View Full Version : Distance of Save from Fort
08-13-2009, 01:56 AM
Whilst having a fight at Aggers the other day, I noticed something; the distance from the fort to the save seems to be shorter than distance from the fort to the save at Samal. I don't know if this is intentional or not, but it seems to put Ignites at a severe disadvantage. Plus we have to run around Daen Rha's canyon, whereas the road from Aggers to Aggers' save is straight. This seems like it is intentionally put into place to further cripple Ignites when compared to the other realms. Has anyone else noticed this? What are some things that you have noticed that cripple your realm when compared to the others? I know there are lots, and think this would be a great place to discuss them.
08-13-2009, 02:44 AM
Whilst having a fight at Aggers the other day, I noticed something; the distance from the fort to the save seems to be shorter than distance from the fort to the save at Samal. I don't know if this is intentional or not, but it seems to put Ignites at a severe disadvantage. Plus we have to run around Daen Rha's canyon, whereas the road from Aggers to Aggers' save is straight. This seems like it is intentionally put into place to further cripple Ignites when compared to the other realms. Has anyone else noticed this? What are some things that you have noticed that cripple your realm when compared to the others? I know there are lots, and think this would be a great place to discuss them.
Indeed, it does seem shorter to me as well...
We could also talk about alsius' castle position compared to ignis and syrtis, that is a big disadvantage imo...
Notice that alsius has to do do the biggest dislocations when traveling to Ignis and Syrtis castle, no matter where we are(gate, Imperia, Aggers or Trelle). On the other hand, Ignis has both Imperia and Eferias close, and syrtis has Shanaarid close.
If Eferias was where Algaros is the map would make sense, but not this way...not at all =/
I don't know if I'm making any sense, I wish I could explain myself better but this is the best I can do with my english. But I'm sure if you take a look at the wz map you'll see what i'm talking about...
08-13-2009, 03:24 AM
Whilst having a fight at Aggers the other day, I noticed something; the distance from the fort to the save seems to be shorter than distance from the fort to the save at Samal. I don't know if this is intentional or not, but it seems to put Ignites at a severe disadvantage. Plus we have to run around Daen Rha's canyon, whereas the road from Aggers to Aggers' save is straight. This seems like it is intentionally put into place to further cripple Ignites when compared to the other realms. Has anyone else noticed this? What are some things that you have noticed that cripple your realm when compared to the others? I know there are lots, and think this would be a great place to discuss them. whine alot
Want to talk about how fast it is to get from shaa save to samal save? I dont think you do
08-13-2009, 03:40 AM
Play nice. This is a legitimate discussion.
08-13-2009, 03:59 AM whine alot
Want to talk about how fast it is to get from shaa save to samal save? I dont think you do
He/she made it clear that this should be a thread were people could show their discontent regarding these kind of situations...
I think it's quite interesting since i only take notes of these things when it comes to making it hard for alsius, but i see all realms have reasons to complain...
08-13-2009, 07:39 AM
The difference in distance between the central saves and the main forts is just a few extra seconds to walk, not really a big deal i guess.
But if u want to discuss disadvantages of the positions of the saves take a quick look at how far Syrtis has to walk to get to their superboss...
08-13-2009, 12:55 PM
The difference in distance between the central saves and the main forts is just a few extra seconds to walk, not really a big deal i guess.
But if u want to discuss disadvantages of the positions of the saves take a quick look at how far Syrtis has to walk to get to their superboss...
ahahah, a big disadvantage indeed! :p
08-13-2009, 01:16 PM
While there may be a tiny disadvantage in the distance from samal save to the fort, lets look at the advantage of it too.....I don't see samal save getting hit like aggs save does in a fight. The ignis and syrtis often go way up the road bringing the fight almost all the way into the save, but due to samal save's location that doesn't happen very often there in direct relation to the fort.
Before whining, try to look for some good things about it as well, I can tell you that NGD is not bent on making the game as unfair for ignis as possible XD.
08-13-2009, 01:45 PM
Another save location imbalance is the distance from realm gate of one realm to their nearest innerrealm save.
The distance between Birkasave and Alsiusgate is considerably bigger than the distance Medenetsave-Ignisgate. To get from Birkasave to Alsiusgate it takes about 2 Mins 30 secs, distance Medesave-Ignisgate 1 Min 15 secs (whitout horses).
08-13-2009, 01:49 PM
If Eferias was where Algaros is the map would make sense, but not this way...not at all =/
Not without a serious relocation of trelleborg save. Right now Algaros is as good as a 3rd blue fort.
However I agree Eferias castle should be near Algaros location (but the save of trelle as to be moved close to Alsius wall, and castle near syrtis wall (or not as far as algaros).
08-13-2009, 01:52 PM
Hmmmm. I fought Ignis at Agg many times (night crew.) I don't ever remember Ignis having a severe disadvantage. As a matter of fact, Ignis wouldn't have a severe disadvantage at Agg if the save was IN agg. :p
08-13-2009, 02:47 PM
Whilst having a fight at Aggers the other day, I noticed something; the distance from the fort to the save seems to be shorter than distance from the fort to the save at Samal. I don't know if this is intentional or not, but it seems to put Ignites at a severe disadvantage. Plus we have to run around Daen Rha's canyon, whereas the road from Aggers to Aggers' save is straight. This seems like it is intentionally put into place to further cripple Ignites when compared to the other realms. Has anyone else noticed this? What are some things that you have noticed that cripple your realm when compared to the others? I know there are lots, and think this would be a great place to discuss them.
you can measure the distance between samal and shana saves that allows ignis to protect with 2 altars the best grinding area for high lvls in WZ.
08-13-2009, 02:50 PM
Samal save was already moved once as were Trele Shana Efe and Imperia saves, they were moved to give a better spread coverage over the map and to make the castle saves more user freindly, I dont think samal save was positioned as "another way to hinder Ignis" on the contary look at your Wz setup... Most grind spots are in realm, near both castles, Ignis Wz is tacticaly awesome.
Only save I have a problem with is the 'new' Trele save location, its way to close to Algaros.
08-13-2009, 02:55 PM
Not without a serious relocation of trelleborg save. Right now Algaros is as good as a 3rd blue fort.
However I agree Eferias castle should be near Algaros location (but the save of trelle as to be moved close to Alsius wall, and castle near syrtis wall (or not as far as algaros).
I believe that syrtis warzone should be an exactly oposite of is actual design, like a mirror image!
I play in alsius, so i can only take notes for that side... But its true that alsirians have to run ALL warzone to get to a castle. Its true that since the beginners zone everything in alsius is more far away then compared to other realms, Alsius is the only realm where you have a city that you can not use a horse or you die in water (gokstad is bugged), players are harder to find on the city's, an noone goes to gokstad because is far away from the rest of the realm. When i started to play Regnum, my brother liked and started in the next day. By the end of a week, and with the same time played, he was almost 5 lvl's above me, just because of the time i losted runing distances!!! For last but not least, when i want drops, i must go grind to ignis side!
I realise that all realm have issues to take care, and this is a nice post to get community point of view... lets hope that NGD take care of it, one problem at a time! ;)
08-13-2009, 06:08 PM
Another save location imbalance is the distance from realm gate of one realm to their nearest innerrealm save.
The distance between Birkasave and Alsiusgate is considerably bigger than the distance Medenetsave-Ignisgate. To get from Birkasave to Alsiusgate it takes about 2 Mins 30 secs, distance Medesave-Ignisgate 1 Min 15 secs (whitout horses).
I was going to make this point too. Alsius is at a big disadvantage here when it comes to defending their gate:
For Syrtis: nearest save to gate is 310m, and can be run in a straight line (and takes about 1m05s)
For Ignis: nearest save to gate is 360m, and can be run in a straight line
For Alsius: nearest save to gate is 610m, and can't be run in a straight line (Birka is in the way).
Since Syrtis has an extra inner-realm save I don't think it's too difficult to give another one to Alsius, in Vinland or Frozen Wind Forest, at a comparable distance from the gate as the other realms.
Regarding the OP and Samal save:
I'd assumed it was a bit further too, though using as-the-crow-flies distances from the save to the fort door, it's actually the closest of the main forts:
Herbred save to fort is 390m
Samal save to fort is 340m
Aggersborg save to fort is 355m
However, it's true that with Samal save you have to take a bit of a detour around the Daen Rha valley. Though also with Aggers you approach the back of the fort and have to run around to the front. So all in all there's not a huge amount of difference, it takes about 80s to get from save to fort in each case.
