View Full Version : New In Town =P

06-27-2009, 02:51 AM
Hello everyone! I'm really excited to start playing Regnum Online! I've always wanted to play DAOC but never could because of my low budget and its monthly fee. Then my friend (former DAOC player) sent me an e-mail about this game and told me I should give it a try. I have to admit that I've kind of fallen out of love with MMORPGs, but hopefully this will renew my once deep obsession. I've always had a thing for elves and good guys with knights and shining armor so you'll find me on the Horus sever playing for the tree-loving Syrtis faction. Hopefully I'll get to meet all of you. My character name is Kaylex. Feel free to PM me for a chat and maybe show me the ropes a little bit. :drinks:

06-27-2009, 09:48 AM
Welcome to the game!
You'll probably feel as if you ran into a wall of bricks once you started to reach lvl 30 regarding the grinding, but don't give up.
Go to the warzone from time to time and enjoy the great RvR that Regnum has to offer, and grind in between.

If you can afford a few Experience Booster scrolls that will be of great help too.
Premium items are balanced so they will not affect RvR.

06-27-2009, 02:14 PM
Welcome to Regnum Online. And welcome to Syrtis.
Feel free to contact me in game if you have any questions about game.
My in game nick is same as forum one, Anpu.
Enjoy your stay

06-27-2009, 04:36 PM
Welcome, to the land of the tree humpers :p

Regnum has been called a free Daoc and we have had players from there come here if they run into budget issues, so this is definatly the best free rvr out there, have fun and I hope you fall in with the good crowd :p

06-27-2009, 04:51 PM
Just poke your head out of that tree house of yours and i will blow your head off
looking forward to killing you
welcome to horus:beerchug: