View Full Version : Language in account option

06-08-2009, 01:07 PM
I know that Dutch version is coming (or at least the web site and forum).
Now I discovered that the forum is now available in dutch, great news, but...
if my ip come from a country (Belgium) in wich we speak dutch, we also speak french and german here...
And everyone doesn't speak the three langages (or even only two).
I can Ask my way, buying some food, answer to phone in ducht.
But I'm unable to understand what means: "Antwoord verwerken" of "Voorbeeld van bericht" and other terms specific to internet in dutch.

Would it be possible to specify the language of the forum (and website) in preference account better than changing langage each time we come?


06-08-2009, 01:37 PM
Hello Duplo,

Of course, on the bottom part of the forum page, you have a language selector where you can choose English, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch and Swedish.

Regarding the website, unfortunately you can't and honestly we have never had such a request before but it's an interesting one nonetheless, that we might take a look at.


06-08-2009, 02:05 PM
Maybe it would also be a good idea to place a Dutch flag next to the flags in the upper-left corner at the forums to show it's available in Dutch.

EDIT: I find 'Antwoord Verwerken' a very ugly translation for Send. And why does the translation use 'Ga Advanced' as translation for going to the advanced editing mode?

06-08-2009, 04:53 PM

I think that you don't really understand what I want to say (or I didn't write what I want to say :D).

If you look in the User CP (User Control Panel), section "Settings & Options => Edit Options" at the bottom of the page there is:
Forum Language
Although the forum cannot translate the actual contents of messages, all the controls and help text can be shown to you in any of the following languages.
Forum Language:

I choose English. But when I log in, the forum is in dutch...
In my first post I didn't realize that the option already exist because I just "clik" on the us flag.
What I mean is why when I log in, the forum is not in english like in my preferences/option?
Why do I must at every connexion change the langage?
