View Full Version : Archer problem (help NGD)

03-13-2007, 07:36 PM
Today I logged on to my archer and found that only 1 of my skills were working correctly. The skill area that i am having problems with is tactics when i go to use knock target skill the skill is not there when i go in to my spell book i would like to know how i can fix this and if i am the only one who is having this problem. Please answer asap

Thanks in advance


03-14-2007, 05:22 AM
When was the last time you logged in using your archer? Most of the archer’s skill tree has changed. The "knock down" was moved from the 2nd spot to the 10th or 11th spot. You will have to do a /reset_powers and redo your skills.

03-14-2007, 05:45 AM
i already tried that tyr
nothing is working i have reset almost a dozen time and it still wont let me and i am no noob i know to to reset and distribute my powers