View Full Version : 1.0.6: The good the bad and the ugly
05-22-2009, 09:37 AM
Hi Community,
The new changelog for version 1.0.6 is now available. Also, Amun server is open for those who want to test the changes.
Version: 1.0.6 (Date: 2009/5/16)
- Updated: Optimizations in character data storage.
- Updated: New training graphic interface. Discipline and spell points can be added or removed and the whole changes apply only when the Accept button is pressed.
- Modified: Low level spells no longer cancel the same spell if it's of a higher level.
** Errors!, SOME SPELLS CANCEL!(tested 5-21-2009) ***
Problems found!!!
1) Two or more players casting THE SAME damage over time spells (lightning, iceblast, needle wall, tear apart , break apart, more..) these type of spells still cancel each other if cast at the same time.
- Modified: Spells now don't check orientation after casting, avoiding their cancellation.
** Errors!, SOME SPELLS CANCEL!(tested 5-21-2009) **
1) Two or more players casting THE SAME damage over time spells (lightning, iceblast, needle wall, tear apart, break apart, more..) these type of spells still cancel each other if cast at the same time. THE DAMAGE OF THE FIRST CAST SKILL STOPS.
2) Instant damage skills + effect work fine! (If all damage is done with one hit)
3) Effect alone without damage/area skill without damage work fine
- Modified: Pets can't be controlled while the owner character is dead.
- Modified: Basic movement speed has been raised 20%.
** interesting **
- Fixed: When a spell finishes it doesn't remove the modifier if other active spell uses that modifier.
** Beware of combo terror spells!!! you will never get up (same tactics as before but more lethal**
- Fixed: After an invasion, the castle it's not automatically retaken if it already was before the invasion finished (not to lose castle upgrades.)
- Fixed: Pet speed desyncronization.
** YAY!!!! ** (oh wait I don't use pets)
- Fixed: Incorrect spell descriptions.
- Mages
· Pricking Ivy: Casting time reduced to 1 sec.
· Will Domain: Casting time reduced to 1 sec.
· Mana Communion: Effect area reduced to 6 mts. (10 before.) Mana regeneration value reduced for each level.
** um.. mana communion was fine before... this will force us to play in tighter groups **
- Conjurer
· Tremor: Range reduced to 25 mts. Duration was reduced in every level (3 sec. per level.)
- Warlock
· Sadistic Guards: Moved to the fifth position of the discipline.
· Cremation: New spell (replaces “Corrupt Blood”.) Allows the dead enemies to be sent to their resurrection altar.
** This could be a nice skill if cast on dead conjurers, however what are the chances that a warlock will get in range to cast this on a dead player? He/she will need to avoid tremor, mod, and meteors... plus certain death. By the time you get to use this skill, you do not need it. Also, most conjurers do not revive anyhow, so this skill would be great if we all learned how to play as a team. The lack of communication / language barriers prevent that in most cases. (COOLDOWN/SUCCESS RATE MUST BE ADJUSTED)**
· Master of Doom: Effect area reduced to 10 mts. (15 before.) Duration reduced to 40 sec. in every level.
- Archers
· Ambush: Casting time reduced to 1 sec.
- Hunter
· Enemy Surveillance: Casting time and mana consumption reduced in all levels. Tactical information is now received in every level.
** This skill is causing problems for everyone, for it scans max range instead of those closest first. Please program the skill to scan <closest enemy>. I know that many hunters will love for this skill to locate those that are further away <to warn of enemy backup>. We need the skill to be able to locate the enemies closest to us (we need two tracking skills or all hunters that camo will have a ticket to freedom).[WE THE LONGTIME PLAYERS WARNED OF THIS LONG AGO WHEN OTHERS SUGGESTED ONE TRACK SKILL- Looks at Dani-O]**
**Error - Skill cooldown is more than 20 seconds/ skill is out of sync **
· Camouflage Corpse: New spell (replaces “Track Realm Enemy”.) Allows to camouflage the corpse of an ally from the enemies sight. The corpse remains visible for allies.
** This skill makes hunters medical ninjas. This skill will only grant RPS if the person we hide is brought back to life by a conjurer, in most cases this is rare. If team work improves this skill may become valuable, but currently it has little use and too short duration to be valuable.(SUCCESS RATE/COOLDOWN MUST BE ADJUSTED <20 seconds - 30 seconds>) [Perhaps allow us to camo an ally thats living?]**
· Stalker Surroundings: Fixed. The casting of this spell is cancelled when an attack is received.
** I do not agree with this change. The spell was fine as it was. once you cast stalker surroundings you cannot move/run and escape while invisible. If the enemy knows you are there they can kill you with basic areas throughout the duration of the spell. This was one of our great defences for the group!! More defensive than hiding a useless corpse IMO.**
· Cure Pet: New spell (replaces “Calm creature”.) Allows the Hunter to heal its pet.
**This is a useful skill for those training, but is mainly good for healing a resting pet. The heal skill needs more range to be useful in war. Downside comes because the pet randomly moves away your skill at times, making you fail and you will waste mana***(COOLDOWN MUST BE ADJUSTED 20-30 seconds)
- Marksman
· Finger Crush: Fixed. Now it can be casted in creatures.
· Winter Stroke: Range reduced to 30 mts.
· Ethereal Arrow: Cooldown raised to 40 sec.
