View Full Version : Combat Priority
06-28-2009, 07:12 PM
(Frustrated) ....
Ok, over and over people fail to target the essential targets in small / large scale combat. This is a poll to see what you feel should be the death order of enemy combatants.
06-28-2009, 07:29 PM
Well, mine would be:
Player threatening an ally's life
hunter/knight(depends on the kind of fight)
06-28-2009, 08:07 PM
if it was that easy
06-28-2009, 10:34 PM
Well, mine would be:
Player threatening an ally's life
hunter/knight(depends on the kind of fight)
First I would like to say thanks to you and everyone who voted... It takes alot of guts to say how you would dispatch the enemy and in what order. You have good sense... You captured the hidden essence behind this poll.
By saying that you would defend your ally's (+50 points)
Conjurer as primary target +20 points
Warlock second + 20 points
Barbarian next + 20 points
Hunter/Knight last works well... by saving them until last you will have a better chance of killing them since most if not all their mana would be expended near the end of the fight... no buff for knight and no escapes for hunter. + 20 points
130% combat effective... I would love to have you on my team!
06-28-2009, 10:48 PM
Well, mine would be:
Player threatening an ally's life
hunter/knight(depends on the kind of fight)
+1 that is exactly my thoughts as well, 100%
06-28-2009, 11:05 PM
Well, mine would be:
Player threatening an ally's life
hunter/knight(depends on the kind of fight)
I second that, would pretty much do the same myself.
06-28-2009, 11:30 PM
Target priority is not as simple as making a small list. A lot of factors come into play except class, such as level, position in the field, setup, skill, sometimes even personality, and of course, composition of the group which is also based on the above factors, and all that not just for the opponent but for you as well. So we have about 14 different factors to consider here.
I generally try to leave knights for the end, and start with something else. All the rest varies depending on the above factors.
See...the list was made. So damnit....stop targeting me until last.
06-29-2009, 02:28 AM
Whoever my mates are targetting goes first, exception being a foward barb/warlock, then, if in range, I try to push conjurers back, not to kill them but to draw their attention away from their allies and if possible, force them into sanctuary so that they can't use auras for a short while.
06-29-2009, 04:22 AM
I like this.... the discussion begins...:drinks:
06-29-2009, 05:06 AM
A conjurer or warlock enemy has the same priority to me.
The warlock is often pretty easy to kill once he advance a bit to much and the kill can turn tide for the fight.
On the other hand, if I manage to kill a conjurer it will do even more impact to the fight, while also risking getting way more targeted and that the conjurer will manage to escape/cast steel skin and manage to get back to his friends.
When rushing an army that are already knocked, for example by a terror, conjurer is #1 priority.
However, if I am the one starting the rush a warlock will probably be my main target if he's in the front line.
In the beginning of a new "wave" I will often watch for warrior rushes and try to stop them.
If no such occurs, I will stand still and wait for an archer to to the deadly mistake - get too greedy and step a few steps too far from his friends...
Onslaught, advance and Kick/Balestra and then return fast as hell if the enemies are not spread out.
Many times I may choose to ignore knights.
Simply cast balestra/kick and run past them, aiming for more critical targets.
It's a decision made by looking how many are focusing fire on the knight and if he has any buffs.
06-29-2009, 07:37 AM
*looks at poll results*
Mages win! Like always! ^^
06-29-2009, 08:17 AM
Target priority is not as simple as making a small list. A lot of factors come into play except class, such as level, position in the field, setup, skill, sometimes even personality, and of course, composition of the group which is also based on the above factors, and all that not just for the opponent but for you as well. So we have about 14 different factors to consider here.
I generally try to leave knights for the end, and start with something else. All the rest varies depending on the above factors.
I 100% agree with Mira.
There's no way you set yourself a priority list and have it work for every fight. Every fight is different and needs a different approach.
06-29-2009, 08:17 AM
Inkster and Twinkle!
06-29-2009, 08:25 AM
I dont think its all that staight forward it totaly depends on the situation you are in and who you are going to be fighting.
but as a rule
06-29-2009, 09:21 AM
I usually look at the group, and mostly the first (attacking) row, and then decide who to attack. If there is an opportunity to kill a conjurer I'll try to do that.
Else I usually do two separate things: if there are marksmen I'll try to scare them away for a while with debuffs and DoT's, and if there are warlocks I try to read what they are going to do and interrupt their spellcasting using Meteor and CC's. I rarely try to kill players (unless there is an opportunity to do so). Instead I try to distract as many as possible.
Then, if I see one, I often target a rushing barb - not to kill but to use mental to stop the barbarian from doing damage. Then the others can (hopefully) kill the barb for me.
But then again, this is not absolute. If my allies are in danger I'll try to help them out as good as I can with CC spells etc.
To sum it up:
Main priority - when there is no obvious opportunity - is to stop enemies from doing nasty stuff (force them to run away or use CC) and when they are weakened and scattered I try to actually deal some damage.
There is one more thing that I do, thou: try to find a way to cast "The Perfect Terror(tm)".
06-29-2009, 09:24 AM
I generally try to leave knights for the end, and start with something else. All the rest varies depending on the above factors.
Same. Knight for the end.
We all know that killing conjuror first makes it easier generally, but things depends so much on the field situation.
06-29-2009, 09:48 AM
If party leaves knight (who targets party's conj) for the end, this knight surely will survive.
Party must kill firstly those who attack their conjurers.
But nobody seem to know it (in horus-syrtis, I mean).
06-29-2009, 11:35 AM
There is also another thing to consider: #1 target priority is not always #1 kill priority. I am talking of course about the plan, not how it ends up in practice.
For example, in the case of a conjurer:
If it is an SM conjurer you might only want to attack him first so that you force them into an early sanctuary to debuff themselves, then focus on someone else. Since they are SM, they are useless in sanctuary. While for example if they are support conjurers you might just want to cast Confuse on them early on and render them irrelevant for the rest of the fight, then focus on others. In both cases, the subject was #1 target, not #1 kill priority.
Or, in the case of a knight:
If it someone you know to be a retarded AoO monkey, you might want to concentrate focus on him at first only so that it appears you are actually trying to attack him, force him to AoO and blow his mana, and then switch targets. He will probably have little or no mana left and all that he can do is run around being ignored by everyone until all his allies are dead and his AoO is off. Again, #1 target, not #1 kill priority.
I like to call the above methods "scare tactics" xD
The same could be said for archers with SotW if you know them to have it on their setups. Sometimes there are archers so afraid that they will SotW on sight and you don't even have to bother using scare tactics on them. Same for AoO knights and SS/Sanct conjus, but for some reason archers tend to be more trigger happy on their time-out spell than conjus or knights.
So you see, since the only classes without "time-out" spells are barbs and warlocks, all the rest can easily become #1 target priority to scare them into time-out (so that they don't have it when you really want to focus on them), but not neccessarily #1 kill priority.
Just a small example of the difficulty of over-simplifying focus prioritization down to a small list :)
06-29-2009, 12:01 PM
I made my general vote (conjurers followed by warlocks followed by warriors then archers), putting archers last on the general principle that as a barbarian it's very hard for me to actually damage an archer when the first thing you have to do is get through a wall of warriors.
Truthfully I tend to attack everyone all at once. Recently this hasn't paid off well for me (thanks for nerfing areas, NGD, and thank you Verio for adding another 250ms to my ping for no reason), but in the past it's been very effective.
I am the rushing barb in a scenario mentioned above, and I tend to notice that what the enemy normally seems to do is target the first thing that comes rushing out of the group. As such, when I'm fighting alongside a non-aura Ao1 knight I'll let them charge first. It doesn't matter that they blow their mana and don't do any damage, because about 70-75% of the time the enemy will blow all of their mana trying - and failing - to do damage to the knight. That's where I come in to mop up whoever doesn't stay far enough away.
As such when it's the enemy that does the rushing I'll avoid some knights but go to town on others. It really depends on the individual player.
Of course if I see an archer dicharging their monkey sparkles on an ally, well... I get tunnel vision. You must protect your own conjurers, after all.
06-29-2009, 12:37 PM
I try to confuse the conju, take out locks before i get sultared to death, kill other marksmen due to high damage. Take out barbs for the same reason. Hunters after due to not THAT much damage. And last of all knights ( i hope someone else kills.... they cost so much in arrows)
06-29-2009, 12:39 PM
*looks at poll results*
Mages win! Like always! ^^
By win you mean die :wiggle14:
06-29-2009, 01:08 PM
Ok I give up I'll tell you the class I generally try to take out first:
Hunter (due to be the easiest class to kill).
06-29-2009, 08:06 PM
it's different per fight, but as a general rule it would be something like
barb/marks (whoever makes the biggest thread)
the bigger a fight is the more the gneral rule comes into play
06-29-2009, 08:24 PM
barb/marks (whoever makes the biggest thread)
Yeah, whoever makes the biggest and longest thread about getting killed first!
