View Full Version : NG3D 2.0 Wish List

08-06-2009, 02:41 PM
I'd like to get a "list" compiled from the players that might help spark ideas/concepts, however small, for the coming new game engine.

They can be fixes for well-known bugs, balance issues, whatever. I'll start:

X. REMOVE ALL NON-FUN/ANNOYING/FRUSTRATING/BORING ASPECTS TO THE GAME. This isn't rocket science, if you make the game more fun by removing the non-fun aspects of it, you'll get more players (especially long-term players) thus more potential premium purchasers. Let me slap some logic on y'all.

a: F2P MMO Players play games which they find are the most fun
b: F2P MMO's with non-fun elements within get played less when compared to others with more fun elements.


c: F2P MMO Players will play the F2P MMO's with the most amount of fun more than those which may have more tedious, boring and otherwise non-fun elements to them.

So, NGD: More players + more premium content + better game mechanics and balance - boring and annoying stuff = more PROFIT

The following actual list is comprised of a basic overlying concept: remove non-fun/boring aspects of the game and add more fun/interesting/diverse and "dynamic" (sorry for the cliche`) aspects to the game.

1. Completely new network code -- No more huge spikes of packet-loss and missed log entries regarding your attacks on enemies or enemy attacks on you. Positioning should be truly fixed AND consistent, not just "slightly better than before".

2. Melee classes are made fun to play again. New spells, skills, abilities and passives to make them more versatile and enjoyable in any warzone situation. Also, have their "attack-zone" increased in both range and degree of arc. Barbs need movement speed back and evades/protection from ranged/magic classes (to a certain extent) and knights need GOOD armor and a more consistent blocking method vs. projectiles.

Basically, make warriors more useful, more fun and less frustrating to play in war. Make them less cumbersome with less need for constant buffing and make them more quickly and fluidly transition from "no enemies near" to "ACA!!!" without stopping and buffing for 10-15 seconds before hand.

3. Weapon and armor durability vastly increased and/or cost to repair said items vastly reduced. Personally I'd like to see "indestructible" weapons/armor, or perhaps make a rare gem that can be embedded in a weapon that makes it indestructible. In fact, an aspect of "removing all non-fun" elements of the game, I would suggest removing all weapon/armor durability completely and making all your gear indestructible. Repair hammers would go away, true, but I'm sure NGD would come up with several other premium items/options to offset that income source. See below items in the list for premium item suggestions.

Also, with archers and their arrows, make them far less expensive and come in much larger batches (instead of 50, how about 500 per batch?). And why not have the price, when compounded, be true math, i.e. if a batch of arrows are 56gp and you stack two of them, have them be 112gp and not some inflated 244gp (or whatever) as is often the case.

4. Better means to attract players for Realm Balance. 10% XP bonus really isn't enough to attract and retain long-term players into an under-populated. realm. Add "benchmark" bonuses to players who stay for 30 days or who get their characters to level 30 by giving them incentives such as a lucky box, armor paints/dyes or small amount of xim or whatever. Or, at the very least, have like "Free Premium Mounts" for those who stick to the realm for 30 days and/or get to level 30. Or make it RP-based, get 1000rp and win a free premium mount or armor paints/dyes....whatever. 10% XP bonus is nice but in the end it's not enough for character retention as generally the realm which usually has this is in a constant state of underpopulation.

5. Remove ridiculous and extremely cheap player abilities: Completely get rid of Low Profile. Completely revamp Staff Mastery tree so it is more balanced with the other classes' ability to do damage over time. Don't necessarily "nerf" it, but combine the buffs in such a way that "machine-gun mages" (aka "UZI Mages") can't solo a fort (which I've seen done).

6. Make Grinding/Leveling more fun by reducing the time-spent doing it for leveling and increasing the number of quests. More quests (and more fun quests) such as open-ended or "warzone mission" quests with exp and/or quest items is a definite must. Reduce mob resists/evades and their constant knockdown/stun/immob "spells" to be far less frequent. This game should have more war and fun war-based quest/missions and less requirement for mind-numbing, spirit-crushing grinding.

7. Realm Item Balance. Keep the variety in each realm item (quest rings/amulets and boss-mob drops) but keep them in balance so one is not more powerful than the other. Make items such as Satarco's Sword available for each realm, but for Alsius have it as a 2h Mace and Ignis a 2h Spear all with same speed and overall damage and stat-bonuses but with different types of damage bonuses (one slash, one blunt, one pierce or one fire/ice/lightning, etc.). Have all rings and amulets in the game currently available to ALL realms but with different names and damage types.

8. Premium suggestions:

Weapon and armor customizers. The Paints/Dyes are fine as is (need more colors) but more customization premium items would be nice. Allow users to add runes, etchings, engravings, gold-leafing, feathers, chains, etc. to their weapon blades as custom weapon art...or actually change the shape of their weapon's blade to a more customized, personalized fashion. Same for shields, and let mages add their own symbols, patches, etc. to their robes. I understand implementation might be a challenge but it is doable.

Character tattoos and scars. Yes, Moloks already have facial tattoos but make it more customizable for all races and with the option to add scars, eyepatches, etc.

More hairstyles and colors to choose from.

Clan-leaders/clans should have clan standards/flags/guide-ons with customizable backgrounds and symbols. Allow premium content for clanleaders/members to purchase or donate toward more customizable flags/capes/surcoats, etc..

More mounts to choose from, and reduce the cost of the realm-unique mounts as most currently do not use them as they cost too much xim.

Drop-rate scrolls. Like EXP boosters, have a drop-rate scrolls for grinders to get +X% chance for a special/magic/epic drop or just more drops in general.

Clan-houses and banks. Have an empty house in each realm's capital be the universal clan-house for all clans but with "separate" rooms. This means that while there is only one building for this, when any member of the same clan "enters" via NPC teleporter, they go to a room where only their clan-members can go. So if two players seperate clans entered at same time they'd be in 2 separate rooms. The room would have clan-specific banking NPC's for storing clan items, gold, donating XIM toward clan flags/banners etc.

Fort additions for clans: Active clans can add their own "Clan Logo encrusted shields/flags/standards" to the exterior of a realm fort. This would be shown on any fort their realm currently occupies. If the fort is lost to an enemy, their own Fort Additions would show up until the fort is retaken, and then the original clan fort additions would return.

Clan-sponsored events. Allow clans to spend XIM on hosting or sponsoring quests/missions or events such as invasions, scavenger hunts, bounties on specific enemy characters, etc.

Premium armor. Same specs as same-level regular armor but with much stylized and unique appearance.

I'm sure many more can come up with a myriad of more premium items and overall ideas for our collective wish-list.

9. Make use of RP. Instead of simply stats and bragging rights, have RP accrued available to be used to pay for fort-upgrades, exchange for gold, access to a limited palette of armor/clothing paints/dyes, etc.

Also, if not use RP for this, add a new type of points called "Fame Points" (FP) which can be used for exchanging for the aforementioned concepts and keeping RP as strictly "bragging" or "time-spent-in-wz" points. e.g. if you got 12 regnum points from a kill you'd also get 12 fame points.

10. Double or triple the available selection of weapons and armor per class per level. Also, add Realm Armor/Shields as a "graduation quest" for hitting 50. Make Realm Armor (as used/seen on fort guards) similar to Alasthor/Tenax/Vesper armor in that it's Normal vs all physical damage types but has no Magical bonuses.

11. Add "Hero of the Day" per realm, if a character does exceptionally well in a day in batle, I.E. RP earned or support given, have like an "Most Valuable Player" award every 24 hours per realm, with some kind of bonus for outstanding playing (cooperation, support, and overall heroics in battle).

12. In addition to the Colored Unchallenging, Very Easy, Easy, Normal, Challenging, Hard, Very Hard, Impossible, target "considerations", add in parenthesis the level of the mob/targeted-player. Example:

Normal (Level 50)

13. New Animations! I'm tired of seeing the same "barbarian flipping attack" for every non-normal spell. Put some variety in spell-character animations as well as a few more normal attack animations.

14. Have more sound effects (as an option) for more powerful computers. Shields blocking attacks and mage-normals should have their own sound effects as well as other blows landing.

15. Put clan-mate's positions (in warzone only) on the map. This way the constant "wau?" prompts in clan-chat would be a thing of the past. Also, hunters in clan can simply spout "3a 200m NE" and anyone in the clan nearby could react simply by looking at the map.

16. Double the spell bar (as an option) or even triple it. If people have the screen-space and want more spells on-screen to use, allow them to choose. Give ALT or SHIFT modifiers to those below the standard 1-0 number keys.



This would make combat for ALL classes far faster and more fluid for the players. Also, allow the user to "lock" the spell configurations in place so they don't accidentally "right-click" a spell, thus removing it in the midst of battle.

I'm sure there are many, many more ideas...some good, some bad, but they are just IDEAS, implementation, functionability and what not might vary.

08-06-2009, 03:12 PM
Here's another idea to help implement the "more fluid, less cumbersome" warrior revamp:

Instead of having to constantly keep buffs active to stay functional, let's take a look at "activatable passive buffs with mana cost"

"Passive buffs with mana cost?" You ask? Yes, bear with me.

Let's take a look at a barbarian, level 50. Let's assume he has 1390 mana points.

The usual barb, if he wanted decent defenses for battle, would have to, on top of his damage buffs, cast Frenzy5 and Caution4.

Frenzy5 lasts for 80 seconds and costs 125 mana and has a cooldown of 90 seconds.
Caution4 lasts for 60 seconds and costs 160 mana and has a cooldown of 80 seconds.

Not only is it difficult to sync these buffs to the point where they can be mostly always up, but between them your MP is regenerating as they burn down so when you cast them again you essentially "re-use" the mana cost.

Instead of this constant buffing and mana-recycling, why not have them as activatable, permanent passive buffs with mana cost?

Example: Frenzy5 would have to be activated (like recharge arrows for marksman), it would cost 125 mana to activate it and that 125mana would stay as "used" while the buff is active.

So the barb with 1390 mana, with Frenzy5 Activated would only then have 1265 of usable mana remaining. If a barbarian activated this, his mana would sit at 1265/1390 until it was deactivated or debuffed via Mindsquasher. Cooldowns would remain in place from the moment of deactiavesion/debuffing so you couldn't immediately re-up your buffs.

Same would go for other buffs like caution (160 mana) on top of the 125 of Frenzy. So assuming the barb already had Frenzy5 up, caution would subract another 160 from usable mana and bring it to 1105/1390. Those with "aura" animations, like Frenzy, I would keep those up so enemies could better gauge a threat's defenses and determine the need for mindsquash, or whatever.

Or you could even just make activatable passives with negatives to overall mana (like the party hats with like -% to HP), these can be -125 to mana for Frenzy or -160 to mana for caution when active. So it wouldn't just be a constant mana stuck at max-recharge with blank-space left over at 1105/1390, it would just make total mana 1105 while those 2 buffs were active, until deactivated at which time the mana pool would go back to 1390 total and MP would have to regen from 1105 to that point.

I would only apply this concept of "Activatable Passive Buffs with mana cost" to any warrior buff that lasts for more than 60 seconds. Buffs like Army of One, Unstoppable Madness, Thirst For Blood, etc. would remain one-time mana cost, timed-buffs.

This would make warriors much more capable of transitioning roles in battle, and would also free up more slots in the spell bars for more usable spells, since a warrior going into the WZ could easily just open the spellbook, activate the buffs they want with their subsequent mana sacrifice, then close spellbook and rush into battle without the delays of buffing.

Mindsquasher would still work as intended, and I can see a successful MS as debuffing these activatable passive buffs so they basically go away and your mana would start at, say, 1105 and have to regen back up to 1390 via normal mana regen rates.

This concept of hybridizing Passives and Active Buffs, I feel, would give warriors the much-needed time and resources to quickly react to threats directly without the need to stop, back up, buff, buff, buff, buff, buff, GO! and by that time have your threat situation change on you in real-time.

08-06-2009, 03:13 PM
Clans also need a complete revamp. Anpu has made some great suggestions for this.

P.s. Remove Invasions. :p

08-06-2009, 03:34 PM
I like these ideas

08-06-2009, 04:00 PM
Id like for bugfix/improvements additionally:

- tag players with active buffs debuffs. Atm you see them only when your in visual-range of players when they get applied.(you eg. dont see Low pro when a hunter uses it out of camo)
- add effects for missing debuffs/buffs and have em persistent until it runs out (missing: dizziness,cannot attack, immobilize)
- apply those animations only when the spell gets applied with success (no more confuse-animation around head when it gets resisted)
- add a small manabar under the hp bar we see on allies when hoveringover/selecting em.

- configurable keys for spells/quickbars with key combinations like [Shift]/[Alt]/[Ctrl]+ [Key]
- Give us tools that simplify coordination, eg. custon chat channels (maybe wow like "-create_channel samalgroup pass" then users can join it "-join_channel samalgroup pass") or a way to mark players so their chat gets shown in different color or ona different position of the screen.
- UI improvements

Ill add more later.

08-06-2009, 04:27 PM
I have thought a long time on activatable buffs.....kind of like titan quest (XX mana reserves, meaning it temporarily reduces available mana).

Warriors need soooo many buffs to really be effective, and this would help that a lot....even if you were only allowed to designate 1 or 2 at a time. Weapon mag and Caution would be my choices.

I agree with most of the post, but there are so many points that i cannot comment on each one :D

Clans need fixing for sure, need banks integrated, with either a gp credit, or trade ratio, or free reign, whatever. The ability to designate interim leaders, or captains etc would be nice....they would have limited control over clan. Of course, the ability to completely transfer leadership would be nice too for if a player quits.

08-06-2009, 04:48 PM
Since chars will have 3k pix instead of 1k there will hopfully be more detail added, not just scaling up most of the current existing armours,

Would be great to see Quivers, Bow strings, Scabbards, more variation in weps (there are so many under differant names that look exactly the same) Variation of boss drops (premium paint is a easy but cheesy way to make them look (unique)

I agree to most of what has been suggested, but NGD most likely already has a huge list of stuff to do and are likely working on it right now, so hopefully the best parts of your ideas are on that list already, but I dont think they will massively change anything already in development

PS: NGD is ng3d 2.0 planned to be released all at once of staggered over a few months?

08-06-2009, 05:00 PM

just to add to your clan-house ideas, that should be completely instanced, not a persistent area. maybe make 5-6 guild islands (guild wars style) which host clan houses and are completely instanced, but have different look. e.g. 2 islands / designs per realm.

08-06-2009, 05:16 PM

Guild Halls ive been wanting since day 1 with bank space and more.

I want a Dungeon.
a place to kill unique monsters that have good exp and drops maybe throw in a secret map quest to find treasure or something.

i want them larger with a Landscape and such outside the fort that works with it.

Warzone Cities
villages in the wz for each realm could put the saves in there have wz quests
sort of a bounty hunter system.

Mostly i just Want more Content and more Terrain this game has had the same landscape for over 2 years and im sick to death of it :)

08-06-2009, 05:19 PM
sort of a bounty hunter system.

Prehaps a guy at each realms Cs who gives daily or weekly Rp ranks for the 2 enemy realms, More Rp the player has, higher up the list he is, higher up the list he is the more gold/xp/whatever you get for killing him, or a share of the loot if you helped kill them.

08-06-2009, 05:39 PM
Loving these ideas... Also, i think that characters should have a "physical" presence, this would mean that 4 knights standing in a fort doorway would be a barrier to enemies entering.

08-06-2009, 06:00 PM
Nothing much that hasn't been said before from me...