· Arcana Strike: Cooldown raised to 25 sec.
** marksmen have lost alot of power due to the cooldown increase **
- Warriors
· Typhoon: Effect area reduced to 6 mts. Damage adjusted in every level. Knockdown effect added in every level.
· Thunder Strike: Effect area reduced to 6 mts.
· Balestra: Damage adjusted in every level.
· Ripost: Cooldown raised to 20 sec. Success chance modified in every level.
· Impale: Casting time reduced to 1,5 sec.
· Multiple Thrust: Mana consumption adjusted from level 2 to 5.
· Lightning Strike: Effect area reduced to 6 mts. Knockdown effect removed from every level.
** Lightning strike was good before this update, now that spells and effects stack, I can see why the knockdown was removed, 1 terror combined with all the warriors rushing with lightning strike would have the potential to keep all those effected on the ground forever (unless a mage with dispell/mass dispell was near to prevent it) **
· Martial Reflexes: Casting time reduced to 1,5 sec.
· Inhabilitar: Blocking penalization fixed. Now is percentual.
· Rib Breaker: Damage adjusted in every level.
** Rib Breaker was fine in the past **
- Knight
· Heroic Presence: Moved to the “Vanguard” discipline.
· Shield Wall: Effect area is now 90° behind the Knight. This spell's protection has been raised.
· Stars Shield: Moved to the “Shields” discipline. Effect area is now 90° behind the Knight. This spell's protection has been raised. Damage reduction is now correctly described.
· Deflecting Barrier: Moved to the last position of the discipline. Effect area of this spell is now of 90° behind the Knight. The function of this power has been replaced with ranged damage reduction.
· Precise Block: Now the blocking value raises proportionally according to the character's blocking statistics.
· Army of One: Fixed. Now the resistance takes into account damage type.
**This new addition will force people to form a Phalanx behind the knights to get benefits of the auras. You will need to move in a tight group with knights leading to be most effective... Interesting. Gameplay is pushed more towards team work and coordination**
- New: Duel banner.
- New: Regnum's Anniversary quest. NPCs: Alsius: Ursor, Ignis: Saniur, Syrtis: Mauro.
- New: Low level arenas in each realm initiation zone. Functionality to be added later.
** Low lvl arenas are not needed. People with low levels lack skill trees and skills to be effective in combat. It is like playing chess with half the pieces. More people will be complaining that they can't kill this and that. **
- Updated: Animation speeds optimized and synchronized regarding model and size.
- Fixed: Quests:
· Alsius - The Way to Montsognir
· Alsius - Four Forgotten Warriors
· Alsius - Reconnaissance Mission
· Ignis - Merchant Maneuvers
- Fixed: Armor bonus provided by items.
- Fixed: Item "Valor Medal" was balanced.
- Updated: Confirmation interface enhanced. Now allows multiple confirmations (one for each type.)
- Fixed: Mounts without their animation.
- Fixed: Initial position of the Pet/Summon Control Panel.
This thread will remain only for discussion about the latest changes.
Edit: Found two bugs.
1)When casting pet buffs like Bestial Wrath or Skin of the beats they are not showed anymore below the pet's health bar.
2)Also, Heal pet isn't showed in the log when casted.
Additions and comments in RED:swordfight:
Special note ** Dispell will need to be adjusted to cope with the massive threat of knockdown range area skills + stacking skills **
Errors in update in PURPLE
For the most part ... this is most interesting. I'm not totally in favor of all the changes, but some are long overdue.
casting time for all short range areas must be decreased
05-22-2009, 10:19 AM
I'm a warlock, I'm loving it lol... I do feel a bit overpowered after this new update with all that new casting mechanics :D
05-22-2009, 10:24 AM
Some things are good, some things are awful some things are just stupid.
I voted NO only because I DON'T CARE wasn't an option. The only change here for me that is good is the pet speed fixed; however, if they did any decent QA or listened to the test team that would not have happened in the first place.
The only character I have that I care about is my hunter. The two new skills they gave us are pretty useless.
Camo a dead person: First of all - I'd never lvl this over 1 because I don't see many warlocks use their spell to send people back to the save. People want fights at forts....they don't want to sit and way for the enemy to come back. That created combination skill-set shows that NGD doesn't play their own game.
Heal Pet: Man this spell had potential; however, it's implemented as if one of my old freshman programming students was writing it. Cool down is 60 seconds and range is 2.4 meters. Also, lag affects the spell and canceles it. Also, you have to select your pet just to heal it (but can't heal others). Another issue (I tested this one and complained on AMUN about it too) is that if you cast it (and the cast finishes) but move backwards....canceled.
So overall - this update is kind of a wash and that is evident with the lack of players in-game lately.
05-22-2009, 12:54 PM
lol i love your pool
if your are not 50 you can't don't like update :D
05-22-2009, 01:06 PM
Voted Yes and No.
New areas are good, creates a lot less area spamming in wars and now you can actually avoid areas by moving backwards.
New Knight auras and block system are good.
New trainer interface is great.
The 1-year quest is great, creates alot of action in the WZ.
Should be done more often imo.
Also, I think I've got a bit less freeze lags, even though I need some more testing.
New Ribs Breaker and Balestra changes were totally unmotivated and useless.
Atleast Ribs Breaker should be put up to 100% weapon damage.
New Winter Stroke range is total bullshit.
+20% movement speed.
Combine this with the position lags and you have warriors hell in some situations.
Yet to consider
No spell canceling...
It's very good in theory, and requires more cc and skills to kill warlocks.
But in combination with the changes to Balestra and Ribs Breaker this hits bad against warriors.
Mana Communion, I need more testing to see how much it affects wars and if it's in a positive or negative way.
New marksmen skill cooldowns could be good for balance...
But it would have been better to just fix DS for once and for all.
05-22-2009, 02:07 PM
+20% movement speed.
Combine this with the position lags and you have warriors hell in some situations.
No spell canceling...
It's very good in theory, and requires more cc and skills to kill warlocks.
But in combination with the changes to Balestra and Ribs Breaker this hits bad against warriors.
Both of these are very good points, with everyone zooming around Imob spells would have been even more important, now they are nearly useless, At least change it from fixed dmg to % dmg, By Barb hits 16 with Balestra on level 1, its pathetic.
Also with spell canceling no longer working again more CC is needed again Warriors have near as lost there 2 Imob spells, even on level 5 Balestra only has slightly more duration than it used to have on level 1. Why? Also on level 5 for a barb they will never do as much damage as they used to, for a knight, Maybe I havent tryed it.
05-22-2009, 02:20 PM
In a PvP with Ulmanyar I did have my Shield Bash canceled by him running backwards, but I couldn't cancel his spells by running through him.
In a PvP with Ulmanyar I did have my Shield Bash canceled by him running backwards, but I couldn't cancel his spells by running through him.
That is because the change was for orientation after casting. Distance is still checked
05-22-2009, 02:48 PM
In a PvP with Ulmanyar I did have my Shield Bash canceled by him running backwards, but I couldn't cancel his spells by running through him.
"Not Facing" cancellations were removed. "Out of Range" cancellations remain.
05-22-2009, 03:12 PM
"Not Facing" cancellations were removed. "Out of Range" cancellations remain.
Bah, so while warriors can't cancel warlock spells anymore, they can play that trick at us.
05-22-2009, 03:22 PM
I'm fine with the update but i really don't undesrtand this:
Ribs Breaker
A blow to the ribs takes the air of the opponent lungs, she can't move.
[Blunt] 100-120
Type: Constant
Duration: 4.0 secs
Cost: 90 mana
Cooldown: 25.0 secs
The warrior strikes swiftly and rapidly, getting ahead of her opponent actions.
Damage: [Piercing] 90-110
Type: Constant
Duration: 4.0 secs
Cost: 100 mana
Cooldown: 25.0 secs
Prickling Ivy
A prickling ivy grows below the opponent's feet, surrounding and catching her.
Damage: [Piercing] 100-200
Type: Constant
Duration: 4.0 secs
Cost: 150 mana
Cooldown: 25.0 secs
Casting: 1.0 secs
Range: 25.0
I tried Balestra / Ribs-breaker and they do like 8-10 damage against a buffed player. What's the point for a barb in using it ? In 4 secs you can barely cast another attack, so what do you gain from using it ?
Moreover, prickling ivy has the advantage of 25m range + about 100 damage with the loss of 1 sec casting time. Is this balance ?
05-22-2009, 06:24 PM
How about fixing things that are broke instead of ruining things that are working. Playing as a 50 barb, i got beat, easily, by a 50 conj, that should never happen one on one, it never has before, all the spells i used to be able to use to imob do no damage so i have to choose where to spend my precious little mana, damage, or a toothless imob.
No longer checking orientation for spells sounds nice, but to maintain balance, you have to remove range checking as all the best warrior spells rely on close range and have casting time, now i get my ass kicked by locks even faster since they can just take one step back to cancel a spell and i can no longer run past them to cancel theirs. Lock vs Barb fights were hard enough for a barb the way it was, now, its almost 100% impossible without a vast amount of luck.
Pardon my french, but barbs got fucked hard on this update; decreased range on areas, fine, no big deal, but fixed damage on the few imob spells that we have, what a load of crap.
Spear is all but broken now: LS = 100% damage, no status and now typhoon is uber, that makes no sense. Balestra, what, 300 damage at level 5, 3x CD on riposte, and still 1 second to cast (so it can be canceled by anyone backing up, which is all the more likely since you cut the balls off of balestra). Weapons were pretty well balanced before imo, they did not need any of these changes.
The only good thing that i can say about this is the vastly better interface for training, keep that, throw the rest.....maybe keep the 20% faster speed, as all in all, that balances out for the most part, and makes questing vastly easier.
I guess im off to grind out a lock now, since my barb is all but worthless.
05-22-2009, 08:37 PM
I wont vote because, like NGD, there's no middle ground.
Some aspects of the update were HORRIBLE. The speed increase, the nerf of ribs breaker, balestra and winter stroke (I mean WTF were they thinking on these.) The USELESS (!) addition of camo corpse / cremation. Etc. Etc.
But, then, there are also really good changes. The new trainer is great.. Umm.. Low lvl spells not cancelling higher ones, the pet fix, MOD nerf etc. etc.
