View Full Version : Realm chat part 2

08-24-2009, 07:56 PM
Cause of new better way of communication form NGD i made this topic. Thank you Niclam.

I know it is hard to say sorry.

First of all Lag argument is as dull as 2 others. So let's talk about those 2, cause as we know Lag did not gone with Realm chat.

I couldn't explain it myself better. Performance boost was one of the reasons, I understand that being first on the list could have been interpreted as the main reason but, and I'm correcting ourselves now, it wasn't.

Later on, a lot of users, such as yourself went on explaining to new users that "It was to reduce lag!" failing to mention the other two reasons (spaciousness, teamwork, clans, etc). Unfortunately, what has been perceived as the main reason, it was actually the less important one.

1)Can you explain me how lack of Realm chat which was one of main ways to inform other clans about war status, enemy positions is improving team work? How making us more separated can make team work better?

2)Making Clans more important. Sure, now when we are separated from others we must depend on clan. But you know, sometime there is no one to talk on clan chat. So who need high lvl tracking when you can't coordinate actions with ANY realm player that is near specific area or point? Clan chat had his own purpace and we were working as clans then so this argument is dull. There was no need to remove that chat to improve clans.

3)To small world. It is funny since NGD gave us 20% more speed. NOW world is too small.

4)Spam. Yes there was spam on Realm chat. Yes on Horus ppl are spaming Realm chat. But it should be fixed by community! On Ra it was also a way to make INTERNATIONAL community more united.

IMVO Removing Realm chat from RA was bad idea it was as bad as way to explain us why NGD did it.
For me there is only 1 reason. War banners, but NGD doesn't have balls to say that.
You know what? Users are using war banners to spam! So let's remove them.
I have one more question. When Realm chat will be removed from other servers? Cause it is next inequality.

08-24-2009, 09:15 PM
we dont have realm chat in warzone on Tyr ^^

^^ Horus does. Don't ask me why.

08-24-2009, 09:17 PM
we dont have realm chat in warzone on Tyr ^^

08-25-2009, 12:44 AM
Seriously, were the only ones left with realm chat in wz? I cant imagine what it must be like without it! Not everyoen makes parties in wz, and some people, like me, prefer to remain clanless.... so realm chat is only communication for some of us, unless you in the immediate vicinity.

08-25-2009, 02:47 AM
Seriously, were the only ones left with realm chat in wz? I cant imagine what it must be like without it! Not everyoen makes parties in wz, and some people, like me, prefer to remain clanless.... so realm chat is only communication for some of us, unless you in the immediate vicinity.

When realm chat is gone from Horus you will all have to do that now. Realm chat in the war zone is over rated IMO. I don't use it at all. Information can be relayed in different ways such as parties and clans and spread out in high traffic areas like saves and forts. Without realm chat, this network becomes even more important, and the use of it requires some teamwork and skill. I think removing it was a good design decision in NGD's part.

08-25-2009, 03:13 AM
When I first started playing RO war zone did not have realm chat and personally things were more organized. Mainly due to the fact ppl made a party of leaders who directed the clans in war; that has been lost with realm chat and everybody just does there own thing. So whether we get a realm war zone chat or no realm chat at all i don't care we have a buddy list for a reason even if you still wish to be clanless.

08-25-2009, 03:41 AM
When realm chat is gone from Horus you will all have to do that now. Realm chat in the war zone is over rated IMO. I don't use it at all. Information can be relayed in different ways such as parties and clans and spread out in high traffic areas like saves and forts. Without realm chat, this network becomes even more important, and the use of it requires some teamwork and skill. I think removing it was a good design decision in NGD's part.

I agree

Realm chat isn't needed in the wz, there's friends list, party and clans. Alot less spam and general stupidity in those than in a realm chat.

08-25-2009, 05:42 AM
Realm chat isn't needed in the wz, there's friends list, party and clans. Alot less spam and general stupidity in those than in a realm chat.

I might agree with this, but I've only played on horus

08-25-2009, 08:04 AM
I agree

Realm chat isn't needed in the wz, there's friends list, party and clans. Alot less spam and general stupidity in those than in a realm chat.

Explain me, how using this channels i can inform other realm members about small party hunting... let's say in pb-jabe-wall forest-central p.-pb? In a way as efficient as Realm chat. Or how i can find ppl who will go with me from other clans but - no standing in CS is not funny at all.

08-25-2009, 08:08 AM
In a way as efficient as Realm chat.

That's the point isn't it? NGD does not want it to be that easy and that efficient. So now you have to call on your clan, your friends and make parties. It's a good thing IMO.

08-25-2009, 08:13 AM
That's the point isn't it? NGD does not want it to be that easy and that efficient. So now you have to call on your clan, your friends and make parties. It's a good thing IMO.

On Ra? For english player? Great.

08-25-2009, 08:18 AM
NGD explained already why realm chat is still in Horus. They are simply waiting for the server to be more populated before removing it. Eventually it will be gone from Horus too.

08-25-2009, 08:41 AM
NGD explained already why realm chat is still in Horus. They are simply waiting for the server to be more populated before removing it. Eventually it will be gone from Horus too.

Then why doesn't Tyr have a realm chat?

08-25-2009, 08:45 AM
Ask them not me. :P I'm just basing stuff on what I read them say.

08-25-2009, 12:37 PM
Explain me, how using this channels i can inform other realm members about small party hunting... let's say in pb-jabe-wall forest-central p.-pb? In a way as efficient as Realm chat. Or how i can find ppl who will go with me from other clans but - no standing in CS is not funny at all.

Check the friends list, invite those online to a party. I usually have atleast a few green dots on my list.

I don't think it's hard to play on RA without speaking Spanish (not in Alsius atleast), there's always someone around who can translate and it's pretty easy to learn the most important words/sentences in Spanish.

08-25-2009, 01:17 PM
Check the friends list, invite those online to a party. I usually have atleast a few green dots on my list.

I don't think it's hard to play on RA without speaking Spanish (not in Alsius atleast), there's always someone around who can translate and it's pretty easy to learn the most important words/sentences in Spanish.

Heglin, my friend list was empty. And to get those spanish ppl to the party you have to find them. And as i said standing at CS is not funny at all. Beside that that is not the point. IMO it is one of reasons why whole action is around invasion and there is no old-action-fun in Ro anymore. I have no clue how Alsius chat was looking but syrtis was full of reports and ppl looking for party at specific areas. It had social value as well.

08-25-2009, 01:46 PM
For me the game has lost a lot by loosing the realm chat.

08-25-2009, 02:50 PM
Maybe on a server with only one language the realm chat is not necessary because you can easy communicate with your buddy list, but on RA with spanish-english-german-french and maybe more, it's not so easy as on another servers. Nothing impossible but more difficult.

Removing the realm chat has maybe or want to improve team play but it just remove easy fun. Not everybody what to open 15 chat windows to do an attack and have some fun. With the realm chat i remember i just connect me, read it and know very fast what happen and where to go.

For me the realm chat in WZ in not incompatible with team work and clan communication. When the realm chat was removed, a lot of dynamic were removed and of course a lot of fun.

08-25-2009, 03:38 PM
Log in

Znurre: hello
Znurre: where is the action?
Eventually someone will respond (the usual case), if not...
Check friend list, usually there are more people there than what would fit in a party anyway.

Make a party with some of those I like to play with (usually La Fragua) and ask them where the action is.

To me, the removal of the realm chat was only good.

08-25-2009, 04:50 PM
Log in

Eventually someone will respond (the usual case), if not...
Check friend list, usually there are more people there than what would fit in a party anyway.

Make a party with some of those I like to play with (usually La Fragua) and ask them where the action is.

To me, the removal of the realm chat was only good.

Maybe old players can find more easy a team or some info to what happen but noobs or new players or players who don't want to have a msn like ingame and just want to play/fight(like me) ?

I don't see what good part the removal of the realm chat has bring.

08-25-2009, 05:02 PM
I don't see what good part the removal of the realm chat has bring.As others said, making regrouping at certain spots (bridges, saves, forts) and clans more important.
And that worked. Right?

08-25-2009, 05:07 PM
As others said, making regrouping at certain spots (bridges, saves, forts) and clans more important.
And that worked. Right?

Not really IMO except the clan thing.

08-25-2009, 05:55 PM
As others said, making regrouping at certain spots (bridges, saves, forts) and clans more important.
And that worked. Right?
Maybe in alsuis because you are few and have a different gameplay since the beginning but not for syrtis. I don't have see more regroup on forts or bridge but the opposite.

I only see more save campers just tchatting and waiting for any syrtis fort under attack or some "let's go hunt, nothing happen". When i go to stone, one of the old big regroup point, i can wait a lot alone !

If people don't love the realm chat just don't use it, for the others, a lot of people use it in the past and the difference is like night and day.

08-25-2009, 07:07 PM
I prefer having realm chat.

It does help coordinate actions in the warzone. When we are dealing with large groups of attackers and most clans only having a hand full of people on at any particular time and a limited number in any one party and with each caracter only allowe din one party, realm chat does allow us to more quickly spread the word of were people are needed most. For that alone it is important to keep realm chat.

Sure a lot of sillyness happens, spam, etc. At the same time, realm chat does create a community.

08-25-2009, 07:35 PM

Some time ago wz realm chat on horus was turn off, with some forum discussion it was return back, mostly depends on lack horus population:

- new players cut off any possible help from exp players, as newbie you can get situation nobody can help you in inner or it sipmly havn't alive players (NGD and horus ppl interested in newcomers, more big and friendly community);

- horus realm chat is not so spammed to bring huge lags and ignore it at all (/ignore command helps most times you needs);

- spies and stealing information, horus has small and tigth community where everyone knows each other and spies too, used simple way do not use realm chat for war coordination, just for random events.

p.s. Horus really was looking dead with realm chat off (like solo rpg), don't think it good for server, it can be different if population on server grow significantly.

08-25-2009, 10:06 PM

Official explanation about this decision was given a long time ago (Here).
Also, there are some clarifications in the following thread: http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/forum/showthread.php?t=47487

Horus realm chat remains open until the population reaches a certain stage. Then it will be removed just as Ra world. The fact that is not activated in Tyr right now is an error that we will promptly fix.

The official explanation was final the first time around, please do not open another thread requiring our response about it.

I'm closing this thread.
