View Full Version : A disturbing trend in alsius. [Horus]

09-02-2009, 02:58 AM
I've been noticing a a vile trend in alsius lately. Lately it seems that half of the forum's posts come from Alsius[Horus] and most of the time its just a huge bitchfest. When I arrive to fight Alsius, it is usually a good fight for the first 10 minutes and the last 10 minutes. Usually many goats come to the fort right away then everybody logs off it seems. Usually its 2+ hours before they get enough to retake the fort, and by then most of us are pretty bored.

This isn't really what annoys me though. The problem that I see is that those people that log off the game, log onto the forum and make some bitching post. Maybe if you made half the effort it takes to post on the forum and used it to instead retake that fort, you wouldn't have so much to whine about. You can whine all you want about balance but sometimes you have to grow a pair and change some things yourself.


09-02-2009, 09:55 AM
We don't Log off on the game to the forums just because we don't take forts dont mean we arnt warring but no point in going to herb the zerg we just kicked out of aggers is lsitting there and samals almost always lvl 4 which is hard to take fast enough.

Alga is boring Meni is Decent but still not that much activity.

and as the smaller realm we often have issues getting war partys though we are improving

09-02-2009, 10:05 AM
What is the point of having 3 realms if one of them is damaged????

Yesterday, all alsians were trying to get trelle fort back from syrtis, and it was useless... we ended up crushed in our gates, where syrtis were even killing our guards.

I read here that few syrtians start the war in trelle, and then more come. That kind of thing happened when the server opened, and alsius always had twice the number of enemies. You know what we used to do??? We spread in 2 groups. 1 to Ignis, and the other to Syrtis, because we like the chalenge, not the rp's. Wanna have a good fight? Go to ignis, you know they will crush you in a matter of minutes! Just need to wait for them to get numbers!

In Alsius, it does not happens... we never have more then 15 players online! It is very frustrating to die over and over and over, and not to see any improvement in our effort. Even our gate guards are vulnerable to your numbers!

I advise you to come play in alsius, and then you can talk what you want!


09-02-2009, 10:56 AM
I advise you to come play in alsius, and then you can talk what you want!


All posters in his thread so far ARE in Alsius...

09-02-2009, 12:02 PM
All posters in his thread so far ARE in Alsius...

Llort play in alsius????

Dont know this name :p

09-02-2009, 02:06 PM
Llort play in alsius????

Dont know this name :p

Well tbh I couldent say 100% that he is, but from the way he talks about the realm I assumed so :)

09-02-2009, 02:14 PM
Well tbh I couldent say 100% that he is, but from the way he talks about the realm I assumed so :)

i think him saying "when i arrive to Fight Alsius" means hes not :P

09-02-2009, 02:16 PM
i think him saying "when i arrive to Fight Alsius" means hes not :P

Bah forgot that bit, only realy scim read it :sifflote:

As well, dont recconise the name in Syrtis so either hes a Iggy or his forum name and char names dont match :)

09-02-2009, 02:44 PM
LOL :lightsabre:

09-02-2009, 03:17 PM
Bah forgot that bit, only realy scim read it :sifflote:

eh? I'm realy scim? :dumbofme: :p

09-02-2009, 05:26 PM
I logged into Horus Alsius yesterday with my level 50 support conjurer. Trelle was empty, Aggers was empty, the saves were empty. I stayed on-line for 20 minutes, riding around on a horse, and only found a couple of individual levelers. I asked in Alsius chat and in Clan chat three times each: "Where is the action? Where is our army? Do we have any battles?" NOTHING was going on anywhere, for 20 minutes, except a handful of levelers. I logged off and found more interesting things to do.

09-02-2009, 05:37 PM
I logged into Horus Alsius yesterday with my level 50 support conjurer. Trelle was empty, Aggers was empty, the saves were empty. I stayed on-line for 20 minutes, riding around on a horse, and only found a couple of individual levelers. I asked in Alsius chat and in Clan chat three times each: "Where is the action? Where is our army? Do we have any battles?" NOTHING was going on anywhere, for 20 minutes, except a handful of levelers. I logged off and found more interesting things to do.

yeah around the time you speak of it can be pretty quiet unless aggers is getting invaded.

Best thing to do is clan hunt or something. i normally have a few clan mates that i hunt with at the time.

can always use more company :)

09-03-2009, 06:04 AM
Bah forgot that bit, only realy scim read it :sifflote:

As well, dont recconise the name in Syrtis so either hes a Iggy or his forum name and char names dont match :)
Join Date: 09-02-2009 (the date of this post).

It's obviously an alt, also, Llort is troll backward.

P.S: "grow a pair" and post this on your main account. Arcan had the guts to do it, so why can't you?

09-03-2009, 06:10 AM
What is the point of having 3 realms if one of them is damaged????

Yesterday, all alsians were trying to get trelle fort back from syrtis, and it was useless... we ended up crushed in our gates, where syrtis were even killing our guards.

How come you fight at Realm's gate? Don't tell me you don't use the damn save to retake the fort ? What if you get killed by guards, you rez at Pinos ? What we often do as a mistake in Syrtis/Ra is forget to synchronize at save and just rush stupidely again. I bet lots do that, instead of waiting every needed skills are cooled down and that everyone is ready to start a good strike :-)

09-03-2009, 01:28 PM
I logged into Horus Alsius yesterday with my level 50 support conjurer. Trelle was empty, Aggers was empty, the saves were empty. I stayed on-line for 20 minutes, riding around on a horse, and only found a couple of individual levelers. I asked in Alsius chat and in Clan chat three times each: "Where is the action? Where is our army? Do we have any battles?" NOTHING was going on anywhere, for 20 minutes, except a handful of levelers. I logged off and found more interesting things to do.

It's that time of year in the northern hemisphere when everyone is going back to school. Summer vacation is ending.... Until people settle into a new schedule, I assume that things will be quiet. Most certainly the most active times will change.

09-03-2009, 02:28 PM
There's always members of my clan on....so I usually do stuff with them. We try to be active as much as possible.

09-04-2009, 10:57 AM
How come you fight at Realm's gate? Don't tell me you don't use the damn save to retake the fort ? What if you get killed by guards, you rez at Pinos ? What we often do as a mistake in Syrtis/Ra is forget to synchronize at save and just rush stupidely again. I bet lots do that, instead of waiting every needed skills are cooled down and that everyone is ready to start a good strike :-)

The point is that we are outnumbered 24/7.

If we saved, we would had no guard protection, and that would be worst :P

Syrtis would camp the save for hours!

09-04-2009, 12:20 PM
Usually save camping is dangerous and 80%+ of times the camper ends dead. Do not know guys we always save at our saves before starting to fight at fort. Most of the times if some of syrtis go near saves we are beaten badly and lose the fort.

I never played in alsius so i can not say for sure how is from your realm. If someone land me a conj for a try i will say :)

09-04-2009, 01:22 PM
The point is that we are outnumbered 24/7.

If we saved, we would had no guard protection, and that would be worst :P

Syrtis would camp the save for hours!

of course fighting at pilar is risk free for syrtis!

09-04-2009, 04:37 PM
Gimme a break. The reaon the 1st 10 min are fun is because you havent gotten reinforced yet, so it is still a closer to fair fight. We dont log out after the 1st ten, you guys simply get more players into fort. After 2 hours, we have gotten bored as well. So the last ten minutes are your few remaining vs our few remaining, a closer fight again.

We only have so many people in realm at any one time. Dont complain because you outnumber us. Tell the ret of your crew to stay home, or take a diff fort or something.

09-04-2009, 04:51 PM
Gimme a break. The reaon the 1st 10 min are fun is because you havent gotten reinforced yet, so it is still a closer to fair fight. We dont log out after the 1st ten, you guys simply get more players into fort. After 2 hours, we have gotten bored as well. So the last ten minutes are your few remaining vs our few remaining, a closer fight again.

We only have so many people in realm at any one time. Dont complain because you outnumber us. Tell the ret of your crew to stay home, or take a diff fort or something.

TBH, if you save, you block reinforcements and you get to hammer at the enemy continuously. You might lose the first wave, but the second wave will hurt them, and the third will probably almost eliminate them. Syrtis won't even have time to revive their dead. Spawning at the gate gives us time to reinforce, revive our dead, and get our big expensive spells ready for your next round.

09-04-2009, 07:36 PM
So, Alsius should send 4-5 to bridge to block reinforcements, leaving about 4-5 to retake trell. On a good day.

No one saves at trell save, because it is between fort and bridge, for some idiotic reason. Syrtis kill us at save just on way to fort. We always rez at gate when fighting over trell.

09-05-2009, 04:13 AM
So, Alsius should send 4-5 to bridge to block reinforcements, leaving about 4-5 to retake trell. On a good day.

No one saves at trell save, because it is between fort and bridge, for some idiotic reason. Syrtis kill us at save just on way to fort. We always rez at gate when fighting over trell.