05-23-2009, 03:08 AM
Well i came back to see the new updates b/c i got an email about regnum updating their game. BUT i see that the marksman class has just been even more nerfed. Considering Marksman/true archers only have 1 thing helping them. They're all about Range, Slows, and stuns. BUT to lower the Range, increase the speed of the others players, and also not increase the backstepping speed. That just makes the marksman even worse to play. I guess i'll not be coming back at this time. I'll wait till 1.0.7+ and hopefully then the game will be more balanced and the true archers will finally be able to to do something that'll make me think about playing. Oh well i'll wait for it and hopefully they'll fix the marks and also put in some more quests. Grinding just plain bores me :/.
05-23-2009, 03:20 AM
Well i came back to see the new updates b/c i got an email about regnum updating their game. BUT i see that the marksman class has just been even more nerfed. Considering Marksman/true archers only have 1 thing helping them. They're all about Range, Slows, and stuns. BUT to lower the Range, increase the speed of the others players, and also not increase the backstepping speed. That just makes the marksman even worse to play. I guess i'll not be coming back at this time. I'll wait till 1.0.7+ and hopefully then the game will be more balanced and the true archers will finally be able to to do something that'll make me think about playing. Oh well i'll wait for it and hopefully they'll fix the marks and also put in some more quests. Grinding just plain bores me :/.
backstepping speed has been increased.....
Test it for yourself, trust no ones words....
05-23-2009, 03:31 AM
Prickling Ivy
A prickling ivy grows below the opponent's feet, surrounding and catching her.
Damage: [Piercing] 100-200
Type: Constant
Duration: 4.0 secs
Cost: 150 mana
Cooldown: 25.0 secs
Casting: 1.0 secs
Range: 25.0
Moreover, prickling ivy has the advantage of 25m range + about 100 damage with the loss of 1 sec casting time. Is this balance ?
Hi! Are you a Barbarian? If that is the case, try this:
Unstoppable Madness
"The barbarian enters a madness state in which he is almost immune to crowd control attempts."
Lvl 1 70% | Lvl 5 90% (Resistance to knock down, stun, freeze, dizzy and cannot move effects.)
Mages would have only 30% to 10% chances to inmobilize you, if you spend points on this spell.
05-23-2009, 03:34 AM
Ok then what about the range? That's the only thing saving a marksman. They have very little HP, little defense the only thing saving them is the extended range/ability to slow the enemy. To take that away completely destories the class :/
05-23-2009, 07:04 AM
Hi! Are you a Barbarian? If that is the case, try this:
Unstoppable Madness
"The barbarian enters a madness state in which he is almost immune to crowd control attempts."
Lvl 1 70% | Lvl 5 90% (Resistance to knock down, stun, freeze, dizzy and cannot move effects.)
Mages would have only 30% to 10% chances to inmobilize you, if you spend points on this spell.
That is beside the point, you nuke all of warrior classes few imobs by making them deal almost no damage, and your solution is UM? The point is, Warriors have precious little mana to spend and the only possible way for us to catch archers is to imob, let alone fight mages, which, thanks to not checking orientation of spells is almost impossible, especially for a barb since we can no longer cancel by running behind them. If it comes down to spending mana and skill points, they have to go to damage, they cannot be squandered on a spell that does no damage and very little duration.
Warlocks come out very far ahead in this update, especially in pvp VS melee since, as i and others have mentioned, you cannot cancel a spell by running behind them, and they can very easily cancel mine by backstepping, which, thanks to speed increase, is even easier, hence the less sense gutting our imob spells makes. Why the change in not checking should either check range and orientation, or neither, at least keep it fair for those of us that have to get up close and personal to engage the enemy.
In addition, ive noticed that since the update, positioning is way off....i can stand on top of a mob, or a pc (usually much easier to hit a stationary mob) and not cast or swing my about adding range 1 to all melee (range 2.4 on spear sure helps) weapons to account for this, its not going to break balance, and will keep al those that love melee class from getting overly frustrated. I have literally walked through, sat on top of, and been in all areas surrounding a pc and been unable to make an attack and it is exceedingly frustrating, especially when a level 50 gets killed by pc 15 levels below you due to an inability to make an attack.
I'm still looking into the update and I can't really say whether the changes to skills have been good or bad. I can tell that the change to Mana Communion won't affect mages much. What it does affect are classes that eat up lots of mana in war (like marksmen).
05-23-2009, 07:53 AM
Perspective of melee player
Complete destruction of piercing tree and rib breaker in blunt
Already Overpowered mages (SM tree) are now gods
05-23-2009, 10:54 AM
Hi! Are you a Barbarian? If that is the case, try this:
Unstoppable Madness
"The barbarian enters a madness state in which he is almost immune to crowd control attempts."
Lvl 1 70% | Lvl 5 90% (Resistance to knock down, stun, freeze, dizzy and cannot move effects.)
Mages would have only 30% to 10% chances to inmobilize you, if you spend points on this spell.
Hello, if that's the scenario, a mage would cast Energy Borrow + Barrier (3 secs to cast Unstoppable Madness) and run till madness effects are gone. It will end up with me without mana and buffs. The mage, instead, will still have his range to do whatever he likes.
I don't think that a skill you gain at level 37, requires 3 secs of casting time and huge mana quantity is the way to counter a low-level and cheap spell like prickling ivy.
05-23-2009, 11:21 AM
Hello, if that's the scenario, a mage would cast Energy Borrow + Barrier (3 secs to cast Unstoppable Madness) and run till madness effects are gone. It will end up with me without mana and buffs. The mage, instead, will still have his range to do whatever he likes.
I don't think that a skill you gain at level 37, requires 3 secs of casting time and huge mana quantity is the way to counter a low-level and cheap spell like prickling ivy.
errr dude.. use embes/spring to catch (even tho you can catch a mage without that)... and if you have madness on you can pretty much kill any mage in 3, max 4 normal hits. anyway, if you took the time you spend to glitch bridges to actually learn your char you wouldn't be bitching around here.
anyway, madness does not prevent mind push, slow and beetle swarm. there is a god!
05-23-2009, 11:44 AM
errr dude.. use embes/spring... and if you have madness on you can pretty much kill any mage in 3, max 4 normal hits. anyway, if you took the time you spend to glitch bridges to actually learn your char you wouldn't be bitching around here.
anyway, madness does not prevent mind push, slow and beetle swarm. there is a god!
1. You didn't read the post. I know that i can kill some mages and that some mages can kill me, it's fine. That's not the point. Try to think of Meteor, Lightning or Fireball having relative damage and not fixed. It's the same for us having balestra doing 8-10 damage: totally useless.
2. I was answering to Ponter. Anytime someone tries to have a constructive debate, you call it "bitching" ?
3. Glitching Bridges ? Do you mean hiding under pb to surprise and kill some of your mates ? I didn't know that was illegal. Is it more or less illegal than having multiple accounts in all realms for spam purpose ?
05-23-2009, 11:48 AM
Hi! Are you a Barbarian? If that is the case, try this:
Unstoppable Madness
"The barbarian enters a madness state in which he is almost immune to crowd control attempts."
Lvl 1 70% | Lvl 5 90% (Resistance to knock down, stun, freeze, dizzy and cannot move effects.)
Mages would have only 30% to 10% chances to inmobilize you, if you spend points on this spell.
lvl19 ultraexpensive skills vs lvl 3 cheap ranged skill. Who will win?
A lvl 30 conjurer kept me doing nothing for 25seconds just casting that and then runing arround while everything, even rocks, killed me.
05-23-2009, 01:43 PM
3. Glitching Bridges ? Do you mean hiding under pb to surprise and kill some of your mates ? I didn't know that was illegal. Is it more or less illegal than having multiple accounts in all realms for spam purpose ?
Glitching bridges = hiding underneath and then taking advantage of holes in programming to leave the bridge by going straight up instead of going around so ppl dont have a chance to react, yes, its called cheating, and so is having multiple accounts to spy on your enemies, or having someone get killed by a castle or fort so they can chat on irc or ventrilo/teamspeak/mumble to give away tactical information.
If i die in a fair fight, ok, i can live with that, but i cannot abide dying because someone exploits programing gaps to do things that were never intended. This is not the right topic for this, but glitching is something i feel strongly about, so sorry for the detour.
Anyways, back on topic: just like theotherviking, I was also handily killed by a conjurer yesterday after this update. Part of it was that balestra is now a broken skill and does not damage, and the other part was the positioning bug (which is why i loved balestra in the first placee) i stood on top of and ran through my opponent and i could not use spells or attack (and no, i was not dizzy, it just wouldnt work). Ive talked to a lot of warriors in my realm and they are all having the same issue.
05-23-2009, 01:52 PM
errr dude.. use embes/spring to catch, even tho you can catch a mage without that
After casting UM? (up to 500 mana) as well as base battle buffs (at least frenzy) take away the mana from Energy borrow, and you are left with very little, not likely to be enough for Onsl maybe just about spring.
And allthough the mage wont be able to use cc to keep you at distance he can still lay down a lot of damage and you have only normals to fight back with, also UM dosnt protect vs Mind Push and with Balestra nerfed it is even harder to get near a mage using it now. Also Balestra needs mana that you likely wont have.
Then even if you get near enough and somehow manage to stay on long enough to do damage, remember you have no mana, a warlock can gain 1k hp back from Sk and 750-1k of barrier energy, a conju can self heal cast barrier and SS as well.
One on one for a barb its very hard to beat a mage who is set up well in my eyes, for a knight you can be lucky with blocks and get to the point were you have no mana (all stolen/burned) and the lock has used all his reserves on atks that have been blocked.
05-23-2009, 02:00 PM
Glitching bridges = hiding underneath and then taking advantage of holes in programming to leave the bridge by going straight up instead of going around so ppl dont have a chance to react, yes, its called cheating, and so is having multiple accounts to spy on your enemies, or having someone get killed by a castle or fort so they can chat on irc or ventrilo/teamspeak/mumble to give away tactical information.
If i die in a fair fight, ok, i can live with that, but i cannot abide dying because someone exploits programing gaps to do things that were never intended. This is not the right topic for this, but glitching is something i feel strongly about, so sorry for the detour.
Anyways, back on topic: just like theotherviking, I was also handily killed by a conjurer yesterday after this update. Part of it was that balestra is now a broken skill and does not damage, and the other part was the positioning bug (which is why i loved balestra in the first placee) i stood on top of and ran through my opponent and i could not use spells or attack (and no, i was not dizzy, it just wouldnt work). Ive talked to a lot of warriors in my realm and they are all having the same issue.
Thanks for the input. I didn't know it.
About the topic: yes, what you say is true and really annoying. Maybe giving hammers and swords range 1 could help a little to prevent positional issues.
05-23-2009, 05:36 PM
1. You didn't read the post. I know that i can kill some mages and that some mages can kill me, it's fine. That's not the point. Try to think of Meteor, Lightning or Fireball having relative damage and not fixed. It's the same for us having balestra doing 8-10 damage: totally useless.
2. I was answering to Ponter. Anytime someone tries to have a constructive debate, you call it "bitching" ?
3. Glitching Bridges ? Do you mean hiding under pb to surprise and kill some of your mates ? I didn't know that was illegal. Is it more or less illegal than having multiple accounts in all realms for spam purpose ?
1. neither of those spells have fixed damage (lightning's dot varies a lot, depends on who you cast)
2. you're just failing, it's not a constructive debate. no one can help you when you don't know how to play.
3. archmagusarcana replied on that one, in case you missed it:
Glitching bridges = hiding underneath and then taking advantage of holes in programming to leave the bridge by going straight up instead of going around so ppl dont have a chance to react, yes, its called cheating
it's more illegal then having multiple accounts.
as for 210paul (umaril), let me give you a hint
After casting UM? (up to 500 mana) as well as base battle buffs (at least frenzy) take away the mana from Energy borrow, and you are left with very little, not likely to be enough for Onsl maybe just about spring.
energy borrow? it takes a warlock decent 2-3 spells to even drop the mana reserves so energy borrow l5 would be useful, and if you didn't onsl, spring, madness & frenzy (not necessarily in that order) until then you're plain stupid. it's no point to try and save some mana when confronting a warlock.
05-23-2009, 11:26 PM
Warlock = overpowered as always :closed1:
05-24-2009, 10:18 AM
1. neither of those spells have fixed damage (lightning's dot varies a lot, depends on who you cast)
2. you're just failing, it's not a constructive debate. no one can help you when you don't know how to play.
3. archmagusarcana replied on that one, in case you missed it:
it's more illegal then having multiple accounts.
1. Surely it varies on who you you cast, resistances are differents. I was making a parallelism between the spells, try to think of fireball ( for example): it does 650-800 damage at lvl 5. What if it does 100% damage instead, where 100% means the same damage as a normal hit. It would be very little damage for a lock. That's the same for a barbarian having a skill that does 100 fixed damage instead of having relatives like 50%-70%-90%.
2. :clapping5365:
3. As i already said, i didn't know it. The awesome thing is that i can learn from my errors to be better. Would you do the same by deleting your ignis account ?
05-24-2009, 02:03 PM
it seems that 48.00% are hunters and locks !
what bad news for barbs and knights!!!!!
NGD, Please STOP to change rules.
Better to add 5 levels and 1 spell in each category .
there will be no warriors anymore.:ranting::ranting::ranting:
05-24-2009, 06:20 PM
it seems that 48.00% are hunters and locks !
what bad news for barbs and knights!!!!!
NGD, Please STOP to change rules.
Better to add 5 levels and 1 spell in each category .
there will be no warriors anymore.:ranting::ranting::ranting:
Wait, what?!
I did vote for yes, don't put words in my mouth.
05-24-2009, 07:10 PM
3. As i already said, i didn't know it. The awesome thing is that i can learn from my errors to be better. Would you do the same by deleting your ignis account ?
10 char
05-24-2009, 07:25 PM
imo, there are 3 things "ugly" about the update:
Tracking - high level tracking now is next to useless (switching targets), needs to be fixed!
Balestra/Ribs Breaker - as many have mentioned, these changes were unprovoked and completely unnecessary... At the very least, please put back old Balestra duration (to give back at least some edge to pierce discipline), and make both spells %weapon dmg.
Mana Communion nerf - I agree with the general notion of this change, but lvl 5 = +15/tick is way over the top, and puts an incredible strain on conjurers spamming amb.sac/synergy bond for the fighting classes (esp. warriors) to have any mana left at all for spells... increase to at least +20 or +25/tick on level 5!
The new mob/player evade/resist rates are certainly annoying, and I'd like to see them slightly lowered towards what they were, although I can understand this being raised now that spell cancellation isn't that viable anymore...
The rest of the update is for the most part great, I can finally enjoy playing my barbarian again, fort wars rely less on area spamming, and we've had some brilliant open field fights at last! :punk:
05-24-2009, 07:33 PM
yeah i noticed that too, those mobs are going insane with resists. even VE ones. i'm so glad i already have l50, wouldn't wanna grind now even when there's no fatigue mechanism.
05-26-2009, 07:11 AM
+20% movement speed.
Combine this with the position lags and you have warriors hell in some situations.
Exactly, new movement speed and nerf of balestra makes chasing running enemies almost impossible. Its not rare(rare? its pretty common), that Im running on slower target for 20-30s changing positions and nada. Also stopping with deafening roar is harder now, since 1s casting time combined with 20% movement speed makes it far easier to simply run out of range.
05-26-2009, 01:08 PM
It can always be worse:
One of the reasons given for the failure was that there was no publisher setting deadlines for the gaming company :D
05-26-2009, 03:57 PM
Knights' hard life since the update... (by defcul)
Or how to spend 5:38 to kill nothing... how great are the so called "god-like" knights nowadays...
I hope one day instead of nerfing stuff that shouldn't be nerfed, NGD will fix position system ;)
05-26-2009, 04:46 PM
Knights' hard life since the update... (by defcul)
Or how to spend 5:38 to kill nothing... how great are the so called "god-like" knights nowadays...
I hope one day instead of nerfing stuff that shouldn't be nerfed, NGD will fix position system ;)
Lol. He was fighting the knight and doing the quest!
05-26-2009, 05:26 PM
Lol. He was fighting the knight and doing the quest!
The only error he made is not using disable limb, but jdm knows his stuff and with freeze, slow and ivy would still hold him away for long even under disable limb xD
05-27-2009, 01:24 PM
I have to agree with the warriors in this thread. I can be chasing someone with both Ons5 and Spring5, having them targeted the entire time and catch up to them, get right up to them, run INSIDE THEM, run PAST them (you know "leading" your target, so to speak), and then as Ons/spring wear off see them speed past me and I have not swung ONCE.
This reminds me of 1.04 a bit before 1.05 fixed the position issue for melee. Well, the same issue is back again. The +20% movement speed and lag offset combined to, I think, throw position placement checks out of whack.
I totally, 100% whole-heartedly agree that adding a range of 1 to all slashing/blunt weapons will help to rectify this issue. It is persistent and highly frustrating.
I have a barb I just reached 50 on less than a week ago and I already no longer desire to play him very much, and am thinking about deleting my 21 marks to level a lock up now.
05-27-2009, 03:10 PM
I have to agree with the warriors in this thread. I can be chasing someone with both Ons5 and Spring5, having them targeted the entire time and catch up to them, get right up to them, run INSIDE THEM, run PAST them (you know "leading" your target, so to speak), and then as Ons/spring wear off see them speed past me and I have not swung ONCE.
This reminds me of 1.04 a bit before 1.05 fixed the position issue for melee. Well, the same issue is back again. The +20% movement speed and lag offset combined to, I think, throw position placement checks out of whack.
I totally, 100% whole-heartedly agree that adding a range of 1 to all slashing/blunt weapons will help to rectify this issue. It is persistent and highly frustrating.
I have a barb I just reached 50 on less than a week ago and I already no longer desire to play him very much, and am thinking about deleting my 21 marks to level a lock up now.
I am a hunter. Yesterday in the warzone a barbarian chased after me and ran right through me with his weapon out several times before I was actually hit. He got killed in close range combat.. (Note: I did not have a pet)
Also I saw a friend die to a warrior in the warzone at from an odd distance.
The timing for contact with warriors is all out of wack. :swordfight:
Since we all have + 20% mobility, we easily avoid attacks from warriors.
Please NGD give all warriors 0 casting time for all of their skills. It is just not fair that they must run to us constantly just to hear (out of range).
05-28-2009, 08:05 PM
Yes for 1 range on all melee weapons, at least (in reality, for a lot of the two handed weapons, 1.5 would be fair too) and yes for 0 casting time on most melee skills. Since this update, i have been able to complete 0, thats right, 0 casts of any melee skill that requires casting time of more than 0, combine that with the terrible positional issues, and that makes me 50 barb not worth playing. Ive died to so many enemy pcs that are 'white' to me that should not have stood a chance because i cannot even attack them, let alone kick/sc/riposte, etc.
I used to love playing warrior class, i have a 50 knight on RA, which i loved, and a 50 barb in Horus, which i loved, but after this update, i log on and last about 5 minutes before getting so frustrated i switch to grind my lock, i died 5 times last night as a barb and made exactly 3 attacks, and 3 of the times i died were one on one, or two on two.
I realize that this is an evolving creation and there are always setbacks and failures, but when a game becomes more frustrating than it is fun, for at least 33% of its players, some significant changes need to be made. For the most part, this is a great game, and very addicting, and i dont mind buying xim to support the efforts of NGD. Right now though, its impossible for me to play the two characters that i spent the most time leveling up and enjoyed the most without getting so frustrated and upset that i just want quit the game.
05-28-2009, 10:58 PM
+1 for the suggestion of adding some range to the melee weapons. This is coming from another of the frustrated barbs, who enjoyed being a spear carrier until the nerf of that tree. So, I switch to the slash/blunt trees and try to get a feel for using those weapons. Talk about adding another layer of frustration. It almost seems like there's now a random attack feature for barbs. Sometimes they attack, sometimes they don't. In front, behind, on top of...where else is there to stand to get my character to swing his weapon consistently?
05-28-2009, 10:59 PM
The only error he made is not using disable limb, but jdm knows his stuff and with freeze, slow and ivy would still hold him away for long even under disable limb xD
I used it. But now i think that knights dont block velocity debuffs, so he only with slow at level 5 maked me imposible to hit him.
He is level 43.
05-29-2009, 05:32 AM
in my honest opnion, i think NGD nerfed the wrong things.
Tremor was fine the way it was, i think. sure it was a pain in the ass but it was fine considering that its like the only offensive spell that support conjs had.
MC reduction is total crap... i mean if ppl weren't running out of mana fast enough before, now i run out twice as fast...
Things that should have been nerfed in my opinion
staff magnification powers because locks already own enough with areas and stuff, allowing them +150 damage and a high rate of fire and more distance is just total BS.
not to mention that if a lock distributes his power points correctly he could have not only all the magnifications but MoD and Sultar and lvl 5 energy barrier
another power i could have seen nerfed rather than tremor and MC is confuse
at lvl5 its 35 seconds of no buffing or healing is just too much.
this is strictly in a support conj point of veiw
05-29-2009, 07:26 AM
I have literally walked through, sat on top of, and been in all areas surrounding a pc and been unable to make an attack and it is exceedingly frustrating, especially when a level 50 gets killed by pc 15 levels below you due to an inability to make an attack.
I also noticed problems with attacks. I was standing in front of Orc, moving forward and backward and I couldnt attack him.
My internet connection is symetrics 100mbps skeletal network in Sweden, so I dont have problems and I dont download anything.
Moreover ballestra doing 15-20 damage with slow barb weapon casting time 1s when you cannot cast another spell durring its duration against auto-aiming ranged warlocks spells is pathetic !!
I dont see any warrior runnig with spears now, even though its Dean Rha spear. That nerf was completly unneeded.
I am against this update. Rising +20% movement speed broke all balance and needed lower cooldowns of warriors skills instead they have been rised!
Also Areas got double nerf, since their range have been decreased and +20% speed was added. Practicaly when I was taking Shan back, Alisius did not managed to hit me with even one of areas they tried. Because I was running backward, afaik running backward should be slower than forward ?
Take also in account that barbs are using two handed weapons which are very slow, even with Thirst Of Blood and two Rings of Lighting other classes are faster and take benefits from movement speed, cancellation and distance.
Most of mags staffs is not even slow + skills from staff mastery giving speed and range comparing to barb.
Now no cancellation for warlock ranged spells while they still cancel warrior skills, with additional +20% speed even easier.
Sorry NGD you completely don't listen to players or dont want to.
05-30-2009, 07:54 AM
This Update was one of the Best! Reasons Why
The game became less of a Area Rush now ur areas wont hit everything on the door you actually need to learn how to fight without using these spells
Next Step imo would be to nerf Sultar/Staff Mastery
this would make things straight up awesome Head to head war!
05-30-2009, 01:51 PM
This Update was one of the Best! Reasons Why
The game became less of a Area Rush now ur areas wont hit everything on the door you actually need to learn how to fight without using these spells
Next Step imo would be to nerf Sultar/Staff Mastery
this would make things straight up awesome Head to head war!
how do archers fight head to head....
the game will turn to who has the most people = wins
we need an effective way to defend ourselves..... tactics
06-03-2009, 05:14 PM
I voted "no" because many playing matters remain, like the stairs which not allow to go up and down (the bridge between Altaruk and Allahed is an exemple, and all stairs of the cities), the flying mobs, the occasionally, indeed often being blocked.
For the rest, yet not so say the least.
06-04-2009, 07:12 AM
Cremation is not that hard to cast at all. A good ambush to make the enemies retreat often results in many dead players. As the enemies push back, the warlocks will have quite a few seconds to cremate at least one body each.
Yes, I like the update
06-04-2009, 03:23 PM
Cremation is not that hard to cast at all. A good ambush to make the enemies retreat often results in many dead players. As the enemies push back, the warlocks will have quite a few seconds to cremate at least one body each.
Yes, I like the update
one thing i liked about the past versions was that there was no cremation...
basically boths sides would be fighting to revive fallen friends.... it added drama. We can still do that but.... hmm.... I wonder what it will be like to just fight over ashes. Who knows.... cremation used well can send back troops that lay dead on the ground gathering tactical information about the enemy.
Perhaps it would be better if once you died... your screen turned black after 10 seconds.
06-05-2009, 02:46 PM
The Ugly: you can run 20% faster, but you turn as fast as you turned before the update, pretty nasty if u are a warrior...
06-05-2009, 08:16 PM
Perhaps it would be better if once you died... your screen turned black after 10 seconds.
I and many others have said this before.
Cremation is only going to frustrate the good players even further than they already are at having their chars turned inside out. Most likely the conj and lock will be the cremated ones, but well known good players are going to get it just as often, if not more than conju. Despite the tactical advantage of removing a good player from the field, i feel that this spell is going to create a negative gaming experience for a lot of people.
06-08-2009, 07:17 AM
I voted no.
I left this game a while ago and came back to it again recently.
When I left MOBS frequently ran away at 120mph when they were targeted or hit once, giving you the option of either leaving them and moving on, or chasing them down. Still happens. I wouldn't be so bad if the damn things didn't run/phase through solid objects.
MOBS frequently spawn half way up a mountain and probably inside them as well. Quests to kill x number of why can be a pain in the ar*e because the creatures in question are making their final push on the summit of Everest. Again still a problem that existed way back when that is still there now.
Why can't archers and warriors fight on the run with reduced stats? I can understand having to stop and concentrate on a spell if your a spell chucker, but everyone else?
Travelling through the gates and winding up underneath the stairs on the other side. Going to the arena in Ignis and winding up inside the walls when you leave. Too much of this was there in the past as well.
The latest updates seem to involve a lot of nobbing around with character balance and abilities, yet (and this sort of bothers me a bit,) when you get to level 50 that's it. A few skirmishes taking forts to no particular purpose. Some thought about keeping level 50's playing would be more productive considering it doesn't take long to max out a character compared to other games.
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