View Full Version : When Will This Game Get A Major Expansion

07-16-2009, 08:18 PM
Title pretty much says it all.

Biggest thing to ever happen in this game is "Invasions" and lets face it most people hate them.

there boring uncoordinated not interesting and just plain stupid in some aspects.

yet soo many Amazing Threads and ideas have been put out there to better this game yet i fail to see any sign of improvements.

the Big things most people want are...


More Mini Bosses!!

Remodeling and new placement of the Forts!!

More Quests!!

Wz Villages!!

Guild Halls!!

Clan Banks!!

So Many Other Awesome Ideas!!

all these ideas are awesome and can improve gameplay yet we never see anything. these ideas or something else better be put into that roadmap and for the future of ro.

Alot of players put alot of time and money into this game and hope to see something positive yet in the end people gain almost nothing just Destroyed classes.


07-16-2009, 08:56 PM
It will take forever. But if you hope and never give up, your grandchildren may just be lucky enough to enjoy ALL the changes you wrote. :biggrin:

07-16-2009, 08:58 PM
Probably um...never?
Sorry. Somos pocos, hand is over the big red shutdown button and many many glitches are basically the creed of Regnum at the moment :P

Quests are slowly being introduced every update or two to fill in any early level gaps, which is good. Plus there are quite a few 'Leaders', 'Epics' and 'Champions' out there already, you just need to gather a party of players who can be bothered to kill them for precious little loot as much as you do. :) Clan Banks have been yelled at NGD since the dawn of time so I guess they will get done eventually.
Apart from that, there never seems to be any acknowledgement of the other subjects youve mentioned. D:

07-17-2009, 05:07 AM
In fairness to NGD, and coming from someone who's dabbled in coding/scripting/implementation, with a handful of people working on the planned changes, it will take a taxing toll on their work hours.

I'd honestly wait for them to clear up their long list of planned changes/fixes/improvements FIRST before holding your breath on tons of new content, though I do get the feeling they're starting to play around with ideas, which is good.

There is still a LOT of improvement required in this game, but when you look at the fabric of it, the foundation, it is solid. I honestly cannot say that there is a finer F2P MMO out there (especially one with a Native Linux Client... HUZZAH!!!!)

So even though we have our criticisms, and most are legitimate and justified, we do have to realize that NGD are probably controlled creatively from above (investors, corporate influence, etc.) and have only so much time to invest into one area of improvement or another.

I know "Somos pocos" is used a lot and often harped upon, but honestly, how much and how fast do you expect this stuff from 15 people?

Let's be realistic here. I'm sure our ideas and suggestions and complaints are, at the very least, observed and mentally noted. But if everyone there took the time to respond and acknowledge our posts they'd get nothing done to improve the game.

That being said, they deserve the accolades and kudos from us. I'm sure they work hard, and I just HOPE they are listening and noting our suggestions, complaints and dire frustrations.


07-18-2009, 12:19 AM
yeah, it seems that the only real updates are "okay, now YOUR favorite power sucks", and they just keep switching which class get it at the next update.

All these great ideas.... seems they fall on deaf ears.

They should just close "Suggestions" and be done with it.