View Full Version : Why not be different?
07-23-2009, 10:07 AM
Is it just me or does it seem everyone keeps suggesting that we change things to make Regnum just like every other mmorpg out there on the market? I play Regnum because its NOT like everything else, it reminds me more of the old school mmo's where reaching a high level was an actual achievement and the community usually (not always) got along well.
1. The Grind.
Recently everyone has started complaining about the long leveling in Regnum. Yeah it takes awhile, but if you have some free time it is pretty easy. If you don't have free time, MMOs aren't your kind of game believe me. If it takes to long you can always buy scrolls to increase the rate at which you gain exp. Also i rather like the fact that reaching 50 is an accomplishment instead of "Hmmm....I've got 30 mins, i think I'll max level another Warrior".
2. The Gameplay
Okay, there is plenty wrong with the gameplay in terms of balance and such. But the idea of it is good. I've recently see many people complain how It doesn't play like such an such game, and we should just click for attacks instead of spells. There are OTHER games like that, play those but kindly leave me out of it.
Sorry all for the rant, it is late but I'm sick of seeing everyone trying to drastically alter the game i play. Yes we need some more work on class balance and perfomance, blah blah blah. But I'd rather we not change the game at its core if that's all right with all of you :beerchug:
07-23-2009, 12:48 PM
On a whole I like the game as it is. The only thing I have requested were a few quest for those above level 40. I very much enjoy the quests. A few quests for the upper levels would be fun. Otherwise I'm very thankful for this game.
07-23-2009, 01:55 PM
Yeah, I agree with you on this.
There are players playing Regnum since BETA 4, still playing actively.
I'd suggest that NGD asks them what they see in Regnum that keeps them playing and work on improving those details instead of trying to copy features from other games to make it more attractive to new users.
Regnum needs to find its own market imo.
It would be better to improve the good parts of Regnum, so that users can stand the differences between other MMORPGs and Regnum and maybe actually learn to like the way things are done in Regnum.
I wrote something similar to chilko earlier, regarding the movement system.
The thing here is... changing the movement system, or any other basic for that matter, does not only change things on the surface.
The system in Regnum that allows for careful planning of your actions, analysing your opponents move and trying to counter them - are now gone.
Thanks to mouse look, any mistake in your movement can be undone instantly and reaction is valued more than planning.
I don't like this, and I hope that NGD will think about this when developing the game further.
Regnum is not just another MMORPG on the market, it cannot be replaced.
People use to complain that there are so many MMORPGs on the market, but let's apply some filters to the selection, I will compare to Regnum pre 1.0.
Only RvR games
Native Linux support
Tactics and knowledge about the game physics rewarded before reaction times
Time to think between your moves
A good camera system that allows you to have a total overview of the battle
Role based class system
Free to play
Good community
Random generated drops
I am sure others could add a few more aswell.
There will remain one game: Regnum.
The sad thing is, to me NGD are sadly slowly replacing Regnum with something else.
Look, people may call me a whiner if they want - but seriously, I am not the guy who jump the gun.
Allow me to quote myself:I can only speak for myself, but these news made me happy.
The last week(s) I have started to play less and less, I need variation, I think this is what is needed.
Good job NGD... I didn't expect it this early.
And to the realm imbalance problem: sure - it is a great problem, but you still don't know how NGD choosed to implement the invasions.
I for one will wait and see how it turns out.
Once again I'd like to remind you off an excellent Swedish sentence: "Don't shout hi before you jumped over the river" :pI was really looking forward to the invasions, the excitement... yeah... it was like a dream comming true to me.
However, it took me one invasion attempt to find out that it was a total failure.
I will not bring up all reasons once again why the current implementation is so poor, its written in so many other posts already, but I'd like to quote a very good post from KnuckOne.Kailer, if people are maybe too agressive for you, it's because they like your product, and refuse the changes because it would ruin the said product for them. When you think about it, that means people actually can't move to something else, often by personal choice or constraint. Sounds good, but seeing people whining doesn't mean that the current situation is good either.
You're still one of the rare company publishing a MMORPG with native linux support, and the WZ is kinda unique. So what is the problem ? Have you noticed the call for 0.9-like gameplay ? With all that imbalance it means etc ?
The Fact is that back in the time, we used to have some freedom.
The freedom to choose between awesome skills,despite the few ones that were desactived/not working.
The freedom to choose to fight or not in forts, now you have to in some sort because anyway invasions make the game unplayable so you have to avoid it at any price. Who care about the bonuses actually ?
The freedom to go wherever you want and find a good fight. Now, since everybody level in inner realm, people have nobody to fight and are concentrated around bridges. With RP as only reward, most people are bored, because they want to have fun, not especially be in the rankings. Even PvE is more rewarding if you think about it. So they finish at central save dancing/chatting 24/7. One day Regnum-Irae asked to one of those dancing dude what was fun at dancing all the time, he answered : "because i'm bored". I think it says it all, and i think you should ask them by paying a visit at syrtis central save. Because the others left or almost don't play.
So, despite the lack of content and imbalance, it used to be funnier, because you NGD used to let the players make their own world, not forcing to play the way you want.
It's another reason too. (, I'll just end this post with saying: Yes, NGD, I understand you need income and that invasions and the newly added features add to the image of the game and will bring you alot more players.
But these players won't be happier, the game will not hold more quality in reallity.
Listen to the community and try to improve the parts that people love, because people love your game, thats also what creates so big reactions over things you might think are futile.
Your game is unique.
It's not just another MMORPG out there, don't make it.
Yes Regnum is indeed UNIQUE game. And i like it because of freedom that it gives. Freedom to do what i like. Freedom to use spells as i like. Freedom to make setup as i like. During the last changes and balances many spells was changed and fixed and many of alternative uses of them was removed. This cuts the freedom of the game.
Think of Regnum not as another MMO to get money from. Ok you need that money to continue to make it, but do not make it as another games. Please keep and continue to make spells with multiple uses. That is what makes Regnum unique and fun to play. That makes opponents to amaze you every time you fight them, that makes us still play your game. Everyone can hack and slash and kill - i want to see more of old play style - tactics in spell usage not brutal kill and kill and kill.
Make better visuals, make more quests - this will bring more user base, and will make them your clients. In same time think about older players - thay are people who buy premium, thay are people that know the game, give suggestions and hints to you. They are THE community. They want fun, they want different setups, they want to use skills in non standard ways. So there have to be balance between that things. Both user bases have to be happy.
07-23-2009, 06:18 PM
Exactly! I'm glad I am not the only one who feels like this. Regnum is a unique game, it's Regnum that attracted me to play when there are so many other choices out there. If NGD makes Regnum just like them, why should i stick with Regnum when it already has dozens of games just like it and with better stability and graphics?
I understand the need for new players, but new players are fickle and may or may not stay and support the game while old players WILL stay and will definitely support the game as they already have for years. If NGD copies every other game out there no one will play Regnum, if they keep Regnum in it's own nitch it will slowly but surely grow.
Listen to us NGD, our suggestions aren't perfect but we do love the game and we hope you do to.
:wub2:Regnum and DerKrieger Forever!:wub2:
07-23-2009, 07:09 PM
I agree. Ive said it dozens of times Regnum is (was?) special, very very unique, was fast paced but at the same time gave you plenty of planning time. I pretty much agree with everything Znurre said; invasions, lack of choice, cookie cutter movement system, just like every other mmorpg out there.
People that play RO are a different kind of RPG player, you have a unique grasp on that particular niche market, take advantage of it, cultivate it, be proud of what you have done with this game, and how it is different than any other game out that, you damn sure should be, i am. Its why ive kept coming back for 2 years...most games, 2 months tops is their play life for me, 2 years, that is amazing for someone like me that gets bored very quick.
Its your baby and you can do what you want with it, but many of us have been here since at least close to the beginning and know what it was and what it could be again. Mouse look is fine, just dont make it an advantage over keyboard look (make the two move speeds equal, its a simple fix) is a really good start, then we can all be happy with the new movement system.
(i need to spread more rep before giving it to Znurre again)
07-23-2009, 09:30 PM
Heh, you guys already said it all... I burn trials and end up saying: meh, if it doesn't have goats and treehumpers it sucks!, or saying MOLOK PRIDE! and only getting echo and confused looks on my char (who doesn't even resemble such mighty race) :superpusso:
Let us all hope they get pass the economic viability threshold, fuelling fresh younglings to our war lust, and get their hands on what is "important".
AGUANTE NGD!!! :drinks:
07-23-2009, 10:11 PM
Heh, you guys already said it all... I burn trials and end up saying: meh, if it doesn't have goats and treehumpers it sucks!, or saying MOLOK PRIDE! and only getting echo and confused looks on my char (who doesn't even resemble such mighty race) :superpusso:
Let us all hope they get pass the economic viability threshold, fuelling fresh younglings to our war lust, and get their hands on what is "important".
AGUANTE NGD!!! :drinks:
Nordo power!!!
07-23-2009, 11:24 PM
Well said Znurre. It is a pain where RO is going for the last year. Taking everything unique out. Replacing it with .. omg.. I don't want to go further here.
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