View Full Version : anyone else annoyed?
07-31-2009, 09:21 PM
I use to not have this problem but than I started to think about little details about the game and how unreal they are so much that now its a constant annoyance. (I dont know if these things have been discussed or not so sorry if they have)
The main problem I see is why is everyone white except for ignis (and goats kinda)? I think NGD needs to put a skin tone changer in an update soon so that I can change my white elfs to a mixed elf.
Why do all the guards just sit there? Cant you make them move? Its so dull :/
Why is everyone so skinny? Maybe ppl playing this game want to have an extra few pounds around the waiste. Implement this along with the skin tone changer would be nice.
When is NGD gonna fix the wording in spells and stuff? For example in alot of lock spells it says 'she' in the descriptions. Same with the knight and conj I believe.
Is the economy always gonna be like this? Buying a staff for 100k+ than having to sell it for like 20k or w.e it would be? It kills me and after buffing forts(or w.e else) Im already broke. (Obviously if you have a clan than you dont need to but I think ppl get what I mean)
Edit: Also NGD started off good with the roadmap the beginning of this year. But I have yet to see one for the rest of this year. Did I miss it or something?
And i was talking to some ppl in ignis and they brought to my attention that there isnt an ignore list to see who you have ignored so Im wondering if thatll ever come in?
Anyway these are just a couple things that came to my head while writing this. Im sure that there are alot more that I havent noticed or didnt put.
P.S. This is in no way to hurt any of the Devs feelings or flame NGD
07-31-2009, 11:02 PM
I agree with you on most of the things you said. If NGD programmed NPC's as well as guards to move around from one place to another, it would make the world become more alive. Maybe not to a sensational degree, but it would really make the world we're playing in more realistic and believable. And if they start, they should start with the guards. Get guards in the fort to patrol the upper bits where the archers stand, then when enemies are in the vicinity or have attacked the door, the goards run back to their usual places and start attacking.
Skin colour definitely needs to be variant, for the sake of variety. Even goats should have differeny fur. Although Elves in Syrtis should stay white for me personally, as I havent seen many black elves in films before...
However, where it says 'she' in the descriptions, that shouldnt really be a problem. Of course nearly everyone says 'he', but its not much of a mistake using the other gender for an example, right?
More flesh on the waist sounds cool too, as long as they dont get fat - remember theyre running around endlessly so its natural to be in neat condition.
Yes, the economy is always gonna be like this unfortunately. RO used to be gold galore, but then NGD tightened the bolts. While I support that, I think they could have done a better and more realistic job of handling the economy. The forums are full of masterplans concerning this topic.
Not an official Roadmap in sight, but this is the closest:
Need an ignore list. Although I dont know why Id want to take anyone off it xD
Yeah...thats my two cents. O_O
07-31-2009, 11:13 PM
Is the economy always gonna be like this? Buying a staff for 100k+ than having to sell it for like 20k or w.e it would be?
It would be 10% usually of the retail price.
07-31-2009, 11:53 PM
I agree with moving npc's, so long as they don't wander wherever they choose, lower levels still need them for quests and might not know where they are standing still, let alone moving around.
More character customization options would also be nice.
Also agree on the bad economy issue, so few places to earn money, so many places to lose it. If (a) Drop rates were better, (b) Store prices were cheaper and (c) More quests were added, this problem would either not exist or be in a much more acceptable condition. Ngd even HAD a crafting system in the roadmap, but who knows what happened to it...
Ignore list, yes.
Overall, +1.
08-01-2009, 01:10 AM
Agree with moving guards, archer guards should patrol the wall so they can shoot on all sides of the fort, and not just directly in front of the door.
Wording of spells... annoying maybe, but I think NGD has more important things to do.
As for money, just ask a conj for some! My conj is lvl 40, I almost never grind, I regularly contribute 100k+ to a fort for ugrades... and I can usually manage to keep about 2 mill in my back pocket. Money is really tight for warriors (or so I've heard), but as a conjurer I've always got extra :D
08-01-2009, 03:14 AM
I have been here since beta, and I always thought but never expressed, it would be nice to have all shades of life ready to us. Some would argue that this is fantasy and all the shades do not matter. For the most part across the world all the shades that make up the world do not matter. However, in other games where all shades are ready for us to use and play, people often say racist remarks towards those players and segregate themselves. Face it people we live in a world where body mass and race set us apart in good and bad ways, and I doubt it will ever change. So even though it would be nice to have all the shades of life, it would cause more probelms. As to walking NPC's, I feel walking guards would be nice.
Guards can easily patrol around through the towns, but it would be nice to not let all the blacksmiths / armorers / trainers move.
About the updates to the game, if you look at the changelog you will see that we have had an update every month. What else do you want? I and most people are fine with the way things are going, as long as there is an explanation of when and why things happen.
Regnum is a freaking awesome game!
08-01-2009, 08:03 AM
I use to not have this problem but than I started to think about little details about the game and how unreal they are so much that now its a constant annoyance. (I dont know if these things have been discussed or not so sorry if they have)
The main problem I see is why is everyone white except for ignis (and goats kinda)? I think NGD needs to put a skin tone changer in an update soon so that I can change my white elfs to a mixed elf.
Why do all the guards just sit there? Cant you make them move? Its so dull :/
Why is everyone so skinny? Maybe ppl playing this game want to have an extra few pounds around the waiste. Implement this along with the skin tone changer would be nice.
When is NGD gonna fix the wording in spells and stuff? For example in alot of lock spells it says 'she' in the descriptions. Same with the knight and conj I believe.
Is the economy always gonna be like this? Buying a staff for 100k+ than having to sell it for like 20k or w.e it would be? It kills me and after buffing forts(or w.e else) Im already broke. (Obviously if you have a clan than you dont need to but I think ppl get what I mean)
Edit: Also NGD started off good with the roadmap the beginning of this year. But I have yet to see one for the rest of this year. Did I miss it or something?
And i was talking to some ppl in ignis and they brought to my attention that there isnt an ignore list to see who you have ignored so Im wondering if thatll ever come in?
Anyway these are just a couple things that came to my head while writing this. Im sure that there are alot more that I havent noticed or didnt put.
P.S. This is in no way to hurt any of the Devs feelings or flame NGD
I agree with you.
The things you mention are mostly just very small points that may improve the game experience a lot.
I still wish that NGD will have some bugfix and game behaviour improvment at some time in the future where some of this things can be adressed.
Sometimes it's the small thing that matters :)
(But I fear your character suggestions concerning weight will be implemnted as premium)
08-01-2009, 08:36 AM
Regnum is a freaking awesome game!
agreed, I think so too :drinks:
also agree with more drops, cheaper items and more quests
08-01-2009, 08:40 AM
It would be also cool if we could change of our races freely, including the ones from other realms. Why we can't have imigrants like Piz Swedzioszek? It would be alot more interesting. It can be even premium.
Would be cool to be a green goat. :devil:
08-01-2009, 09:06 AM
Fat dwarfs ftw! xD (Maybe I'd buy it even for ximerin, I want my dwarf to be fat lol :razz:)
I also agree to the other points mentioned, especially moving guards. There should be patrolling guards even between cities.
08-01-2009, 09:40 AM
I always thought but never expressed
Why are there no Brown people in regnum? (
08-01-2009, 10:04 AM
The main problem I see is why is everyone white except for ignis (and goats kinda)? I think NGD needs to put a skin tone changer in an update soon so that I can change my white elfs to a mixed elf.
It's matter of genetics i believe. Only Pidzdzius is a metis.:p
Why do all the guards just sit there? Cant you make them move? Its so dull :/
The problem is that they actually stay. Let's fund them comfortable chairs.^^
Why is everyone so skinny? Maybe ppl playing this game want to have an extra few pounds around the waiste. Implement this along with the skin tone changer would be nice.
Extra few pounds, ok, but minus extra dexterity then, could add come constitution instead.
When is NGD gonna fix the wording in spells and stuff? For example in alot of lock spells it says 'she' in the descriptions. Same with the knight and conj I believe.
They're too busy.^^
Is the economy always gonna be like this? Buying a staff for 100k+ than having to sell it for like 20k or w.e it would be? It kills me and after buffing forts(or w.e else) Im already broke. (Obviously if you have a clan than you dont need to but I think ppl get what I mean)
Now seriously. This is most unexplored field of the game. IMO NPC merchants should be able to trade with other realm's players(trade was always over petty conflicts, language of money and interest have no borders, but other realms NPS could still use some funny "I hate u but I trade u" texts) additionally, merchants from different realm should pay more for things that are in-short in their realms(i.e. syrtis and alsius merchants would pay more for specific ignis stuff - igneos claws, etc.). I'm sure that "caravans" and mob hunting (hunter class, could gain more hunterish meaning as well) parties would start emerge immediately, which would cause more small and medium battles, which would increase overall game fun. Of course it would be necessary to change positions of few NPC's, to make them harder available to other realm's players.
08-01-2009, 01:35 PM
I use to not have this problem but than I started to think about little details about the game and how unreal they are so much that now its a constant annoyance. (I dont know if these things have been discussed or not so sorry if they have)
The main problem I see is why is everyone white except for ignis (and goats kinda)? I think NGD needs to put a skin tone changer in an update soon so that I can change my white elfs to a mixed elf.
Dark skinned elfs wouldent naturally come into being in the syrtian eviroment, Dark Elfs skin is darker because of the climate,
Why do all the guards just sit there? Cant you make them move? Its so dull :/
They move when they need to,
Why is everyone so skinny? Maybe ppl playing this game want to have an extra few pounds around the waiste. Implement this along with the skin tone changer would be nice.
Fat people dont make great soldiers in most cases,
When is NGD gonna fix the wording in spells and stuff? For example in alot of lock spells it says 'she' in the descriptions. Same with the knight and conj I believe.
This is an acctual issue
Is the economy always gonna be like this? Buying a staff for 100k+ than having to sell it for like 20k or w.e it would be? It kills me and after buffing forts(or w.e else) Im already broke. (Obviously if you have a clan than you dont need to but I think ppl get what I mean)
Yup, merchants are con artists in this game,
Edit: Also NGD started off good with the roadmap the beginning of this year. But I have yet to see one for the rest of this year. Did I miss it or something?
And i was talking to some ppl in ignis and they brought to my attention that there isnt an ignore list to see who you have ignored so Im wondering if thatll ever come in?
could do with one of these
Anyway these are just a couple things that came to my head while writing this. Im sure that there are alot more that I havent noticed or didnt put.
P.S. This is in no way to hurt any of the Devs feelings or flame NGD
Comments in red :)
Its a fantasy game, you cant moan about realism with races etc when you can drop a meteor pin point onto a guys head :)
08-01-2009, 04:35 PM
No no not +constitution. +resist blunt damage.
08-01-2009, 08:00 PM
Comments in red :)
Its a fantasy game, you cant moan about realism with races etc when you can drop a meteor pin point onto a guys head :)
Thats not...dont want to call it racist but somewhere along those lines. You are saying because its a fantasy game who cares about the other colors that you actually see and lets all stay white.
Play somemore fantasy mmos see how many have skin tone changer
And why cant we focus on realism in a fantasy game? You are telling me that instead of focusing on the realism in this game maybe we should stay all fantasy. Lets remove the horses for transportation and have magic carpets. Instead of castles to defend lets have Mount Olympus.
As for your fat soldiers dont make good soldiers I dont mean fat I mean just bigger. My elf looks like he weighs 70pounds when wet. Why cant I be a buff elf?
08-01-2009, 09:46 PM
Why should mages have such a trained body?
08-01-2009, 11:12 PM
shame on you looking at people`s skin color. :p
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