View Full Version : Drop rate on level 50

07-28-2009, 11:50 PM
Dear NGD, why is drop rate on lvl 50 so small? I can find maybe 1 special item in 2 days of grinding, and I't won't even be of my subclass.

This is very depressing, being forced to buy xim boxes......

07-29-2009, 01:44 AM
why is drop rate on lvl 50 so small?

buy xim boxes

There's your answer! :D

07-29-2009, 03:22 AM
You are not forced to buy anything.....

This game has a great community and I am sure if you tell your friends you need something they will help you obtain it. ;)

What realm are you in?
What items do you need?

Drop rates are fine....

07-29-2009, 04:50 AM
Hmmm, lately playing, I'm not so sure the drop rates have been messed with. I think they are as they have always been...which is to say they are horrendously random/sporatic. Sometimes, I can grind for ages, and not even see a single defective item. However the other night when I was grinding, I got 2 special bows (1 short, 1 long), and a +3 hit bonus gem. (minor adventurite I think) All within the space of about an hour. So, drops can happen more often, but it's not very common at all for that to happen I think.

I feel like there is just a blanket random-number generator/percentage or whatever that affects the chance for all weapon/armor drop possibilities regardless of quality.

If that's the case, then maybe the generation should be changed around so that you have common drops, uncommon, and then just down-right rare. So maybe regular weapons (or defective/broken items) could be more common, Specials being uncommon, magic being very rare, and then epics maybe only drop from leaders or from the named bosses. That way there's the same rarity of finding something good, but at least we feel like we're getting something while grinding so we can sell things for repairs.

Also, on the drops issue, and I know it's been discussed a thousand times already, but it's the truth. And that is that generic mob loot just does not sell for enough to compensate for the cost of repairs on equipment (or replenishing arrows)

Having more common item drops (even if they're just defective) would go a long way toward solving that issue. I mean, even if the weapons that drop are crap or defective, at least they're worth something to a merchant so we can grind for repair money. As it is right now, it is needlessly sparse.

Lumi, I don't know if you're grinding for repair money, or for usable gear, but you can always ask if one of our clan-banks is around. I've done it once or twice to get a decent bow for my level...not so much for armor though. But usually the banks have some pretty decent stuff in them. You may have already checked though, I dunno.

That's my 2 cents at any rate.

07-29-2009, 07:25 AM
What realm are you in?

Alsius Horus, the one and only

What items do you need?

Barb stuff :/ I only see staves, bows and conju armor/gloves in drop, for like 2 weeks.

Before level 50 I could get 3-5-10 special items in a day, at level 50 I'm lucky if I get one.

07-29-2009, 08:21 AM
In case of regular mobs, item drop rate depends on their level. The higher mob's level, the smaller drop rate. For mobs level 50 item drop rate is ~1.5%, so you have to kill ~60 mobs on average to loot an item.

07-29-2009, 08:44 AM
For mobs level 50 item drop rate is ~1.5%

How do you know?

07-29-2009, 09:52 AM
How do you know?
He doesn't, he's making it up :p. There isn't a % chance, it is just totally random, but usually i get at least 5 or so drops (both special and non special) per day.

Either way 60 mobs is not a lot.

07-29-2009, 09:57 AM
There isn't a % chance, it is just totally random,

Made my day.... you have no idea about computers, haven't you ? :p

07-29-2009, 10:11 AM
Just made a post in suggestins about gems, listed that i killed over 1000 mobs lev 50+ 3 small gems and 2 items i got... so equated to a drop every 200 or so... pretty kaka if you ask me.. but there again you dont have to.. im telling ya !! lol

07-29-2009, 10:24 AM
Just made a post in suggestins about gems, listed that i killed over 1000 mobs lev 50+ 3 small gems and 2 items i got... so equated to a drop every 200 or so... pretty kaka if you ask me.. but there again you dont have to.. im telling ya !! lol

Two days ago, i was talking with a friend: our two 40ish characters only found 3 items in treasures since lvl1 .... ;) i found 2 and he found 1. Before that, he didn't want to believe that treasures could contain items.... obviously, among these 3 items, none was worth anything. Treasures are rare, and items in treasures are rare... so if someone find an epic item in a treasure, we'll call it a major event in RO, a miracle !!

07-29-2009, 10:38 AM
How do you know?

Life experience. :biggrin: I've made couple of millions of exp on lvl 50 mobs and those are just my observations - item drop rate on level 50 mobs is roughly 1.5% (or to be less precise, between 1% and 2%).

07-29-2009, 10:45 AM
(...) There isn't a % chance, it is just totally random, (...)

Umm... it's primary school level math. Please, revise some or just google about randomness. :smile:

07-29-2009, 02:54 PM
Yes...if it is random, there is a seed value. If you know what the randomness is based on and you grind on that many mobs then you should get a drop. Might not be a drop you want...but a drop non-the less. Additionally, I'm sure there's a seed value that says of that item dropped you have a <blank> % chance of getting a special, <blank> % chance of getting a magical, and <blank> % chance of getting an epic.

BUT if it works correctly then after that drop all values reset and you back to square one.

07-29-2009, 02:59 PM
Comp, stop your worrying. Your troubles are over. I have a bow that i dropped on my lvl 38 hunter, from a lvl 38 boss mob. It's a lvl 27 range 25 slow long bow with minus hit chance and no special bonus.

It's all yours, mate :)

07-29-2009, 03:43 PM
I killed a beetle on my way to Herb and dropped an epic SB with 5% AS a couple of days ago... I was lvl 45 the bow was 47.

Traded by 2 items with const, one of them a shiny BP I was looking for ages on this game (I love nice Pareto efficient transactions).

My 2 cents on the issue, either you do proper drop farming (party gathered cleaning all mobs in sight) or you might as well go to war and kill randomly some mobs who give you funny looks... those who give funny looks drop like crazy.

07-29-2009, 04:07 PM
I killed a beetle on my way to Herb and dropped an epic SB with 5% AS a couple of days ago... I was lvl 45 the bow was 47.

Traded by 2 items with const, one of them a shiny BP I was looking for ages on this game (I love nice Pareto efficient transactions).

My 2 cents on the issue, either you do proper drop farming (party gathered cleaning all mobs in sight) or you might as well go to war and kill randomly some mobs who give you funny looks... those who give funny looks drop like crazy.

Lol that's exactly what I do, if I get frustrated during hunting I kill a few mobs and 1/10 times (guessing) I get a drop :fsm:

07-31-2009, 07:06 AM
Made my day.... you have no idea about computers, haven't you ? :p
It appears to change each day, but i really can't think of a % value for it. Often, when grinding, i'll get a drop every 30 - 40 mobs killed, sometimes i don't get a drop after 200 mobs killed. So one day it could be a 5% chance, another it could be far less. A lot of the time when I'm grinding on my barb, i get around 8 - 10 drops every time I have to sell, but recently on my hunter I've gotten far less over the same amount of mobs killed.
Umm... it's primary school level math. Please, revise some or just google about randomness.
Ok, let's just put it this way. It's not always 1.5% chance. Besides, probability is taught in the first level of secondary school here :)

07-31-2009, 07:59 AM
It appears to change each day, but i really can't think of a % value for it. Often, when grinding, i'll get a drop every 30 - 40 mobs killed, sometimes i don't get a drop after 200 mobs killed. So one day it could be a 5% chance, another it could be far less. A lot of the time when I'm grinding on my barb, i get around 8 - 10 drops every time I have to sell, but recently on my hunter I've gotten far less over the same amount of mobs killed.

Ok, let's just put it this way. It's not always 1.5% chance. Besides, probability is taught in the first level of secondary school here :)

Well, if the probability itself is random .... well, it's possible, that's NGD after all.

For example, each hour, pick a random number between 0 and 5, this is the base probability to get anything during that hour, divide it for items, magical and epic....
so yes, with bad luck, you can grind for hours getting no drop at all, and when lucky you can find few interesting items in few hours. If divider is 1000 for epic items ... at best 0.005% chance per hour to get an epic item, but it can be 0% for hours too.....

Just some stupid thoughts ....

07-31-2009, 09:15 AM
The only completely predictable probabilities are 0 and 1. You cannot convert a probability to a guaranteed event otherwise. The situations you describe do not require variable probability.
It just seems to happen far too often. But that's the problem with random. You never know.

