View Full Version : Knight or Barbarian?

07-30-2009, 09:05 AM
I just started playing a few days ago and my char ThunderGoat just made it past level 10 so I have to choose between a Knight or a Barbarian.
My nature makes me lean towards Barbarian, but seeing how I really don't know anything yet I figured I'd ask for the pros and cons before committing.
Gonna pass out for a while and see whats been written when I wake up.


07-30-2009, 09:45 AM
I just started playing a few days ago and my char ThunderGoat just made it past level 10 so I have to choose between a Knight or a Barbarian.
My nature makes me lean towards Barbarian, but seeing how I really don't know anything yet I figured I'd ask for the pros and cons before committing.
Gonna pass out for a while and see whats been written when I wake up.


yuhh go wit barb he does heavy damage

07-30-2009, 11:27 AM
If you naturally lean towards barbarian go with that....

07-30-2009, 03:18 PM
Knight = Alot of hp, a few blocks, a few protective spells and auras(buffs for all allies in range)
But also poor damage, being ignored by enemies. And the slowest class to grind in the whole game. Knight also have a rather random block system, you never know when you block. Blocks also got heavy nerfed. Sometimes I even edvade more than I block.

Barb = High Damage, alot of CC spells (crowd control). Alot of stuns and knocks.
But also low health(can still be high with good items), dies faster than other classes.

I really think you should be a barb if you lean towards it. I picked a Knight, worst idea I have ever had in this game.

07-30-2009, 04:17 PM
the barb has a lot of damage and the knight a lot of hp

07-30-2009, 07:43 PM
I haven't played a high lvl knight, but I have a max lvl barb so I'll talk about that.

Barbs are big hitting, scary mofo's. A buffed barb can take half an enemys hp with one attack (depending on target).
Crit on a mage, though this is more than half a mages hp :) http://img70.imageshack.us/i/screenshot2009041622572.jpg/

With /reset_powers you can have a number of setups at hand.

A defensive barb is not easy to kill, Frenzy (5) Reduces the amount of physical damage by 20%.
Caution (4) Adds the sum of 50% of your armour to the total armour count.
Then we have the 3 passives in your weapon trees,
Steel Templer (4) Resists Peircing damage by 17%.
Bendable (4) Resists Slashing damage by 17%.
Finally Iron Skin (4) Resists Blunt damage by 17%.
So thats a total of 37% resist to all 3 physical damages, not forgetting the extra 50% armour you have :)

With a setup similar to this you can also use a buff called Berserk (5), it increases your attack by 50% a the cost of 100% armour points, but for some reason Caution will give you back a couple of armour points :)
Then there is Colossus (5), it increases you total strength by the sum of 50% at the cost of 25% hp and mana :(.
Not forgetting the weapon buff of your chioce, Brutal Impacts (blunt), Agile Maneuvers (peirce) & Accurate Swings (slash). Adding 60 to you total damage.
Last but not leased, Thirst for Blood (3) Cummulative damage spell that increases your damage on each sucessful hit (normal) by 30. It also increases your attack speed by 9% on this level, 15% on lvl 5 and 50 commulatitive damage.

These are the spells used to make the crit hit you see in the attached screen shot.

I hope this was of some help to you and that a knight player can enlighten you to their skills.

See you on the battle feild friend :drinks: or foe :swordfight:

07-30-2009, 07:44 PM
barbarians are good in war!

07-31-2009, 08:19 AM
i enjoy my barbarian he is quite fun to play altough i would prefer to use slashing weapons but i blew my cash on a hammer -.-

07-31-2009, 03:03 PM
make yourself a hunter NGD loves hunters.

to the red "kar-man" NGD love hunters because they are giving him all the tools for killin every1 in PVP and taking the tools of everyone to kill hunters.

08-01-2009, 09:19 AM
lol dani

barbs are relatively easy to level compared to knights (my personal opinion) and I like their high dmg, but I know of some players with knights who practically crush their enemies with decent dmg and high hp

08-01-2009, 07:59 PM
My barb is now level 14.
Thanks for the skill tips!
Looks like i made the right choice


08-02-2009, 06:56 PM
41 eh? If your still interested in a Slash wep and your playing Syrtis then I dropped a level 41 2H sword today :)

08-03-2009, 01:44 PM
nowadays barbs are the best choice.....why?...'cause knight's defense is not properly working (not going to say why, there are many posts where it is explained), and many other issues that i wont say now. Is useless to have a knight if you don't know when is gonna start blocking, u will get frustrated...(as we all are i guess :P )
With barbs you will live in what it is called "normaland" skills are not as good as normal hits...there are many screens, here on the forum, where u can see how strong they are xD
The worst decition i made was to create a knight..


08-03-2009, 01:56 PM
I have barb, and it's boring, very boring, always normal hit and same cast to boost hit, die fast and no mana. and hight dmg? SM mage make same or more

I really think knight are more fun, beacause you cast lot of powers to help your team and you charge in ennemy groupe and you don't die :p

Yes barb can be good in WZ but very boring

08-03-2009, 06:45 PM
I have barb, and it's boring, very boring, always normal hit and same cast to boost hit, die fast and no mana. and hight dmg? SM mage make same or more

I really think knight are more fun, beacause you cast lot of powers to help your team and you charge in ennemy groupe and you don't die :p

Yes barb can be good in WZ but very boring

I acctualy find Barb to be the best "adrenaline" class, whan positions etc are working, being able to down a player so fast is a good rush even more so knowing that if your targeted by a few people at once then you will be dead before you know it, is a tence action class Imo :)

This is not to say I dont enjoy my knight a lot as well, but play on a knight feals a lot slower, and since your not often targeted till last its almost annoying "Hello! I am here stabbing you in the face? Dont you ignore me!"

SM mages hitting higher than a barb? Come on maybe with speed the DPS is higher but even Beijing hits just high 500's on me, were I can hit 1k+ easily after the 1st hit with Tfb and have critted knights for 1.8k with tfb+zerk,