View Full Version : What is NGD trying to do ?

07-21-2009, 08:34 PM
I send you this post before it's to late...

Since the two last update, regnum looses interest day after day...

First you give all power to hunter... and take it back from other classes...
Conj loose one of their power (manacom loses more than 50 % efficiency)

After that you lowered drops... more and more player have to grind without armor or will have less loot than price to repair... To get a drop we have yet to grind alone... otherway conjurator for example do not get any drop

And to complete in the last update one time more conj loose power again...

What to do today ?

Quit the game ?
Discuss with alsius players on horus to stop defend everything and not connect ?
Will you hear than the two last updates are killing regnum and the cooperation spirit?

When i came in regnum world i found a real cooperation spirit today it's gone not because player do not want to cooperate but each common power looses interest for individual powers... An another example, player did not hesitate to give gold when an other needed some pieces... today when you ask answer is no... it cost to much to repair armors and weapons...

I hope sincerly you will hear me before it's to late because if you do not you will loose a lot of people...

I'm sorry for my poor english...

07-22-2009, 02:46 AM
I First you give all power to hunter... and take it back from other classes...
- Updated: Dual Shot.
Enough of these threads, please? NGD does not favor Hunters, and they do not have any more power than anyone else now, regardless of what you think.

Let's take a look at the power of other classes right now:

Note: In this list I mostly talk only about changes from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7, not from past updates.

Marksmen can still do 1K+ Lethal strikes, and this time from range 30, not 25. And they still have up to 65% reduction against all ranged damage, before armor is even applied. They can also still deal 50% additional damage to their normal hits (Recharged arrows and Specialist) without even using Death sentence. And those who miss the damage bonus of Death sentence so much can make a Dirty fighting + Parabolic shot + Foresight build, which gives them +30% damage at up to range 28.5, for a grand total of up to +80% damage to normal hits with no minimum range limitation like the old DS had.

Possible fixes: None needed.

Knights are currently suffering alot because of blocking but they still have Army of One, which at least gives them a fighting chance. They still have powerful spells to catch those who are faster then them, they just don't use them, or blame position bug. Their auras have been strengthened.

Possible fixes: They need Heroic presence affecting the caster back, or a spell that behaves like the old Strategic position (armor buff), or even just plain damage reduction (like Acrobatic or Frenzy), even if it's only physical. The magic damage resistance passive should be increased to at least 20% at LV5, and quite possibly 25% or even 30%. Overall, they need less reliance on Army of One and more on actual defenses, instead of just one super-spell they can cast every now and then.

Barbarians still have Very Good to Piercing armor, Unstoppable madness and 1.3K-1.9K normals with Berserk. Cast times reduced in last update. Keep in mind Berserk does not negate protection offered by passives and Frenzy, so they can still have up to 40% physical damage reduction while under its effects. And I know Unstoppable madness does not work all of the time like is advertised, but all classes in the game face that problem with all chance spells, regardless of mana cost or location in skill tree.

Possible fixes: Reduce the mana costs of expensive Barbarian spells such as Onslaught and Unstoppable madness, and perhaps even give them a passive speed bonus similar to Hunters, placed in the Two-handed Mastery dicipline. Barbarians depend upon speed for their main defense, and thats how it should remain. If nothing else, add a speed boost to Berserk or TFB.

Hunters still have only two attack spells - one of which was nerfed this last update - and pet, and their selection of pets is still very limited, forcing them to pick large, high-damage pets. If anyone wants to complain about pets, ask NGD to give them more pets that do less damage but are more useful. Otherwise, just kill the damned pet. Camoflauge is easy to deal with... they can't buff in it, so knock them down or Confuse them as soon as they pop out. Hunters have it easy as far as tricks are concerned, but that's their forte, and people need to get over it. And you're going to be seeing alot of Marksmen using tricks on you now too, so be prepared to whine about them as well.

Possible fixes: More pet variety, less focus on damaging pets by making alternative pets more useful to Hunters. One example would be cats with the knock-down ability: They deal very low damage, but would be prefered over trolls or yetis because of their special.

Conjurors are suffering alot right now, but they can still do their job. Steel skin is still a damned good spell, as is Energy barrier (on LV4 or 5), and Karma mirror. They can't survive nearly as well as before, and allies can't protect them like NGD wants, but they're not ruined yet. Right now the only reason I won't play my Conjuror is because of the lack of any speed buffs after the Onslaught nerf.

Possible fixes: Conjurors need a way to live long enough for allies to protect them. Currently, the main problem is Confuse, which makes them useless. Give Conjurors some kind of defense against Confuse while also making it hard for Warjurors to get, for example by putting it at a high position in the Life tree. Easier access to Horses would also be a huge plus. ... Summon Horse?

Warlocks are currently the gods of the game, even if almost all of them will deny it, those who face them certainly won't. Sultar's Terror is as powerful as ever, as is Soulkeeper, Posess Summon and Staff Mastery. Master of Doom has been nerfed a little too hard, but still has its uses at fort doors. Mana is an issue for them now, which I fear will convert more Warlocks to SM, but that's NGD's doing, not theirs.

Possible fixes: Perhaps Master of Doom should give the Warlock some kind of defense. Right now it is just a large "kill me" sign with only a small area. The price outweighs the effectiveness, compared to the original, and compared to other level 19 skills. Warlocks also need easier access to mana since they can't heal the damage from Ambitious Sacrifice as easily as Conjurors can. Sadistic servants is powerful but not quite enough, and the new Energy borrow is horrible against all targets except mages. Perhaps allow the Warlock to convert enemy health to life and mana, like he does his own.


That said, I do agree with you that NGD's plans make no sense and they really need to start thinking more intuitively. Currently, they have done nothing but piss alot of players off and they don't seem to care, because whenever complaints are brought up we just get a lecture or told to go play another game (see the link in my signature). This definitely needs to stop, but at the moment I don't see any way to get them to listen, and trashtalking other classes all of the time is not going to help.

But unfortunately, it seems after this last update that is all the forums have become.

After that you lowered drops... more and more player have to grind without armor or will have less loot than price to repair... To get a drop we have yet to grind alone... otherway conjurator for example do not get any drop
The drop rate was increased in this last update, and drops are nicely frequent now.


07-22-2009, 04:19 AM
What to do today ?

Quit the game ?

Yes, my friend. Real life is much more funny and less boring. :beerchug: :drinks: