View Full Version : How to capture and enemy holding.

07-11-2009, 04:05 PM
Ive been in a lot of fort battles, and lately, in Alsius, we just plain suck, absolutely miserably, so im going to write this little guide here in the hopes of not wasting 3 hours of my life trying to take back a fort with people that dont seem to know what to do.

1: DONT skirmish with the ranged on the walls. its a waste of time, they have cover (can jump down at any time), and have (usually) conjus to quickly heal them. Run right to the door if you can.

2: DONT stand in the center of the door FFS, we need to see who comes out and neutralize them if at all possible, even a meteor, will domain, or any CC spell can effectively counter a sortie.

3: DO use mod and MP at the door, it helps to stop people rushing out and using areas, and MP (Mana Pylon) can really help to mitigate some of the damage.

4: FFS, DONT stand out so far that they can sultar us, ESP in alsius, we have not nearly as many locks as the other two realms (a direct reason why i made mine), hug the door, then they have to come to us if they want to hurt is, and if you notice item 3, we can reduce the risk of that happening.

5: IF there are enough people, leave some marks and hunters with CC skills a bit off the fort so that they can cover the entrance to the fort and prevent people from rejoining the battle that we may have killed; a few good archers can pick of reinforcements one by one if they are few, and give us a heads up if there is a large group so we dont get sultared from behind.

6: Assuming that we have one, post a hunter at the nearest bridge to give intel (usually only worthwhile at very large battles, of which horus has few), one hunter will not be missed attacking the door, and their intel on reinforcements can very well mean the difference between taking the fort and getting slaughtered.

7. If the force holding the fort is much larger than ours (a common thing during the times that i play horus alsius), DONT get too close, let them come out and thus negate the advantage of a fort, if they want the RP, they will have to earn them, and it also gives us a chance to pick off priority targets one at a time as they leave.

8: DO target mages first, always, if at all possible. Mages are the key to battles, healing, CC, and high damage spells, they often pave the way for warrior rushes, or soften up targets for archers to pick off. Locks are far more important to defending a fort than taking down a door, so locks and conj should be your very first target if you have the chance, not that you should not take the time to finish off any mostly dead enemy.

9. DONT got overeager, be patient. This means dont just charge in, take a second to make a plan, gather your troops, and attack in a tactical manner. If faced with a large fort battle, even using DS on a lock can be enough to remove him from a fight long enough for the rest of your force to charge in.

10. Dont be afraid to try new things; i have had great success taking forts by circling around the back and sultaring all the mages that hang back, it gives the warriors a chance to come in and area them, and other ranged to pick them off, even a smaller numeric force can easily succeed if you are smarted and manage to catch the enemy with its pants down.

11. Designate a few people to worry about sorties, that way the bulk of the force can worry about taking down the door, you dont have to kill them when they rush out, just stop them from messing with your troops that are attacking the door.

12. Once the door is down, ALWAYS protect your mages, you may not get rp for it, but even 1 conj or lock can sometimes turn the tide of battle, dont get so hungry for rp that you just rush in leaving our mages exposed, at least one knight (preferably with HP or DB) should stay back to hurt the barbs that rush out, and if we have a few barbs of our own, thats even better.

13. DONT underestimate spells, even a deafening roar as soon as the door goes down (when the bad guys are inevitably clustered in front of it), can really be a nice setup for areas and make the whole process a lot easier. I like to use roar as soon as i see people try to leave, it is very effective to disrupt a group charge.

14. ALWAYS think of the team first, not just yourself, team play and communication are what win wars, not individual valor, though that may often be the catalyst to get things going.

Thank you for your time in reading this, i want fort wars to be more fun and exciting, i dont want to waste 3 hours at a go trying to take a fort with people that dont know how to do it. I hope this helps some people with tactics and helps everyone to have a better time at war.

Please add other suggestions and tactics that you use here as well if you wish.

07-11-2009, 04:34 PM
To trow a terror followed by some other areas/attack spells at ranged classes at the wall can be quite useful to get a few of them killed and keep them from attacking hurted retreating units, who are trying to get away from the fort.

07-11-2009, 04:54 PM
+1 to EVERYTHING ArchmagusArcana said...

