View Full Version : Movement to Populate Horus

06-18-2009, 11:18 PM
English speakers of RA....hear my call :) (How cheesy)

Horus needs our help. Leave your death lag on RA behind and start playing on Horus. Together we can all make Horus an amazing server full of many many fort wars. We all remember RA a year ago and how AMAZING our fort fights were. I think if we all put an effort fort...just a few days a week we could populate the server quite nicely and have nice active fights. If you are met with "jerks" on Horus...trust me they are the minority...not the majority.

Wudy....level your damn hunter!

06-18-2009, 11:24 PM

if the die hard english moved to horus! there wouldnt be any problems

Ra and horus would both be populated

Ra wouldnt be over populated to the point where going near a rock crashes you ^^

things would be much better!

come on give 1 final grind on Horus!

06-18-2009, 11:35 PM
Ra wouldnt be over populated to the point where going near a rock crashes you ^^Have you ever played on RA?
Since when did population have anything to do with crash frequency?

For my part, I see no reason why I should move to Horus.
I have anything I could ever wish at RA, so why would I wish Horus to become a more active server?
It would not gain me at all, there is no reason why I should go there at all.

There are many reasons for me to stay on RA though, like friends, big open field battles from time to time and my clan.

06-18-2009, 11:38 PM
think ra players are too busy riding high on elitist tide thinking they're too good for horus and too lazy to level again. and anyway, why should they join horus when most of them mostly just spit on it. horus is populated enough, has a nice community, syrtis can rally up in an instant, as well as ignis. only alsius are tits and they prefer to grind instead of war.

06-18-2009, 11:39 PM
Thank you Comp!

If we get support, we don't mind losing. As they say "It's better to have played and lost than not have played at all"

If you guys spend sometime on Horus, I think things will change for the better. We noobs will learn and apply.

As a noob, I promise:

1. No matter what character I am levelling I will be at a fort that is taken (Halt all grind)
2. No matter how many enemies are at the fort I will not log off or go away grinding. I will fight till the fort is ours again
3. No matter what I will not fail to listen to experienced players like Lust, Comp, Backe, Knev, Ares, etc.

PS: Note to Alsius RA vets. Please do not do what Znurre did, please join Alsius because we need you the most

06-18-2009, 11:39 PM
i played ra nearly fresh out of beta and i check in the odd time

sadly my old account is disabled

but i got a low lvl character on ra ile check in sometimes fort wars can be torture with that lag

06-19-2009, 12:05 AM
Have you ever played on RA?
Since when did population have anything to do with crash frequency?

For my part, I see no reason why I should move to Horus.
I have anything I could ever wish at RA, so why would I wish Horus to become a more active server?
It would not gain me at all, there is no reason why I should go there at all.

There are many reasons for me to stay on RA though, like friends, big open field battles from time to time and my clan.

Znurre - it's not an all or nothing move though...that's the beauty. I hope not all share the same sentiment. The beauty of moving to Horus is that...you won't have to be lvl 50 to make a HUGE impact. Making it to lvl 42'ish would benefit the server GREATLY. Many of the friends I made that were spanish speaking don't really play anymore and many of the new one's I don't know. I guess since I don't know/understand spanish nor have the time to commit to learn the language (although I'd like to) I'm more apt to want to play Horus. The major reason I stay on RA is for the likes of you (znurre), Inkster, Twink, Wudy, and a few others.

Just think of the battles we could have on Horus...it would be just like it was on RA over a year ago. Decent (but not HUGE) fort battles, etc. I think it would be fun and would be an alternate to the lag from RA.

06-19-2009, 12:15 AM
Making it to lvl 42'ish would benefit the server GREATLY.I agree with this, but the question here is: why would I like to help the Horus population at all when my general opinion is that the servers should be merged as once was the case?Many of the friends I made that were spanish speaking don't really play anymore and many of the new one's I don't know. I guess since I don't know/understand spanish nor have the time to commit to learn the language (although I'd like to) I'm more apt to want to play Horus.I still know plenty of nice people.
Listing them all would probably fill 30 lines.
Just think of the battles we could have on Horus...it would be just like it was on RA over a year ago. Decent (but not HUGE) fort battles, etc. I think it would be fun and would be an alternate to the lag from RA.I have seen what fort battles on Horus means - and sadly I must say, imo they are worse than those on RA nowadays (if possible).
I don't have any lags at RA most of the time, except for the lag the last 5 days which is really a big exception and the position lag, which is also haunting Horus.

The only thing that would make me consider moving/playing at another server at all, would be a pre 1.0 server or a no-invasion server.
Then I would gladly buy Xim to get to lvl 50 asap and play there.

For now, there is no reason for me and many others to move to Horus except helping the people already playing there.
I use my Ignis/Horus account maybe 5 times/month, even tho its usage had a peak now during the lags on RA.

06-19-2009, 12:26 AM
+1 Comp!

I agree pretty much wholeheartedly. For me, there was no choice in moving to Horus. I was one of few that wanted to be "firmly glued to Ra", but with the Inquisition and the GoP basically leaving overnight, it left me with no other option. I think at this point, a very large majority of non-Spanish speaking Syrtis/Ra has left for Horus (sorry Southern Philly, Zaul-en-stein, GG's etc).

I see (and get killed by) lots of people that are from Ra on a regular basis, and everytime it happens, I feel grateful. I do miss a lot of folks from Ra however, but sadly, as I have said before, most of these people have quit.

I guess what I really want, is for this game to return to its no-frills, "trash-talking" (but with respect), RvR, and PvP status of old. Call me sentimental, I don't really care.:drinks:

only alsius are tits and they prefer to grind instead of war.
You can eat my junk, mate. :wiggle14:

The only thing that would make me consider moving/playing at another server at all, would be a pre 1.0 server or a no-invasion server.
Then I would gladly buy Xim to get to lvl 50 asap and play there.
I would move to any server that supported this

06-19-2009, 02:35 AM
always seems nightchill is the first to promote elitsm, when i dont think anyone has mentioned it. how can you say with such certainty that theres no jerks on Horus, when one just posts a few above about how we all must be elitest not to join horus :)

as for me, i probaly would consider but, i have no xim, and with the changes NGD made to the mobs, xp, resists and evades, i dont see sloughing thru it again just to be called some sorta elitest who thinks theyre better just because theyre from another server. call me lazy if you'd like, but ive grinded enough.

I wouldnt mind if NGD actually cared about the english community and not about their money. they could solve this underpop issue by letting us english join the english..and dont give me no bullcrap about how ngd needs their money to maintain and make this a better game..i have sunk in more money for this "free" mmorpg than i have done for most paying games..and what do i have to show for it? lags? server crashes, unplayable melee classes?

the majority of the reason why i stay is because of friends (and no, new friends who speak english dont justify me leaving my old ones, i dont think of friends so casually) and the not wanting to grind again. besides NGD doesnt accept my CC no more..id be glad to at least "try" on Horus part time if i ever got it working..but sadly none of mine work..work fine for other games tho..go figure.

06-19-2009, 06:02 AM
.... yes, as long as you can understand French.

06-19-2009, 06:34 AM
I think at this point, a very large majority of non-Spanish speaking Syrtis/Ra has left for Horus (sorry Southern Philly, Zaul-en-stein, GG's etc).

I tried Horus...... i was called "grandma" by an 12 year old, and another kid told me that anyone over 25 should not be allowed to play computer games :/
Personally it is better for me to not be able to understand the chat.... what i did read was so juvenile and it made me crazy....

Grind another PJ to 50... HELL NO! Southern Filly would have never made it to 50 without the help of some very good friends of mine who gifted me some xim...... Call me lazy if you want but why go to the trouble to make another Southern Filly on Horus when i have a 50 already on Ra? :S

I just want Ra to be back the way it was, it is impossible to play right now with the lag and from what i understand, Horus has the issue also. Please NGD show us that you are aware of the issue and are working on it. I lowered my settings as much as i could and it had no effect.

I miss the people who are leaving for Horus but most of my friends are here on Ra.... Good luck to Horus but im staying "home".

06-19-2009, 06:37 AM
Comp, doors of my clan BLizzard Force are always opened for you and Wudy. BTW, Wudy has been already joined =) I don`t know what is with Head Hunters Clan now. So I invite you to my one.

BTW, do you have plans about creating own clan on Horus?

06-19-2009, 07:22 AM
think ra players are too busy riding high on elitist tide thinking they're too good for horus and too lazy to level again. and anyway, why should they join horus when most of them mostly just spit on it. horus is populated enough, has a nice community, syrtis can rally up in an instant, as well as ignis. only alsius are tits and they prefer to grind instead of war.

Exactly the kind of behaviour that stoped me leveling on Horus. Yes I'm too lazy I know but 3 level 20s on horus and each time the same kind of talk make me log off for months.

Thanks for showing exactly my point.

06-19-2009, 07:37 AM
When ENglish Alsius at Ra dies, I'll be moving to Tyr.

06-19-2009, 08:22 AM
Together we can all make Horus an amazing server full of many many fort wars.

You still belive in that? On what basis?

