View Full Version : Oh my gawd, i only went to sleep..

06-17-2009, 08:26 AM
Im totally fucked off. Exactly how many ignis were kicked from the server whilst invasion went on ? Becos unless i need my eyes testing there were plenty of Ignis by the gate, on the gate, in the gate.See as i hear...only a few ignis got kicked...5...apparently Is this true NGD ?
...does that really constitute taking back the gem we worked so hard for...i mean the fact that ignis..took the alsius gems and hid them again, is that fair..shudnt those gems be given back to Alsius ???? As Anpu has pointed out before Invasions and their rules are messy and crap. What am i lvling to 50 for..to take part more in war, ...but when this kind of bullshit happens it just makes me want to quit.

One syrtian, is not all the syrtians. Why punish us all?

Either way Syrtis fought bloody well last night, bug or no bug. Now this has happened it will make us all the more determined.

Dont give up Syrtis, weve been doing awesome in war, its only a matter of time now.

Now all i ask is an actual response Kailer please. Syrtis wants answers please.
Maybe it might have been an idea to..i dont know investigate more..before you just handed back the gem we took. We all take the invasions serious, it makes this game..playable. Just handing it back with explanation, whats the deal with that?

One more thing this is not a "whine" thread, so dont you dare flame me in that way.

p.s Sorry for the excess swearing...im too pissed off to articulate properly :(

06-17-2009, 08:33 AM
Its reasons like this swearing was made for :p

tbh I think that punishing the entire realm for one assholes messing around is rather unfair, there have been reports of this going on in Alsius and Syrtis as well so I doubt its just one systis only player doing to try and invade. Its likely another mass hacker like we had a few months ago.

Personaly I think syrtis earned those gems and at the very least should be given one of the gems Ignis held at the time.

Also yes as said before the rules for invasions are a mess, hiding in citys for example makes the gem near as impossible to get, the city guards should be made weaker, also its near impossible for many to fight in a city becuase of lag.

06-17-2009, 08:35 AM
I completely agree with Gwyn. This sucks!
I ask for Kailer for an explanation.

06-17-2009, 08:52 AM
Aye but the thing is Jord, we wont get one, no matter how much we rant and rale, Why ?, is one the most fundamental questions of the human race.

An explanation is all we ask for NGD

06-17-2009, 09:03 AM
One syrtian, is not all the syrtians. Why punish us all?

Because NGD did this in the past and it changes nothing, in this sense when everyone is punished it makes more people think away from stupid ideas like this. Or at least this is NGD's logic, I don't agree with it. But its the same in Ignis for the greedy little bastard who glitched Daen Rha and killed it. Now all of Ignis doesn't have it. Its the same as Red Army logic, if one man deserts the whole division is executed.

Invasions are stupid, end of story.

06-17-2009, 09:42 AM
We had some sort of chat-tab bug going on last night, i crashed about 2 mins before gate was vunerable, came back on and tryed hard to defend against first zerg... i have never seen so many syrts in all the time i played the game, the lag was majestic... fps about 1 every 2 secs... i crashed again, came back, and adjusted graphic settings, then we awaited the 2nd wave.. while switching between chat tabs i crashed again... when i managed to come back for the 3rd time the gate was down... thankfully our clan has mumble so i stopped using chat and warned others who had also suffered crashes. I think we were lucky that we only lost one gem considering being outnumbered by about 3-1. Good effort syrts but i think you may be the ones who feel a sense of failure due to the fact your advantage didnt fully pay off.

Many of us Ignis suffered crashes last night, unlike crashes we have ever had before... i hope the error reports are looked into. Regards.

06-17-2009, 09:54 AM
Well, I only crashed 2 times after dying. I hadn't a problem with the chat.

As far as I understand, Syrtis lost the gem cause the gem carrier glitched through the wall.

Anyway it was a nice battle. 70 Syrtis against 40 Ignis. Yes, we carried the Alsius gems away, after defeating the carriers, but I think that's ok. It's quite hard to catch people carrieng a gem.

06-17-2009, 09:55 AM
Well, we all crashed when you were on the gate, luckly we were able to get online just after. You killed the first door without us online, do you think is it fair ?
I can accept lag cause everyone experience it, but the client crashing due to an abuser is not fair.


06-17-2009, 10:08 AM
Invasions are stupid, end of story.

Not stupid, they give people something to do..its the only thing(apart from the usual stuff, fort wars and hunting) that we can do..NGD needs some new ideas to keep us entertained..cos invasions are going to become a big fat FAIL..Yeah i understand why they were implemented...i just think imo..they were not properly thought out at all. Should stuff like this really happen if it had....i think not.

You killed the first door without us online, do you think is it fair ?

Without you online..i beg your pardon..so all the ignis i saw at the gate ...the 1st gate..that was a figment of my imagination and everyone else on syrtis..?

I can accept lag cause everyone experience it, but the client crashing due to an abuser is not fair.

The lagg was just tremendous :/ Invasions=lagg..i had that horrible "stutter" lagg as i call it :(
Why didnt NGD factor all this when invasions were first thought of....?

06-17-2009, 10:19 AM
Without you online..i beg your pardon..so all the ignis i saw at the gate ...the 1st gate..that was a figment of my imagination and everyone else on syrtis..?

Well, maybe not all of us clicked realm tab. But still, when you broke the first door, lots of us weren't able to be there. It cannot be fair.

06-17-2009, 10:41 AM
You know why? Because that 1 person directly affected the outcome of our yesterday's invasion attempt. That's why. God, this game has turned into such a shitstorm.

06-17-2009, 10:46 AM
You know why? Because that 1 person directly affected the outcome of our yesterday's invasion attempt. That's why. God, this game has turned into such a shitstorm.

Excuse me i really hope your not trying to say..that the only reason we were successful in our invasion attempt and got a gem was because of this one person?

06-17-2009, 10:49 AM
Excuse me i really hope your not trying to say..that the only reason we were successful in our invasion attempt and got a gem was because of this one person?

That's exactly what I said, no need to act like you don't know it as well.

06-17-2009, 10:49 AM
Excuse me i really hope your not trying to say..that the only reason we were successful in our invasion attempt and got a gem was because of this one person?
Keep looking for a reality that doesn't exist. You are so pompous in defending something you will throw any story you can to make it look like something it isn't.

06-17-2009, 10:59 AM
Two words total bullshit

Wondering how long it would take for you to start attacking me edge...and man is it getting old.

Despite what both of you say...Syrtis did fucking good last night.

As for being pompous

1. foolishly dignified or self-important,
2. foolishly grand in style, a pompous speech,

FAIL..go pick on someone else edge

Oh and still no reply from NGD..for an actual account as to what happened.

06-17-2009, 11:05 AM
Save your sermon for someone who cares. I don't pick on anyone, you clearly have an obsession. I'm trying to show you a different side to a story but you have your head shoved so far that you are ignorant to everything.

Just try to listen for once in your life. I did not say Syrtis did not fight well, but you are defending nothing, get over it. Its one gem, if you are indeed so great you can do it again. I don't think anyone cares how much sweat you poured over it, or even if you lost a finger last night, if a plane gets canceled at an airport you're lucky to get a refund, if a concert is canceled the same thing. It applies to this as well,

Whether you knew or did not know what was going on yesterday you still cannot accept that as an official invasion.

06-17-2009, 11:07 AM

Have a read of that if you havent already. Regards G

06-17-2009, 11:09 AM
The gem stolen using this exploit has been returned to its realm.
And the exploiter has been banned.

Plain as day.

06-17-2009, 11:10 AM
You know why? Because that 1 person directly affected the outcome of our yesterday's invasion attempt. That's why. God, this game has turned into such a shitstorm.

And all we can hope for is that this does not happen again for any Realms, it defeats the object of the game, i personally would be screwing if it was someone in our Realm that did it and we lost out.. but all we can hope for is that we never see the like of it again. Regards G

06-17-2009, 11:16 AM
ok then I crashed twice last night both times at the gate in the middle of attacking something i have never done before. Does that mean that i was abused into crashing.......... i dont think so.

I would like to hear NGDs version on this shit storm and tell us why exactly if it was one person who did it why they weren't the ones punished instead of the entire realm.

IMO contradictory to NC's statements we would have Invaded without any bug/hack. We did well last night and it was one of the best invasions i've fought in, I just think its sad that it all had to boil down to this.

06-17-2009, 11:18 AM
IMO contradictory to NC's statements we would have Invaded without any bug/hack. We did well last night and it was one of the best invasions i've fought in, I just think its sad that it all had to boil down to this.

Ditto, babe :)

06-17-2009, 11:22 AM
ok then I crashed twice last night both times at the gate in the middle of attacking something i have never done before. Does that mean that i was abused into crashing.......... i dont think so.

I would like to hear NGDs version on this shit storm and tell us why exactly if it was one person who did it why they weren't the ones punished instead of the entire realm.

IMO contradictory to NC's statements we would have Invaded without any bug/hack. We did well last night and it was one of the best invasions i've fought in, I just think its sad that it all had to boil down to this.
I guess we'll never know whether or not you could invade without the hack. Either way, shit happens, get over it and move on.

06-17-2009, 12:59 PM
ok then I crashed twice last night both times at the gate in the middle of attacking something i have never done before. Does that mean that i was abused into crashing.......... i dont think so.

I would like to hear NGDs version on this shit storm and tell us why exactly if it was one person who did it why they weren't the ones punished instead of the entire realm.

IMO contradictory to NC's statements we would have Invaded without any bug/hack. We did well last night and it was one of the best invasions i've fought in, I just think its sad that it all had to boil down to this.

The malicious string doesn't make you crash, it freezes your client so you have to terminate it. Whether you choose to believe in its existence or not is entirely irrelevant, if you had been playing Ignis you would have seen your log go nuts from people dropping and logging on. This was clearly stated by a dev, but if you truly can't accept that this happened, simply because you yourself didn't crash, then there's no reasoning with you.

It's rather pointless to speculate in 'what if' scenarios, you might have broken the gate legitimately, you might not have. That too is entirely irrelevant, because the fact at hand is you did break it, and yet you failed at taking a gem and bringing it out through the gate. It was carried over the wall in safety, without fear of dying trying to run it through the gate area. Surely you must realize the implications of this.

06-17-2009, 01:43 PM
Hi Community,

I've been observing to Horus activity as I regularly do. I was a little worried about how things are turning for the whole community and I must say that now I'm even scared.

How so? It's true that there are bugs, exploits, lag, positioning errors. New engine, coming releases... they will provide solutions. I could be wasting some lines to say that "hey, we are working hard", but you already know so. The point is that the actual English community "atmosphere" is a bit foggy and spooky.

We know that these things piss off most of the players, but it comes to me as a responsibility to point out that there's a trend that makes users complain overreacting (no offense intended and not only this case in particular) and fight against each other "just because".

Please, let me repeat that we are aware of the problem, we accept our responsibility and will continue accepting your complaints (those which are put respectfully) but we will, by no means, accept that this negative attitude takes over our community's spirit.

So, in a few words I would like to invite you to think about it. Do not discuss it with me, or with other community members... but with yourselves. Form your OWN opinion and expose it here. I always appreciate a lot when someone grabs own feelings and converts them into a thoughtful opinion, and not because I like to read and feel cozy about it... it's because I enjoy people not only playing, but also forming themselves as persons and make friends. You have a lot to win here, take advantage of it.


06-17-2009, 01:50 PM
We had some sort of chat-tab bug going on last night, i crashed about 2 mins before gate was vunerable, came back on and tryed hard to defend against first zerg... i have never seen so many syrts in all the time i played the game, the lag was majestic... fps about 1 every 2 secs... i crashed again, came back, and adjusted graphic settings, then we awaited the 2nd wave.. while switching between chat tabs i crashed again... when i managed to come back for the 3rd time the gate was down... thankfully our clan has mumble so i stopped using chat and warned others who had also suffered crashes.

And you think you were the only one with lag? I am playing on a really uber machine (4GB of RAM DDR3, 2x2,5Ghz CPU, graphic card with 512 of own DDR3 memory and 1 GB stolen one, where the system and all other apps besides regnum uses 200 mb of ram and 3% of CPU - fully optimized icc recompiled Slackware + 8 Mbit cable connection), and how many FPS I had in SAFE MODE on? Four. Everything was jumping.

I think we were lucky that we only lost one gem considering being outnumbered by about 3-1. Good effort syrts but i think you may be the ones who feel a sense of failure due to the fact your advantage didnt fully pay off.

Many of us Ignis suffered crashes last night, unlike crashes we have ever had before... i hope the error reports are looked into.

And why we did not took advantage of our numbers?
1. Terrible, epic lag during the whole invasion (I was so happy when I got 7 fps when we passed the wall).
2. Ignis hiding gems.

I bet if under this conditions invasions are even possible.

If you NGD have a problems with your network infrastructure, I may provide you a decent machine on a decent connection. ;-)

And if your programmers has problems with sanitising strings that client passess to server (epic, control characters parsing bug that was probably used on the realm chat, that is not fixed since I started to play the game in February, it cries for hacks), how to sanitize messages before parsing them is on like page 34 on C manual, I may provide you a programmer for help. ;)

Kailer, it not pissed us off that you have bugs in your software, it pissed us off you took our well earned gem.


06-17-2009, 02:03 PM
to my understanding syrtis invaded, broke the gate, both sides fought, no biggie, someone from syrtis got to the gems, took one and "jumped" over the wall, of course no one knows this so everyone is pissed at each other and busy pointing fingers. However it really sucks that the gem was not taken fairly because it was such a cool playing night, now it's just a disappointment.

Anyway though, There was no string or bug uses in the invasion attempt at the gate and no one from our team noticed something unusual on the other side (like the whole ignitian resistance crashing?) I know how it looks when the string is used to crash people and I saw nothing of that, it would have been weird and noticable even for someone who haven't seen it before, people were already crashing, lagging and freezing without hte string.

Yesterdays invasion attempt well pretty well at the gate, no gem was stolen but we managed to get through with full guardpatrol and an ignis zerg (well done)

06-17-2009, 02:04 PM
Jumped over the wall??? Who, how, where? ;-)


06-17-2009, 02:04 PM
Actually, what pissed me off is that hard work of many has been ruined by stupidity of one. I'd rather if syrtis hasn't invaded then doing it in this foul way. It was low enough of the person who did it to freeze ignis, even lower of him to glitch the gems out of the realm after the gate has been broken. Fact is, most syrtis posting and justifying here with "oh well everyone had lag" knew about what has happened since the moment we got the gem and those same people were today crashing each other with the problematic string when (noticed with my friend list going ballistic when I logged in to the game).

06-17-2009, 02:13 PM

Im pissed at this person for starting this mess in the first place and ruining the ligit hard work that many players put in to the invasion.

Im also Pissed at everyone else though for these threads, I think I need a break from the forum its like a 24/7 hate crime between realms, most of the time based only on the fact that instead of clicking "Syrtis" at the start screen they clicked "Ignis" how evil!!

PS, Nc you quit?

06-17-2009, 02:23 PM
Actually, what pissed me off is that hard work of many has been ruined by stupidity of one. I'd rather if syrtis hasn't invaded then doing it in this foul way. It was low enough of the person who did it to freeze ignis, even lower of him to glitch the gems out of the realm after the gate has been broken. Fact is, most syrtis posting and justifying here with "oh well everyone had lag" knew about what has happened since the moment we got the gem and those same people were today crashing each other with the problematic string when (noticed with my friend list going ballistic when I logged in to the game).

I think thats the fairest comment i have ever seen you post here... +1 to you+ respect too. G

06-17-2009, 02:28 PM
PS, Nc you quit?

nope, just on a pause till ngd3d v2.0. after that i'll decide (if it's gonna be a shitstorm like it is so far, then no point in playing ro anymore). and in any case, have to study, crunch time @ college so no time to spend playing games.

06-17-2009, 02:32 PM
And you think you were the only one with lag? I am playing on a really uber machine (4GB of RAM DDR3, 2x2,5Ghz CPU, graphic card with 512 of own DDR3 memory and 1 GB stolen one, where the system and all other apps besides regnum uses 200 mb of ram and 3% of CPU - fully optimized icc recompiled Slackware + 8 Mbit cable connection), and how many FPS I had in SAFE MODE on? Four. Everything was jumping.

And why we did not took advantage of our numbers?
1. Terrible, epic lag during the whole invasion (I was so happy when I got 7 fps when we passed the wall).
2. Ignis hiding gems.

I bet if under this conditions invasions are even possible.

If you NGD have a problems with your network infrastructure, I may provide you a decent machine on a decent connection. ;-)

And if your programmers has problems with sanitising strings that client passess to server (epic, control characters parsing bug that was probably used on the realm chat, that is not fixed since I started to play the game in February, it cries for hacks), how to sanitize messages before parsing them is on like page 34 on C manual, I may provide you a programmer for help. ;)

Kailer, it not pissed us off that you have bugs in your software, it pissed us off you took our well earned gem.


Smiles... Ok firstly i NEVER stated i am the only one with Lag, i mean come on, if you are here to nitpick at least do it with some substance !! and secondly... when i did have 5 mins of trouble free gaming after you had breached into our beautiful realm, me and my clan stuck with mumble as we knew there was something wrong with main chat,general chat. As a result of this we managed to catch the syrt with a gem and retrieve it... as for hiding it... "Rolls-eyes" perhaps you would have liked us to bring it out into WZ... and the person holding it to stand alone while you killed and took it ??!!!

To protect gem in a way that does not infringe game rules once retrieved is what we did as a clan, would you have done the same ?

And as for the slating of the game, you need to look further at the people-person who make it their aim to look for exploits in games online, i have experenced this in other mmorpgs, and quite simply it spoils everything as you know...

Acceptance is key in order to move on from this, or will you continue to pick at the wound, reopening the scar... the choice is of course yours.

Regards G

06-17-2009, 02:38 PM
I did not meant to attack you in any way. I rather used your quotes to point to NGD some problems they should solve.

And yes, hidding the game theoreticaly doesn't breach any rules, however it shouldn't be allowed if you have just half an hour to find a gem and transport it back.

It is a bit offtopic, but for now, invasion mechanics is in my opinion broken, because of many reasons.


06-17-2009, 02:43 PM
Just me who misses when forts were pointless we played for fun there was little inter realm hate and no raging arguments about invasion?

When you took something for fun, not to open up a broken lag fest?

Back when you could call someone a smelly goat beardless dwarf or gay tree humping hippy without starting a flame war?

Yeah I pretty much voiced this opinion on realm chat and was accused of being a Ignis spy.. wth...

06-17-2009, 02:46 PM
Just me who misses when forts were pointless we played for fun there was little inter realm hate and no raging arguments about invasion?

When you took something for fun, not to open up a broken lag fest?

Back when you could call someone a smelly goat beardless dwarf or gay tree humping hippy without starting a flame war?

A-fucking-men! Yes! Absolutely!

Those were the golden times of RO.. But now...

Invasions really have ruined the game. I wish they'd release a server which was without invasions. :(

06-17-2009, 02:47 PM
yeah i miss pre invasions regnum a great deal. especially the early horus days. not much people but at least you knew who you were playing with (and against) :D

06-17-2009, 02:49 PM
One stupidity to fuck up all.
What Nightchill said, I sign too.
I didn't know till this morning, how gem went out. I saw gem carrier at limite, on my way back to gate. I thought all was legal.
If nothing, nice fights all, at Shaa, Meni, gate and PB.

06-17-2009, 02:52 PM
Just me who misses when forts were pointless we played for fun there was little inter realm hate and no raging arguments about invasion?

When you took something for fun, not to open up a broken lag fest?

Back when you could call someone a smelly goat beardless dwarf or gay tree humping hippy without starting a flame war?

Yeah I pretty much voiced this opinion on realm chat and was accused of being a Ignis spy.. wth...

I wonder if the spanish are dealing with the same sort of thing.

06-17-2009, 02:53 PM
Just me who misses when forts were pointless we played for fun there was little inter realm hate and no raging arguments about invasion?

When you took something for fun, not to open up a broken lag fest?

Back when you could call someone a smelly goat beardless dwarf or gay tree humping hippy without starting a flame war?

Yeah I pretty much voiced this opinion on realm chat and was accused of being a Ignis spy.. wth...


I've been saying that Horus wasn't ready for Invasions to begin with. Now all of the flaws of the system have pretty much been exposed (although, who knows what other broken garbage NGD will decide to introduce). Whats the quickest way to ruin a gaming community? Force them to hate each other in-game....

Invasions are just a broken (and immensely un-fun) mechanic added to an equally broken game.

06-17-2009, 02:53 PM
We go offtopic here but...

Invasions would be alot more fun if were fixed, and if we could have larger parties with the possibility to create allied forces, maybe it would bring some flavour to the game when the players could work as mercenaries etc., if we had cities in warzone as well as more complicated forts/castless, dungeons etc., and if game balancing would be less about nerfing and more about ol' good rpg rules (I mean the rules of playing, those who play paper RPG or old CRPGS knows).


06-17-2009, 03:07 PM
Whats the quickest way to ruin a gaming community? Force them to hate each other in-game....


There was none of the flame wars like there are today pre-1.0. It was a much happier time, everyone was so much more relaxed.

Sure there was dislike between realms, I mean, if there wasn't any sense of "Patriotism" and fightning for your realm, and therefore rivalry with the other realms, then we might as well all go play scrabble.

So regarding the recent Horus invasion mishap, and the "punish everyone for the fault of one person" thing.. I don;t think that, that strategy is going to work. There will always be arseholes would don't care, and will look to fuck up the game for anyone they can, no matter the cost. But as to what to do instead? I don't know. Take away invasions!!!!!!!!!!! :P

06-17-2009, 03:10 PM
Just me who misses when forts were pointless we played for fun there was little inter realm hate and no raging arguments about invasion?

When you took something for fun, not to open up a broken lag fest?

Back when you could call someone a smelly goat beardless dwarf or gay tree humping hippy without starting a flame war?

Yeah I pretty much voiced this opinion on realm chat and was accused of being a Ignis spy.. wth...

You mean the days when a fort/castle could be captured without half the realm screaming in fear and running around like tiny ants across the map?

P.S: You're a spy who invayds @ nite nub

06-17-2009, 03:11 PM
Just me who misses when forts were pointless we played for fun there was little inter realm hate and no raging arguments about invasion?

When you took something for fun, not to open up a broken lag fest?

Back when you could call someone a smelly goat beardless dwarf or gay tree humping hippy without starting a flame war?

Yeah I pretty much voiced this opinion on realm chat and was accused of being a Ignis spy.. wth...+1..
I wonder if the spanish are dealing with the same sort of thing.We do have big lags during invasions, but RA seems to have way better hardware than Horus so we don't suffer from it that much.

I am not reading the Spanish forums, so I cannot tell what kind of discussions are going on there, but I can tell from my experience in-game that people seem to take the game less serious.
Not in the regard that they don't care about performing good, but that in the end it's only a game and that it should be treated as such.

06-17-2009, 03:20 PM
BTW anyone has actualy seen that our gem carrier jumped over the wall? Because as far as I know, the gem was returned because someone used the bug that crashed or frozen part of clients.


06-17-2009, 03:22 PM
BTW anyone has actualy seen that our gem carrier jumped over the wall? Because as far as I know, the gem was returned because someone used the bug that crashed or frozen part of clients.

Can this just be given a rest please :p ?

Surak even said they caught the abuser, I think NGD knows what they were saying when they said that.

06-17-2009, 03:30 PM
Well I am just curious, what exactly happened (if one jumped over the wall or crashed the people at the wall).


06-17-2009, 03:48 PM
hmm as many folks from igland have said that the bug was done on their realm chat. so how can it be the same person as the gem carrier? but surak states that someone has been banned? bet ya any money it was not the iggy who caused his realm brothers to crash

06-17-2009, 03:50 PM
I think it is BS with that jumping over the wall. If someone was capable to do that, we would have all gems in first 10 minutes and open the portal.
Anyway, as curious by nature, I would like to know if this is Bobby Table bug or jumping one. ;-)


06-17-2009, 03:51 PM
Can this just be given a rest please :p ?

Surak even said they caught the abuser, I think NGD knows what they were saying when they said that.
what's wrong with wanting to know :), some claim to see the gem that was taken from ignis and taken to syrtis was done fair through the gate

some of the gems were taken but retrieved and it could have been one who took those who jumped over the wall.

It's not like I didn't have fun but it's nice to know what the hell happened

I think it is BS with that jumping over the wall. If someone was capable to do that, we would have all gems in first 10 minutes and open the portal.


it's more using the stairs to bug over the wall

06-17-2009, 04:20 PM
there's actually a jump script for regnum, just youtube for it, it's in one of those countless hack vids.

06-17-2009, 04:23 PM
there's actually a jump script for regnum, just youtube for it, it's in one of those countless hack vids.

I know there is

06-17-2009, 04:23 PM
One stupidity to fuck up all.
What Nightchill said, I sign too.
I didn't know till this morning, how gem went out. I saw gem carrier at limite, on my way back to gate. I thought all was legal.
If nothing, nice fights all, at Shaa, Meni, gate and PB.

Same here, pretty much. I didn't even see the gem carrier at all actually. I just heard they made it back inside safely, which was quite a surprise for me seeing there was about 40 ignis camping the gate.

Anyway, nice fights.

06-17-2009, 04:53 PM
So, even if he used the stairs from inside (I thought it was some bug that you could jump over the wall at any location), it doesn't matter much for the invasion result -
there were ignis everywhere - in front of their gate, behind their gate and at syrtis gate - I was a witness of it.

Anyway good job Syrtis, it was great, especially that it was spontaneus. I was actually suprised that we did that with such horrible lag and freezes.


06-17-2009, 04:56 PM
So, even if he used the stairs from inside (I thought it was some bug that you could jump over the wall at any location), it doesn't matter much for the invasion result -
there were ignis everywhere - in front of their gate, behind their gate and at syrtis gate - I was a witness of it.


Just drop it :p Its over with and the gem isnt going to be given to syrtis because of some inspired posts on the forum, leave it in the past and try again (though I suggest not trying again after this fiasco :p)

06-17-2009, 05:02 PM
(though I suggest not trying again after this fiasco :p)

Rawrr! Down with invasions!! :devil:

06-17-2009, 05:18 PM
Rawrr! Down with invasions!! :devil:

Servers can hardly deal with it on Horus, on Ra a full invasion would melt NGD studios, its full of holes in the "rules" its buggy and only fules realm hate, if it were up to me they would be gone in a second, but NGD is a buissness, and I dont think their partners would like the scrapping it untill it works effectively.

06-17-2009, 05:19 PM
Faith if you are no interested about the topic just don't read it, and don't post in there, not telll other people to drop it, as Heinlein said: "freedom of speech includes the right to not listen if not interested". :-P

While, no matter if we get gem back or not it is very interesting matter.


06-17-2009, 05:27 PM
As above

Im trying to save you time and hassle, NGD dont care what you are writing, as far as they are concerned its delt with and they have moved on, most players are over it as well, Id stop picking at the scab of this mess before you break through and make is bleed again, translation: start a flame war.

Both sides had lags frezzing and crashing, Ignis however came off worse because of the bug abuse used by (X) player. Fair is fair and even if syrtis dont like it the gem was (at the finish line) taken via bugs/hacks so even though the rest of the invasion was ligit it was spoiled at the end, so there is no way to know we would have got that gem without the hacks.

06-17-2009, 05:36 PM
after all, we all have our roots in Africa.