Nah, I see what you mean, just had to put it out here XD
06-29-2009, 09:39 PM
For barb, i just attack what is close from me, it's often knight because, they zerg with AOE, and other class are more far.(exept barb it's depend)
But if i can chose, i attack mage because i doing more dmg on theim :D
06-30-2009, 02:04 AM
I agree with the order posted, assuming all six enemies are coming at you side by side. It's a no-brainer. However since this NEVER HAPPENS, this plan is pretty much out the window:
Hmm... I'd like to kill one of their conjurers first... but they all seem to be way in the back. I can't reach them, even with my long-range arrows. Does that surprise anyone? Oh, look one steps in closer, so I shoot, do 0 damage (energy barrier), another 0 damage, he evades, then 125 damage (yay, his barrier is gone). Oops, he cast another barrier. <sigh> Shoot 0 damage, he evades, he resists, shoot 0 damage, shoot 130 damage, oh my he went into sanctuary. Guess I just wasted a quiver of arrows for nothing.
Second choice: I'll kill a warlock! Okay, I'm maxed range with my marksman, shooting for range 43. No problemo! I see a warlock at 45 meters, just out of range of me... and he targets a noob 10 meters in front of me, and I'm hit with his Terror, while he's still out of my range! Wow, I forgot that warlocks can shoot their Terror longer than any marksman. Okay, I survived terror, I shoot him again. Resist, evade, evade, 0 damage, evade, 0 damage, 120 damage, 400 damage (Yes! his barrier is gone!), evade, evade, 400 damage... and he does a Soulkeeper... now he's fully healed and I'm down 1000 HP. That's about 11 shots from me, and he's untouched. I'm down 1600 (remember his Terror + Soulkeeper). Hmm... maybe shooting at a warlock is a waste of time after all.
I would agree that barbarians would be my next target. If my DS doesn't get evaded/resisted/blocked, my teammates and I have a good chance of taking him down fast. Besides, with lag so horrible now, I almost feel sorry for barbarians trying to hit targets rubber-banding all over the place.
Next choice would be to kill another marksman, since they're 10 times easier to kill than a mage.
Hunter would be nice, but they usually have so many defenses they're gone before I hurt them much.
Knights... ya right. I don't even bother shooting them, and I find it irritating to see all 12 of my teammates doing papercuts to a knight, ignoring all the juicier targets moving in.
Anyway thought I'd toss in my bit of Regnum "reality."
06-30-2009, 06:56 AM
I forgot that warlocks can shoot their Terror longer than any marksman.
Umm Marksman have terror ????????? :imstupid:
/me want SOTW in that case
Edit: It is interesting that you find the Conjurer and Warlock hard to kill on your Marks.
As you have a Warlock and Conjurer (both lvl 50) Why not play them?
06-30-2009, 08:22 AM
Generally I try to attack someone who is already focused by some player, disregarding the class.
If I'm not doing that then I'm just RP whoring and not giving a fuck about who could be the biggest threat (or thread (c) awd) to our group.
06-30-2009, 10:49 AM
I'm just RP whoring and not giving a fuck about who could be the biggest threat (or thread (c) awd) to our group.
Making you a non team player and pretty useless to your clan or realm
06-30-2009, 11:27 AM
Next choice would be to kill another marksman, since they're 10 times easier to kill than a mage.
Are we playing the same game?
Normal hits on a mage: 400+
Normal hits on a buffed marks: 180+
If you can't kill a mage at war, as a marks... You are seriously doing something wrong. A marks at war is one of the easiest classes to play. :closed2:
06-30-2009, 12:35 PM
Warlock:Mana/buffs Nice damage/poor hp & armour
Barbarian:High damage/low hp & armour
Marksman:Nice damage/poor hp & armour
Hunter:Low damage/good hp & armour
Knight:Low damage/High hp & armour
06-30-2009, 02:11 PM
Marksman:Nice damage/poor hp & armour
Hunter:Low damage/good hp & armour
Can you please explain it a little? If hp means health points, there's no difference, the same goes for the armor except marks having one buff more...
06-30-2009, 02:24 PM
Warlock:Mana/buffs Nice damage/poor hp & armour
Barbarian:High damage/low hp & armour
Marksman:Nice damage/poor hp & armour
Hunter:Low damage/good hp & armour
Knight:Low damage/High hp & armour
explain please, because how can a hunter have good hp and a barb low hp when a barb usually has more hp than a hunter
06-30-2009, 02:25 PM
Usually? No, 100% of the time.
Quincebo, you're a barb yourself, you should know that a barb doesn't have low HP. :P
06-30-2009, 02:35 PM
Usually? No, 100% of the time.
Quincebo, you're a barb yourself, you should know that a barb doesn't have low HP. :P
if it's hi vs lo level :p or one has hp items and the other one doesn't, that's why I said usually :p but items aside and same level then yes 120% of the time
06-30-2009, 02:50 PM
No, it was always 100% of the time. :P
The highest hunter hp I was was Mira's when he had the dragon amulet and hp rings etc. etc. and that was around 3800.