06-19-2009, 09:11 AM
You still belive in that? On what basis?

Fluffy, I lost my belive in that. That is why I came on Ra.
BTW, have you return to Ra too?

06-19-2009, 09:20 AM
Solarus has a point, if English players have the choice to shift their characters over to Horus, then Horus will be like old-school Ra. Of course not all English players will move over which is perfectly fine, but it wouldnt half help the Horus situation.
And believe me, the community in Horus isnt as bad as you think. Of course you get the noobs like you do on any server, but 99% of noobs tend to quit due to the grind fest and because they are lazy. Plus, you forget the /ignore action. ;)
I wouldnt judge Horus by first reactions, its actually a pretty decent server. :)

06-19-2009, 09:39 AM
You can eat my junk, mate.

you know it's true :D
Please play in RA for atleast 6 months before you speak again stupid.

i don't need to, it's enough that i see some of them on irc and forums trying to act so above horus (as it's probably enough motivation for them not to go to horus after they see all the horus flame wars on forums)

always seems nightchill is the first to promote elitsm, when i dont think anyone has mentioned it. how can you say with such certainty that theres no jerks on Horus, when one just posts a few above about how we all must be elitest not to join horus

i didn't say there aren't jerks on horus, i simply implied on a most decent possible way that lots of you guys are even bigger jerks. sorry if my words were too complicated for you to understand.

Thanks for showing exactly my point.
glad to help

06-19-2009, 10:18 AM
If ngd will continue developing this game the way the do now we will never see a bright future for it. Somewhy I dont care.

06-19-2009, 10:25 AM
shifting would be a nice to have option. But it wouldn't make the game better.

06-19-2009, 12:09 PM
You still belive in that? On what basis?


Players can choose to invade or not to invade. I choose not to get involved in an invasion...but I will run bridge blocking for the fun of it. All invasions are....lag fests....that's it - they suck.

Now I believe that if we put forth an effort to make Horus fun we'd succeed. Coordinated PvP matches, coordinated open field battles, etc. The reason it would works is simply because everyone speaks english there and I think MOST are wishing to make Horus a better, more fun server. I'm willing to give it a go.

06-19-2009, 12:14 PM
Now I believe that if we put forth an effort to make Horus fun we'd succeed. Coordinated PvP matches, coordinated open field battles, etc. The reason it would works is simply because everyone speaks english there and I think MOST are wishing to make Horus a better, more fun server. I'm willing to give it a go.

And it will all happen if we - whole hmmm 10-15 of us - will move to Horus right? ^^
Somehow i am sure they will go to Meni instead of own fort. So good luck Comp.

06-19-2009, 12:16 PM
And it will all happen if we - whole hmmm 10-15 of us - will move to Horus right? ^^
that's true as well. horus needs to find it's own population instead of taking away from other servers.

06-19-2009, 12:17 PM
I understand you mean well with this. But honestly I don't think there is much to gain off this, by going over I think players would just be giving NGD exactly what they want, another account to spend time/money on. I don't think a couple more players would really change anything, aside from making the game more enjoyable, which is your key idea I guess.

I'm already on Horus, but if I was in the position of a Ra player that's been there to this point, I would have realized not to want to waste my time for a server that will be similar Ra one day anyway. The current leveling system is a joke too, the amount of stress you would gain of swapping servers greatly overrides the fun you would gain off it.

The problem you are addressing does not lie with a lack of players, it lies in the corrupt game mechanics which require too many players.

Anyway, its my opinion that when the servers split we had stupid things like this force players go different ways, it tore the community, and now one side is here another is there. Who ever heard of the conditions Horus was begun in? NGD failed to bring about more players then, (They didn't even do a bonus week or anything, but you see with Tyr, woop there it is, free ximerin) only after awhile did NGD realize it wasn't going according to expectations, which they probably thought most Ra players would happily hop over to Horus.

Bottom line is, I don't think you can make Horus into something its not, its already grown with its own population, and it has settled in. Just enjoy what you have and move on.

06-19-2009, 12:48 PM

if the die hard english moved to horus! there wouldnt be any problems

Ra and horus would both be populated

Ra wouldnt be over populated to the point where going near a rock crashes you ^^

things would be much better!

come on give 1 final grind on Horus!


SoL and I clash a lot in battle. He's a crazy good barb and usually winds up kicking my butt, yet I don't give up. We need more stubborn players to make things even more interesting...I can rattle off a long list of names from ALL THREE REALMS with good players whom I see regularly that are examples to follow.

Ultimate: I've never once heard you complain about anything. You show up, even by yourself sometimes, and fight even when the odds are totally against you. You're an asset to Alsius and to Horus.

