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04-29-2009, 03:10 AM
What's a good first character to learn the game mechanics etc?

04-29-2009, 07:33 AM
At beginning, you can choose to be archer, mage or warrior.
Difference btw them is obvious, warrior melee fight, archer ranged, mage ranged but fight with spells mostly. Pick one of those 3 that you enjoy to play range/mele/caster.
Then at level 10, you pick your specialization, class:
warrior: barbarian, knight
archer: hunter, marksman
mage: warlock, conjurer

So its not important which one you choose as long as you enjoy it. Each of them will introduce you game mechanics well.

04-29-2009, 10:35 AM
What's a good first character to learn the game mechanics etc?

To me the easiest to start with would be in this order:

- Marksman / Hunter: Marks will be easier in RvR but a bit harder now in PvE than the hunter. Both have range and are pretty simple to play IMO.

- Conjuror: a bit more stressfull in support version* , but you'll be loved by your mate. :)

- Knight: Slow leveling, but this the class that last more in war. Do not deal huge dmg, but have some nice protection for yourself and your allies. Definetly a must right now when you know the game.

- Barbarian / Warlock: Maybe the higher DPS and crowd control of the game but clearly the smallest defense too. Needs a good knowledge of fights to survive. Both can be really fun and evil, but you need to find a good team to play with IMO, otherwise it's just useless ^^

*: Only class where I had to stop playing once because my right hand was hurting me.