06-06-2009, 11:55 PM
For most of this week, all trades have been going very slowly. Sometimes several minutes to complete. Today, Sat, I tried to do a trade, which locked both of the participants up. We both tried to cancel trade, but would not respond. Tried to log out character, would not log out... timer stuck at 20 sec. So, shut down Regnum Online. Now neither of us can log back into character (says "already in game!). Shut down, reboot computer, same problem. Shut off and unplugged router, same problem. I am able to log in with an alternate chaaracter, and my first character, as well as the one I was trading with, are still stuck, standing there en guarde. It has been over 1/2 hour, and we still have not been logged out for inactivity.
Please advise.
Please advise.