View Full Version : Horus 3-realm war event. August 16, 17:00 GMT.

08-11-2009, 05:32 PM
I haven't seen on Horus any events which would involve all 3 realms. So let's try to make something that (hopefully) would include more than just door bashing and boss-mob killing. Here is the plan of event (I'm not sure if it will work, but if you never try you'd never know).

War will involve 3 forts - Aggersborg, Herbred and Samal. Goal of each realm is to take as many of them as possible. If at any time during event some realm takes all 3 forts it is considered as absolute winner. If this will never happen then realm that controls 2 out of 3 fort by the end is considered victorious. Realm left without fort by the end of event considered defeated. If every realm controls 1 fort (doesn't matter which one) it is a draw.

1. Length of event 3 hours from 17:00 GMT to 20:00 GMT.
2. By the beginning of it all forts should belong to their realms.
3. During event no other fort except those involved in it should be taken.

If you have any questions, additions or suggestions please post them here. I would also like to know if your realm is willing participate.

08-11-2009, 05:36 PM
That sounds awesome, great initiative!
I'll try to be on with my pt lvl 37 barb :p

08-11-2009, 08:22 PM
We had 3 way realm fights in Imperia surroundings before spontaneously (open field, not castle). It was fun :)

08-11-2009, 10:14 PM
I don't do (player initiated) events. You can rest assured, that if something like this happened, me and my homies will set up shop in Trelle or Algaros. Play the game already and stop coming up with dumb ideas.

Yeah I'm a troll. So?

NBK in this MOFO! What!? WHAT?!


not a dumb idea when some1 just wants to have fun, go ahead and take trelle and alga with ur "homies"

08-11-2009, 10:26 PM
We had 3 way realm fights in Imperia surroundings before spontaneously (open field, not castle). It was fun :)

Yes open field is best, I expect them here as armies will likely run into each other on their way to opponent fort.

08-11-2009, 10:59 PM
what day is on?

08-11-2009, 11:32 PM
dont mind vythica, even igneans cant stand her/him? anyways sounds great, and its always nice to see players trying to change things around, war can get a little boring and repetetive, events like these keep the game alive.


08-11-2009, 11:35 PM
I don't do (player initiated) events. You can rest assured, that if something like this happened, me and my homies will set up shop in Trelle or Algaros. Play the game already and stop coming up with dumb ideas.

Yeah I'm a troll. So?

NBK in this MOFO! What!? WHAT?!


God your a prick

08-11-2009, 11:38 PM
NBK in this MOFO!

i wonder what language that is.:eek24:

anyway, sounds fun =D

a little out of topic but: glulose, isn't there a player in ignis called glucose? or is that you and i just call you glucose? >.<

08-12-2009, 12:20 AM
i wonder what language that is.:eek24:

Sounds like some folks I knew back in Chi-town... (Chicago)

anyway, sounds fun =D

a little out of topic but: glulose, isn't there a player in ignis called glucose? or is that you and i just call you glucose? >.<

:rolleyes: that's what I thought at first too. xD

08-12-2009, 12:25 AM
Sounds like some folks I knew back in Chi-town... (Chicago)
Oh hell no!:fury:

I'd like to think people from the midwaste have a bit more respect...

08-12-2009, 12:43 AM
Oh hell no!:fury:

I'd like to think people from the midwaste have a bit more respect...

I used to live in GA too when I was younger (for a few years), Evans (near Augusta)...

Yeah, I've lived all over. And from what I can tell it's becoming more common everywhere.


08-12-2009, 12:44 AM
Sounds like fun......

The BEST events are player initiated, though they tend to always end badly......like the last superboss thing.

08-12-2009, 01:06 AM
Normaly cause some rp whore cant let the rest of the world enjoy itself!
Guess who has already owned up to it?

08-12-2009, 01:13 AM
yeah this sounds Very fun :)

id be interested

08-12-2009, 01:49 AM
Although I am against USER EVENTS like bosskill or pvps, this really sounds good to me. Alas every rule has an exception :). Esp because, this kinda concentrates the fort battles to just 3 forts. This makes the sparsely populated Horus a bit more dense. And just an unwritten code of conduct that all action will be in the three forts and no more taking empty forts.
Btw, Vythica why would you blindly oppose any user event?
This event just gives a time when war will happen, so that most number of people come online for the 'event' so we have more fun instead of the boring waiting game and empty fort taking.