1-2 should be enough ;)
when there come too many just give that information to ur mates at fort ... it works! :thumb:

besides: dont send 5+ ppl to bridge to kill one innocent ignis hunter who tries to hinder syrtis getting to your forts :p ;)

09-05-2009, 06:50 AM
1-2 should be enough ;)
when there come too many just give that information to ur mates at fort ... it works! :thumb:

besides: dont send 5+ ppl to bridge to kill one innocent ignis hunter who tries to hinder syrtis getting to your forts :p ;)

lol, u camp the bridges for us:D

09-05-2009, 06:55 AM
TBH, if you save, you block reinforcements and you get to hammer at the enemy continuously. You might lose the first wave, but the second wave will hurt them, and the third will probably almost eliminate them. Syrtis won't even have time to revive their dead.
Exactly what this man said, don't look at yourself as dying, your goal is to eliminate your enemy off the face of the map, so do it (Just don't fail and then repeat for continued fail) QFT

besides: dont send 5+ ppl to bridge to kill one innocent ignis hunter who tries to hinder syrtis getting to your forts :p ;)
Yeah, we love to pick off the Syrtians who pass into Alsius for fort wars. I think Alsius would be surprised how many passers we kill for them, that never even make it to the fort ;)

09-05-2009, 10:29 AM
No one saves at trell save, because it is between fort and bridge, for some idiotic reason. Syrtis kill us at save just on way to fort. We always rez at gate when fighting over trell.

Wrong. Do you know why we have tradition go from gate? It comes form times when we really was outnumbered and it was long time ago. Back then syrts used to take trelle, heavy camp trelle save and teleport to imperia to set our gates in danger. It was happening every day, every trelle taking time. We started to come from gates to protect teleport and Imperia. But now it is different situation, saving trelle save could help a lot.

About all Alsius topics in this forum, TBH they make me sick. I agree that sometimes in some hours we are outnumbered, but mostly i see that our biggest problem is attitude. Quick reaction when enemy is entering our war zone, taking break from endless grinding and coming to help a little could solve most of our problems. Usually it isn't so bad in the beginning when enemy takes our fort.
I'm proud alsian, but slowly alsius players attitude makes me play less and less RO. Why i should fight if no one cares?


09-06-2009, 04:22 AM
The point is that we are outnumbered 24/7.

If we saved, we would had no guard protection, and that would be worst :P

Syrtis would camp the save for hours!

lmao outnumbered 24/7... so the zerg at meni is just my imagination?


09-06-2009, 11:41 AM
Yesterday Alsius saved at Trele for a change to fight us at Trele, I logged off after a while so dont know how long it lasted etc but you certainly did better coming from the save than from the gate, cept when you got pushed into a group of aggro mobs, they were low level but it was funny :superpusso:

09-06-2009, 11:50 AM
lmao outnumbered 24/7... so the zerg at meni is just my imagination?


in a sence we sort of are yes all realms have there down time but.

normally mornings/lunch syrtis dominates Nighttime it's Ignis
and between that is normally when all realms are a bit balanced.

i wouldnt sat 24/7 but a very nice chunk :p

09-06-2009, 12:03 PM

Over the last 7 days Alsius have been more Wz active than the other realms only a few times, but still, a few times :P

Attack/Defense Ratio: 1.50

Attack/Defense Ratio: 0.88

Attack/Defense Ratio: 0.78

From this we see Syrtis to be the most activly attacking realm and Alsius to be the least. Though this is party because of population I also beleive it to be an bad attitude towards bothering with war at all, often when we attack Alsius the party that comes to take the fort back is easily enough to go attack something, Then when we are at last booted by Alsius they have a strong party, which then often fails to do anything and seems to just melt away.

We also see the most defended forts to be Aggers Meni and Herbred. And that were Alsius and Ignis split mostly between the 2 realms in their attacking suprisingly Syrtis attacks mainly Ignis.

You can also see the shift in wz activity between Syrtis and Ignis, although Syrtis "spikes" more and is active longer, Ignis clearly has the advantage between 18:00 and 21:00

09-06-2009, 01:26 PM
One thing I have noticed is that is seems to take Alsius longer to regroup than Syrt/Igg when they are retaking forts.

They seem to get the initial attack underway then people turn up in 1's or 2's as they rez. In some fights ive been in i would hazard that 1/4 - 1/3 of their attacking forces are continually on the way. In one resent fight i ended up forced out on a flank (yes i ran away) and coming back in i caught sight of the reinforcement 'chain'...i only waited till i realised there wasn't a last man for me to attack.

Both Syrt+Igg tend to wave attack alot more, which does give the holding side a bit of a breather as well, but overall seems more successfull.

Not always the case either way of course.

I for one find being outnumbered 2,3,4....to 1 while defending a fort extremly funny....can you last till reinforcements arrive - or will you be the reinforments.

I've spent some time, while doing semi-afk things, just watching the taking of forts...and with knowning roughly how many of my lot are involed (if they are) i do wonder why defense groups dont - the moment the fort is retaken regroup and attack (either the previous attacker, or a vunerable target).

For example :- not having a go at Igg swap about a req. :dance:

Igg take Herb - Als should start trying to get a grp together.
Syrt retake Herb - Als rgp at bridge
Syrt att Sam - Als Att Meni, Alga Or Herb

Don't always work, nothing does in real or online war.