View Full Version : Rules about renaming clans (question for kailer)

06-03-2009, 10:43 AM
Hello Kailer,

Several users have been sending me private messages telling me that my clan name is bugged. However, my clan name is not bugged, I renamed it to " " no letters. Syritis players are upset that I do not have a clan name under my characters personal name.
Why would this be considered a bug?
Is it not the same in apperance as having no clan name at all?

Hello, (you may not undestand this verry god because my english is verry bad)
Soo i write this to you because tha name off your clan it isnt visible for the other relms (is a bug whith the name) soo above your had we only see your name and nothing more (we dont de the realm or the clan).
I put a screenshot ok.
Soo if you can cange it i will be verry "agradecida".

[img=http://img188.imageshack.us/img188/2087/screenshot2009060301205.th.jpg] (http://img188.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot2009060301205.jpg)

Pd:im from syrtis
Regards :p
This is not a bug.
I renamed my clan to " " no letters

Yes but putting that name on your clan other people dont see the realm of your pj.

I would like to hear your answers on this, for me it's a very strange complaint.

Demon Monger

06-03-2009, 11:11 AM
There was a clan in Alsius that did this a few weeks back. Not sure if there was some sort of response from NGD or not about the subject.

06-03-2009, 11:22 AM
There was a clan in Alsius that did this a few weeks back. Not sure if there was some sort of response from NGD or not about the subject.

I do not see what the problem is....
The enemy realms can press V to show all allies names.
The enemy can put a mouse over me and see a red dot by my name.
Personally people cry too much now, and it's killing the game.

If it is considered a bug to not have a clan name.
Then I will hunt you all without a clan.
Later, once you are all destroyed, I will rejoin with my clan.

Play more:swordfight:
Cry less:crying1:

Until I hear from NGD I will be hunting without a clan period.

06-03-2009, 11:47 AM
a clan with name " " and no ranges, is a bug exploit, unless enemies can tell what realm you belong to. Until fixed, it may be a bannable offense.

And man, you were banned like a week ago. I spoke in your favor, don't get banned again doing this things.

06-03-2009, 12:05 PM
Is it not the same in apperance as having no clan name at all?

No, it's not the same. A clanless enemy will have their realm name, in appropriate realm color, in the space where clan name should be.

You've basically found a way to remove one of the main visual indicators that you're a realm enemy.

06-03-2009, 03:07 PM
exploit. just like mass \n in pet names.

06-03-2009, 03:25 PM
No, it's not the same. A clanless enemy will have their realm name, in appropriate realm color, in the space where clan name should be.

You've basically found a way to remove one of the main visual indicators that you're a realm enemy.

and if they have a clan name it doesn't say their realm anyway, you indicate that by the color of their name...

06-03-2009, 03:54 PM
Man, this is very disturbing....
So you are telling me if someone does not have a clan they will have
(alsius) (ignis) (syritis) under their names?
Fair enough, I understand now....
I thought a person without a clan name had no realm identification...
Things have changed alot...

06-03-2009, 03:55 PM
Man, this is very disturbing....
So you are telling me if someone does not have a clan they will have
(alsius) (ignis) (syritis) under their names?
Fair enough, I understand now....
I thought a person without a clan name had no realm identification...
Things have changed alot...

Actually, when I started to play more than two years ago this was already around.

06-03-2009, 04:04 PM
Actually, when I started to play more than two years ago this was already around.

(feels ill:()
Simple misunderstanding....:bangin:
Just goes to show that I still have alot to learn..

06-03-2009, 04:10 PM
Shit....I am speaking in very bad English
im nor upset whit Demon (:wiggle14: Hi DMC).
This bug has been reported, ant NGD explain the situation on spanish forum.
y dont like accuse people in the forum.

NGD said in this post: http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/forum/showthread.php?t=41818

Hello Community,

The error has been detected and will be fixed as soon as possible. The clan in question was already moderated and if you know of another similar event, please reportenlo to abuso@ngdstudios.com.ar

Close to avoiding problems.

Kail - Community Manager - NGD Studios

Google traductor :p

06-03-2009, 04:11 PM
Yeah this is bug abusing, and was reported already, would be really nice to be fixed. With this, player avoids displaying visual realm identification that would have when he is not in clan. (just to clarify, red sphere next to name is also visual identification but for clicked enemy, means for enemy you re planning to target; for hover (when checking incoming enemy group) there was since I started playing, Alsius, Ignis, Syrtis words in color of realm which is primary ID in my opinion)

06-03-2009, 05:21 PM
Yeah this is bug abusing, and was reported already, would be really nice to be fixed. With this, player avoids displaying visual realm identification that would have when he is not in clan. (just to clarify, red sphere next to name is also visual identification but for clicked enemy, means for enemy you re planning to target; for hover (when checking incoming enemy group) there was since I started playing, Alsius, Ignis, Syrtis words in color of realm which is primary ID in my opinion)

I will submit to you my screenshots
I do not see (ignis) or clan names under most people. I assumed this was normal.
This has been the way that I have always seen things >.<
http://www.imagechicken.com/uploads/1244052938004147500.jpg (http://www.imagechicken.com)

http://www.imagechicken.com/uploads/1244053161052628600.jpg (http://www.imagechicken.com)

http://www.imagechicken.com/uploads/1244053222086159700.jpg (http://www.imagechicken.com)

http://www.imagechicken.com/uploads/1244053500064981500.jpg (http://www.imagechicken.com)

06-03-2009, 05:28 PM
Yes, below clanless people of your realm you'll see nothing.

06-03-2009, 05:32 PM
Yes, below clanless people of your realm you'll see nothing.

but they all have clans....

06-03-2009, 05:35 PM
but they all have clans....
Ah, I think I saw that too, it's a glitch then, I never saw it on enemies though.

06-03-2009, 05:48 PM
Exactly, your images are proving what i ve said.
Let me try explain:
-when you meet "ally", aka player from your realm, you just see his/her name (pic 1, 2 and3) and his/her clan name and/or rank.
-when you meet enemy you see his name and:
a) his/her clan name and/or rank colored in realm color (pic 4) or
b) his/her realm name colored in realm color (Syrtis word in green, Ignis in red, Alsius in blue)

Those things written above are regular visual realm identifications, since i started playing game (2 years ago).

Now, what you do:
lets say one Syrtian from pic 4 instead of his rank and clan name puts empty. What will show as visual realm ID? Nothing.
How can nothing show if we said:
when you meet enemy you see his name and:
a) his/her clan name and/or rank colored in realm color (pic 4) or
b) his/her realm name colored in realm color (Syrtis word in green, Ignis in red, Alsius in blue)Do you understand now? You just see enemy's name, like you see on your clanless realm mates. And you should see one of those 2 quoted above.
That means, you are abusing bug which allowed clan names and abbreviations start from 0-15+ instead 1-15, thus preventing your realm enemy to identify you on first sight with realm colored letters. He can sure find out truth when he clicks you and suprisingly finds out sphere is actually red and there is no realm color letters when he went with mouse over you. And he knows that only ppl from his realm doesn't have "visual realm id". Its same as using pet name \n.

If you don't see clan names of your realm mates, then its a bug that was "fixed" but maybe its stil around, really no idea.

06-03-2009, 05:51 PM
Exactly, your images are proving what i ve said.
Let me try explain:
-when you meet "ally", aka player from your realm, you just see his/her name (pic 1, 2 and3) and his/her clan name and/or rank.
-when you meet enemy you see his name and:
a) his/her clan name and/or rank colored in realm color (pic 4) or
b) his/her realm name colored in realm color (Syrtis word in green, Ignis in red, Alsius in blue)

Those things written above are regular visual realm identifications, since i started playing game (2 years ago).

Now, what you do:
lets say one Syrtian from pic 4 instead of his rank and clan name puts empty. What will show as visual realm ID? Nothing.
How can nothing show if we said:
Do you understand now? You just see enemy's name, like you see on your clanless realm mates. And you should see one of those 2 quoted above.
That means, you are abusing bug which allowed clan names and abbreviations start from 0-15+ instead 1-15, thus preventing your realm enemy to identify you on first sight with realm colored letters. He can sure find out truth when he clicks you and suprisingly finds out sphere is actually red and there is no realm color letters when he went with mouse over you. And he knows that only ppl from his realm doesn't have "visual realm id". Its same as using pet name \n.

If you don't see clan names of your realm mates, then its a bug that was "fixed" but maybe its stil around, really no idea.

Yes, I understand now...
Forgive my "ignorance" on the matter...
I see most people without clan names (if they have clan or not)
I see most enemy without clan names (if they have clan or not)

06-03-2009, 08:41 PM
I see most enemy without clan names (if they have clan or not)

No you don't. Only in the case they are abusing the same bug you were.

Clanless enemies: You see colored name of realm.
Clanless allies: You just see name.

Sometimes people with clan appear clanless.
An enemy in a clan that has void name, will appear as a clanless ally (visually), unless clicked on.

And that's all there is to it.

06-03-2009, 08:49 PM
Yes, it is a bug. Clans have names, and names are words. Since blank spaces and punctuation marks aren't considered words, it's a nameless name... Which is a paradox itself.

Is it "evil"? Not at all.

A clan without a name should not be shown as a blank space or void string. It should only show your realm, unless your rank has a non-blank character, in which case it should show only the rank.

Also, the "no clan shown" bug should be solved ASAP too. It's a really annoying bug.