08-13-2009, 06:22 PM
Having only played in Alsius I can only say with my observations there.
I never traveled from Samal to Ignis CS (as I abhor save-camping or save-killing) and don't know the approximate distance in relation to aggers, but Vyth has a point and it does seam that Aggs save and aggs is in a straight line without any obstacles whereas there is that canyon kind of between their CS and samal.
In Alsius I've noted the following imbalance issues:
1. As Anyriand dutifully pointed out, our castle location is not on fair grounds with the other realms. Efe should be translocated with algaros to make it so every realm's enemy to their right has their castle nearest to them.
2. Castle design, size and makeup. I understand variety is important for gameplay, but Imp is the hardest to defend for warriors with areas because when you exit the door you come out at the end of the bridge, not by the door where all the attackers are. Also, Imp is the smallest and allows for the least amount of room to maneuver and support/defend or otherwise battle the guard captain.
3. Alsius has the worst available weapons. Nothing on par or even even close to Satarco's sword. Alsius doesn't even have a Legendary mob weapon drop, just a +25% cold resist amulet that NOBODY ever uses. Also, Thorkul's weapons all pretty much suck when compared to Evendim's and Daen Rha's.
4. Alsius has the smallest WZ land mass, and due to this Trell and Trell save have been cramped into awkward positions that need seriously rethinking. It's in fact so small, one can take trell and cover roughly half the distance to our teleporter to Imp than say Meni to Shaan teleporter. This makes for faster fort+castle capture times and thus an easier time putting Alsius' gates in danger.
5. Ring/Amulet imbalance. Alsius (and Syrtis, AFAIK) has no +% attack speed rings. With weapon sockets being introduced this isn't as huge of a problem but it stll allows for imbalance when talking about +dmg bonuses, +% to attack speed, +% to cast speed, etc. All realms should have equal access to every TYPE of ring/amulet, though in different configurations to allow for variety.
6. Lack of Inner beach "grind" potential equal to other 2 realms. Yes, Alsius has an inner beach but it is nearly devoid of adequately spaced mobs to allow one to hard-grind to 50. I know I know, many hate the idea of being able to grind to 50 inside a realm, but Syrtis and Ignis have inner beaches which are far more "mob-populated" than Alsius. I'm not saying add more to Alsius, Im simply saying the 3 realms should be on par with each other in this department.
7. Alsius, as far as I know, is the only realm to have ranged-aggro mobs (ghosts) between gate and central save/central fort. Their aggro and attack "radius" seems far larger than melee mobs, and you have to run a wider arc around them to avoid their attacks. This makes for those rushing from inner to defend/retake a fort have to risk getting pegged with 200-300 normals and 300-450 mob special attacks. If you run into an aca minus several hundred HP, I'd say that puts you at somewhat of a disadvantage. Troll's roar is awfully annoying too, though I think the Tol-Tar's in ignis have the same thing (But they aren't as tightly packed around the paths between their gate and CS, as Ignis' WZ if far more open and spread out).
8. Alsius always has, and unless something drastic is done, always will have the smallest overall active population. Sure, we can zerg, during events when many in-active players show up to see what's up, but then it goes back to the underdog status of constantly being outnumbered in most fights. Then again, this could be attributed to only the times which I normally play, but I have played at varied times and even at Alsius' height it seems at most we match our enemies numbers and very seldom outnumber them.
EDIT: It seems Alsius can zerg, right now... samal... o.O
9. Alsius pays the most excise taxes on their alcohol and tobacco products! Not fair! xD
Yeah, had to post 'em. But Im sure all realms have their share of imbalances and should all be mentioned so ALL realms can have a fairly equal chance to succeed/fail.
EDIT: Huge +1 to Onteron's post above!
08-13-2009, 09:09 PM
Not without a serious relocation of trelleborg save. Right now Algaros is as good as a 3rd blue fort.
However I agree Eferias castle should be near Algaros location (but the save of trelle as to be moved close to Alsius wall, and castle near syrtis wall (or not as far as algaros).
Eferias couldn't be where algaros is now, but should be on that side of the map, that's what I was trying to say...
And Eric, +1!!!
08-13-2009, 11:53 PM
distances do count,
I have only played on two realms, first with 2 chars in Ra/Syrtis but I wasn't there for many months before Horus was launched. And now I have 6 chars in Horus/Alsius and from my experience the leveling in syrtis was an awful lot easier and didn't include as much running around. But that's just my opinion - there's been all kind of changes in the way including xp curve, fatigue, mob powers..