Which is a barbs base (that start with 30 const) hp, without items.
06-30-2009, 03:03 PM
Making you a non team player and pretty useless to your clan or realm
Generally I try to attack someone who is already focused by some player, disregarding the class.
If I'm not doing that then I'm just RP whoring and not giving a fuck about who could be the biggest threat (or thread (c) awd) to our group.
Learn to quote, don't just pull it out of context. And like you'd know just how much useful / useless I am...
06-30-2009, 05:05 PM
Learn to quote, don't just pull it out of context. And like you'd know just how much useful / useless I am...
it still shows you are a non team player and also i have seen you play on RA
you NOT a team player
06-30-2009, 05:38 PM
*looks at poll results*
Mages win! Like always! ^^
Conj's must die! (no offense to any conjs on my healing side) :)
06-30-2009, 05:41 PM
After long thinking, i conclude:
no matter who to kill first, just
06-30-2009, 05:42 PM
Are we playing the same game?
Normal hits on a mage: 400+
With their anti-arrow buffs, half my arrows will be evaded. When they do hit, the first two do ZERO damage due to their energy barrier. It takes an average of 5 or 6 shots before I actually draw blood on a buffed warlock. I find it far easier to kill another archer or a charging barbarian in war than to kill a mage.
A marks at war is one of the easiest classes to play. :closed2:
I completely agree, marksman is extremely easy to play... because most of the time we're out of mana, plinking normals at the enemy. We have lame areas, crappy combat controls (thanks to the recently nerfed Winterstroke), no mana creation/steal/share, no team buffs. Click on an enemy, normal, normal <yawwwwn> normal normal.
To answer Inksters question of why I have been playing my marksman lately when I also have a conjurer and a warlock... I have been busy with real life, working, family, teaching two people to drive, and studying two martial arts. This leaves little time to play Regnum, and I just want to play without too much thought. Playing a support conjurer is exhausting (but rewarding). Playing my warlock is quite fun, with so many cool spells, options and tactics available... Very fun, very powerful, but when I'm tired, I don't want to think, and marksman is just plain easier to play.
06-30-2009, 05:53 PM
With their anti-arrow buffs, half my arrows will be evaded. When they do hit, the first two do ZERO damage due to their energy barrier. It takes an average of 5 or 6 shots before I actually draw blood on a buffed warlock. I find it far easier to kill another archer or a charging barbarian in war than to kill a mage.
Ok, we are playing a different game.
I completely agree, marksman is extremely easy to play... because most of the time we're out of mana, plinking normals at the enemy. We have lame areas, crappy combat controls (thanks to the recently nerfed Winterstroke), no mana creation/steal/share, no team buffs. Click on an enemy, normal, normal <yawwwwn> normal normal.
If you're out of mana it's your own fault. You need to regulate your mana.
06-30-2009, 06:00 PM
After long thinking, i conclude:
no matter who to kill first, just
ROFL...<3 you punti :dance:
06-30-2009, 06:38 PM
it still shows you are a non team player and also i have seen you play on RA
you NOT a team player
Maybe you've just seen me in that IF clause. ;)
06-30-2009, 06:41 PM
I completely agree, Barb is extremely easy to play... because most of the time we're out of mana, plinking normals at the enemy. We have lame areas, crappy combat controls (thanks to the recently nerfed balestra and ribs breaker), no mana creation/steal/share, 1 team buff nobody uses. Click on an enemy, normal,<yawwwwn>die.
I could not help myself..
But we still need taxi drivers ....
07-02-2009, 01:50 PM
explain please, because how can a hunter have good hp and a barb low hp when a barb usually has more hp than a hunter
A hunter(like more ranged classes) has range and can prevent being hit a lot of the time, while a warrior is mostly at melée range of the enemies, where they are hit more often, barbarians loose more health relative and absolute. Although warriors might have more health points, they do die faster because they are more targeted.
07-02-2009, 01:54 PM
I attack the first i see...
07-02-2009, 05:01 PM
What I've noticed recently is that, on my Marks, unless we're making a direct charge, I normally hang back and try and take out charging Knights and Barbs, more often Barbs, because every Knight uses Aoo now.
07-02-2009, 08:47 PM
It all depends, if i see a warlock moving ahead, i'll know hes about to cast terror, or a barb buffing up, start getting ready for beetle swarm.
Marks will always be my last target, due to there range trying to get in range to kill them, will lead you to enemy lines.
Conjur, just when they decide to rush, trying while everyone is standing healing/buffing is a waste of mana/arrows.
Knight, meh dont even bother with them. Hunters usualy just go inside forts camoed, or run away, no point trying with them..
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