But I see a hurdle for the success of this event,
suppose we have equal turn out for each realm. They would decide to just upgrade their forts and stay put and defend. This could lead to stalemate.
Are we allowed to upgrade forts? If not, how will you enforce this? Hmm this again would need realm cooperation which I dont support.
but anyways, +1 to the idea, I will try to be on. May be we should make this an unwritten rule that you dont take any other fort (other than main forts) unless you are invading?

Maybe NGD should make this a mini-invasion with some gold rewards if you control all three major forts. All players logged on at such a time will have a gold reward of say 50k. Which would really spice up fort wars !

08-12-2009, 04:22 AM
Game needs GMs and more mods?

08-12-2009, 04:25 AM
Id say Allow people to upgrade can't really stop it.

08-12-2009, 06:50 AM
i propose 3 suggestions
1) realm with no fort doesn't instant lose. maybe some timer can be tracked - say 30 minutes without fort, loses battle (prevents stalemate of everyone just defending fort.) probably people maintaining irc bots can upgrade them for event to track said timer.

2) home fort doesn't matter more than any other of "main" fort (prevents stalemate by defending home fort at all costs instead of going to other forts)

3) gentlemen's agreement - if some stray party captures castle, realm gate isn't attacked, even if set in danger. timer is let to expire. (prevents some stray groups setting "gate in danger" situation and forcing realm to abandon "wargame" as small stray party probably isn't capable to get realm gate down alone)

08-12-2009, 09:05 AM
That's obviously dem niggas speakin gangsta.
East side Cleveland/Detroit ghetto's. Home sweet fuckin home. People who think they are the shit, dressed down with sagging pants, a high need for a belt, too much gold to make the national reserve jealous, and an attitude that stems from not having parents who knew how to refrain from the use of crack cocaine. :3

Lmao :p

P.s +1 Selian, sounds like an awesome idea..i hope it works out :)

08-12-2009, 09:06 AM
I think that realm should be allowed to upgrade forts. Fort camping may ruin the event, but I hope that people would like to have some fights not sit/dance/afk inside a fort.

i propose 3 suggestions
1) realm with no fort doesn't instant lose. maybe some timer can be tracked - say 30 minutes without fort, loses battle (prevents stalemate of everyone just defending fort.) probably people maintaining irc bots can upgrade them for event to track said timer.

It seems I wasn't clear in my first post and I'm going to fix it. What I mean is if some player by the end of event has no fort he loses. If it happens during event it doesn't matter. Only if some realm manages to take all 3 forts it is considered a winner.

2) home fort doesn't matter more than any other of "main" fort (prevents stalemate by defending home fort at all costs instead of going to other forts)

Yes this was exactly my idea, all forts have equal value.

3) gentlemen's agreement - if some stray party captures castle, realm gate isn't attacked, even if set in danger. timer is let to expire. (prevents some stray groups setting "gate in danger" situation and forcing realm to abandon "wargame" as small stray party probably isn't capable to get realm gate down alone)
Many things can go wrong, for such case we should have means of communication between realms (or representatives from realms). Do we have common IRC or something of the kind?

Thank you all for your interest and questions. If you feel that some point is unclear post it here or contact me ingame.

08-12-2009, 09:35 AM
prostponing result to end of event, may make situation with no attacks from beginning, with intense war near of ending, and stalemate at the very end.

i suggest adjusting rules, so game might be lost even in middle of event (probably adding -1 to scoresheet and continuing game with "no fort timer" extended for another amount of time. in the end tolal score is calculated)

what do others think about it?

PS. i am not trying to overtake the event, i just believe that if everyone speaks up, we can predict possible "bad scenarios" and make game rules for event enjoyable and thought out for everyone :)

PSS, i am not sure if i want to disclose irc info in public forum, but you can just ask your realmmates for info to regnum's irc channel.

08-12-2009, 11:34 AM
How about we just add up the number of minutes that each realm holds each fort? Though perhaps there should be a "difficulty bonus" for simultaneously holding three forts.

08-12-2009, 12:29 PM
i wonder what language that is.:eek24:

it's half-nigger language. i said half-nigger cause vyth is a white boy aka wigger so it can never be 100% true nigger slang.

08-12-2009, 12:37 PM
Let's keep things as simple as possible without timers, difficulty modifiers etc. (at least for the first time)
I intentionally made last state so important to spice up things in the end, which would be nice I think. Also I left big possibility of draw not to have one realm "lose" having 0.001 score points less than another.

I will post statistical information after event with number of captures and holding times just for fun.

08-12-2009, 01:50 PM
How about we just add up the number of minutes that each realm holds each fort? Though perhaps there should be a "difficulty bonus" for simultaneously holding three forts.

my idea, when i saw this topic was that 1 minute with holding 1 fort gives 1 point, so 3 forts gives 3 points/min. that way there is strong reason to hold as much forts as possible, making war very dynamic, because there would be reason to hold extra fort for as little as 1 minute.
this type of gameplay would need some bot for tracking tho. maybe existing ircbots can be modified for this game mode?

Let's keep things as simple as possible without timers, difficulty modifiers etc. (at least for the first time)
I intentionally made last state so important to spice up things in the end, which would be nice I think. Also I left big possibility of draw not to have one realm "lose" having 0.001 score points less than another.

nothing personal, but i see this(where final state matters) mode flawed
a) there is no use of 3 hour war, as nothing important changes in that stage. only few last minutes is important

a1) realm can easy lose in last second, hence the 3 hour war is useless, better to play failsafe and zerg home fort (as save is near) in last minutes and don't probably waste efforts, gold etc on participiating in war for hours, if only final state matters. game is slow in beginning and grinds to halt in the end, as everyone defends home fort no matter what.

or to sum it simply - there is no motivation and reward for the 2.5 hours of warfare. timer mode offers solution to that.

please, give it a thought. maybe something can be thought up so people who can't attend the end of event, doesn't feel useless.

08-12-2009, 02:41 PM
this type of gameplay would need some bot for tracking tho. maybe existing ircbots can be modified for this game mode?

Script that polls war status page would be enough. It is updated every minute which is quite enough to track war events. Making such script takes about 2 mins so anyone who wishes may verify my results.

As for scoring, I'll try to figure out what people think would be better. It is secondary question (though it definitely affects war strategy). Main thing is to bring people together.

@ Vythica:
There is no difference between player organized event or GM/Dev organized (except that latter can make global announcement which is certainly helpful). Nobody can control what players do, and it is totally up to you whether you'd like to participate or not.

08-12-2009, 04:45 PM
Main thing is to bring people together.

True (10char)

08-12-2009, 06:16 PM
Wrong again Edge. Though nice to see you post on this thread, I mean NO thread is complete without the obligatory "I know everything" post from Edge. As far as Igneans/Ignites; do the quests or if you have done them, learn to read. We are refered to as Ignites in the quests. I promise.

They see me Trollin', they hatin'...Official response:

Alsius: Alsirian
Ignis: Ignean
Syrtis: Syrtan


Is that enough for you?

08-12-2009, 07:37 PM
So I have two options of scoring event result - first that I described in the first post and second suggested by w_larsen:

Every minute each realm gains certain number of "point" which is equal to number of forts under it's control (1 fort - 1 point/min, 2 forts -2 points/min, 3 forts - 3 points/min).

I would like to hear which one would you prefer before I make final decision.

08-12-2009, 08:43 PM
I don't know why you're getting so upset here Edge, I'm simply stating a fact that that's what the quests say. There's no need for all the anger. Are you taking Anti-depressants/MAOIs? You may be having an adverse reaction... I hope you get better soon. :)

XD now you guys see why nobody like him/her..... and obviously im not one of those people, i dont like you lol i mean honestly what kind of sad, sad, sad person logs on to a game to act better than everyone, do you really need that kind of self-esteem boost? or are you secretley 8 years old? its gotta be one of those 2. and I live in chicago, chinatown is not chicago... and its IGNEANS cuz i said so, what? what?


08-12-2009, 08:48 PM
I don't know why you're getting so upset here Edge, I'm simply stating a fact that that's what the quests say. There's no need for all the anger. Are you taking Anti-depressants/MAOIs? You may be having an adverse reaction... I hope you get better soon. :)

Wow, you sure see far from that big horse you're up on, Vythica!
Would be a shame if you fell down, or if someone accidently drove an axe through that enormous ePeen of yours.

I'm sure you get a lot of ladies with the wonderful personality of yours.

08-12-2009, 08:51 PM
Chi-town is a nickname for Chicago.

Edge, I don't think I've "assaulted" anyone. In fact, I'm the one who's been attacked here. I've been called a "prick" and a "filthy worm" and been told no one likes me. I actually think I'm owed an apology. All for stating my opinion. If I have offended you I'm sorry, I didn't realize you had an illness. I'll pray for you.

hey if you dont like the truth, stay out of the forums... i know it hurts =( but... its true, take it like the man-thing you are. and when you come into a post, a friendly post, saying the nonsense you did, what do you expect? i think you are the one with the illness, are you at all related to DB, or had a relation with him, it might have spread you know... you might whant to get that checked out... my best wishes for you and maybe theyl find a cure to pricks, maybe...


08-12-2009, 09:00 PM

08-12-2009, 11:28 PM

It is undoubtedly an exchange of arguments I would like to participate in.

Igneans, Ignites or Ignitas? A deep question whose answer scholars at the Altaruk University Halls hardly agree between themselves. Some continuously claim, with quotations inscribed in the Compendium Arcana Obscura that the sacred book, source of Ignis power, gives the desired answer:

"Those who ignite the powers of The Chosen (year 52 a.E. transcription, the elder cannon still uses "The Beholder" as proper translation from the original Alphabetum Agni, the Igneo alphabet compilation made by studying the runes of the Igneo Capital) and scorch who remains indifferent to His (year 1 a.E. transcription, the elder cannon refers to a figure known as Da'en-no-Mikoto, north-eastern Molok interpretation, or Rha Exousiai on south-eastern Molok scrolls; the original subject whom Igneos referred is still unknown, yet some scholars have found it was a plural conjunction of a form distantly related to the modern "Deity") true word shall..."

pag. 32, "The Compendium Arcana Obscura for dummies. Commented release for exams purpose."; The Medenet Times Editions (excerpt of the censored version).

Therefore, some claim, the inhabitants of Ignis should be known as "those who ignite". And that is indeed the common usage of the word "Ignitas" on Ra plane of existence. Furthermore the land would be named as "Ignis" since it "burned": metaphorically taken from the hot climate, literally adopted by the usage of fire on pre-Exile studies of Necromantic science incurred by those who would rebel from Syrtis, and later adapted in several ceremonies to celebrate The Chosen's imminent arrival and resurrection.

Unfortunately this is only due to the predominance of The Exiled culture upon Ignis. Moloks, who are indeed versed scholars (who hasn't noticed that even the librarian of The Noble Council is a Molok?), have always held their own perspective about Igneo Artefacts: unless they serve to kill others they might as well remain buried somewhere. Their distaste for arcane trickery is also well known so the Compendium usefulness is very limited, much less the adopted versions sanctioned by The Medenet Cathedral. For Moloks "Ignis" comes from the native land of "Igneos" (aka "yellow bastards"), the first race who mastered fire for war purposes on the East.

Molok bards still name Ignis as "the blooded sands of our proud warriors" among other lore driven memories... or less poetically "where the yellow bastards built their huts" in the past, or even "where the ratlike lich arses and their puny Esquelio lackeys decided to build their huts...".

This has lead to a flawed translation on Horus plane: the word "ignites" (since the budget allocated for Education has been continuously redirected for war purposes one shouldn't be so surprised about it!) being constantly used by less literate parts of the population. Truth is that one of the eldest weapons built using the "polishing sand technique" (originally a... Molok crafting technique naturally) is still known as "Ignean Axe" for mercantile purposes (it is, however, also known as "Tumbling grains of glittering slashing sand blade"...).

Concluding, one who travelled Ra plane of existence might observe those who inhabit Ignis should be called as "Ignitas" (those who ignite), travelling Horus plane one will get a similar expression in "Ignites", but one should observe the ancient tradition (among The Exiled) of naming "Ignean" for what and whom is original from that region of The Land.



Hope everything runs smooth (everybody happily enjoys themselves by "knowing interesting people and killing them after"). Beach hour for me though! :cool:

08-13-2009, 02:53 AM
*crunch crunch*

/me looks up from his popcorn.

Hey hey, it's like the "fuhrer" thing again. (Did you know that some people still can't tell the difference between German and Nazi, and stereotype anyone who uses German titles as Nazi?)

Now me, I will use any of the given words, but consider according to standard English rules, "Ignean" refers to the people, and "Ignite" is an adjective reference to the culture's origin and its followers (like Israelian vis Israelite).

Now I must go and reboot because I've had a kernel oops in the jfs module....

08-13-2009, 05:34 AM
...................the word Israelian exist alongside Israelite (eg: Israelian culture/Israelian buildings, etc)

on the subject: maybe make the score system more simplier to track by making it a point for 5 or 10 minutes instead of just a minute?
and will there be any punishments for those who don't follow any code of conduct or gentleman's agreement?

08-13-2009, 06:35 AM
on the subject: maybe make the score system more simpler to track by making it a point for 5 or 10 minutes instead of just a minute?
and will there be any punishments for those who don't follow any code of conduct or gentleman's agreement?

you will need some bot to track time anyway, so one must be made. for bot it doesn't differ 1 minute or 10. if there isn't bot to track, 30 minutes seems reasonable timespan for human to track,

any user made rules are unenforceable :/

08-13-2009, 06:46 AM
My apologies, for disambiguation I shall rephrase that as "standard rules of the English language." Educated Australians know far more about them than your average American.
Don't start blathering about the falsehood of there being more people whose language is "American English" than the Queen's English. Think of India.
You should also recall that England itself is on an island.

"Israelian" is a bastard term and the word itself means nothing, but that doesn't preclude its use by many – if I understand correctly, the appropriate term to use in its place is "Israeli." It was the quickest way to illustrate a point.

For what it's worth, the term is "G'day," "Gudday" [sic], or "Good day [to you]" in formal language. Not that it's actually worth anything.

On topic, I believe punishments will be self evident and entirely made up of the shunning of antisocialites. Most people who are liable to partake in this kind of activity are unlikely to notice them.

08-13-2009, 08:18 AM
you will need some bot to track time anyway, so one must be made. for bot it doesn't differ 1 minute or 10. if there isn't bot to track, 30 minutes seems reasonable timespan for human to track

If I suggest something, it means I can do it, I have such script already. And please read my question, I'm not asking "What do I need to track time?" I ask "Which way of scoring would you prefer?"

War status page is updated every minute, so 1 minute interval seems to be reasonable.

08-13-2009, 08:59 AM
quoted is my reply to 1bwana.

08-13-2009, 06:18 PM
you will need some bot to track time anyway, so one must be made. for bot it doesn't differ 1 minute or 10. if there isn't bot to track, 30 minutes seems reasonable timespan for human to track,

any user made rules are unenforceable :/

thanks larsen, all this is sort of new to me :p

and thanks Arafails, didn't know that 'Israelian' wasn't the proper word :)

08-15-2009, 02:33 PM
I forecast Ignis to be the hands down winner, since its on Horus. Ignis has had no problem actually taking (and holding) all forts and castles on the map, when theyre serious about taking someone's gems. I mean ALL 9. Taking and hold 3 should be np for them.

How this makes me feel, as an Alsian.... i won't go into that.

08-15-2009, 06:32 PM
don't forget that this is scheduled at 17:00, when most alsians are actually awake it's totally impossible to hold 9 forts at that time. even 2 forts are problematic, if all 3 sides takes action. alsians are no worse than any other realm - if we get enough online and on same place, we can zerg quite well, until majority rushes and dies 100's of meters from enemy fort.

idk, how it makes you feel, but for sure i can tell, that i've been in some alsian zergs and i know, that we can hold enemies on knees too.

08-15-2009, 07:14 PM
For sure, you gave us that proof during the 1st Anniversary Horus Event. :biggrin:

08-15-2009, 07:28 PM
Alright, let's do this form of scoring:

Every minute each realm gains certain number of "point" which is equal to number of forts under it's control (1 fort - 1 point/min, 2 forts -2 points/min, 3 forts - 3 points/min).

Thanks to Xia and w_larsen for idea.

Please, inform your realms about this change.

08-15-2009, 10:33 PM
I've really never read anything about this event in Ignis realm chat. I think Ignis will probably not have many more players online than usual on sunday 5pm GMT, because most Igneans dont know about this event, but we'll see.

08-16-2009, 03:46 AM
Nah just we're quiet about this kind of thing. It comes from the worry about spies on realm chat when planning invasions.

Brother-brian, when everyone is logged in, Ignis has difficultly holding any "foreign" forts. What you've noticed is what happens mostly when there's not enough enemies to bother even trying. We're actually incapable of having the force to defend more than two forts at once if any other realm decides to move as a unit. Also, until recently when Alsius and Syrtis started playing the 2×ping at Lagaros and Trulyboring, we actually spent most of our time running back from try to attack either Herb or Aggers because the other bastards had taken Samal again. I don't think there's any use in forecasting anything at this point, except that Syrtis probably will not win ;) (Unless Surakor logs on to mess with the whole thing), and Aggersborg will be the most contested fort.

08-16-2009, 08:20 AM
I forecast Ignis to be the hands down winner, since its on Horus. Ignis has had no problem actually taking (and holding) all forts and castles on the map, when theyre serious about taking someone's gems. I mean ALL 9. Taking and hold 3 should be np for them.

How this makes me feel, as an Alsian.... i won't go into that.

Don't give up so quickly :D
When we are all on, or most we pack a punch. Remember what we did during event, if we can get that kind of participation again we can do it.

08-16-2009, 08:07 PM
Every realm finished with holding 1 fort. These are scores:
Alsius: 141
Ignis: 219
Syrtis: 180

I would like to say thanks to Ignis for fun and fair gameplay. Though it seems Syrtis again had more action :)

08-16-2009, 09:46 PM
Every realm finished with holding 1 fort. These are scores:
Alsius: 141
Ignis: 219
Syrtis: 180

I would like to say thanks to Ignis for fun and fair gameplay. Though it seems Syrtis again had more action :)

Was a fun event xD But would have been better if alsius didnt try to invade syrtis :/. Also the fort upgrades led to kind of a stalemate between the realms as I predicted. But was fun overall lot of open fields battles. And to all Igneans, thanks for the great spirit in mounting waves of attacks on Herb despite overnumbering odds.

08-17-2009, 05:28 AM
great it worked out well, pity I missed it :/

08-17-2009, 05:38 AM
all in all it was fun, minus the syrtis just hiding in the fort the whole time.

they deserved to get put in danger for hiding. next time maybe a -points for just camping 1 the home fort for the entirety of the event? just a thought.

but all in all mucho fun guys

08-17-2009, 08:49 AM
all in all it was fun, minus the syrtis just hiding in the fort the whole time.

Yes, now I think that my original idea was better. If people didn't care about holding forts and scoring "points" they would roam the land more actively.

08-17-2009, 12:53 PM
Yes, now I think that my original idea was better. If people didn't care about holding forts and scoring "points" they would roam the land more actively.

And ban upgrades !!! :horsey:

08-17-2009, 08:42 PM
Okay, now we just need to plan another event.

How about, all 3 realms try to take the forts AND castles of enemy realm, and hold them for 30 minutes?

The realm that is successful in this will be rewarded with the enemy's realm gates being Vulnerable. Then for stage 2:

Attack the gates. The realm who does this successfully is rewarded with access to the enemy's realm! Then for stage 3:

Find and steal the enemy realm's gems, bring them back to home realm, and place gems in the Gem Altar. Then for stage 4:

Repeat to other enemy realm.

The winner of this (altogether) 8 stage event will be rewarded with Opening the Portal and gaining a wish from the dragon inside.

08-18-2009, 05:35 AM
Okay, now we just need to plan another event.


The winner of this (altogether) 8 stage event will be rewarded with Opening the Portal and gaining a wish from the dragon inside.

And you predicted Ignis was going to win the last event... :p

08-18-2009, 06:00 AM
why not instead of involving the forts we pick a area where its nice and open and have a 3 way open field event

that would be nice imo like the one on RA

if we had people organising it properly we could do like 5 rounds or something.

08-18-2009, 08:22 AM
Okay, now we just need to plan another event.

How about, all 3 realms try to take the forts AND castles of enemy realm, and hold them for 30 minutes?

The realm that is successful in this will be rewarded with the enemy's realm gates being Vulnerable. Then for stage 2:

Attack the gates. The realm who does this successfully is rewarded with access to the enemy's realm! Then for stage 3:

Find and steal the enemy realm's gems, bring them back to home realm, and place gems in the Gem Altar. Then for stage 4:

Repeat to other enemy realm.

The winner of this (altogether) 8 stage event will be rewarded with Opening the Portal and gaining a wish from the dragon inside.
You mean do an invasion?

08-18-2009, 09:02 AM
FFS not an invasion... invasion is laggy, boring, and have nothing related with fun. Better have fort, bridge or open field event.

I personally prefer bridge or open field wars. Forts can be upgraded, camped as happened in previous one. Lets make it bridge fight event - PB1, PP and PN fights.

In case fort wars are chosen - then no upgrades to be used. Purpose is to come as close as possible to PRE 1.0 conditions.

08-18-2009, 02:32 PM
why not instead of involving the forts we pick a area where its nice and open and have a 3 way open field event

that would be nice imo like the one on RA

if we had people organising it properly we could do like 5 rounds or something.

+1 for the open field event. It could be done in the green area between pb and pp... the aggro puma which like to trip you would be a nice twist :p
But organising it would be even more tougher than the fort taking event. And would require more 'gentlemanly' behaviour from players(like waiting for the exact time before charging each other) which we know is not possible (from last event's experience when alsius put the syrt gates in danger).

08-18-2009, 07:30 PM
Alsius attacked Syrtis after 20:00gmt

so theres nothing wrong with that.

08-18-2009, 07:35 PM
Alsius attacked Syrtis after 20:00gmt

so theres nothing wrong with that.

Havent read the whole thread past the first few pages but from this post seems people are arguing about who poked who etc again, suprise suprise.

Btw Kultu noticed you hit 49, whens the grad ^^

08-18-2009, 09:36 PM
Havent read the whole thread past the first few pages but from this post seems people are arguing about who poked who etc again, suprise suprise.

Btw Kultu noticed you hit 49, whens the grad ^^

hmmmm im trying for sometime on the weekend but don't get your hopes up xD

08-19-2009, 06:09 AM
gratz klutu :D

hit 50 soon

08-19-2009, 04:30 PM
My post was originally tongue in cheek, but yeah.

There are plenty of players who have played this game to the fullest. They have reached lvl 50, some on multiple characters, have engaged in fort wars, castle wars, gate battles, gem stealing, placement, and portal opening. I am omw to seeing 50, have fought at forts and castles. Dangit, I want to open the portal and give our realm a bonus, that's all. I want to play the game to its fullest. I want to go to the island in the middle, too.

08-20-2009, 01:52 AM
come to Ignis , feel the power of the dark side.:lightsabre:


08-20-2009, 02:30 AM
dragon island isnt in the middle

its here..

08-21-2009, 11:58 AM
"Dragon Island" how is often referred to is the island on the map west where the dragon is drawn, its also called "PvP-Island" or "Beta Island"

Brother-Brian referred to the middle island - "Central Island"

The banner there is the spot where you end up when you open portal. No real Island there, more of a Cave.. "Golden Dragon Cave" would fit there..

North west of that spot are some islands called "Dev-Islands" or "Niclam-village" (where the windrose is).

North of that is another island where the whale on the map is situated. It can be seen from SE part of Ignis. No name i know for it.

08-21-2009, 12:22 PM
We just called it whale island when we "swam" there back on the old drowning system, cant remember if it was an island with anything on it or not, most of the ones we found did have stuff on them, but I remember one being blank.

Also the compass has a stable on in :razz:

08-21-2009, 11:04 PM
"Dragon Island" how is often referred to is the island on the map west where the dragon is drawn, its also called "PvP-Island" or "Beta Island"

i read it as him wanting to go through the portal to central island. muh B