But I do remember one thing, it didn't take many hours to get any char to level 10 in Syrtis but now it takes me a few days in Alsius :confused:
08-14-2009, 12:12 AM
distances do count,
I have only played on two realms, first with 2 chars in Ra/Syrtis but I wasn't there for many months before Horus was launched. And now I have 6 chars in Horus/Alsius and from my experience the leveling in syrtis was an awful lot easier and didn't include as much running around. But that's just my opinion - there's been all kind of changes in the way including xp curve, fatigue, mob powers..
But I do remember one thing, it didn't take many hours to get any char to level 10 in Syrtis but now it takes me a few days in Alsius :confused:
aye ive played both syrtis and alsius.
Syrtis is just so easy compared to alsius. good spawn areas easy quests that dont involve walking to all 4 towns and back again. and other tedious things
also the fact that as soon as you hit lvl 10 in alsius u dont get any quests
08-14-2009, 12:19 AM
aye ive played both syrtis and alsius.
Syrtis is just so easy compared to alsius. good spawn areas easy quests that dont involve walking to all 4 towns and back again. and other tedious things
also the fact that as soon as you hit lvl 10 in alsius u dont get any quests
I've been thinking for some time about this, and usually every time I say something about this in the forum I get flamed with tons of "we got bad quests too" and so on..
So I thought maybe I can help NGD, the community and future of regnum in the name of realm balance by:
- pick 1 class
- create 3 accounts, 1 for each realm
- play 1 realm for 1 hour at a time
- play all quests 1 at a time (this is what new players do anyway and for me it's the most fun way to play)
- write a diary about progress (always right after that 1 hour) and what was good/bad
- repeat until?
but sadly I do not have time to do this!
this might give some insight to the player retention per realm?
..might be that 2 or 3 hour sessions would be better but then after playing for 3 hours it's hard to write a good review of that long time..
08-14-2009, 12:25 AM
just an idea and a suggestion for NGD?
could you track the average of (in playing hours):
- how long it takes for players to reach certain levels in each realm(10,20,30...)
- at what level does most players quit? (account inactive for a long time?)
08-14-2009, 12:31 AM
just an idea and a suggestion for NGD?
could you track the average of (in playing hours):
- how long it takes for players to reach certain levels in each realm(10,20,30...)
- at what level does most players quit? (account inactive for a long time?)
I would be very curious as to this as well. Perhaps suspend accounts inactive for X months from census data (concerning rlm bonus). Not the accounts of course, just their weight in the numbers to determine realm bonus.
08-14-2009, 08:11 PM
Whilst having a fight at Aggers the other day, I noticed something; the distance from the fort to the save seems to be shorter than distance from the fort to the save at Samal. I don't know if this is intentional or not, but it seems to put Ignites at a severe disadvantage. Plus we have to run around Daen Rha's canyon, whereas the road from Aggers to Aggers' save is straight. This seems like it is intentionally put into place to further cripple Ignites when compared to the other realms. Has anyone else noticed this? What are some things that you have noticed that cripple your realm when compared to the others? I know there are lots, and think this would be a great place to discuss them.
Hmmm... but we still kick everyone's butts if it's 1:1 ratio on Horus when retaking or defending Samal. :razz:
08-15-2009, 02:52 PM
yeah, when alsius had taken samal the other day, and we had 20+ people there, we STILL had trouble when 6-8 ingnis show up. Same problem when 6-8 Ignis hold agg..... we cant take it back even if we have over 20 Alsius. Something wrong here, and it aint the distance from save point.
Although i will concede that the distance is a little greater betwen sam and its save than agg and its save.
And about castles, I agree totally with the OP. Ignis can hit efe or imp by going out the gate and turning the corner, pretty much. Same for Syrtis and Shaan. But Alsius has to run the entire length of the wz to get either of them.
08-16-2009, 01:58 AM
And about castles, I agree totally with the OP. Ignis can hit efe or imp by going out the gate and turning the corner, pretty much. Same for Syrtis and Shaan. But Alsius has to run the entire length of the wz to get either of them.
thank you!! no matter what ppl say that is the biggest disadvantage imo :fury:
i don't understand why castles are placed in such positions, it makes no sense at all...
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