View Full Version : Kudos for Linux client

05-25-2009, 05:00 PM
I just want to say - you guys are awesome for making a Linux client. With companies like yours, we have more options. It just goes to show that just because Windows has traditionally had the games, that it doesn't mean Linux can't be just as solid of a game development platform.

Thanks again! :)

05-25-2009, 05:03 PM
Go go, Super-Surak! :metal:

05-25-2009, 07:19 PM
yap this game really have the biggest advantage by having native Linux client. I m even more happy that current trend will continue with new engine and stuff that expects Ro in near/far future.

05-25-2009, 08:06 PM
It's true, besides I could not play without the linux client while I'm working. That would be too bad :punk:

05-25-2009, 09:40 PM
You can bet the new client is going to be on Linux as long as Surak is on the team (And he is not going anywhere, even If we have to chain him to the chair! Wait no, human rights.... right. Hmm, okey, we'll throw some Pisco so he doesn't dehydrate).

In any case, we always had this multi-platform approach and while Linux users count is not that much, it's increasing.

We are trying to promote the game in Linux but we need your help with word of mouth to get the game known, the more Linux users we have, the better for everyone!


05-25-2009, 11:49 PM
make sure you don't forget us pure64 linux users

05-27-2009, 01:30 PM
make sure you don't forget us pure64 linux users

Here here!

05-27-2009, 03:26 PM
That is why I play this game....native linux support

05-27-2009, 06:22 PM
You can bet the new client is going to be on Linux as long as Surak is on the team (And he is not going anywhere, even If we have to chain him to the chair! Wait no, human rights.... right. Hmm, okey, we'll throw some Pisco so he doesn't dehydrate).

In any case, we always had this multi-platform approach and while Linux users count is not that much, it's increasing.

We are trying to promote the game in Linux but we need your help with word of mouth to get the game known, the more Linux users we have, the better for everyone!


first thing i googled when i put linux on my system for the first time ever was "free linux mmorpg". that lead to wikipedia, wikipedia lead to this site. legend was made :D

05-27-2009, 09:05 PM
I was looking through the Linux MMO list of wikipedia too when I found RO :)

05-27-2009, 09:13 PM
I was looking through the Linux MMO list of wikipedia too when I found RO :)

And it's still under development which means more fun to us. Last time when i played ro (about year ago) it was nice but now i see so many changes, really good even if there is a problem with some gfx cards. I hope i will be able someday to play with better details than a safe mode :)

05-31-2009, 12:13 PM
I was looking through the Linux MMO list of wikipedia too when I found RO :)

Me too ! I guess the Linux gamers are more loyal to RO.. (lack of choice?) so it pays off for NGD to invest more in the linux client.

05-31-2009, 12:48 PM
Me too ! I guess the Linux gamers are more loyal to RO.. (lack of choice?) so it pays off for NGD to invest more in the linux client.
My experience is indeed that Linux users are more loyal to the applications and technologies they're using than users of other OS's. They will defend it, spread word about it and stay longer with it.
Then again, I don't know the figures so it's hard to tell how many players use Linux. Linux users are quite vocal on the forums, though!

05-31-2009, 04:58 PM
My experience is indeed that Linux users are more loyal to the applications and technologies they're using than users of other OS's. They will defend it, spread word about it and stay longer with it.
Then again, I don't know the figures so it's hard to tell how many players use Linux. Linux users are quite vocal on the forums, though!

I don't have the real numbers but they are about 10% of the total users.


05-31-2009, 05:19 PM
Well a statistic of lvl 50s who sit on Linux will be more i think, so many i play with use linux, wonder its only 10%..

05-31-2009, 08:16 PM
I don't have the real numbers but they are about 10% of the total users.


Take into account that GNU/Linux has less desktop marketshare than 10%. :)

05-31-2009, 09:45 PM
The biggest pro of RO having linux client is more mature people playing the game.

One more thing that would spread RO even more is including in it repositories of most popular linux distros like debian, ubuntu, suse, fedora, etc. I've discussed this with onemyndseye already and we thought of some nice ways to do it but we agreed that the best way to do this is with help of NGD.

06-08-2009, 12:23 PM
The biggest pro of RO having linux client is more mature people playing the game.

One more thing that would spread RO even more is including in it repositories of most popular linux distros like debian, ubuntu, suse, fedora, etc. I've discussed this with onemyndseye already and we thought of some nice ways to do it but we agreed that the best way to do this is with help of NGD.

Its not possible to include RegnumOnline in Debian since we have strict policy for non-free software.
But for sure I can write scripts to build deb packages which can be installed on Debian and Ubuntu and placed on Regnum official site.

I also agree that linux users are more dedicated to this game and stay longer with it, since its the best MMORPG for this platform afaik.

Also I cant belive we are only 10%. I made poll about NG3D2.0 (http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/forum/showthread.php?t=42274) also asking how many players are using native Linux client.

After 19 days GNU/Linux native client users still did not go below 65% o total votes. Keep it that way :)

06-09-2009, 12:38 AM
Its not possible to include RegnumOnline in Debian since we have strict policy for non-free software.
But for sure I can write scripts to build deb packages which can be installed on Debian and Ubuntu and placed on Regnum official site.

I also agree that linux users are more dedicated to this game and stay longer with it, since its the best MMORPG for this platform afaik.

In fact, we can do it in the non-free branch... But since a lot of people are against having Non-DFSG software in the repositories (me included), I think we shouldn't.
After all, you can package a deb and upload it to Regnum's main webserver. Then you can make a GPL'd script that retrieves it from the site and installs it (and then you can pack the script in a nice deb and upload it to the main repository).

Anyway, you should have to mess with the updater permissions. Maybe a wrapper and some symlinks will do the trick, though it would be nice to see Regnum using the FHS in GNU/Linux for once and for all.

Also I cant belive we are only 10%. I made poll about NG3D2.0 (http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/forum/showthread.php?t=42274) also asking how many players are using native Linux client.

After 19 days GNU/Linux native client users still did not go below 65% o total votes. Keep it that way :)

That's because Windows users tend to skip the poll. ;)

We're 10%, but hey, the best 10% the community has to offer! :tonguey:

06-11-2009, 04:32 PM
We're 10%, but hey, the best 10% the community has to offer! :tonguey:


And let me put this into perspective NGD will readily absorb:

If you release NG3D 2.0 as a Windows-Only client, you'll be putting on an:

Amulet of Epic Phail (-10% to profit margins).


06-11-2009, 04:36 PM

And let me put this into perspective NGD will readily absorb:

If you release NG3D 2.0 as a Windows-Only client, you'll be putting on an:

Amulet of Epic Phail (-10% to profit margins).


Why is everyone so afraid that NGD is going to drop Linux support? They've already said several times they won't and I've never seen why they actually should drop support.

06-11-2009, 08:23 PM
They won't drop it, but we're so in love with the game that we wouldn't want to stop playing.

06-12-2009, 01:47 PM
They won't drop it, but we're so in love with the game that we wouldn't want to stop playing.

Especially you :p

06-12-2009, 02:00 PM
Linux support will be dropped over my dead body!

06-12-2009, 02:20 PM
Linux support will be dropped over my dead body!

Oh please don't die!

06-12-2009, 02:31 PM
I'm so glad to see this.
I too am a linux user (of course).

I played an online RPG for a long-time (still do on occasion) that has a nice linux-native client (it's free to play after initial purchase of the game), however the sequel did not get a native linux client.... even after thousands of cranky linux supporters sent in petitions and posted on the developers forums regarding their disappointment and feelings of betrayal.

The sequel was released with a windows port and was found to be FULL OF BUGS... to the point that most people I speak to about it actually refuse to play it on this basis, wich is a shame because the philosophy of openness to the user in the original game was something quite unique.

To this day the community for the original game has a large following of individuals spending their time creating and developing content for the rest of the community to continue to enjoy.

continued support for linux in my opinion demonstrates a continued desire to produce quality apps instead of RAD garbage mass produced under some reputable brand and then vomited out for windows.

I say this because if something doesn't work right on linux, linux wont HIDE the fact that it's buggy, it will tell you the app is using too much memory or doesn't terminate properly or whatever, it logs pretty much everything and throws error messages that make sense.

when a company supports linux for a while with it's apps and then stops, it usually means selling out to RAD processes encouraged by M$, this in-turn usually means a decline in the app's quality in some way.

A BIG thankyou to NGD for choosing quality.

06-12-2009, 02:35 PM
A BIG thankyou to NGD for choosing quality.

This is a post to remember !

06-12-2009, 02:39 PM
Not only run native, I swith to LINUX UBUNTU because REGNUM on LINUX run much better on my computer .

Just in case Google searchs on forum:


06-12-2009, 09:54 PM
Linux support will be dropped over my dead body!

I'm sure you would be dead if they dropped the support over you (together with the SVN server :cuac:). It's a heavy machine.

Oh, and now being serious... The client logs pretty much everything and is easier to troubleshoot on gnu/linux than on windows. That's why there are less posts in the spanish linux section, and that's why they get solved faster.

06-14-2009, 11:08 AM
Just for the record, there are people playing with wine under *BSD too. Maybe not that much, but not every win-client runs on a win-OS.

06-14-2009, 04:15 PM
And the segfault problem makes a lot of people run regnum on wine under linux, too.

06-14-2009, 11:22 PM
Thx For supporting Linux

Using linux around 1,5 years now, no dual boot, no nothing, just linux.
i see that there are a lot linux gamers lately, many games can be run through wine, but nothing beats natively supported games.

Thank you for Linux client!

06-18-2009, 08:08 AM
Thanks from me as well. I wouldn't play this game it it wouldn't be natively supported on Linux. ;-)


06-28-2009, 10:56 PM
I was looking through the Linux MMO list of wikipedia too when I found RO :)

Ditto... :guitar: