View Full Version : New spell!?

08-13-2009, 02:32 PM
Hi guys...

I was reading the comics about regnum (awesome work and very funny, congrats to the creators) and i realised that a new spell could be very funny in the game.

The spell would be a capture!

When a player is at an enemie fort or castle, a spell like cremation could be made on a dead guys to send him/her to the dungeon of the enemie castle, trapping him/her for a while (5 mins or so), or until a friendly army take the castle!

The spell could only have something like 50% chance of success, and could only be used near a fort or castle in enemie land. Ex. To use it on an Ignis player he should be near a alsian or syrtian castle or fort... no effect in ignis land no matter who has castle or forts!

Hope you guys like the ideia... maybe someday can become a reality!


08-13-2009, 03:46 PM
Wouldn't someone just press the "Die" option to go back? :P

But, idk, it would be cool to see bigger castles with more rooms like dungeons (unless you want the prisioner inside the castle's area where the capture banner is)

08-13-2009, 05:15 PM
In that case... dieing would take as much time as left to be free! Or... relog would get you in same place, just like coldown in spells!

For THE PLACE to capture... a dungeon, a jail next to the flag... something... this is just an ideia that surely would need to be worked if it was to get along!

08-14-2009, 08:27 AM
Well, people would just switch more often on their alts to grind... :razz: