View Full Version : Changelog: Version 1.0.6

05-20-2009, 08:57 PM
Hi Community,

The new changelog for version 1.0.6 is now available. Also, Amun server is open for those who want to test the changes.

Changelog 1.0.6 (http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/index.php?l=1&sec=27&subsec=2)

This thread will remain only for discussion about the latest changes.


05-20-2009, 09:00 PM
Some great changes!

However, they mean shit now that you have destroyed the game for ranged classes.

Congratulations NGD:

20% movement speed increase.

I've seen some retarded updates, but this takes the biscuit.


Really well done, honestly, I can delete my lock and marks now! Woop! As now range means shit all.

05-20-2009, 09:10 PM
Some great changes!


Really well done, honestly, I can delete my lock and marks now! Woop! As now range means shit all.

thx to all gods, that my computer is too slow to play anymore.

05-20-2009, 09:13 PM
Hi Community,

We will appreciate if you test the changes before deciding if they are good or bad. ;)

Thank you,

05-20-2009, 09:15 PM
I like it, now warlock is tricky ^^, and meh how boring was marks anyways :P

05-20-2009, 09:20 PM
Hi Community,

We will appreciate if you test the changes before deciding if they are good or bad. ;)

Thank you,

Kailer, you never ask yourself, why more and more long time players leave the game?

05-20-2009, 09:26 PM
Hi Community,

We will appreciate if you test the changes before deciding if they are good or bad. ;)

Thank you,

How in the game of all that is holy can you see this as being good?

Barbs and knights well get to me 20% faster, that's without Spring / Onslaught. While I go back at "regular" speed.


Please, enlighten me, what were you thinking when you added that? :(

05-20-2009, 09:26 PM
We will appreciate if you test the changes before deciding if they are good or bad. ;)

If you're referring to the movement speed change, sorry, but we already tested it when you changed the backwards movement speed to walking speed. This is the same, just labeled differently. I remember you changed it back pretty fast after all the complaints about it.

05-20-2009, 09:33 PM
Hehe nice.. I hope mages will still manage to cast on time when enemy can rush on them 20% faster... I bet you covered that nicely, like every patch you did, lol. I bet you listened also English part of Testing team, not just Spanish...

Awesome job for Winter Stroke, that's what RO needed so bad to become super game.

I see also Staff mastery shit is balanced (not), like you promised before.
Duel premium? lol
You d better make arena scrolls.
There are some things good, like decreased areas, fixing pets for hunters etc...
But some are unacceptable.
Cremation thing: such power none of classes have or had in history. Except Blame, that wasn't enabled and replaced with Escapist. For me, that spell is out of any balance. You re literally giving warlocks higher power than conju has, and counting on hunters they ll hang in fort playing medic role, when someone dies, to go stalker him? lol, hunter is hunter, not a nurse.

Congrats on the biggest fail in Regnum history.
Big FU for Balance team.

Marksman signing out.

05-20-2009, 09:34 PM
Nice changes, but i think when someone is in a duel banner, they should be immune to other peoples attacks/buffs etc beside the person he/she is fighting.

05-20-2009, 09:37 PM
Thanks for making Winter Stroke a retarded spell, in next update remove all 30 ranged bows :)

Anyway some changes are good... will say more after trying it out...

05-20-2009, 09:39 PM
This isnt a whinning thread, its a discussion thread, if your gonna complain about a skill, atleast explain how would it affect you.

05-20-2009, 09:42 PM
It gonna change my life totally I wont hafe a nice car and a nice wife and a nice kid and i wont have a nice job Ill become a junky and will do drugs everyday...

05-20-2009, 09:45 PM
Ribs Breaker and Balestra fixed damages... ?
Worst change that could ever happen.

05-20-2009, 10:00 PM
What I don't really understand is the change to mana communion. If you didn't have the chance to check it out, besides the only 6m range, it now gives only half the mana it gave before.

I think this will hurt realm balance a lot. Let me explain. It you have few people, there will be few people with MC. So everyone will be out of mana most of the time anyway. Besides, you need the mana to make a difference.

If you have a lot of people, you don't have to use that much mana, so you don't really need MC that much. And you'll surely have more people with MC. So it would make it even easier to kill smaller groups.

Where's the balance here? Another thing: why keep the cost of MC the same and not half it as well? It will just discourage people from using it at all. Which makes the problem even worse.

05-20-2009, 10:03 PM
- New: Low level arenas in each realm initiation zone. Functionality to be added later.

what's the point of adding something nonfunctional to game?

nice 20% increase in speed tho, can't wait to close the gap on marks asses, and can't wait to get nailed by barbs even faster =/

05-20-2009, 10:05 PM
Balance? Jajajajaja.


05-20-2009, 10:06 PM
If you're referring to the movement speed change, sorry, but we already tested it when you changed the backwards movement speed to walking speed. This is the same, just labeled differently. I remember you changed it back pretty fast after all the complaints about it.

This change in the backwards speed was a mistake, and it's just been corrected.

05-20-2009, 10:11 PM
Some great changes!

Hi everyone! Backpeddling speed will be 20% faster than before.

It´s fixed on AMUN server.


05-20-2009, 10:13 PM
This change in the backwards speed was a mistake, and it's just been corrected.

Wow, that was really fast. Thanks :)

05-20-2009, 10:13 PM
Hi everyone! Backpeddling speed will be 20% faster than before.

It´s fixed on AMUN server.


Good but seriously, how was this not spotted before?! Have the testing team been killed off? Or what?!

Anyway, I'd have not have any increase. At all. Period.

05-20-2009, 10:23 PM
Ok, I just heard that duel banner allows pvp in range of 30m which is a complete joke, it's worse then arena and to charge people for that shit? C'mon, are you really here only to rip us off? If you had any sense at all you'd rework Intel (Central) Island into a nice big pvp zone/arena and charge entrance fee. It would sure as hell have more sense then this "Duel Banner" thing.

05-20-2009, 10:24 PM
Yeah, between two Warlock's it's just who can cast Meteor the fastest.

30m area? Come on....

This update is a joke.

05-20-2009, 10:32 PM
Thanks for fixing the speed winter stroke next plz!!!! :)

The 30 range banner is no good. What is the point marks to have more than 30 range ah forgot u will make max 30 range so the banner's 30 range will be enough :P

05-20-2009, 10:50 PM
Thanks for fixing the speed winter stroke next plz!!!! :)

The 30 range banner is no good. What is the point marks to have more than 30 range ah forgot u will make max 30 range so the banner's 30 range will be enough :P

Ehem... :)

its 30 m in radius, not diameter...
so... if both characters move to opposite locations within the duel area they would be almost 60 m apart.


- Chilko

05-20-2009, 10:59 PM

Ontop: i still think other people shouldnt be able to enter the fight, i might be wrong, but i've seen two people test it, and another conjur healing one of them. If its true, the people fighting under the duel banner should be immune to other people.

05-20-2009, 11:01 PM
Why was tremor range reduced? Just how close do you expect a conju to get to the enemy army? And then...reduce the duration also? Way to wreck the one unique conj attack.

Mana communion is junk now, lvl 5 now is the equivilent of it's former lvl 2. I honestly can't imagine what you just might think to do with our heal spells.

+1 on the reduce cast time on certain CC spells.

Speed change wasn't really necessary, but as long as it has no major affects on pvp then idc.

I haven't tried it, but I hope the 'can't cancel spells once they're cast' feature will work.

As for the initiation arenas, "Functionality will be added later"? Does that mean BEFORE you release this update on ra and horus? Because I'm not sure what the new people will think when they can't figure out what it does.

05-20-2009, 11:08 PM
Mage are gonna suffer truely from speed increase, running behind a mage while casting.. ah yes, gonna be so hard, but fun now ^^

05-20-2009, 11:20 PM
From what I understood spells won't be canceled when you run through the caster now.

05-20-2009, 11:31 PM
- Modified: Low level spells no longer cancel higher level spells.
Wtf could this possibly mean? I honestly don't get that, does that mean mind blank (1) can't possibly resist ambush (2)? Or what?

05-20-2009, 11:33 PM
From what I understood spells won't be canceled when you run through the caster now.



05-20-2009, 11:36 PM
Wtf could this possibly mean? I honestly don't get that, does that mean mind blank (1) can't possibly resist ambush (2)? Or what?

Oops, I fixed the description to avoid further misunderstandings:

- Modified: Low level spells no longer cancel the same spell if it's of a higher level.Regards,

05-20-2009, 11:44 PM
May I ask what's the reason behind making Ribs Breaker and Balestra fixed damages?
Currently, Ribs Breaker is so low duration on lvl 1 anyway... why make it even worse?

The best usage for Ribs Breaker currently, is to use it together with normal hits to inflict additional damage for 90 mana...
And now this is removed.

There will be zero reason for using Ribs Breaker...
You can just put Spears to lvl 5 and get Balestra, and use weapon switching.
No reason to use Ribs Breaker at all...

Balestra has range, better duration...
You could atleast let the damage stay on Ribs Breaker, but maybe not on Balestra.

05-20-2009, 11:50 PM
Did I read that correctly, hunters can camoflage corpses?

I can understand the idea of taking out 2 abilities that basically mirror each other. Replacing it with an ability to hide corpses strikes me as strange. I can't remember being dead and thinking, boy I wish I was camoflaged right now, so the enemies can't see me...this is so embarassing. I can understand perhaps a limited use, but, really, come on now.

If this remains, and I remember correctly which I might not, won't it take a few more levels for hunters to be able to track an enemy and still be semi-effictive in the WZ. When might they be able to incorporate that skill into their build...mid 30s high 30s low 40s? Perhaps switching the positions of the new enemy tracking and the corpse hiding skills?

05-20-2009, 11:55 PM
Did I read that correctly, hunters can camoflage corpses?

I can understand the idea of taking out 2 abilities that basically mirror each other. Replacing it with an ability to hide corpses strikes me as strange. I can't remember being dead and thinking, boy I wish I was camoflaged right now, so the enemies can't see me...this is so embarassing. I can understand perhaps a limited use, but, really, come on now.
If I had to guess, it's purely to defend against the new warlock spell 'cremation' which sends dead allies back to the altar.

05-21-2009, 12:10 AM
How in the game of all that is holy can you see this as being good?

Barbs and knights well get to me 20% faster, that's without Spring / Onslaught. While I go back at "regular" speed.


Please, enlighten me, what were you thinking when you added that? :(

Have you ever considered that backpedaling is rather stupid to begin with? I took an archery class and they never said anything about running backwards while shooting.

05-21-2009, 12:27 AM
Besides all the other stuff, I still miss:
"Reduced the steepness of the XP curve" :looking:

05-21-2009, 12:50 AM
Camouflage Corpse: New spell (replaces “Track Realm Enemy”.) Allows to camouflage the corpse of an ally from the enemies sight. The corpse remains visible for allies.]

This spell should hide any corpse not just allies and also now that a tracking spell was removed please fix to one remianing one so that it tracks near too far.

05-21-2009, 01:56 AM
· Finger Crush: Fixed. Now it can be casted in creatures.
· Winter Stroke: Range reduced to 30 mts.
· Ethereal Arrow: Cooldown raised to 40 sec.
· Arcana Strike: Cooldown raised to 25 sec.

great : you've just killed my 3 best spells, and marks main tree.

I hope future marks will have fun with finger crush and ambush as their main job

It would be great for you to add a 20 places shortcut bar, to allow marks to check what of their spell is not on cooldown during war of fast grinding parties

I really think that this release will kill marks class

05-21-2009, 02:13 AM
Hunters got two skills that are actually kinda useless. Here's why:

1) Heal Pet is only 2.4 meter range and is a 60 second cool down....so now it won't take one hit to kill it...just two

2) Camoflauge dead ally - I see this being used at lvl 1 and that's it. For me it is totally useless because I don't play hunter at fort - I have a marks for that.

And as for testing team. I'm quite irritated...I'm PM'ing those heading it as I write this.

05-21-2009, 02:17 AM
where the update for the barb? every class had their own special update except barbs, I WANT MY DUEL WIELDING

-no seriously why isnt there an update for barbs?


05-21-2009, 02:23 AM
i think that this patch had problems at first, but now i believe it is a good thing

05-21-2009, 02:38 AM
The two new added skills for hunter are a bit useless to me...but at least pet speed is fixed.

05-21-2009, 03:21 AM
Since I don't get any answers from the test group for my biggest concern (which I'll post here in a second). I'll just toss my other conerns here - maybe someone will actually answer me - shoot even a go f' off would be more than I got from the test forums.

The game now consumes 100% of the first CPU Core and 50%-100% of the second CPU core. The current RA only consumes 100% of the first CPU core. Here's example:

Running AMUM:
3515 johnn 20 0 547m 443m 21m R 151 21.9 40:27.55 game

Running RA:
3559 johnn 20 0 472m 368m 31m R 66 18.2 0:26.83 game

Heal pet is only 2.4 meters. So, if your trying to heal your pet and you get position lag - your spell gets canceled AND you loose the mana AND your pet doesn't regen it's health - AWESOME!!

You have to target your pet to heal him - but you can't target and heal other pets. WTF is the point of targeting??

Now the second and third problem aren't really my real concern since I won't use it anyway (WTF is the point). However, an unexplained consumption of system resources where all things are like EXCEPT the update from Amun...worries me.

Hopefully someone decides to give me just a tad bit of respect as a veteran player and responds.

05-21-2009, 06:25 AM
Have you ever considered that backpedaling is rather stupid to begin with? I took an archery class and they never said anything about running backwards while shooting.
Its not even backpedaling. Its floating in thin air while shooting, they could at least add animation for things like that.

I tried everything, but I don't see the point of Camouflage corpse. I would have preferred a trap or something like that. Maybe this will make Hunter's supportive in a sense that now everyone will be screaming Camouflage my corpse you noob! Im actually wondering how many warlocks will use cremation, this is going to be a big thing, fort wars can end much more quickly (/me points and laughs at Syrtis who has less warlocks when compared to Ignis)
Cremation thing: such power none of classes have or had in history. Except Blame, that wasn't enabled and replaced with Escapist. For me, that spell is out of any balance. You re literally giving warlocks higher power than conju has, and counting on hunters they ll hang in fort playing medic role, when someone dies, to go stalker him? lol, hunter is hunter, not a nurse.

Thats exactly what I think, this ruins battles with forts which are farther away now too. Someone cremates a conjurer, and now they want to make hunter supportive like this? Now people will be counting on Hunters to carry this with them or something? Like you said, there has never been any spell like this, if someone dies far outside the fort its my job to go and cover him.

Cancel no longer happens when the target moves behind. I just wasn't able to test this on objects like tree's rocks. If this works on objects too then it would solve the problem of tree humpers.

The only major change I cannot say anything about is 20% movement speed. Its nice, but at the same time what is it really for? It looks like they increased mob speed too, but way over player speed. Looks like NGD is trying to remove kiting again (?)

Looks like the changes to marksmen were to balance them with hunters. Thats how I see it anyway.

The game now consumes 100% of the first CPU Core and 50%-100% of the second CPU core. The current RA only consumes 100% of the first CPU core. Here's example:
NGD said long ago that's because Amun is filled with alot of junk data and hidden things you never see make it to Ra.

Oh and,

How about fixing Medenet quests that have been missing for 3 months?!

05-21-2009, 06:28 AM
Someone explain to me the reasoning behind the nerf of Winter Stroke. PLEASE.

05-21-2009, 06:41 AM
As a Barb, I think we are fine as we are set with our attacks, but I think a few tweaks can be made:


1. Remove Crash in the Slashing Tree and replace it with something I'd call "Artery Slash"

Similar to Serpent's Bite or a Daggerfang's Rake, it would cause a "bleeding" damage over a preset time. I Suggest removing Crash because it's not a practical skill and no barb I know (on any realm) uses it with more than a passing interest. Any conjurer's direct heal (non-aura type) would cease (cancel) the bleeding or shorten it accordingly.

Artery Slash (Slashing):
Level 1: Attack Damage 20% +10% every second for 6 seconds (Mana: 90)
Level 2: Attack Damage 25% + 12% every second for 8 seconds (Mana: 110)
Level 3: Attack Damage 30% + 15% every second for 10 seconds (Mana: 130)
Level 4: Attack Damage 35% + 18% every second for 12 seconds (Mana: 160)
Level 5: Attack Damage 40% + 20% every second for 15 seconds (Mana: 180)

2. Remove Intimidating Threat in the Warcries Tree and replace it with something I'd call "Parry"

I think barbs deserve a slightly better defense since they do wield big two-handed weapons and should be able to use them to at least parry some attacks (including ranged). While this wouldn't even come close to comparing to a knight's ability to block or an archers ability to resist/evade, I think a small chance to block for a barb is appropriate since we die so quickly. I suggest removing intimidating threat because it's basically unused by most barbs.

Parry (Warcries):
Level 1: +10 points to chance-to-block
Level 2: +16 points to chance-to-block
Level 3: +24 points to chance-to-block
Level 4: +36 points to chance-to-block
Level 5: +40 points to chance-to-block

3. Shorten the casting time on all Barb/Knight weapon 360 degree area attacks (Typhoon/Lightning Strike/Thunder Strike) from 3 seconds to 2 seconds. With lag factored in, sometimes it takes up to 5 seconds for it to trigger. And with these areas now nerfed from 10m radius down to 6m, I think it would be fair to shorten the casting time as well and maybe even shorten the cooldown times from 180 seconds to 120.

4. Put Lightning Strike and Typhoon back to how they were (spear 100% dmg + knock down and Typhoon 100% dmg + 400dmg at level 5).

5. Remove Destabilize from Two-Hand Mastery and replace it with something I'd call "Zealous Soul"

It would passively add a small resistance to fire/ice/lightning (magic) damage and a slight resistance to knock/dizzy/stun/freeze.

Zealous Soul:
Level 1: +5% Resistance to Fire/Ice/Lightning and +5% resist to knock/dizzy/stun/freeze
Level 2: +7% Resistance to Fire/Ice/Lightning and +7% resist to knock/dizzy/stun/freeze
Level 3: +10% Resistance to Fire/Ice/Lightning and +10% resist to knock/dizzy/stun/freeze
Level 4: +12% Resistance to Fire/Ice/Lightning and +12% resist to knock/dizzy/stun/freeze
Level 5: +15% Resistance to Fire/Ice/Lightning and +15% resist to knock/dizzy/stun/freeze

That's just my ideas though. Obviously I don't work for NGD. But I think of these things while playing. Take them for what they are: Simply Ideas.

05-21-2009, 06:55 AM
1.) Well, Crash can actually be a useful spell. And warriors already have a DoT spell (Impale) which does not do damage to the full duration. NGD could fix this, I see they decreased the casting time, but no change to the DoT

2.) First off, I love Intimidating Threat, it work very well and is one of the few negative effect spells a barb has. Second, I think Warcries is one of the best categories in Regnum, it does not need any serious changes now imo.

3.) Elemental resist for barbarians? And as if we did not have enough CC resists from Unstoppable Madness and Defensive Stance.

Areas do not need less casting time too, imo they need longer casting time :p

05-21-2009, 06:56 AM
You have overlooked 1 area - evendims fury. Now its going to be very powerful with other areas nerf. Change it to range 6 too, please, especially that now it gives another reason to become SM mage.

05-21-2009, 07:34 AM
Btw... No Ximerin from this year's anniversary? Sorry, but is NGD really that cheap now?

05-21-2009, 07:44 AM
The new Update looks ok (I can only say look for 1 reason)

As it stands I can hardly play on Ra due to lag, crashes etc.
This new update gave me evenm ore lag and twice the amount of crashes,
making the game nearly impossible to play. So, as I can hardly play with
the new update, I cant give a decent opinion of the new update as I cant play to see it

05-21-2009, 08:07 AM
All looks good to me :)

as for the backwards movement staying the same i always found it strange that you could slide back and shoot at the same time, people will need to use cc more to keep distance now.

Also the change to Balestra/ribs breaker mean that warriors lose a cheap 100% dmg + imob spell.

I look forward to playing it :)

05-21-2009, 08:10 AM
If backpedaling speed is now same as for running forward then all fits me even if i miss TrE. Honestly i don't see point of camo corps cause it is easier to kill lock who want to use cremation. But we will se how it will work in war.
No more canceling spells - i was affraid of that but since also MY spells can't be canceled all is fine ]:->
New trainer is great!

Little rant:
-What was wrong with old Winter stroke?
-HTC debuffs ain't working at all :D + dodge is not working :D I was able to hit marks with 109evasion while i had 136htc

what else, what else.... ah yes new speed is too much :P new players will soon find out how small Regnum world is ;)

05-21-2009, 08:44 AM
Little rant:
-What was wrong with old Winter stroke?

Idea is that the best ranged unit cannot use its range to try catch running away enemy, thus making a feel in marksmen that their class feat (range) is useless, for the first time officially. Great work :clapping5365:

05-21-2009, 08:58 AM
Also the change to Balestra/ribs breaker mean that warriors lose a cheap 100% dmg + imob spell.In what way does that improve balance, enlighten me please.
The only thing that this will cause - is that people won't give a shit about using Ribs Breaker, since it sucks so bad now.

Now Ribs Breaker has no use that Balestra can't fill, and skilling up a tree to lvl 5 isn't a big sacrifice.

05-21-2009, 09:06 AM
Cool, we will now see lots of knights running backward to spam aura on their charging friends. I can't wait to see it! :metal:

05-21-2009, 09:32 AM
Master of the doom and static field cant be mindsquashed. Possible to fix before putting this on main servers? :(

05-21-2009, 09:44 AM
At the moment I'm testing the change to precise block, but it's a bit weird. In my character window I have 50 block change without any passive or spell(+50 block change is also read at my shield) When getting the passive Block(1) I should get +10% block change. but instead I get 10 extra block change; 60 block change. When casting precise block(5), which should give me +30% block change I get +38 block change, which gives me 98 block change. I'll test now if I still can block attacks more often than 1/10 like it used to be without precise block.

Edit: with the passive Block at level 5 I should get +30% block change, but instead I get +34 block change, which leaves me with 84 block change. With level 5 Precise block I get now 128 block change, 44 extra block change.

Edit2: When using level 5 block now I still block quite some hits against mobs, but I yet have to test it against players. Knight auras look strong now.

05-21-2009, 09:44 AM
You have overlooked 1 area - evendims fury. Now its going to be very powerful with other areas nerf. Change it to range 6 too, please, especially that now it gives another reason to become SM mage.

I haven't seen Evendim's Fury used much in Horus - IMHO it's fine the way it is, for now.

Also, if MOD/SF was 'mindsquash'able before the 1.0.6 update, then NGD, please fix before you patch the other servers!!

05-21-2009, 09:57 AM
lolol... new mana communion isn't even a good source of mana for conjus, let alone other people. on L5 it gives 900 mana and costs ~550 haha... this update gets better and better. i'd take l3 amb sacrifice over l5 mc lol... i can have double amount of mana in same time. ftw ngd

05-21-2009, 10:16 AM
It looks like knights still block quite a lot, but in order to do so they'll need both Block(5) and Precise Block(5), so it became harder.
Edit: just tested, hitchange is decent counter against block change, you'll only need a lot of it. With 847 hit change vs 128(the max a knight can have) blocks will be 1/10 of the hits.

05-21-2009, 10:27 AM
omg O.o

the changelog again proves that NGD doesnt (seriously) play their own game. Its filled with WTFs. *facepalm*

The 20% speed increase is an obvious WTF but i personally like this one the most:
90° auras shining out of the knights ass :D

i hope theres a proper animation for this.
looking forward towards the knights doing "barrel rolls" while the enemy charges

05-21-2009, 10:30 AM
Just pvped Ulmanyar with a duel banner(it's annoying that your buffs are dispelled, but still on cooldown) and I still blocked like crazy.

05-21-2009, 10:32 AM
lolol... new mana communion isn't even a good source of mana for conjus, let alone other people. on L5 it gives 900 mana and costs ~550 haha... this update gets better and better. i'd take l3 amb sacrifice over l5 mc lol... i can have double amount of mana in same time. ftw ngd
You use MC for yourself? :p Its still mana to anyone in radius. Either way its an uneeded nerf, just another way to give those hard working Conjurer's even less RP :thumb_up:

90° auras shining out of the knights ass :D

Can someone enlighten me why its 90° behind the knight? How does someone block something from behind?

Then again, this is after all the same scenario where knights can block while knocked down on their backs. How did I miss that.

05-21-2009, 10:46 AM
Can someone enlighten me why its 90° behind the knight? How does someone block something from behind?

Hu? :looking: For me it makes sense that the once to protect should stand behind the knight and not in front of him......

05-21-2009, 10:56 AM
Hu? :looking: For me it makes sense that the once to protect should stand behind the knight and not in front of him......
So thats how it works then? I thought it meant knights would be blocking things now only from behind, as if they were to be running.

In what way does that improve balance, enlighten me please.
The only thing that this will cause - is that people won't give a shit about using Ribs Breaker, since it sucks so bad now.

Now Ribs Breaker has no use that Balestra can't fill, and skilling up a tree to lvl 5 isn't a big sacrifice.
Exactly, what is the point of leveling the Blunt category anymore if it wasn't for the few useful skills it still has? All I see with each update are changes into other trees, and Typhoon now does what the old Thunder Strike did? It was already the biggest damage dealing area, now it has knockdown too, whoopee! Why make another identical area? Seeing as how Balestra is ranged why does it have longer duration over Rib Breaker? Imo Rib Breaker should be way over it in duration, or at least damage, but instead we get the classic opposite solution.

And why did NGD reduce casting time for broken skills like Martial Reflexes and Impale?

05-21-2009, 10:59 AM
You use MC for yourself? :p Its still mana to anyone in radius. Either way its an uneeded nerf, just another way to give those hard working Conjurer's even less RP :thumb_up:

Can someone enlighten me why its 90° behind the knight? How does someone block something from behind?

Use brain :D those auras are for ally not for caster. Where conj should stand in formation? in front of knight or behind him?

05-21-2009, 11:00 AM
The thing that bugs me more is that you change lots of the gameplay and we all have to relearn all the characters we have.

- Auras for knight are going to be hard to play without a nice support conju on the knight.
- Warriors rushing are gonna be harder to stop: speed + nerf of winter stroke (which means less people will skill it).
- Defense against Sultar's terror is going to be harder (no more blocking thanks to knight around).
- I believe conju won't skill mana communion for +15 mana at level 5. Mana comm was a sacrifice in support conju setup, nice it won't be now.

This is what I think will happen. Maybe it's what you want for the game, then it's ok.

For less specific argument: I don't think one should try to reduce range of marksman: it's what they are supposed to be good at). And how people are supposed to deal with warlock in 1vs1 situation if they can't ever cancel a spell ?

05-21-2009, 11:42 AM
This thing with mana comunion is SHIT.
All I have to say.

05-21-2009, 12:08 PM
The thing that bugs me more is that you change lots of the gameplay and we all have to relearn all the characters we have.

- Auras for knight are going to be hard to play without a nice support conju on the knight.
- Warriors rushing are gonna be harder to stop: speed + nerf of winter stroke (which means less people will skill it).
- Defense against Sultar's terror is going to be harder (no more blocking thanks to knight around).
- I believe conju won't skill mana communion for +15 mana at level 5. Mana comm was a sacrifice in support conju setup, nice it won't be now.

This is what I think will happen. Maybe it's what you want for the game, then it's ok.

For less specific argument: I don't think one should try to reduce range of marksman: it's what they are supposed to be good at). And how people are supposed to deal with warlock in 1vs1 situation if they can't ever cancel a spell ?

I agree with all of this. Sultar's Terror will now be more difficult to avoid.

And what happens when a knight has to turn around because someone ran past them to attack the conjurer behind him? Does that mean the entire army loses the effect of the aura?

05-21-2009, 12:11 PM
- I believe conju won't skill mana communion for +15 mana at level 5. Mana comm was a sacrifice in support conju setup, nice it won't be now.

Conjurers who want RP will now less likely play a support conj though because MC was the biggest RP giver for conjus. Also the nerf of almost all offensive areas besides evendim's fury would suggest that.

A support conj will now likely need to spend more time with synergy bond and ambitious sacrifice.

So likely I can save the discipline points in SM now but I will need more power points to get some better regen self, ambitious sacrifice and synergy bond. But it makes it easier to get Mass Dispell then.

Conjus will need to team better and call their synergy bond targets or assign themselves to a couple of allies to provide with mana.

As for the other changes - man a lot of changes in the gameplay - I am quite interested into the cremation/camouflage corpse combo. I just need to check what the point of the different lvls for these spells are because I did not have the chance to check that yet.
Also the nerf for offensive areas should be a good one.

05-21-2009, 12:13 PM
"- Mana Communion: Effect area reduced to 6 mts. (10 before.) Mana regeneration value reduced for each level."

OH PLEASE remove that spell totally! Giving mana is enough difficult, making it like this you make conju life harder. Now only with synergyes our allies will be always without mana. Awesome!! As a conjurer i will not use mana communion anymore. Thanks NGD!

"- Stars Shield: Moved to the “Shields” discipline. Effect area is now 90° behind the Knight. This spell's protection has been raised. Damage reduction is now correctly described."

Well atleast you make that spell usefull but still not at all :/

"- Precise Block: Now the blocking value raises proportionally according to the character's blocking statistics."

OK nice one. But wont this bring grinding for knights kinda ... hard? Since mobs have powers and the spell Caution is changed i find grinding with precice block better. How this will affect low lvl knights? Please make me lvl 35 on amun to test it. Gracias!

05-21-2009, 12:28 PM
NGD said long ago that's because Amun is filled with alot of junk data and hidden things you never see make it to Ra.

What?? WTF. I'm sorry - this post flabbergasted me. Here's why....

IF Edge is correct AND NGD knows AMUN is full of crap that screws with your system resources, then this statement is directed to NGD:

NGD - Someone should be REALLY PISSED that your not testing "what is shipped". If your test system IS NOT EXACTLY like what your releasing - then what you are releasing is alot of unknowns. Perhaps this explains alot of the "oh shit" updates we get after releases. I can't see how whoever your QA manager is letting this happen....

05-21-2009, 12:33 PM
they have a QA manager?

05-21-2009, 12:37 PM
EDIT: Reposted to another thread:


Mods delete this if you want. :)

05-21-2009, 12:38 PM
how about ngd fixing the mobs spawning in impossible locations (stupid silly non game impairing problem you see..one ive reported a few months ago)

fire spiders are still hiding in the trees..and thus making ALOT of potential quest xp lvls 30-40 un doable..

guess ill just enjoy my new shiny toys though.

05-21-2009, 12:45 PM
Personally I'd like Mana Communion replaced altogether. Make it an area Ambitious Sacrifice. It can work like this:

I kind of like the idea although it should not affect the caster (which was likely what you intended anyway).

05-21-2009, 01:46 PM
Interesting updates. I have yet to play since the updates, but I see a lot of re-learning ahead for all of us.

Mana Communion: Well, there goes my second-most important job as a conjurer. Thanks for lightening my workload NGD. No more am I even going to worry about my allies screaming for mana, since I can't do a thing about it. Guess they'll just be suffering on their own......

Movement Speed: Not so bad in my opinion, since we can now knock down enemies in a shorter cast time. This will just require a change of strategy and points, at least, I hope.

Corpse Camo/Cremation: This is an interesting twist, certainly. Warlocks now have another uber spell, just one more reason to Tremor them into oblivion. Oh wait, my tremor is gone. Now I have to stand another 5 mts. in front of my group to try it. Plus, its already short duration is now nerfed by 3 precious seconds. Oh well............ Maybe this will give hunters a use now, since they are the only protection I can see against this super-power.

At any rate, things are definitely going to be interesting and different. We've been asking for updates and new features, and I guess we got them! In my opinion, it would have been better to leave what works alone and simply add new spells, but this is what we have now. :/

05-21-2009, 10:04 PM
I cant really comment on the changelog much since I havent played RO since the update. However...

What were you thinking when you created Cremation? Any Warlock who uses that better have long cooldown time and mana drained, otherwise it counter-acts one of the healer's most fundamental spells. *FAIL*

*yay 100th post for me*

05-21-2009, 10:46 PM
What were you thinking when you created Cremation? Any Warlock who uses that better have long cooldown time and mana drained, otherwise it counter-acts one of the healer's most fundamental spells. *FAIL*

Cast time is 4s, and it's a chance spell. Try to find a lot of warlocks who would like to sacrifice 4 points in a spell like that. Also, add the fact that hunters can camouflage corpse (and again: please find anyone who would seriously spend points in it). And the fact that the 20% increased base speed will make the long run back to a fort less painful.. well, my guess is that the ones that are being sent back to save with this spell probably could be considered "dead" anyway?

However, I might share some of your concerns about conjurers. The nerf of mana communion, the introduction of cremation and the absence of a SM-nerf might cause even more conjurers to become offensive -- and I wouldn't like that..

05-21-2009, 11:33 PM
Hi Community,

The new changelog for version 1.0.6 is now available. Also, Amun server is open for those who want to test the changes.
Version: 1.0.6 (Date: 2009/5/16)


- ERROR! **0% Necro from Drowing Deaths **
- Updated: Optimizations in character data storage.
- Updated: New training graphic interface. Discipline and spell points can be added or removed and the whole changes apply only when the Accept button is pressed.

- Modified: Low level spells no longer cancel the same spell if it's of a higher level.
** Errors!, SOME SPELLS CANCEL!(tested 5-21-2009) ***
Problems found!!!
1) Two or more players casting THE SAME damage over time spells (lightning, iceblast, needle wall, tear apart , break apart, more..) these type of spells still cancel each other if cast at the same time.

- Modified: Spells now don't check orientation after casting, avoiding their cancellation.
** Errors!, SOME SPELLS CANCEL!(tested 5-21-2009) **
1) Two or more players casting THE SAME damage over time spells (lightning, iceblast, needle wall, tear apart, break apart, more..) these type of spells still cancel each other if cast at the same time. THE DAMAGE OF THE FIRST CAST SKILL STOPS.
2) Instant damage skills + effect work fine! (If all damage is done with one hit)
3) Effect alone without damage/area skill without damage work fine

- Modified: Pets can't be controlled while the owner character is dead.
- Modified: Basic movement speed has been raised 20%.
** interesting **

- Fixed: When a spell finishes it doesn't remove the modifier if other active spell uses that modifier.
** Beware of combo terror spells!!! you will never get up (same tactics as before but more lethal**

- Fixed: After an invasion, the castle it's not automatically retaken if it already was before the invasion finished (not to lose castle upgrades.)
- Fixed: Pet speed desyncronization.
** YAY!!!! ** (oh wait I don't use pets)
- Fixed: Incorrect spell descriptions.
- Mages
· Pricking Ivy: Casting time reduced to 1 sec.
· Will Domain: Casting time reduced to 1 sec.
· Mana Communion: Effect area reduced to 6 mts. (10 before.) Mana regeneration value reduced for each level.
** um.. mana communion was fine before... this will force us to play in tighter groups **
- Conjurer
· Tremor: Range reduced to 25 mts. Duration was reduced in every level (3 sec. per level.)
- Warlock
· Sadistic Guards: Moved to the fifth position of the discipline.
· Cremation: New spell (replaces “Corrupt Blood”.) Allows the dead enemies to be sent to their resurrection altar.
** This could be a nice skill if cast on dead conjurers, however what are the chances that a warlock will get in range to cast this on a dead player? He/she will need to avoid tremor, mod, and meteors... plus certain death. By the time you get to use this skill, you do not need it. Also, most conjurers do not revive anyhow, so this skill would be great if we all learned how to play as a team. The lack of communication / language barriers prevent that in most cases. (COOLDOWN/SUCCESS RATE MUST BE ADJUSTED)**

· Master of Doom: Effect area reduced to 10 mts. (15 before.) Duration reduced to 40 sec. in every level.
- Archers
· Ambush: Casting time reduced to 1 sec.
- Hunter
· Enemy Surveillance: Casting time and mana consumption reduced in all levels. Tactical information is now received in every level.
** This skill is causing problems for everyone, for it scans max range instead of those closest first. Please program the skill to scan <closest enemy>. I know that many hunters will love for this skill to locate those that are further away <to warn of enemy backup>. We need the skill to be able to locate the enemies closest to us (we need two tracking skills or all hunters that camo will have a ticket to freedom).[WE THE LONGTIME PLAYERS WARNED OF THIS LONG AGO WHEN OTHERS SUGGESTED ONE TRACK SKILL- Looks at Dani-O]**
**Error - Skill cooldown is more than 20 seconds/ skill is out of sync **

· Camouflage Corpse: New spell (replaces “Track Realm Enemy”.) Allows to camouflage the corpse of an ally from the enemies sight. The corpse remains visible for allies.
** This skill makes hunters medical ninjas. This skill will only grant RPS if the person we hide is brought back to life by a conjurer, in most cases this is rare. If team work improves this skill may become valuable, but currently it has little use and too short duration to be valuable.(SUCCESS RATE/COOLDOWN MUST BE ADJUSTED <20 seconds - 30 seconds>) [Perhaps allow us to camo an ally thats living?]**

· Stalker Surroundings: Fixed. The casting of this spell is cancelled when an attack is received.
** I do not agree with this change. The spell was fine as it was. once you cast stalker surroundings you cannot move/run and escape while invisible. If the enemy knows you are there they can kill you with basic areas throughout the duration of the spell. This was one of our great defences for the group!! More defensive than hiding a useless corpse IMO.**

· Cure Pet: New spell (replaces “Calm creature”.) Allows the Hunter to heal its pet.
**This is a useful skill for those training, but is mainly good for healing a resting pet. The heal skill needs more range to be useful in war. Downside comes because the pet randomly moves away your skill at times, making you fail and you will waste mana***(COOLDOWN MUST BE ADJUSTED 20-30 seconds)
- Marksman
· Finger Crush: Fixed. Now it can be casted in creatures.
· Winter Stroke: Range reduced to 30 mts.
· Ethereal Arrow: Cooldown raised to 40 sec.
· Arcana Strike: Cooldown raised to 25 sec.
** marksmen have lost alot of power due to the cooldown increase **
- Warriors
· Typhoon: Effect area reduced to 6 mts. Damage adjusted in every level. Knockdown effect added in every level.
· Thunder Strike: Effect area reduced to 6 mts.
· Balestra: Damage adjusted in every level.
· Ripost: Cooldown raised to 20 sec. Success chance modified in every level.
· Impale: Casting time reduced to 1,5 sec.
· Multiple Thrust: Mana consumption adjusted from level 2 to 5.
· Lightning Strike: Effect area reduced to 6 mts. Knockdown effect removed from every level.
** Lightning strike was good before this update, now that spells and effects stack, I can see why the knockdown was removed, 1 terror combined with all the warriors rushing with lightning strike would have the potential to keep all those effected on the ground forever (unless a mage with dispell/mass dispell was near to prevent it) **

· Martial Reflexes: Casting time reduced to 1,5 sec.
· Inhabilitar: Blocking penalization fixed. Now is percentual.
· Rib Breaker: Damage adjusted in every level.
** Rib Breaker was fine in the past **
- Knight
· Heroic Presence: Moved to the “Vanguard” discipline.
· Shield Wall: Effect area is now 90° behind the Knight. This spell's protection has been raised.
· Stars Shield: Moved to the “Shields” discipline. Effect area is now 90° behind the Knight. This spell's protection has been raised. Damage reduction is now correctly described.
· Deflecting Barrier: Moved to the last position of the discipline. Effect area of this spell is now of 90° behind the Knight. The function of this power has been replaced with ranged damage reduction.
· Precise Block: Now the blocking value raises proportionally according to the character's blocking statistics.
· Army of One: Fixed. Now the resistance takes into account damage type.
**This new addition will force people to form a Phalanx behind the knights to get benefits of the auras. You will need to move in a tight group with knights leading to be most effective... Interesting. Gameplay is pushed more towards team work and coordination**
- New: Duel banner.

- New: Regnum's Anniversary quest. NPCs: Alsius: Ursor, Ignis: Saniur, Syrtis: Mauro.
- New: Low level arenas in each realm initiation zone. Functionality to be added later.
** Low lvl arenas are not needed. People with low levels lack skill trees and skills to be effective in combat. It is like playing chess with half the pieces. More people will be complaining that they can't kill this and that. **

- Updated: Animation speeds optimized and synchronized regarding model and size.
- Fixed: Quests:
· Alsius - The Way to Montsognir
· Alsius - Four Forgotten Warriors
· Alsius - Reconnaissance Mission
· Ignis - Merchant Maneuvers
- Fixed: Armor bonus provided by items.
- Fixed: Item "Valor Medal" was balanced.
- Updated: Confirmation interface enhanced. Now allows multiple confirmations (one for each type.)
- Fixed: Mounts without their animation.
- Fixed: Initial position of the Pet/Summon Control Panel.

This thread will remain only for discussion about the latest changes.


Edit: Found two bugs.
1)When casting pet buffs like Bestial Wrath or Skin of the beats they are not showed anymore below the pet's health bar.
2)Also, Heal pet isn't showed in the log when casted.

Additions and comments in RED:swordfight:

Special note ** Dispell will need to be adjusted to cope with the massive threat of knockdown range area skills + stacking skills **

Errors in update in PURPLE
For the most part ... this is most interesting. I'm not totally in favor of all the changes, but some are long overdue.

05-21-2009, 11:48 PM
Special note ** Dispell will need to be adjusted to cope with the massive threat of knockdown range area skills + stacking skills **

I think that (mass) dispell will be seen more often in conjuror setups now with the MC nerf for conjus who drop MC in favor of enchantments and more points in energy borrow and ambitious sacrifice.
In addition wits might be used as well to help allies with their natural mana regeneration. I can't remember that spell has ever been cast on me (or cast by myself).

05-22-2009, 12:18 AM
Whinter Stroke :crying1:

05-22-2009, 12:27 AM
*points at stooge and laughs* No more jumping me at pb and casting winterstroke 40m away to wait for back up XD


05-22-2009, 01:21 AM
The loss of area on warrior areas is no big deal IMO, but changing ribs breaker and Balestra to fixed damage is a load of crap, it turns barbs into knights without the ability to block. Ok, that may be an overstatement, but nonetheless, it greatly diminishes our power in relative terms, especially in regards to warlocks, who are hard enough for us to kill in the first place.

Making Typhoon = Typhoon + Lightning Strike and making Lightning Strike ONLY deal damage, in addition to all the other damage reducing changes in the piercing tree makes it almost worthless to play when Blunt pretty much trumps it in every respect.

The whole business of most knight auras being a 90 degree arc behind, while making sense from a logical standpoint, makes no sense from a gameplay standpoint, there is simply too much movement going on, especially in large scale battles, and without clearly defined visual area of effect, the end result is going to be that knights will play skill more for pvp and less for support.

I understand that the intent here must be to increase teamwork and cooperation, but with all these updates, especially based on some of the comments ive seen here and in realm chat, it is going to have the exact opposite effect and more and more people are going to skill to be able to survive solo since all the best area/aura skills have been nerfed.

On a positive note, the speed increase, i do not see as effecting pvp in an overly dramatic fashion, while increasing easy of play, especially for some of those tedious 'walk 10,000 KM' quests. The changes to reskilling, are fantastic, it now takes far less time to try out various builds.

As far as that goes, i would propose profiles, maybe take 60 - 120 seconds to change, say for grind/pvp hunt/fort so one does not have to spend all that time reskilling for invasion or grinding.

05-22-2009, 04:59 AM
Awesome :)
Finally some advantage for the Warlocks :clapping5365:

05-22-2009, 06:44 AM
Use brain :D those auras are for ally not for caster.

LOL, your error is that you think he has a brain.


Already finding weaknesses, you sir rock!
All Hail DM!

And I think DM is right on how to view these new changes...

The RO Devs are wanting us to have more team play by making us run in smaller packs...

Nice job NGD

Oh wait, I'm posting when DM is posting...

05-22-2009, 07:05 AM
LOL, your error is that you think he has a brain.

Already finding weaknesses, you sir rock!
All Hail DM!

And I think DM is right on how to view these new changes...

The RO Devs are wanting us to have more team play by making us run in smaller packs...

Nice job NGD

Oh wait, I'm posting when DM is posting...

:swordfight: On guard!

Let's stay focused on the topic listed... If you find more errors in this new 1.0.6 please bring it to the attention of the people.

I cannot test Barb, Knight, Marks..... Since I do not have one. However the related skill that do damage over time all function the same so I know that Serpant Bite for marksman is also canceled by a secondary Serpant Bite and so on...

05-22-2009, 07:41 AM
The RO Devs are wanting us to have more team play by making us run in smaller packs...

Yea should make Horus interesting thats for sure :)

Oh wait, I'm posting when DM is posting...

Careful, people might talk...uh..no..too late :devil:

05-22-2009, 07:50 AM
Well, I have to say:
Thanks for the new trainer interface - makes consolidating a new build much better.

From a [pretty much] full time barbarian's point of view:

- I think the effective swap between typhoon and lightning strike actually makes sense for skill tree balance,

- The reduce in range for warrior areas really does call for a decrease in casting time.

- 90° auras behind the knight? Now, I don't think I'm even going to be able to get close enough to the enemies to roar at them in large fights.

- No casting lower level OWTH over higher level will be much appreciated by all, I'm sure

I honestly don't understand why anyone's worried about barbs charging them now. We just won't make it to you.

05-22-2009, 08:09 AM
However, I might share some of your concerns about conjurers. The nerf of mana communion, the introduction of cremation and the absence of a SM-nerf might cause even more conjurers to become offensive -- and I wouldn't like that..

Cause of mana com? ^^ omg ppl calm down. I usually stay close to others so for me it is not so painfull :D and it is aura so even if he move out of range it will last 4 more ticks AND i was using synergy bond before a lot cause i know that old mana com wasn't enough. Now i will probably spent points from mana com to some other spells. Who knows.
But i am pt :P

05-22-2009, 08:29 AM
one silly question

since everyone runs 20% faster, has any change been made to horse speed?

05-22-2009, 08:33 AM
Beavis and Butthead was recruited in NGD!

Guys from NGD worked hard to make new trainig interface, but Beavis and Butthead striked keyboard buttons so MC and WS became as we see...
I dont think I will supply someone mana with my conj anymore at all. >:( It will be my protest against MC nerfing. :D

It would be pretty fun: soon we will see conjurers running backwards pretty fast with less than 100 hp and shouting: "VIDA! MANA!"

NGD must finally figure out that changes needed on Ra and ones on Horus are much differend. At least because of amount of players.

But I dont care anyway and I think I'll better go to new russian lineage server.

05-22-2009, 08:53 AM
May I ask what's the reason behind making Ribs Breaker and Balestra fixed damages?
Currently, Ribs Breaker is so low duration on lvl 1 anyway... why make it even worse?

The best usage for Ribs Breaker currently, is to use it together with normal hits to inflict additional damage for 90 mana...
And now this is removed.

There will be zero reason for using Ribs Breaker...
You can just put Spears to lvl 5 and get Balestra, and use weapon switching.
No reason to use Ribs Breaker at all...

Balestra has range, better duration...
You could atleast let the damage stay on Ribs Breaker, but maybe not on Balestra.

*I guess most of the community is Archer or Mage, as not alot has been said about this.

I'm in agreement with Znurre. I think adjusting the duration of the spells was a wise choice, but removing damage? I know I'd rather put points into Fient and Kick, where I can TOTALLY surpess the enemy, than waste mana or points to power this new immobility. And since Fient and Kick are in the same tree, it is a more economical use of Skill points.

Immobility + 100% damage, was great for catching hunters, since every hit counted before the hunter picked up speed and runs away again. Now warriors will have even fewer seconds to deal damage, apply negative buffs (Disable Limb, Kick, Feint) and complete a takedown. Assuming a warrior still has mana after all that chasing, this extra effort is due to a need for more attack/cast cycles from the damage missing in the new RB and Balestras. Good for hunters, completely annoying for warriors.

Impale and Martial Reflexes: Thank you for adjusting casting time, but the main problem still presist. THEY DON'T WORK. I would recommend advertising when the spells are full functional, before listing them again.

As for the new areas. I haven't tested them yet. But I hope the reason behind smaller areas was to reduce serverload, meaning less lag at fort wars. I'll make another reply once I've been in enough fort wars. Same goes for the 20% increase, right now it feels strange to fight so fast. The attack on an enemy seems to be harder as a warrior, there seems to be a smaller 'sweet spot' to hit the person.

Side Note:
5. Remove Destabilize from Two-Hand Mastery and replace it with something I'd call "Zealous Soul" Please don't remove Destablize, I LOVE that spell. It's cheap, effective, and NOT bugged! I suggest to replace Fulminante instead.

05-22-2009, 09:18 AM
After playing in a few fights with my knight I think i can say that the class is now not bad to play. It's tricky to use auras now, but that's a good thing. Also, knights still can block, but there's a counter for it. Also, being a knarb became harder now with this update, which I like :D At the moment I'm taking a look at my hunter now. It's a good thing that a tame spell became the first of the discipline.

Edit: Found two bugs. When casting pet buffs like Bestial Wrath or Skin of the beats they are not showed anymore below the pet's health bar. Also, Heal pet isn't showed in the log when casted. What I do like is that when your pet is attacking a mob, but getting too far away that it automatically turns to the follow mode to catch up with the hunter again.

05-22-2009, 09:55 AM
· Enemy Surveillance: Casting time and mana consumption reduced in all levels. Tactical information is now received in every level.
** This skill is causing problems for everyone, for it scans max range instead of those closest first. Please program the skill to scan <closest enemy>. I know that many hunters will love for this skill to locate those that are further away <to warn of enemy backup>. We need the skill to be able to locate the enemies closest to us (we need two tracking skills or all hunters that camo will have a ticket to freedom).[WE THE LONGTIME PLAYERS WARNED OF THIS LONG AGO WHEN OTHERS SUGGESTED ONE TRACK SKILL- Looks at Dani-O]**
**Error - Skill cooldown is more than 20 seconds/ skill is out of sync **

My response for that.

05-22-2009, 09:58 AM
For the most part i think the update is nice. Now knights might actually do
what they are supposed to do. Stand in the front line and protect the ranged
ppl behind them. The change that buggs me the most is the removal off Track
realm enemy. Combining Surv whit Track enemy was great to pinpoint
enemies. IMO you should have replaced "track realm ally" instead off the
enemy. Because who actually use the track realm ally? when i want to find my
friends i ask in chat and get coords i dont run around and track them.

05-23-2009, 07:42 PM
The issues that I see as being the largest problems right now with the classes i like to play are:


Mana Comm - there have already a number of posts on this, but what I concentrate on is how does this affect RvR: This change to Mana Comm supports the defenders as they are able to rest and receive Mana Comm and the regen will almost be the same rate as if they were in Combat Mode and had the old Mana Comm rates. Those on the Offensive on the other hand do not have this time to rest and are constantly out of mana while conju's have to prioritize between Amb Sac and Syn Bond.


I appreciated the change in pet speed, problems still reside with the Position Bugs. Just try running down the side of a bridge while camo to attack someone and see how many times your pet insta-dies. The no cancellation for spells now also means that I tend to hide within my pet while fighting close combat with locks in order to prevent some spells from hitting me since running around is pointless now. I think this may incorporate a bug where Mages can cast a spell outside then go in the fort and still have the spell hit.

Most folks have already talked about TrE and ES, ES needs to be buffed up. Oh and I am never going to use conceal corpse because the current mana issues and I think its a crap idea, my opinion. I play hunter when I want to get away from fort wars most times that now favor the defender a lot more than it had in the past, when I do support fort wars I typically switch classes because my number 1 damage dealer (pet with bestial wrath) wont attack the fort door 95% of the time and just dies. I like to also use my hunter to stifle enemy reinforcements @ bridges and Camo Corpse does nothing in that sense when most times you have no conju with you.


I use spears even less now due to the lightning strike nerf, ripost changes, damage change to balestra. I dont see the point in weakening a skill tree that does the most common type of damage. Weapon switching is almost pointless now and the focus seems more on Slashing.

As a result of these changes I play hunter more and when I get tired of that I usually play different games or watch a movie - playing RO a lot less. :clapping5365: gj

05-23-2009, 07:53 PM

I too play alot less now - if I play it's my hunter. I have alot better things to do then deal with bugs that have been around for eons...

But hey - we can camo a corpse..<----- BWHAHAHAHA - UDDER PHAIL!

05-29-2009, 08:02 AM
Please explain me NGD what were you thinking adding this +20% movement speed and no cancellation of spells ?

Do You play your own game ?

Mags have fast attacks, range + skills rising range and speed + not cancelling spells + easier avoid warrior spells with new speed.
Warriors got lowered duration, almost no dmg since its fixed instead of % and have to run to enemy.

Ballestra 15-20 dmg + 4s duration and 1s casting time.. well 4s feint is not enough to preform another attack with slow weapon (claymore) while almost any other 2 handed weapon is very slow!!

Moreover those skills can be easly cancelled !!
Increasing movement speed and no mags cancellation needed lowering warrior skills cool-downs significantly, while they have been rised up and damage have been fixed which means no damage on player.
Do You plan to fix that in next (fix update) or keep it untill we all leave ?