View Full Version : Response to Forum Moderator...

05-14-2009, 03:10 PM

Please read the Forum regulations again.

4.1) Forum "General discussion" is open for discussions that reflect the actual or future situation of the game. Any topic which represents a technical issue, inquiry, error, suggestion or complaint must be created in the proper section.


I was not talking about a technical issue, or questioning (inquiry), or reporting errors, or giving suggestions / complaints.

My post is directly related to the future situations of the game, and still is one of the various aspects of Regnum, thus should be in GERNERAL...

Perhaps you Mr/Miss/Mrs Forum Mod should make the following sections
1) English Balance Forums
2) Market Place (buy sell items)
3) War Zone Tactics Section

Have a nice day... :looking:

05-14-2009, 03:14 PM
Again, not following forum regulations. Is that so hard to do?

5.2) It's not allowed to question the forum administrators or moderators tasks, as they are decided by NGD Studios, not them. If any of the activities carried out by them may not seem appropriate this could be warned by sending a mail to community@ngdstudios.com.ar and not inside the forums.