* Archer quivers please. :)
* Lowered costs for repairing armour/weapons for all Lvl 35's and above. I find that collecting all loot from grinding can pay back damage made from it. However by Lvl 35 you're more likely to go to war, where loot is almost impossible to aquire to pay back damage costs.
* Clan member list in the same tab as where the name and rank of said clan is. You dont need an extra box for this, it clutters the window. Same goes for buying and selling items.
* Lower Ximerin price for realm mounts and increase duration for up to 3 months. It makes the object more popular and gives you more money as players are paying for a more expensive item.
* Make four legged creatures faster, so you cant escape from them. They are supposed to be fast, not slower than people.
* Walking guards please. :D
* Implement ability to see online status of all clan members.
* Implement level status.
* Implement clan banks for both items and money. Possible magnamite and Ximerin too?

08-06-2009, 07:28 PM
I agree with Klutu I want dungeons too and player class able to collect and make items. Also the king think si good idea cuz every war need a leader and nobody said we will follow him :P And more mounts, wepons, armours, quests, guild banks, personal banks... And change a bit hunters for fort war something lik Head of the Pack is the place from where other new nice spells can come :)

08-07-2009, 02:54 AM
Nothing much that hasn't been said before from me...

* Walking guards please. :D

How about roaming guards, in each realm warzone. Say 4 or 5 guards who wander round each wz just to make it more alive feeling.

08-07-2009, 06:40 AM
+1 or better +10

The Ideas of Kyrottimus are really great.

Would be nice to see some of them in the game...

08-07-2009, 07:35 AM
+1 to all :drinks:
but... will the positional lag ever end?

08-07-2009, 08:13 AM
I love the ideas here, especially the bounty hunter one, and having random guards walk about the wz. It would bring a new meaning to hunt in the game, getting a group to get a high wanted player would be great fun.

To forts, many is the time i find myself looking at archers and mages duking it out from walls. Wouldn't it be cool if there were, for example, cannons on the corners of forts. You would need to load cannonballs into cannons by getting them from the tower areas. You would be able to only carry 1 cannon ball per time. And eachtime a shot is fired you knock an area of enemies down and maybe do minor damage if you aim right. I just think something like this would make warriors a lot more playable in fort fights.

08-07-2009, 02:33 PM
I love the ideas here, especially the bounty hunter one, and having random guards walk about the wz. It would bring a new meaning to hunt in the game, getting a group to get a high wanted player would be great fun.

To forts, many is the time i find myself looking at archers and mages duking it out from walls. Wouldn't it be cool if there were, for example, cannons on the corners of forts. You would need to load cannonballs into cannons by getting them from the tower areas. You would be able to only carry 1 cannon ball per time. And eachtime a shot is fired you knock an area of enemies down and maybe do minor damage if you aim right. I just think something like this would make warriors a lot more playable in fort fights.

I wouldn't want any kind of gunpowder/firearms in a sword and sorcery type game. Sort of ruins the "nostalgia" of it.

I would, however, go for catapults, trebuchets and ballistas.

08-07-2009, 07:12 PM
Wish list? mhh let's see...

A far colder alsius. Big huge massive houses/caves/whatever, that actually look warm. (No small huts without door...) Maybe a whole underground city? We are dwarfs, miners :P (Why is there no mining industry? Are we just pirates?)

And every realm lacks it's story. How did humans come there? Why did they leave their countries? How did our smelly goats come to us? :P Or is it the other way round? We dwarfs came by ship to a country ruled by goats? And somehow there's Thundermace and his great victory against aquantis... Dwarfs aren't really great sailors in general, so why are we a sea power? What about the goats' story?
I want to know what I'm fighting for :P

And maybe scenarios...? Invade your enemy via ship, XvsX players, capture this, defend this, and so on.

08-07-2009, 11:43 PM
Don't forget Duel Wielding.

08-08-2009, 03:04 AM
And every realm lacks it's story. How did humans come there? Why did they leave their countries? How did our smelly goats come to us? :P Or is it the other way round? We dwarfs came by ship to a country ruled by goats? And somehow there's Thundermace and his great victory against aquantis... Dwarfs aren't really great sailors in general, so why are we a sea power? What about the goats' story?
I want to know what I'm fighting for :P.


I don't know the story of The Land? Sit and listen youngster for I have travelled through all known earth and far beyond.