And ffs if you are a hunter and have a huge-ass pet, don't park it right at the door when we're banging on it... we can't see who comes out to attack us nor can we target them.

Either stay further back to cover us from the side or back (at range), or get rid of the GD pet already... OR GET A SMALLER PET so we can target those "sorties" who are coming out to try to pull/bait one of us far enough out for the locks up top to "link" a sultar to the rest of us at the door.

07-11-2009, 05:11 PM
Great points Arch.
I've tried to teach many players these too, but on RA it's hard since many doesn't understand English.
Sometimes I've got the "side of the gate" trick to work by asking someone to translate though.

07-11-2009, 05:16 PM
Many so many problems, so little time....

I thought hunters pets could hit fort doors, can they still do this?
Since we have that new stay command hunters should use it to keep their pets back while others attack the door. (Hunter should not attack the door anyway) Recently I went and tried to capture efarias solo, and after 1 hour the door was still standing.

I agree that people should not block the fort doors, but then again look around at how people play. Most of them only care about what they are doing at the time they are doing it(ages 5 - 14). Maybe even pulling their mom to show them a leader monster and explain some reason why they are so big. Seriously though, like in group xp, if everyone did a decent amount of damage (enough to gain xp) and did not overkill, we would all level faster.

You cannot control the idiots in your realm. At most you can just let them die first so you dont need to worry about them later.

Good work on posting some ideas and strats on how to play.... The people who need to read this the most do not even check the forums.

07-11-2009, 06:21 PM
I thought hunters pets could hit fort doors, can they still do this?

yes they could. no they cant do it anymore, ponter said that they never will... i guess that breaking the door is not a hunter's purpose (?)

07-11-2009, 06:33 PM
yes they could. no they cant do it anymore, ponter said that they never will... i guess that breaking the door is not a hunter's purpose (?)

Wait wait... So a hunters purpose is not to break fort door.. A hunters purpose is not to assassinate people in the warzone. A hunter cannot do much at fort wars (even less with 1.0.7's dual shot cooldown increase)

OH I KNOW!!! Hunters can run away!!!:beerchug:

07-11-2009, 08:36 PM
Wait wait... So a hunters purpose is not to break fort door.. A hunters purpose is not to assassinate people in the warzone. A hunter cannot do much at fort wars (even less with 1.0.7's dual shot cooldown increase)

OH I KNOW!!! Hunters can run away!!!:beerchug:

-Leaves gate during invasion, circles around the wz, and comes back.
-Reports in general chat that there are 23 sabertooth at OC, 15 trolls at cemetery, 20 elite goblors at agg market, etc, etc.
-Gets standing ovation, and is thanked for all of the information.
-Enemy runs in terror at my uber PVE skills.

You cna do this :D

07-11-2009, 09:23 PM
Great frigging post....

Today I got quite frustrated and dis-heartened...we had many opportunities to take the door down..but too few hit it. Most just wanted to range-duel the holding army.

Hate to tell you this...they'll win cause they get a range bonus. The faster the door goes down...the faster you retake the fort. If you want to clear the walls...throw a terror from time to time...but don't concentrate fire-power on the wall.

07-11-2009, 09:40 PM
+1, finnaly someone who does understand me xD I keep shouting at my realm ppl to do these following points:

2: DONT stand in the center of the door FFS, we need to see who comes out and neutralize them if at all possible, even a meteor, will domain, or any CC spell can effectively counter a sortie.

4: FFS, DONT stand out so far that they can sultar us, ESP in alsius, we have not nearly as many locks as the other two realms (a direct reason why i made mine), hug the door, then they have to come to us if they want to hurt is, and if you notice item 3, we can reduce the risk of that happening.

... but they almost never do it --' . Big pets are also specially annoying, since they make the job of clicking, harder.

One of the most common reason why I can pull a Terror rush at the gate is because someone is never very close to the gate. Then, we just need to immobilize the target, and press the Terror hotkey to rush with areas...

07-12-2009, 01:44 AM
what do we do when they area us from behind the dang door? (has happened numerous times to me)

07-12-2009, 03:17 AM
Crystal blast works this way...not sure why or how...but it does.

07-12-2009, 12:51 PM
You are Captain Obvious here, and everyone knows it, but in practice it goes alot worse (in all realms). :devil:
