View Full Version : Gems in boxes

07-06-2009, 08:11 AM
I was just wondering if there will be socketed weapons that you can obtain in boxes? I buy Xim but i am wondering if it will be worth it to spend my money buying boxes when i can just grind to get socketed weapons. Will all weapons except Mag weapons have only 1 socket? and also will the gems actually change the look of the weapons?


07-06-2009, 08:34 AM
You can always test on Amun ;)

One INQ member even found a gem, with an amaaaazing +2 blunt! :D \o/
Didnt change how the Wep looked, maybe it was because it was a rubbish Gem, maybe they just havent implemented the look change yet,

07-06-2009, 06:36 PM
I did test on Amun and bought like 200 boxes of all kinds and not one weapon with a socket. I also spent a few hours grinding and got about 4 minor gems with either 1% cast speed or 5 lightning damage ect... and 2 socketed weapons. 1 a lvl 7 and one 36. am just wondering if NGD can answer my question so i know if it is worth it to spend the money on weapon boxes.

07-06-2009, 09:02 PM
Imho, you will be able to buy sockets too.

07-08-2009, 03:54 AM
humble opinions are worth anything if they're not from developers?