First The Gods looked upon The Void and decided "A world to rule, that's the proper achievement to fulfil our visions!" . Each and single one of them was given a task... some even... multi-tasked! The Nether Great Domains aren't as joyful as we believe.

With sheer wisdom and great persistence they made The Land, and upon having it created they observed that such wonderful landscapes should be cherished and populated with animated entities. For that purpose they created The Beasts: Dragons, Igneos, Tol-Tars, Cyclops, Golems, all the vast array of animals and the aquatic domains of the Atlantis.

The Land prospered but The Gods weren't happy enough. The Beasts could organize, fight and sustain for themselves but they couldn't create. So they dictated that The Beast would be able to choose, to think and to follow their natures, and they were given free will. Orcs organized themselves in tribes, much like Tol-Tars. Other beings achieved much greater feats, Igneos risen empires to the East, Aquantis ruled the shores to their pleasure, Werewolves inbreed on the North and to the South ferocious carnivores ruled their territories.

"Lo and Behold" singed The Gods upon their thrones. They observed The Ether and decided "It is time to share our creation with other sentient entities, let them roam our lands with a purpose."

With a sheer glimpse to the forests in the South the Light (or Wood) Elven race was risen, they were given the task to protect Nature's balance upon The Land. To the far East the Moloks stepped out from sandstorms to engage and subdue the Ignean Civilization and protect The Land from their madness. To the North the Uthgars met the frozen winds to stop the bloodthirsty menace of the lycans. And beyond where our sight can reach Dwarves were given their territories, and more importantly, their expansionist need to satisfy their love for wealth...

Upon his tempestuous throne Chilko "The One Who Must Not be Named" rose an unmerciful hand and shouted "Our creation isn't finished until a race made by my image isn't made!". And the humans awoke, their purpose resides solely on satisfying their ambitions and inquiring nature, and they were given a place close to the Elven race for whom they shared many resemblances.

One can say everything worked out fine... for a time. The Gods would visit their creations, improving The Land by solving some persistent glitches and bugs... I meant minor flaws on their omniscient design...

The years went past and The Land met some intriguing events that must be remembered.

The Elves will certainly point out that the first signs for what was to come was given by the appearance of the Humans on their territories. The Alturians, the eldest human race known, forged an alliance with the Light Elves for the purpose of mutual protection (some will say that even archers and mages need cannon fodder...) and both races prospered, one learning the ways of the eldest race, the other amusing themselves by observing such particular resourceful part of Nature.

The Moloks still recall when they first met magic manipulation from other source then Igneos. Humans led by their curiosity travelled far to the East, and upon meeting them they stroke out of fear provoked by their magnificent presence. One of the reasons Moloks never possessed magic is their habit of slaughtering everything that even tries to evoke a skeleton, much less an arcane missile, hence from that encounter one can still ear their boisterous voices reminding an old saying "Not every stick on fire is a torch, better kill who's holding it and confirm after!" (hence their famous ability on seeing through pitch black...).

To the North one can still feel the strangeness with which the first Dwarves were received. On one side full geared warriors holding magnificent axes... little magnificent axes. On the other, one of the mightiest races holding stafs higher then two Dwarves put on top of each other and hammers whose size weighted more then a full dwarven armour. The end result was an alliance forged upon endless rounds of fine flavoured Uthgar ale and peace resolutions achieved through grass (?) fuelled pipes!

Humans will certainly recall the travels they endured on those days, led by their need of uncovering The Land secrets they went to the South, East and to the North. In the East they weren't as well received as on the iced mountains and that led to the appearance of Nordos; Skelics, or Esquelios, would only "differentiate" much after. On the South emerged an alliance one can still observe today.

Until the day arrived when Light became Dark. The Exile started many centuries ago, first when the Ignean War unleashed, after when the powers salvaged from the Ignean capital city provoked a breach upon Elven society. The lust for power became an obsession, and when pursuing it, the skin became dark and some Alturians named themselves Esquelios. Shortly after, some bastard sons were received again in Syrtis and they are known by Half-Elves.

But you know all of this by now, what happened after is told by all merchants, guards and citizens of The Land. Moloks had to put up with Dark Elves and Skelics, The Exiled decided to erase "the heretics" from the earth, and Dwarven ambitions aim to control larger portions of The Land.

One might think Syrtis would only defend Nature and their borders... but since the Necromantic studies were introduced, and Sultar's secrets sold, the only difference between them and Igneans is... colour and tatoos (and attack speed as some claim)! Moloks are so "happy" with their "neighbours" they will "promptly" help them get their former lands back if that means they can be left alone for themselves again. To the North a sleeping wolf sometimes awakes, and hordes of warriors howling Siulas praises devastate everything on their path.

You don't know why are you fighting... the answer is simple, it's the only thing you can do on The Land.


Just write some stuff instead of using the awesome XP bonus on Horus and you'll get some interesting things to laugh about... specially yourself! xD

08-08-2009, 08:27 AM
lol, best story I've read yet

I support 'actual physical presence' for guards and chars, more info on clan members on clan tab, moving guards around the wz, bounty hunter system and most (if not all) of Kyrottimus' ideas

08-08-2009, 08:39 AM
no entendi ni papa pero weno xDxDxD i dont speak englis xDxDxD

08-08-2009, 08:46 AM
Don't forget Duel Wielding.

IF you check the videos from NGD you will see dual wielding has been put in place already.

08-08-2009, 10:43 AM
Nice ideas but maybe leave that level showing. I like that in Regnum

08-08-2009, 12:25 PM
IF you check the videos from NGD you will see dual wielding has been put in place already.

Uh, what videos?

If you mean the tower video.. duh.. if it was done then i would have been added long ago.. those chars are been likely modeled all in one piece.

08-08-2009, 02:00 PM
Lmao great story! If only something like that were available ingame :sifflote:

Yeah we could write some stories, but I doubt ngd would ever use them :P (Even if those stories aren't like ... yours ^^)

We need some quests like the rune stone story... Hear a bit about our country...
Suggestion for a scenario: Noobs re-enact during some kind of festivity the epic victory of Thundermace/those guys looking like Siulas to their enemies. Or other events that took place some time ago, in our history :P

08-08-2009, 02:40 PM
Would be kind of nice if NGD could bring back cloaks/capes Hooded or not, Like option hide hood? for the cloak. Also I quiver handing off this side of the waist or
on the back of an archer would look cool. :) Maybe a bag to hand of the side of tunics? just to give them a little more appeal.

08-08-2009, 04:42 PM
Id also like to see is for lvl 50's being able to have a special move.

Simular to FF's Overdrive

at lvl 50 choosing 1 of like 20 spells you could use and have it as a overdrive so when u stay alive long enough in war you could unleash a special move

might add a little more meaning to be lvl 50 and Staying alive instead of just rushing blindly into the army ^^

08-08-2009, 05:10 PM
Id also like to see is for lvl 50's being able to have a special move.

Simular to FF's Overdrive

at lvl 50 choosing 1 of like 20 spells you could use and have it as a overdrive so when u stay alive long enough in war you could unleash a special move

might add a little more meaning to be lvl 50 and Staying alive instead of just rushing blindly into the army ^^

Would certainly add some more incentive to get to 50 :P

Maybe class specific options? like a conju could have for example, 1 to heal 1k to everyone in X range 1 to give 1k mana to everyone in X range etc etc

With very long Cd's though and would be tough to balance.

08-08-2009, 05:54 PM
1) Duel welding for barbs
2) War machines to destroy fort doors or wall instead of bashing with sword iron door which remains Monty Python
3) Extend map by inner locations
4) Clan banks
5) In game auctions
6) Crafting class that can repair or assemble war machine ?

08-08-2009, 07:45 PM
I agree with the following:

-Physical presence (allow people to walk through their own Realm mates but stop the enemy)

-Walking Guards (Also like the idea of like an npc patrol moving through their part of the WZ)

-More Clan functionality (Banks, logos, who is online, maybe clan halls eventually)

And just keep up the good work NGD :biggrin: many people don't seem to appreciate all you do for us for free.