View Full Version : New comunication policies and Rules of conduct

07-23-2009, 08:31 PM
Dear community,

Certain negativity has been populating the forums because of the changes that are constantly being introduced into the game. This negativity affects directly the image of the game to potential new players.

We tried to be open in pointing the reason and direction of all major decisions made, but we were unable to arrive to an understanding / concordance with the people that still consider some of these changes detrimental to the game.

Behind all these conversations are real people who really care about our game on both sides so, some discussions started to heat up which ended with insults towards NGD staff and subsequent bans of the people involved (Including a permanent one).

We had a meeting today with the whole Regnum Dev Team, and we decided to do the following:

1) We will continue communicating the reason for every important decision as we are doing now. We will just stop trying to reason or convince anyone that we are right. This means no more of what you call “excuses”, “lies”, “somos pocos”, etc.

2) From now on, we will change our manners to be more polite and professional. We may sound a little more distant but apparently this is what is needed to avoid any kind of verbal abuse in any way. Even the smallest joke can be tergiversated, taken out of context or twisted.

3) Aggressions towards NGD Staff won’t be tolerated. Any person who insults a developer/GM will be subject to a temporary or a permanent ban from the game and the forum.

4) As this is the first time that something like this happens we have decided to moderate the actions taken against this person who was permanently banned. She will have 1 week ban from the game and 1 month ban from the forums starting yesterday. The rules of conduct will be updated soon to properly reflect this.

We hope that these measures will improve the quality of living of everyone involved in this project and community.

Best regards,

- Chilko and the NGD Studios Team.

07-23-2009, 08:41 PM
Thank you so much for reducing Tesi's ban to a temporal one.

She, I and lots of others are very happy about that. And she is especially happy for all the support she had from the whole community. It means a lot to her.


07-23-2009, 08:43 PM
My best wishes on pursuing the new communication policy and enforcing the RoC.


P.S. AGUANTE NGD!!! :biggrin:

07-23-2009, 08:45 PM
I think you made a very important decision today, NGD.

2) From now on, we will change our manners to be more polite and professional.

I hope you can/will stick to it :)

And thanks that you reduced the ban to Tesi.

07-23-2009, 08:46 PM
2) From now on, we will change our manners to be more polite and professional.

Then all is not lost. Future generations may be able to enjoy this new relationship.

Perhaps not ours* though, things will not be the same after this.

*Very general I know, but those involved will know what I'm talking about.

07-23-2009, 08:59 PM
I just have one thing to say about this : Thanks for Tesi.

07-23-2009, 09:04 PM
2) From now on, we will change our manners to be more polite and professional. We may sound a little more distant but apparently this is what is needed to avoid any kind of verbal abuse in any way. Even the smallest joke can be tergiversated, taken out of context or twisted.

It was really the thing that annoyed me, this rule makes things clear since now, and keeping this way i hope that 3) won't occur in the future.

This decision is important, especially for future players, because wounds will be hard to heal for us and for NGD people too.

Thanks for having lowered the duration of Tesi's ban.

07-23-2009, 10:08 PM

07-23-2009, 10:19 PM
I have a questiong...

is this the thread that the last link that you left in The bar at the corner. (http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/forum/showthread.php?t=45721&page=7) should be addressed???


We will have a meeting after lunch.



- Chilko


sorry if I'm wrong... :).... you can drop this post.. :)...

PD: I feel this is a comunity..... I hope it carry on like that...

07-23-2009, 10:47 PM
gracias chilko, de corazon, te recomiendo que te tomes un descanzo, tomense unas birras y hagan como que esto fue un simple error y que se aprendio algo, pero no para tener que hacer un cambio de actitud. lo de intentar explicar todo me parece bien, creo que cada uno podria sacar conclusiones de cada cambio

perdon por postear en spanish pero no tengo timepo de pensar que significa cada palabra asi que si esta mal el idioma borralo sin remordimiento que era un consejo para vos, y no para que el resto de la Comunidad sepa que te recomiendo etc etc

07-23-2009, 11:01 PM
gracias chilko, de corazon, te recomiendo que te tomes un descanzo, tomense unas birras y hagan como que esto fue un simple error y que se aprendio algo, pero no para tener que hacer un cambio de actitud. lo de intentar explicar todo me parece bien, creo que cada uno podria sacar conclusiones de cada cambio

perdon por postear en spanish pero no tengo timepo de pensar que significa cada palabra asi que si esta mal el idioma borralo sin remordimiento que era un consejo para vos, y no para que el resto de la Comunidad sepa que te recomiendo etc etc

For those who are on the english forum so they can read it (thanks to google trasnlate)....

thanks chilko of heart, I recommend you take a rest, take some beers and do as this was a simple mistake and that we learned something, but not to have to make a change in attitude. try to explain everything about me, I think everyone could learn from each change

forgiveness for posting in spanish but I do not think it means timepo each word so if bad language delete it without remorse that it was a tip for you, and not for the rest of the Community know that I recommend etc etc

07-23-2009, 11:24 PM
\o/ good times

07-23-2009, 11:25 PM
Still should have never gone as far as it did.

07-23-2009, 11:54 PM
Thank you for lightening the punishment on Tesi. What actions are taken towards Kailer?

I hope the past few weeks of dev vs community fights won't happen again. Some arguements are fine, but hopefully tempers can be kept down.

07-23-2009, 11:59 PM
chilko I suggest that this text ttranslate Spanish because all the forum users say everyone should be informed


07-24-2009, 12:08 AM
I have read it in spanish =).... It is translated alredy =)....

07-24-2009, 12:08 AM
as this fight did go to far i see the reason towards it i understand the reason

people are just to harsh on ngd calling them everything from the book. the fact is if you do not like there product do not complain there minds are set on creating the game they see fit for success and still to this day i enjoy this game! it is the best game on the Market for a F2P RVR game hands down! and i hope ngd continues this game to its fullest Extent.

Cheers! keep up the good work NGD! :)

07-24-2009, 12:31 AM
it is the best game on the Market for a F2P RVR game hands down!

I can't even find a better RvR P2P game, Warhammer online SUX and open RvR is not common in games at all..

Keep up the good work NGD

07-24-2009, 07:09 AM
Make love not war! =)

If you can't love then just respect as long as you live between other people.
Respect to all!

07-24-2009, 08:54 AM
I am glad, chilko, that you have considered my suggestion sent to you. :) Thanks.

However, to avoid sad situations, I would really suggest you, guys, to listen a bit more to vox populi when preparing the changes. Focus more on giving than taking (e. g. if one class has an over powered spell, don't nerf it, give another class the counterpart one), and please, don't loose your originality - it is one of very few games where mage game play is nice. There is an overwhelming amount of MMORPGs - the art is to make something original that will shine among them.


07-24-2009, 01:53 PM
I appreciate that it's been hard for NGD to manage their image, walking a very fine line between small & friendly development team and professional games studio.

Although it's correct that the company's head should be more distant and professional (not getting into petty arguments) I hope this review in policy doesn't affect the community manager role too much, which should still be a more friendly and interactive one.

I also hope that NGD staff members will still be able to communicate their ideas fully, and respond to any requests for clarification, without getting into arguments or heated discussions.

Edit: Also I hope they can try to maintain a more consistent level of customer interaction, since currently we may hear nothing for days/weeks and then all of a sudden Chilko will go on a posting flurry. I think that this is the source of some of the problems. But I understand that you guys are busy and this will be hard for you.

07-24-2009, 05:17 PM
Seriously, the key words here are *Polite* and *Professional* You can still be very friendly and keep a professional outlook guys. I do agree with the changes. It just seems flames and arguments have been popping up way to frequently lately, and there needs to be a way to prevent that from happening it, be it harsher measures on the instigator or people involved or whatever.

I did read up on the issue regarding the player-ban, and I do agree things went way too far, and the situation was probably blown way way out of proportion. I believe it is likely that the arguments concerning balance issues and the new updates just kept building and building to a head. And, when Tesi came along and posted what she did, it was kinda like the straw that broke the camel's back. The head burst, and measures were taken.

I mean, we all care about the game. A great many of us are very *passionate* in our concerns, thoughts, opinions, and sometimes we let our emotions get the better of us. I'm guilty of the same thing. But it seems lately in our passions and emotions, there have been a lot more derogatory remarks, arguments, fights, name calling, flames, trolling, and it's just not healthy for a good community. If we can get the dramarama back down to a dull roar, I think it would do a lot of good for everyone, devs and players alike. Especially if we can keep it to a dull roar.