Drewster: You fight with honor and are persistent and resourceful, don't give up even after you hit 50 man. We need more players like you. You're an asset to Horus.

glulose: I never got to fight you during the PvP at aggs session the other night (I was too busy getting my butt kicked by jakob and SoL xD ), but I watched some of your fights and I must say you're an asset to Horus.

---Kyro, Horus is my only server and I'm damn proud of it!

Join us or get steppin'!

06-19-2009, 12:51 PM
Thank you Comp!

If we get support, we don't mind losing. As they say "It's better to have played and lost than not have played at all"

If you guys spend sometime on Horus, I think things will change for the better. We noobs will learn and apply.

As a noob, I promise:

1. No matter what character I am levelling I will be at a fort that is taken (Halt all grind)
2. No matter how many enemies are at the fort I will not log off or go away grinding. I will fight till the fort is ours again
3. No matter what I will not fail to listen to experienced players like Lust, Comp, Backe, Knek, Ares, etc.

PS: Note to Alsius RA vets. Please do not do what Znurre did, please join Alsius because we need you the most

+1 great post gupt

I've had my moments of frustration and disparity in the past. But I've seen a few good examples which remind me the right path is not always one that leads to victory, but to honor.

We need all the good examples we can get, but I'm noticing an undercurrent in Horus (Alsius) of great players in both playing style and communication ability. My hopes are very, very high.

06-19-2009, 12:55 PM
As soon as I get back from vacation I'll configure my hunter on Horus for wars not hunting. Besides, if I want to hunt I can hunt on RA. Hopefully we'll have some good wars or at least some fun skirmishes....

06-19-2009, 01:46 PM
I have actually "moved" one char to Horus. I started a conjurer on Ra, but found out that everyone in inner realm is spanish-speaking and only a very small amount of "new" players that come to Ra are english-speaking. This made me give Horus a try and I've got a level 47 (and climbing) grind-/war-/conju that will be a support conju in 2M xp.

I have plans on making one or two new characters, but I'm still not sure if I will create them on Ra or Horus. (Tyr would be fun, but I don't speak the language very well).

I'll finish the conjurer and try out Horus a bit more. Perhaps I actually will start another character there eventually..?

Only problem is: I really do love my warlock and would hate to grind another.

(FYI: I have no computer for another couple of weeks. This has been typed on a Wii.. really slow - I might be really passive for a couple of weeks.. not sure yet).

06-19-2009, 01:57 PM
Ulm is an awesome player and any character he creates on Horus would greatly benefit the Alsians there. I'd love to see people like Inkster, Twinkle, Lucinda, and many more join in the play on Horus.

06-19-2009, 02:16 PM
it would make a huge difference to horus, but i dont think these great players want to part with their old friends to meet new, and also they dont want to build up their reputation from scratch...may not be liked as much,

i kno for a fact if people understood what i was yelling in the general chat they would hate me more...i say more coz i think they already hate me, that papa guy keeps leaving me to die -.- and nobody turns back to help me when i shout atras and back...even the guys at save dont help if i say help me take out some guys at pozo/markets

i jus thaught, although i try my best to help, i guess the problems with me? i loged in yesterday to help with defending alsius through syrtis atemtping to invade them and i killed a mob because some guy training was staring death in teh face, and he called me noob went to kill another mob and died...

maybe when that major lagg goes (herd its on all servers) il start playing properly again and join horus...

06-19-2009, 02:49 PM
I see a few obstacles for Ra players to come to Horus...

1) You have to ditch your efforts in Ra and your items that you worked so hard to collect
2) You are virtually a stranger in Horus and nobody cares about who you are. You have to make new friends all over again and build your reputation from scratch and prove yourselves. (Some might actually find this challenging and interesting)

On the positive side...
1) You may meet some new nice people that you wouldnt have the chance to meet if you stick with Ra.
2) You will find that the dynamics in Horus are really different from Ra (more potential for communication and organisation thanks to the common language) The lesser population calls for differnt tactics and gameplay. Result, you experience the game in a whole new different way (not saying you will get past the Ra nostalgia).

To sum up...

Its your call. As many ppl here have said, Horus has a life and soul of its own. Dont come here thinking you can change it or make it like old Ra. Dont come here expecting to be a celebrity you once were on Ra. Imposing your views and giving opinions in Horus can become futile unless you have proved yourself. Yes, having your old friends at your side helps but still you have to put effort into befriending the rest of the population and build up your reputation. Life moves on with or without you so does the game.

And to the people, who claim they are sick of the 'drama' at Horus, your attitude needs a change. Horus is small and the community there is more involved in the game, not like in Ra where you are just another drop in the ocean. Presence/absence of a 2-3 good players can really make a big difference in a war. Again you might not like it that way. As I said its your call to switch or not but please dont berate Horus in anyway. I love Horus and its my 'home' :)

06-19-2009, 06:37 PM
Ulm is an awesome player and any character he creates on Horus would greatly benefit the Alsians there. I'd love to see people like Inkster, Twinkle, Lucinda, and many more join in the play on Horus.

For my part it wont ever happen. I do have a Horus char but i wont play there.
The simple reason for this is, if i want to see a soap opera ill watch tv.

Also i have too many friends on Ra to leave behind

06-19-2009, 07:03 PM
For my part it wont ever happen. I do have a Horus char but i wont play there.
The simple reason for this is, if i want to see a soap opera ill watch tv.

Also i have too many friends on Ra to leave behind

I understand where you are coming from but you can always make new friends, you can also ask your old friends to come shift over and try Horus with you. Horus is actually very fun and has friendly people too.:drinks:

06-19-2009, 07:22 PM
Horus is actually very fun and has friendly people too.:drinks:

On the friendly people bit i beg to differ from experience

06-19-2009, 07:46 PM
Horus clearly has its fair share of (insert stream of abuse here) but Ra most likely has more, but since they are speaking spanish you dont know they are (more abuse) ;)

Ra is unplayable, but to be honest if it was and I had a level 50 + clan mates there then I would most likely spend more time on Ra than horus which is empty most of the day.

06-19-2009, 09:46 PM

SoL and I clash a lot in battle. He's a crazy good barb and usually winds up kicking my butt, yet I don't give up. We need more stubborn players to make things even more interesting...I can rattle off a long list of names from ALL THREE REALMS with good players whom I see regularly that are examples to follow.

Ultimate: I've never once heard you complain about anything. You show up, even by yourself sometimes, and fight even when the odds are totally against you. You're an asset to Alsius and to Horus.

Drewster: You fight with honor and are persistent and resourceful, don't give up even after you hit 50 man. We need more players like you. You're an asset to Horus.

glulose: I never got to fight you during the PvP at aggs session the other night (I was too busy getting my butt kicked by jakob and SoL xD ), but I watched some of your fights and I must say you're an asset to Horus.

---Kyro, Horus is my only server and I'm damn proud of it!

Join us or get steppin'!

i think you made drews day by saying that :D

06-19-2009, 11:24 PM
No need to call Ra ppl to come to Horus.

First, because, if I were them, i would stay at Ra, its much better there.

Second, because its not their "duty" to "sacrifice" their joy for "sake" of Horus; its NGD job to make Horus grow. If they were capable to open yet another server that they should care of, with "somos pocos" team, they should do everything to keep that server growing. Its player's will if he ll come to Horus or not, but its NGD duty to keep server alive.

Don't promise false hopes about "great wars, awesome fun". You were not capable to make that for 6+ months of Horus existance.

If you managed to make some great battles, its always ended with someone cheating (recently what happened as example), with arguing and outsmarting each other with many bad words. And of course, moving game argues into bitching threads on forums.

Horus has potential, but dont call Ra ppl to sacrifice for it, call NGD to do something and fullfill tons of promises they were giving around, like "we have great plan how to make Horus grow" and other phrases we heard so much but never saw it in action.

06-20-2009, 12:03 AM
On the friendly people bit i beg to differ from experience

When I'm on RO, I'm on Horus Alsius. Sure there are instances where some jerkwad starts shooting his/her mouth off or whatever, but every online game in the history of PC games has people like that show up sooner or later.

Despite these fairly seldom occurrences, more often than not when someone asks a question or asks for help people go out of their way to oblige.

If you're going to make a snap-judgement based upon one or two instances, I please urge you to come back and give it one last chance. With the time I spend on Horus Alsius I seldom really see that much drama, and if so it lasts for a minute or two and the pouty-parties usually log off or go back to silently grind or whatever. In fact, Alsius is pretty laid-back. If anything we have an over-abundance of smartasses and jokers as opposed to snot-nosed mouth-breathers and whiners.

Personally, as I have a 50 on Horus, I would not want to move to another server and start all over, so I can empathize with the "home server" sentiments. But I don't like all the negative comments being made about Horus when they are wholly exaggerated, and made to sound far worse than they really are.

Horus is constantly changing. I've been playing RO for 3 months now and over those 3 months I've seen a lot of changes in the game but also in the players themselves. Some players leave, new players join, older players grow and mature and evolve. It's not fixed in a point in time and not the same day in and day out. It's ever-changing, so please, enough with the bad-mouthing of Horus already.

06-20-2009, 12:34 AM
On the friendly people bit i beg to differ from experience

If the experience is from the realm chat from some new players.... you really
havent meet or talked to the regular players. And for the soap opera..... well
the ones that do soap opera on the forum and represent Horus is just a
fraction off the ppl there. I play on a regular basis and i dont feel like im in a
soap opera..... But hey i really dont care, im just tired off players judging the
whole server population from crappy flame wars on the forum and short
experience in a realm chat. Talk to the regular players that tries to keep the
server alive first and then make a judgement, the noobs in realm chat that
argues and starts shouting abut terms like "Holas im ......" dont
represent the comunity and players that spends their time in the wz.

06-20-2009, 01:33 AM
Speaking from a Ra/Horus player point of view, if you have spare time on your hands the Horus server is worth a try, basically because it offers a different playing experience. One much closer to Ra's initial months after reset but greatly hindered by the presence of the more recent features introduced on both servers: invasions, mobs inside doors, forts with upgradable abilities.

Horus has a friendly community as far as I could experience both in Alsius (made a char when the server was launched to try another realm) and Ignis (the realm where I currently play, since my Alsius friends list was dead, with one exception, when I returned, and I knew a handful of former Ra players on Ignis Horus). I can assure that although it may seem differently by some forum threads the "soap operas" are not that common... or it's just me that never pays attention to them! xD

The playing style is different between servers and that allowed me to learn interesting things with seasoned Horus players. And I honestly think that if clashes between different servers where organized on Amun, Ra players would have a nasty surprise handling some organized groups of Horus high levels. :) (have I mentioned that some of them are godlike with all those ubber magna/boss/boxes items?... there goes balance... silly Bulgaro xD)

The great advantage on playing on Horus, for a Ra player that spent some time on wars, is that he can pretty much become partly effective since early levels because he knows what to use to complement high lvl player's abilities. That can provide an interesting diversion when Ra is either dead, or impossible to play. And who knows, you might enjoy it more...

Bottom line the greatest advertisement for Horus is... Ra current state regarding lag/warping!

06-20-2009, 04:10 AM
Bulgaro was kicking ass with defective gear since day #1 of his lvl50 :) Just an FYI, if you really thought that it's his items that make him what he is ;)

There's barbs, and there's Bulgaro :p

On topic: I would say, try Horus to see what it is again to have tactics play a vital role in what you do, instead of just having a flood of people going all over the place at any given time. Smaller population allows tactics to shine :)

06-20-2009, 04:18 AM
Bulgaro was kicking ass with defective gear since day #1 of his lvl50 :) Just an FYI, if you really thought that it's his items that make him what he is ;)

I wasn't implying that Bulgaro needs items to be a good barb, I knew his Ra barb and more recently the Horus one. But the way he hits now... ouch... and his damned MS always goes through xD

06-20-2009, 05:30 AM
I wasn't implying that Bulgaro needs items to be a good barb, I knew his Ra barb and more recently the Horus one. But the way he hits now... ouch... and his damned MS always goes through xD
Blame Puffy, his new hammer. :P
And magna spear sucks.

06-20-2009, 06:02 AM
Horus is what it is and that's what you made it.

Ra is what it is and that's what you made it.

Yes, you heard me. That's the way you made it.

It was YOU, great community, who begged endlessly for an English server. It was YOU, great community, who split the entire English community down the middle with your dire need to separate yourself from the holas, huge numbers of enemies and the lag. It was YOU, great community, who told NGD not to allow transfers since it would "ruin the oldschool feel of the server".

It was you who didn't want Ra players joining Horus in any convenient way because you wanted it to be *your* world instead of a world all of us could enjoy. It was you who ruined it.

So all of your pretty little snowflakes just can it and accept what you've made it into.

And as for Ra- same damn thing.

My Best Regards!

06-20-2009, 08:15 AM
so please, enough with the bad-mouthing of Horus already.

From my part, i am not bad mouthing Horus, I am simply making observations from
the numerous things I have seen there.

I do in fact have 2 characters there (ones similar to my main ra char the other I keep to myself),
but was only using those to chat to old friends who moved from Ra.

I dont have a problem with Horus or people who play there in general, but I wont be playing there

06-20-2009, 09:22 AM
i wanted a way to transfer over...so dont look at me :P

most of the reasons given were the people who already paid xim to insta 30 and more to grind, would feel "cheated" if they allowed transfers, thus making ngd say hey..they will do it again and we'll profit from it alot easier..they dont need transfers.
and of course opening the floodgates for the "youre just too lazy to grind again" debate

and yeah im lazy because if this performance is all i have to show for my money..then they need alot more help than i could ever pay them.

06-21-2009, 05:09 PM
Horus is what it is and that's what you made it.

Ra is what it is and that's what you made it.

Yes, you heard me. That's the way you made it.

It was YOU, great community, who begged endlessly for an English server. It was YOU, great community, who split the entire English community down the middle with your dire need to separate yourself from the holas, huge numbers of enemies and the lag. It was YOU, great community, who told NGD not to allow transfers since it would "ruin the oldschool feel of the server".

It was you who didn't want Ra players joining Horus in any convenient way because you wanted it to be *your* world instead of a world all of us could enjoy. It was you who ruined it.

So all of your pretty little snowflakes just can it and accept what you've made it into.

And as for Ra- same damn thing.

My Best Regards!

don't agree with you on the char transfer part, imo new server = new page, and it wouldn't have been fair to new players

06-21-2009, 07:11 PM
Yes yes, join our Drama-queen players and daily soap opras ^^

06-21-2009, 07:26 PM
English speakers of RA....hear my call :) (How cheesy)

Horus needs our help. Leave your death lag on RA behind and start playing on Horus. Together we can all make Horus an amazing server full of many many fort wars. We all remember RA a year ago and how AMAZING our fort fights were. I think if we all put an effort fort...just a few days a week we could populate the server quite nicely and have nice active fights. If you are met with "jerks" on Horus...trust me they are the minority...not the majority.

Haha, haven't red you post before but I grind on Horus third day now. :)

06-21-2009, 08:01 PM
English speakers of RA....hear my call :)

I heard your call, i just decided to ignore it :wiggle14:

06-21-2009, 08:37 PM
+1 Comp!

I agree pretty much wholeheartedly. For me, there was no choice in moving to Horus. I was one of few that wanted to be "firmly glued to Ra", but with the Inquisition and the GoP basically leaving overnight, it left me with no other option. I think at this point, a very large majority of non-Spanish speaking Syrtis/Ra has left for Horus (sorry Southern Philly, Zaul-en-stein, GG's etc).

when did you log on you old fart :p I smell no goatscent on ra :o

Horus is what it is and that's what you made it.

Ra is what it is and that's what you made it.

Yes, you heard me. That's the way you made it.

It was YOU, great community, who begged endlessly for an English server. It was YOU, great community, who split the entire English community down the middle with your dire need to separate yourself from the holas, huge numbers of enemies and the lag. It was YOU, great community, who told NGD not to allow transfers since it would "ruin the oldschool feel of the server".

It was you who didn't want Ra players joining Horus in any convenient way because you wanted it to be *your* world instead of a world all of us could enjoy. It was you who ruined it.

So all of your pretty little snowflakes just can it and accept what you've made it into.

And as for Ra- same damn thing.

My Best Regards!

you must spread reputation before giving it again, pff suck my b**** well said and I agree :)

I think this movement is a rather interesting event, let's see how it ends up, you can always grind on horus when there's nothing else to do, kill some time ya'know and get your war fix on ra when you need it, it'll be easier finding groups to level up because of the realm chat if not just start something, I bet a lot of players want easy and fast xp :)

06-22-2009, 05:19 AM
Heh I'm actually thinking of doing the opposite. I'm thinking about moving back to Ra...

However, I'm still keeping an eye on the weather on Horus. Right now, I'm just swapping back and forth between servers.

06-22-2009, 10:20 AM
Heh I'm actually thinking of doing the opposite. I'm thinking about moving back to Ra...

However, I'm still keeping an eye on the weather on Horus. Right now, I'm just swapping back and forth between servers.

make it easy on yourself, stop playing regnum :D

06-22-2009, 10:27 AM
make it easy on yourself, stop playing regnum :D

Let's make our own alternative MMORPG, with blackjack and dirty women! :lighten::bounce:

06-22-2009, 05:43 PM
hey guys,

please visit www.onrg.com and mmohub.org... you may see some unusual activity about Regnum there... :)

let's try to give a warm welcome to new users in horus!

best regards,


06-22-2009, 05:45 PM
hey, www.onrpg.com is the actual link, chilko missed a letter there

edit: o,o grats! you guys got all the headlines!

edit2: hey i found an error on mmohub, contact those guys to correct it, under cons it says:
"Con: Tiredness feature punishes those playing 4 hours or more daily"

fatigue is no more

06-22-2009, 06:01 PM
hey, www.onrpg.com (http://www.onrpg.com) is the actual link, chilko missed a letter there

edit: o,o grats! you guys got all the headlines!

edit2: hey i found an error on mmohub, contact those guys to correct it, under cons it says:
"Con: Tiredness feature punishes those playing 4 hours or more daily"

fatigue is no more

Hi Nightchill,

Yes, we are contacting them to update all game descriptions and marketing material such as screenshots.

We are experiencing in Horus a slight increase of its population and we hope it continues this way ;)

Are all of you noticing this?


06-22-2009, 06:57 PM
well i'm not playing the game for few days already since i completely moved to linux and i can't play due to no proprietary drivers (and in wine it's crappy as hell). i'm hoping to see much more populated horus in few months when open source drivers finally grow some balls :D

06-22-2009, 07:04 PM
Hi Nightchill,

Yes, we are contacting them to update all game descriptions and marketing material such as screenshots.

We are experiencing in Horus a slight increase of its population and we hope it continues this way ;)

Are all of you noticing this?


i have noticed a increase in horus of the last bit.
maybe another "Horus Week" or something like that could be used as a Promotion?

06-22-2009, 09:21 PM
Nice to see some adds around, but the chars on that link (the dark elf mostly) look freaking retarded (sorry :p)

06-23-2009, 12:02 AM
English speakers of RA....hear my call :) (How cheesy)

Horus needs our help. Leave your death lag on RA behind and start playing on Horus. Together we can all make Horus an amazing server full of many many fort wars. We all remember RA a year ago and how AMAZING our fort fights were. I think if we all put an effort fort...just a few days a week we could populate the server quite nicely and have nice active fights. If you are met with "jerks" on Horus...trust me they are the minority...not the majority.

Wudy....level your damn hunter!

Sorry... I just cannot stand to level up all over again.... the third character was one time too many....

think ra players are too busy riding high on elitist tide thinking they're too good for horus and too lazy to level again. and anyway, why should they join horus when most of them mostly just spit on it. horus is populated enough, has a nice community, syrtis can rally up in an instant, as well as ignis. only alsius are tits and they prefer to grind instead of war.

It's not that we feel we are uber elite... NGD should have given us an option to copy and paste our characters over to HORUS and deleted them from RA.
If they can do it (transfer us to AMUN) I feel they should at least give us the choice.

Load character on RA
Add (transfer character to <server name>) before the delete character option.

06-23-2009, 12:43 PM
It would be nice if people could move their accounts from server to server. But this would make developers to ensure names are not the same on all servers etc.

Also I wonder why NGD makes separate servers instead to gridify (link) them. ;) Clouds and grids are becoming more and more popular.


06-23-2009, 12:59 PM
I asked Kailer that very question. He said that if they do allow migrations, they would think something up about characters with the same name. I think they will probably allow name-resets for characters coming into Horus.

06-23-2009, 01:38 PM
I've certainly noticed the Ignis/Syrtis battles have become much less one-sided lately at the time I play (8-11 EST). There's a pretty good core group both in Ignis and Syrtis at that time now and we Syrtians seem to have started to learn how to work together (unbelieveable as it seems). Numbers aren't huge and the lag is still a problem, but all in all there have been some great fights the last couple of weeks. It would be awesome if we could get the same kind of group of Alsius players in on the fun.

06-25-2009, 11:45 AM
I love your intentions Comp, I really do, but I also agree with Anpu.

It shouldn't be the players responsibility to populate horus, and certainly not by taking players off a previous server.

We can try and bring a few RA players in maybe, but at the end of the day, it's really down to NGD to make the needed impact.

06-26-2009, 03:20 PM
Ra players... we seem to be getting new players in horus alsius, adly most of them are either pretty clueless (which can be fixed if someone takes the time to help out)
Or quite often pretty rude/annoying.
If we dont have some more of you Ra players coming over we are going to be swamped by people who:
1. We need to educate a lot about how to play(which is annoying when they keep pm'ing me for help when im in a fort war.
2. Just dont hold the same views about apropriate behaviour in RO

Horus isnt full of noobs, just realm chat. Most of us prefer to talk to the people were currently with in general or in clan chat. So for much of the day the vast majority of stuff on clan chat is complet bulls**t.
And yeah i admit i act like an idiot sometimes.

We need experienced Ra players to balance the intake of the inexperienced and annoying.

ALSO: When Chilko came on realm chat a few days back he said they have the mechanics for server migration sorted and are just pondering how to implement it.

06-26-2009, 03:42 PM
Hello everyone,
yesterday I created a char on horus. I dont like leveling or doing quests but i had the feeling that i have choice.
I play because of the people and everytime I logged in on ra no one of my friends was there. For me its a big argument do leave because on horus there is an active inquisition clan.

no other reasons.
i would love to play on both servers.