07-31-2009, 09:23 AM
Ok, let's just put it this way. It's not always 1.5% chance. Besides, probability is taught in the first level of secondary school here :)

Oh, well... a few words on basic of probability.
If probability of an event (eg. looting an item) is 1.5%, it doesn't mean that the event occurs every 66.667 independent tries (eg. every 67 mobs killed). For example there can happen series of 120 independent tries without occuring the event or series of 50 tries with two events. On average, ie. when number of tries goes to infinity, the event occurs every 66.667 tries. Note: please, don't mix up result of single try with an average result. :biggrin:

08-01-2009, 04:17 AM
Oh, well... a few words on basic of probability.
If probability of an event (eg. looting an item) is 1.5%, it doesn't mean that the event occurs every 66.667 independent tries (eg. every 67 mobs killed). For example there can happen series of 120 independent tries without occuring the event or series of 50 tries with two events. On average, ie. when number of tries goes to infinity, the event occurs every 66.667 tries. Note: please, don't mix up result of single try with an average result. :biggrin:

No even that's not right. What you're talking about is average return, and is an observational result, not a function.

1.5% chance means that for a single event, it's 197/3 times more likely that another outcome will result. You can't quantify it to to "it will happen this many times per this many events," average or not.

08-01-2009, 08:34 AM
Well, all I know is that you can loot very decent things on Ghosts/Sabertooth in Alsius.

08-01-2009, 10:44 AM
It should be change on some way.

I have almost 10.000.000 xp and played more than 3 years. and I have some chance that someone that play 3 month and has 4.000.000 xp.

The chance should be increase on month base or so... the old ones should have some motivation for keep searching drops or even to stay on the game.

08-03-2009, 08:54 AM
No even that's not right. What you're talking about is average return, and is an observational result, not a function.

Strictly speaking, I'm talking about central moment of the 1st order. And it is a strictly defined function.
"Average" is just a colloquial language - I don't want to use mathematical language, because I don't want to scare people. :biggrin:

1.5% chance means that for a single event, it's 197/3 times more likely that another outcome will result.

Yes. So? What's your point?

You can't quantify it to to "it will happen this many times per this many events," average or not.

I can quantifiy it to "when you perform infinite number of tries, then number of successes will be 3 per 200 tries".

08-03-2009, 09:18 AM
Strictly speaking, I'm talking about central moment of the 1st order. And it is a strictly defined function.
"Average" is just a colloquial language - I don't want to use mathematical language, because I don't want to scare people. :biggrin:

Alright, but it's an observational function, not a defining one.

Yes. So? What's your point?

There is no actual relationship between the chance in one event and the chance in the next.

I can quantifiy it to "when you perform infinite number of tries, then number of successes will be 3 per 200 tries".

But you can't quantify it to anything finite, or tangible, so what you just said means nothing. After all, either 3 or 200 to infinity? Why, it's undefined (or it could be nothing, but we're not sure).

08-03-2009, 09:53 AM
You are not forced to buy anything.....

This game has a great community and I am sure if you tell your friends you need something they will help you obtain it. ;)

What realm are you in?
What items do you need?

Drop rates are fine....


08-03-2009, 12:43 PM
Alright, but it's an observational function, not a defining one.

I think I don't get it. What is an observational function? And moments (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moment_(mathematics)) (including central moments) are strictly defined mathematical functions.

There is no actual relationship between the chance in one event and the chance in the next.

Yes, that's why I was talking about "independent tries" (review my previous posts, please).

But you can't quantify it to anything finite, or tangible, so what you just said means nothing. After all, either 3 or 200 to infinity? Why, it's undefined (or it could be nothing, but we're not sure).

Not 200, but killing like 20.000 mobs is quite well approximation of infinity. It's 2 orders of magnitude greater, so it allows to make a reasonable approximation (with like one percent point precision).

08-03-2009, 03:21 PM
and for the record..
I have grinded my knight from 44 to almost 50 and haven't got a single usable drop, way to go NGD..
would be nice to check if someone hasn't been lucky for a long time and increase the probability until a drop is found, but hey it's NGD and they have to sell lucky boxes even at the cost of someones bad luck.
but the boxes are so expensive I have to win the national lottery first

08-03-2009, 03:55 PM
Cmon guys, this is the point, it's so excitant to expect a drop without knowing when and where.. :drinks:

08-03-2009, 04:04 PM
expect :confused: when there's nothing more to expect than a defective drop 10 levels lower with crappy bonus or a regular drop

08-04-2009, 06:21 AM
Some scary mathematics stuff and another thing.

Okay I'll concede that you appear to have done more mathematics than me (I got a distinction in the related first year course, but that was some time ago). I'm not convinced that central moments apply here, but anyway. I can't find my textbooks and the internet wants money to say what I'm talking about, so off the top of my head (ie. this may be totally wrong) an observational function is a function that's inferred from observation of a series of results, such as the expectation operator in such beasts as mathematical Moments. It may or may not be strictly defined.

Anyway I'll shut up now. You win.

On topic, I haven't had a single drop for a 40+ barbarian for the entirety of the left hand side of the XP bar to the other side in level 50. I don't think I'd had one for the previous 3 levels either. On my warlock that I'm actively grinding I get maybe three useful drops a day.

08-04-2009, 09:07 AM
Okay I'll concede that you appear to have done more mathematics than me (I got a distinction in the related first year course, but that was some time ago). I'm not convinced that central moments apply here, but anyway. I can't find my textbooks and the internet wants money to say what I'm talking about, so off the top of my head (ie. this may be totally wrong) an observational function is a function that's inferred from observation of a series of results, such as the expectation operator in such beasts as mathematical Moments. It may or may not be strictly defined.

Anyway I'll shut up now. You win.

On topic, I haven't had a single drop for a 40+ barbarian for the entirety of the left hand side of the XP bar to the other side in level 50. I don't think I'd had one for the previous 3 levels either. On my warlock that I'm actively grinding I get maybe three useful drops a day.

It's not about who wins. I use mathematics every day (I'm a Ph.D. student in astrophysics) and when I see some mathematical misinterpretations, I start to tear remainings of my hair out and I just must react. :biggrin:

The other thing is, that behind the raw probability of looting an item is it's quality. Which is just one, big, stinki... poo. :thumb_down:
In my whole life - over 10M exp on both characters total - I lootet like 3 epic items. The highest level one was a level 32 helm looted with... level 36 knight. :¬¬: It was a bit better with magic items. I even found one in a treasure! But anyway, I looted only two useful magic items with level 40+. So, from NGD side, I feel like :fingers: .
What's interesting, since 1.0.7 update it's even worse. Because instead of an item, which you could just sell to cover repairs/arrows, you receive an OP gem with outstanding +2 piercing damage...

08-07-2009, 02:57 AM

Well i think its a good idea :sifflote:

08-08-2009, 08:05 AM

Well i think its a good idea :sifflote:

lol, u know what, i don't know about anyone else but i think they did this or something. For the past month i've gotten maybe 1 drop a day maybe 2 sometimes if i was lucky. I started drop grinding for stuff to repair my damaged items during the exp bonus for horus' birthday and i've gotten around 13 drops in 1 day:D I don't know if I just became super lucky and i should play the lottery now or if it's some random fluke, but maybe they increased drop rate.

08-08-2009, 03:45 PM
Doing 2 hour grind runs I tend to get on average ~4 drops each run

Usually the crap factor hits 3 out of the 4, and the remaining 1 is usually decent. And I honestly think it depends on the mob you are fighting, I don't fight the same kind of mob over and over, I fight 3 different types, and most of my drops are from the same type.

(I'm not complaining anymore though, I just looted my first barb drop after 2 years, it happened to be my level, my taste, and has an empty socket. Dreams do come true! After 2 years time?)

08-08-2009, 06:15 PM
Doing 2 hour grind runs I tend to get on average ~4 drops each run

Usually the crap factor hits 3 out of the 4, and the remaining 1 is usually decent. And I honestly think it depends on the mob you are fighting, I don't fight the same kind of mob over and over, I fight 3 different types, and most of my drops are from the same type.

(I'm not complaining anymore though, I just looted my first barb drop after 2 years, it happened to be my level, my taste, and has an empty socket. Dreams do come true! After 2 years time?)

Starting up edge again? Planning to move to Horus? Good luck with it you will get 50 eventually Im sure :P

08-08-2009, 07:17 PM
When I want to loot, I go in Alsius find some hight level ghost, I generally end up quite happy :)