View Full Version : Soo annoying
08-04-2009, 10:00 PM
Hello i play regnum under the character Eradom Level 34 Marksman
i really hate how its hard to see animals to fight in our side of the realm
and if i go to the other side i see but usually at risk of ignis or alisus hunters or whatever anybody have any idea where i can train
a place where animals my level are abundant and no to many people go there
08-04-2009, 10:02 PM
Welcome to leveling in the Warzone. We've all done it and all had the same experience with hunters. Enjoy :D Seriously though, try different time of day, afternoon gmt-5 and evening gmt-5 is pretty slow, or find a clanmate to go with you.
08-05-2009, 06:58 AM
I'm no expert, but I think theres some mobs around herbred that are easy or normal for lvl34, I could be wrong though
find a clanmate to go with you.
yeah, grinding alone can be tough, but leveling with someone else really helps: you lvl up faster and have higher chance of surviving an ambush
08-05-2009, 08:48 AM
You can be lvl 50 without taking a single step into the wild-zone, although i dislike that because that would mean that there will be less action if everyone trains in the wz.
But try to grind on Orc Captains at Nea's Crossing(in the middle of our inner realm far south of the gate
08-05-2009, 11:22 AM
I'm around that level, too. And usually I level with my brother's barb, which is about the same level. And if we're not caught at low hp or without buffs we stand a good chance of killing high level hunters that try to solo ambush us. So I can only support the advice about leveling in a party - it's more fun too!
08-05-2009, 11:39 AM
Ive tried leveling with party's before it just cut xp for me =[ iz it tht the person must be yr same class and level for it to work or wht?
08-05-2009, 12:21 PM
Ive tried leveling with party's before it just cut xp for me =[ iz it tht the person must be yr same class and level for it to work or wht?
If you work in a good leveling party, the GRP points should more than offset the loss of "real" XP points. I always grind in a party since it's much faster that way (and more fun I think).
08-07-2009, 05:53 AM
The big thing about grinding in a group (party or not, although party helps because it means higher hits on mobs ;)) is that you kill things much faster. It's important that every group above about level 30 has a mage in it to spread mana around though, because otherwise you just run out, and out, and out, and out....
08-07-2009, 02:48 PM
Another big prob is players that dont know how to grind in a group. Too often, ranged players shoot and kill anything and everything before warrior can even get close enough to a swing, or warrior ALMOSt gets to mob, and ranged starts in, and mob runs right by warrior, with no chance of hitting, thus no chance of xp.
Alternate prob, kind of flip side, when im playing my lock, we can hit and kill pretty quick, so when grinding with a warrior, i dont stay back and shoot like i would solo, but run and fight right alongsode warrior, so mob doesnt run away. But trying to get others to see this is very difficult. I have left more than 1 or 2 grind parties over this issue, both my knight and my lock.
Also, when only 3 or 4 people in party, i dont see the need for an archer to go and shoot 12 mobs, to get them all running at him, it just turns into a giant mess of un-clickable monster mash.
Maybe someone needs to explain this to me, or explain it to everyone else. Because I would like to grind in parties, I have donw so, and had great time, but more often than not I find myself leaving party to grind alone, because i get better xp and drops, and Im not runnign all over the realm trying to hit a mob that 3 different ranged classes are hitting.
08-07-2009, 03:17 PM
Another big prob is players that dont know how to grind in a group. Too often, ranged players shoot and kill anything and everything before warrior can even get close enough to a swing, or warrior ALMOSt gets to mob, and ranged starts in, and mob runs right by warrior, with no chance of hitting, thus no chance of xp.
Alternate prob, kind of flip side, when im playing my lock, we can hit and kill pretty quick, so when grinding with a warrior, i dont stay back and shoot like i would solo, but run and fight right alongsode warrior, so mob doesnt run away. But trying to get others to see this is very difficult. I have left more than 1 or 2 grind parties over this issue, both my knight and my lock.
Also, when only 3 or 4 people in party, i dont see the need for an archer to go and shoot 12 mobs, to get them all running at him, it just turns into a giant mess of un-clickable monster mash.
Maybe someone needs to explain this to me, or explain it to everyone else. Because I would like to grind in parties, I have donw so, and had great time, but more often than not I find myself leaving party to grind alone, because i get better xp and drops, and Im not runnign all over the realm trying to hit a mob that 3 different ranged classes are hitting.
I was lucky enough to find a group of people while I was around level 31 or 32 that I ended up grinding with all the way to my grad. We discussed amongst us what worked the best for each member and went from there. Now that we're all lvl 50, we grind our alts together and war together...and have forged a really awesome friendship.
As far as the multi mobs being hit by the archer, we found it works quite nicely if you let the warrior hit a bunch of mobs with one hit each instead. Then (s)he brings them towards the ranged group. Since the warrior hits harder, the XP and GRP bonus gained by the warrior is good...and it actually turns out that the group gets a relatively even distribution of XP.
08-07-2009, 03:30 PM
Aknor hit the nail on the head.
For warriors once the group get past five members it is hard to get good exp. You have to go further out, hit a mob and bring it back to the other party members. But like Aknor said, you need to have an understanding with the others so everyone gets exp.
08-09-2009, 04:50 AM
I was able to be part of two good grind parties today with my lock. The key was to play "Follow the Barb".
In the first party everyone took one hit on a critter and moved on. It was very fast paced and I was able to rack up 3x the total exp in the same time I would have solo. And it was a lot less boring. The second group was smaller, but the same concepts held, only this time, I only had to hit the beast 2 or 3 times and moved on to get good exp.
08-09-2009, 06:23 AM
Its funny, we were just talking about this in clan chat the other day. Warriors should really lead and get the first hit, its easier for everyone involved. Thats how i leveled my barb, and i played 'cleanup' with my lock. Sometimes though in one ranged one warriors, its nice if ranged hit is just an instant before warrior does so they take the agro, and possibly avoid warrior getting great with lock grinding with powers and barb using berserk etc.....can grind very fast with minimal rest, assuming that the barbarian doesn't agro too many mobs......ahem...klutu...ahem :D
08-09-2009, 10:07 AM
Whenever Im in a party of about 4 or more, we start to attack the leaders or red mobs, which is all well and good but after pounding the mob and my summon doing the exact same thing, I manage to get nothing from it, despite being in the party and near the party. Its really confusing...
08-09-2009, 08:36 PM
assuming that the barbarian doesn't agro too many mobs......ahem...klutu...ahem :D
Oh hes doing that again? :p I remember him setting about 8 Kelontes on the group near efe once ;)
08-09-2009, 11:13 PM
Oh hes doing that again? :p I remember him setting about 8 Kelontes on the group near efe once ;)
This time its with sabertooth (pounce) >.< Its really nice to nail a bunch of mobs with terror and fireball......but man that pounce is a bitch :D
Heh, i think he forgets that lock spells have cooldown :P
08-10-2009, 07:17 PM
Hey baby. Get 8 kelonites running after you then get knocked down by an aquantis and die is called a "SOL" or is it called a "Prom." I can't remember.
08-11-2009, 02:06 AM
From observation he tends to agro too many igneans at once too.
It has to be said that often for a barb in a large group it feels like the only way to get an XP in is to just hit once everything you get near to and keep running.
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