View Full Version : some (simple) suggestions
03-19-2007, 02:07 PM
I started playing this game some days ago and since i already have experience in MMORPGs i missed some things. These things are not that important but would improve gameplay a lot (in my opinion, of course).
1. If you are in a party and you have to travel a long distance you have to stick together manually. This means you have to adjust the direction you are running in all the time, depending on the running direction of the other players.
It would be good to have a /stick command that you can use on a target of your choise. The effect should be your character sticking close to the selected target while it moves. With such a feature enabled only one member of the party would have to find his way while the others easily follow him.
2. If you level with a party in the middle of some "impossible" Monsters you may experience that one player pulls enemy A while another player pulls enemy B because they misunderstood each other. The effect: Most likely the group gets wiped.
Please add a /assist command which is used on an allied player. Using this command should change your target to the target of your ally you used /assist on.
3. Another thing you often experience in combat with a party is that a pulled monster changes its mind on whom it should attack. It often happens that a monster changes its target and runs past you, out of your line of sight (e.g. it runs in the area behind your back to attack another player).
This is annoying since then your attacks won't hit the monster because you do not face it anymore.
A /face option would improve gameplay on that issue. Use /face on a target to always face it. If you /face the monster that runs past you to your ally your character should turn automatically to face the monster at all time.
Thank you for reading. I would be happy if you at least considered implementing these features. (Other suggestions might follow).
03-19-2007, 04:15 PM
good suggestions, especially assist and stick/follow
things i've noticed too:
would be nice to have a key to automatically target the nearest npc and a key to target the nearest player. (it's sometimes hard to click someone/something with the mouse)
would be nice to have a useful map. (gets better though once you know your way around, would have been nice though when i was still (even more of) a newb)
would be nice to be able to send someone a single tell, not only a chat invite.
would be nice to be able to see who else is in the area. (list the players in your zone when typing a command such as /who)
03-19-2007, 05:26 PM
Please, please, PLEASE don`t use these suggestions.
The elves are already using the 'invincible' spell in order to disconnect when they know they are going to loose.
All 3 of those suggestions would mean far less skill would needed to play RO.
If all 3 where used, 1 person could set up multiple accounts and get their own little bot-net style army to follow them and attack their targets, it would totally destroy the game.
I struggle to understand what would be interesting about playing a game thats automated to that level, do you just sit there and watch it ??
03-19-2007, 05:58 PM
Additional suggestion: Add chatgroup support. It should work the way a party works, with invitations and then provide another chat-tab. This should be working for more than 2 persons! (I know /chat <user> ENTER)
And of course: Without having to face the ally you want to invite so it even works on long distances.
I will have to agree with Morphine on the follow and assist commands. This has been asked at least once before in this post. ( %20This)
This person wanted to train using 2 accounts. It is almost exactly what Morphine described.
Hi people!
Well... I´ve put my ideas over the bug report, like recomendations... but in this time, one thing came to me little brain...
What is it? a simple function (ok... it´s not simple) that allow u playing with two accounts at the same time, like one warrior and one healer (my lovely couple of pj´s) and just move one, and the other follow at safe distance.
Why I did this =), simple, train two at the price of one, and even better, heal the warrior every time he needs, taking advance time playing al leveling!!!!
SO, this is my simple wish... NICLAM =D
(and yes, I´ll buy two premiun accounts ... like every time =)
03-19-2007, 08:35 PM
Please, please, PLEASE don`t use these suggestions.
The elves are already using the 'invincible' spell in order to disconnect when they know they are going to loose.
All 3 of those suggestions would mean far less skill would needed to play RO.
If all 3 where used, 1 person could set up multiple accounts and get their own little bot-net style army to follow them and attack their targets, it would totally destroy the game.
I struggle to understand what would be interesting about playing a game thats automated to that level, do you just sit there and watch it ??
Sure we could live without the /follow command, but /assist is a must. Have you ever been in the situation where you attack the wrong monster, or someone in the party attacks the wrong monster? I know I have, it's annoying and risky. /follow is great in situations where you might get lost.
03-19-2007, 09:12 PM
One thing that is essential in most MMO's are friend lists. I can't always remember people I run into so it would be nice to find out if they're on or not.
03-20-2007, 01:05 AM
Since i now play as a conjurer i have some other suggestions.
The conjurer is a supporter class. I need to heal the people of my party, give buffs to them, often i even pass my mana onto them.
Therefore i do need to know what my mates need. I need to know it as fast as possible. The Party-Window already displays my mates mana and health, but the refreshing times of the informations are VERY slow. Please make these information refresh MUCH faster (especially mana).
It would be also very useful to know what buffs the member of a party still has and which are timed out. Please add small icons in the party list that refresh fast to tell me whether i have or have not to re-cast the buffs.
And please: If i see a mate has very small health i want to heal him immediately. Please allow to select an ally by clicking on his name in the Partywindow to be able to immediately cast a spell whithout having to search him on screen.
I hope some of the devs read this. :)
03-20-2007, 02:44 AM
One thing that is essential in most MMO's are friend lists. I can't always remember people I run into so it would be nice to find out if they're on or not.
They're working on that.
The Party-Window already displays my mates mana and health, but the refreshing times of the informations are VERY slow. Please make these information refresh MUCH faster (especially mana).
It would be also very useful to know what buffs the member of a party still has and which are timed out. Please add small icons in the party list that refresh fast to tell me whether i have or have not to re-cast the buffs.
And please: If i see a mate has very small health i want to heal him immediately. Please allow to select an ally by clicking on his name in the Partywindow to be able to immediately cast a spell whithout having to search him on screen.
I hope some of the devs read this. :)
Another add-on I'd like would be a button that shows a green and white cross over your head, so you can quickly find the wounded and assist them.
The /assist command would be excellent for leveling, but in war it would be a nightmare. Imagine an entire army shooting at one single target at a time. It wouldn't have a chance.
the /stick is an excellent option too, for example, you're going from Samal to Herbred, and then you have to move along a big group. In order to chat or simply follow your leader, you type that command and just look.
03-20-2007, 09:39 AM
The /assist command would be excellent for leveling, but in war it would be a nightmare. Imagine an entire army shooting at one single target at a time. It wouldn't have a chance.
umm, thats kinda the point of it, kill their important people as fast as possible... ;)
and in levelling its really annoying not to have /assist. when leveling with a conjurer for example its a pain in the ass to target the npc he's fighting when his huge pet is standing in front of it... of course that could also be solved by a button to target the nearest npc, but still assist would be nice.
03-20-2007, 10:15 AM
I like the /follow command, but the /assist command would really be a pain.
It would destory the fun for every Warrior and Barbarian because then ranged enemies can just shoot at you all at the same time, making it imposible to even kill a single enemy.
03-20-2007, 10:35 AM
another suggestion would be to know if your clan members are online.
i dont know if you ppl use but on myspace you got a friend list and it shows you when they are online or offline.
they should add something similar to the clan feature.
03-20-2007, 02:01 PM
You need practice and skill, not /play-for-me commands.
of course that could also be solved by a button to target the nearest npc, but still assist would be nice.
The "target next" is something that the devs have already said will be added at some point.
03-20-2007, 02:45 PM
You need practice and skill, not /play-for-me commands.
having to run around a pet just to be able to target an npc doesn't have anything to do with skill, its just annoying.
The "target next" is something that the devs have already said will be added at some point.
good to hear ;)
03-20-2007, 05:28 PM
having to run around a pet just to be able to target an npc doesn't have anything to do with skill, its just annoying.
Of coarse it is skill. If your own pet is in the way then either you or your pet is clearly stood in the wrong place at the wrong time.
The most useful thing about the camera is being able to alter the viewing angle, that alone makes targeting something with something else in between very simple.
03-20-2007, 05:46 PM
Of coarse it is skill. If your own pet is in the way then either you or your pet is clearly stood in the wrong place at the wrong time.
The most useful thing about the camera is being able to alter the viewing angle, that alone makes targeting something with something else in between very simple.
of course it's not skill
i'm not talking about my pet, i dont have pets, im talking about a groupmembers pet and when im far away from the npc and the pet is standing right in front of it and a lot bigger than the npc then i can alter my viewing angle all i want, i cant target it unless i run around a lot.
03-20-2007, 05:53 PM
of course it's not skill
i'm not talking about my pet, i dont have pets, im talking about a groupmembers pet and when im far away from the npc and the pet is standing right in front of it and a lot bigger than the npc then i can alter my viewing angle all i want, i cant target it unless i run around a lot.
I do not understand to what extent the above mentioned commands (/stick, /assist, /face) help you in such a situation. /face does only turn your character to actually face the target, but it does NOT alter your actual position to get you into a line of sight with your target. (I mentioned this because the monsters used to run past me and were standing behind my back as i casted a spell.)
03-20-2007, 06:34 PM
I do not understand to what extent the above mentioned commands (/stick, /assist, /face) help you in such a situation. /face does only turn your character to actually face the target, but it does NOT alter your actual position to get you into a line of sight with your target. (I mentioned this because the monsters used to run past me and were standing behind my back as i casted a spell.)
i could just /assist the pet or the groupmember attacking it and i'd have the target and could cast my spells
it's not a matter of line of sight in this case, it's a matter of not being able to target (i.e. mouse click) the npc
Instead of adding commands to fix the problem lets try fixing the real issue. The "Hot Spots" of the MOBs is far too large. That is what makes it impossible to select a player or MOB that is behind another player or MOB. If that issue was corrected the need to have the "/assist" command would be far less.
The lack of movement while casting is a huge problem for mages mostly. The time to cast and mages are the only class that has a "tell" before a spell is cast. Any one can see when the spell is about to be cast and will move out of range or behind the caster. If we could at least turn during casting would reduce the need of the "/face" command.
On the surface "/face", "/assist" and "/follow" look benign but if used in combination you could easily level AFK or have a 2nd account leveling at the same time. After just quick look at the "/face", "/assist" and "/follow" commands impact to the game I can not see how the DEVs could add them and remove the potential abuse.
03-20-2007, 09:24 PM
I fully agree to what Tyr pointed out. You convinced me. The danger of an abuse of these functions is big. I did not think about this. Yet you should be able to turn while casting (turn, not move). That would solve the /face issue.
If the bug was fixed that you sometimes stop autorun while writing a message the need for /stick and /follow would be nonexistant since you can actually change the direction you are running in while you are writing. (On long travels in groups you surely want to write something. The above mentioned bug happens far too often.)
Please - if you read this thread do not forget there were some other suggestions besides these commands that would undoubtably improve gameplay. (Actually i am convinced the things i mentioned i'd like to have for my conjurer are essential.)
03-20-2007, 10:11 PM
I will have to agree with Morphine on the follow and assist commands. This has been asked at least once before in this post. ( %20This)
This person wanted to train using 2 accounts. It is almost exactly what Morphine described.
So.... u dnt like this way of play...... try this, fight u with 2 pjs (controlled for u) vs 2 of other realm (controlled individual)... and THEN ... just talk about SKILLS in fight.
Any time... call me... I´ll be there!
and noobs.... I was here before u... I´ve played for ALsius long ago... and keep doing that... so...think about (and yes...with 2 accounts at the same time, even in far points over the map... strategic ways?-----nahhhh).
03-20-2007, 11:05 PM
Sorry m8, I don`t understand.
and noobs.... I was here before u... I´ve played for ALsius long ago... and keep doing that... so...think about (and yes...with 2 accounts at the same time, even in far points over the map... strategic ways?-----nahhhh).
Hey now... I in no way made this personal. There is absolute no need for this at all. The points I have made were logical and civil. I looked at the possible up side and down side of the request that were made. I just see it differently then you and see the potential abuse far out weights the benefits.
Feel free to keep firing off the "noobs" or any other name you like they don't bother me a bit but keep this in mind during a discussion/debate once you resort to name calling you lose.
03-21-2007, 03:37 AM
Dnt worry...
i´ll be there and remember that, and u made it personal when u quote me.
Morph, I´ve combat at ur side, and this is not for u, but if smeone think that he has the RIGHT things at his side... then ... just what I´ve said!
If any has one idea, the more probably thing is that other person have the other side of that, or some intermedius... but man... If u r polite... must be carefuly taking the words, the quotes and the modes...
Keep that in mind u when take some things and without context put in other sites.
My words stay, and if u think differently, glad u R, but dnt think u have the correct way... even if u r the big part (history tell about this things).
Well, for the people who respects the desires and the ideas of other, I give a hug... for the others... just an Axe!
For ALsius!
I did not take any thing out of context. Yes I did quote you but I did provide the link to the entire thread or the post I quoted was a few posts above my reply. I did not change your words or add to them. The context of your comment remained intact.
If you want to play with 2 accounts then more power to you. I have no desire to play that way it seems like more work then fun to me. I just do not agree "/face", "/assist" and "/follow" commands can be added without any unintended side effects. If you have ever seen the decline of a MMORPGs because of bots, gold farmers, and automated way to level you would not want to see them add. I guess in the end we will just have to agree to disagree on this topic.
I know English is not your native language but still very good (better then the little Spanish I know) but the short hand you are using makes your comments hard to follow.
03-21-2007, 11:35 AM
ok... I understand the point of view of Morph and you about this.
But ngd maintain a strict control over all... in fact, the idea of scripts running over the main game looks like never be applied (but if that appens, then playing with 2 pj will be better than now... -ok, not right now, but in the near future-).
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