvl 10 spear.... 1 handed, for a barb.... :ranting:

05-08-2009, 02:43 AM
i think its a boost, a tactic to get you to lvl up (or buy xim for scrolls), when i was a lower lvl, what would help get through the mindless hours of grinding was a good special weapon or piece of armor that was a higher lvl in my inventory, everytime i would see it i would get exited about using it and i would wana grind more and more, its a good idea on their part.


05-09-2009, 01:04 AM
Yeah that is cool what about to get bows for 5 lvls bellow your lvl from several quests in syrtis ftw...