View Full Version : Gawyn's Horus stories
12-18-2009, 01:16 AM
/me waits impatiently for new story
and don't worry, I guarantee in advance I'll enjoy it ;)
Well these stories are done for us all to read and enjoy. If you don't enjoy the read, don't read it. Insults are not constructive criticism
Originally Posted by Vythica View Post
Hey man, we all took a consensus and we decided that your stories suck and you should stop writing them. We did however, come up with an alternative way to spend your free time now that you won't be writing; Night School. Take a creative writing class and we'll see you in 6 months. Good talk. Take 5.
The above is an example of an insult instead of constructive criticism.
12-18-2009, 02:58 PM
Ok, Let me say the final word on this.
1. I know my grammer and spelling isn't great, I've never been awesome at punctuation and didnt get the highest grade in my english. However i am aware that alot of people do really enjoy these stories. I started out writing these for my friends and more people than i could have ever hoped for liked them. That makes me very happy and yes a few people have expressed they dont like my stories. I still only write for my friends and as long as they like them i will never stop writing.
2. If you dont like my stories dont read them. I dont get paid for writing them and i am in no need what so ever for you to like them.
3. Vythica i dont know you, nor can i say i have ever heard of you in game or else where, Thus I don't care if you want to be insulting most people who know me know getting a rise out of me is like getting blood from a stone. So all i will say is thank you for your "criticism" and absolutely nothing will be done about it.
now lets continue with my story thread story should be up today ^^
12-18-2009, 03:10 PM
I am one of many who love your stories. I am sorry that others have tried to bring you and your stories down, it must be some kind of jealous reaction.
Anyways, I cant wait for the new story to come out!!!
Your friend,
Jippy (Gage)
12-18-2009, 05:36 PM
well first time i actually look at forums. do you clowns ever tire of bsing? we got gawyn writin stories some jokers rambling about their mothers sisters children or w/e. some other moron on about the stories suck then piss off go back to your dc comics or something. as for ppl doin nothin at their comps who cares about that as well. the whole post was supposed to be about stories (initially, as usual the kids playin regnum have to get their 2cents in) so continue on the topic. as for everyone else doin nothin go look for some rocks(i mean magna by that) or buy some magic boxes if youre bored. back to topic im waitin for next story, can we move on now? come on gawyn copy paste already.
12-18-2009, 05:57 PM
uch just please stop this nonsence, Zero's website idea might be a good plan at least this cant happen. New story will be up soon though whether this series of stupidity continues or not. In the immortal words of Dannboy and Van
please stop feeding the trolls and just ignore them.
12-18-2009, 06:13 PM
Your wish is my command oh epic storyteller..... (Jippy gets on one knee)
12-18-2009, 10:52 PM
Salutations! New story dude hope you enjoy ^^
Two knights, their armour tarnished with dirt. Looked at each other from across a burning fallen tree, they had been fighting for what seemed hours. Roofus twirled his spear between his fingers as they walked toward the end of the burning tree, the trees had been falling down around them for the latter part of the fight. Smurv kept his spear steady and faced him with a dead stare, he wasn't at his limit but this would be the second knight he had fought consecutively. They approached the end of the tree, just before they reached it Smurv jumped through the flames landing a blow across roofus's back. Roofus rolled forward and just managed to get to one knee and raise his shield. The blow rang against his shield and Roofus was sent onto his back from the force, using his momentum he rolled all the way over and back onto his feet. Setting himself in a defensive position toward Smurv, he gripped his spear in one hand and tried to raise it ready for the next attack.
Pain went across roofus's shoulder the blow was deeper than he thought, the metal that was once protecting him was now cut and mangled. The sharp points of the jagged metal ripping at his skin underneath. He had no choice but to take it off less he do himself a fatal injury. Roofus undid the clasps and the breast plate fell to the floor. Roofus could raise his shoulder now and he charged at Smurv, fully aware of his over exposed chest. Smurv smiled and slung his spear back between his shoulder blades, opting for a smaller, lighter ignite kopesh blade. Roofus jumped through the air, the blade of the spear aimed towards Smurv's heart. The blow bounced off his shield sending Roofus off balance, Smurv side stepped and sliced at the exposed chest piece with great speed. Another gash appeared across Roofus's back. Roofus quickly regained his composure and turned on his heals, He lashed out a kick and it crashed into Smurv sending him sprawling to the floor. Roofus slung his spear and drew his hammer to finish the job, Smurv raised his shield and Roofus's hammer crashed through twisting and cracking the metal as it went. the hammer blow crunched into Smurv's shoulder and he let out a cry as bone crunched underneath the blow. Smurv cast off the wrecked shield and punched Roofus in the side of the head with his free arm. Both the Knights scrambled to their feet, the fight that had started out skilled and elegant had now just turned into a brawl. Smurv switched his weapon from his useless arm to the other, Roofus winced at the deep slashes on his back he had lost a lot of blood. Roofus charged to end it without a shield Smurv didn't stand a chance. Smurv ran toward the knight charging at him laughing manically as he did, As the two collided Roofus's spear struck, Smurv's arm was cleanly sliced off by the blade of the spear. Smurv didn't even flinch he had no control over the arm Roofus made useless and though it was unfortunate the advantage was now his. Smurv struck his sword into the back of roofus's leg it hit so hard it stuck fast and he couldn't remove it again. Roofus grimaced as he fell to the floor. The towering Molok walked over to Roofus, his stump of an arm leaking blood.
'Good fight Roofus, but finally I'm gonna cut out your heart and attach your skull to my armour.'
He raised his spear malevolence in his eyes a loud creak and sound of wood cracking in flames around them. Smurv thrust his spear in murderous intent as a large burning tree crashed into him crushing him instantly. Roofus shuffled back against the ground away from the twitching arm holding a spear. his left leg the hamstring was ruined he could hop back to syrtis but not much chance of that in a burning forest. he noticed a change in the air around him the flames began to spiral upward until the black/blue pre dawn sky was naught but flame.
'Roofus you have proved worthy I have a task of thee, rise sir knight your burdens are relieved I have a task of you for the greater good.'
Roofus stood and looked around a shadowy figure behind or in the flame around him he couldn't tell the voice was nothing he had heard before not the flowing tones of a wood elf or syrtian or the harsh gruff tones of an alsrian, nor the sly and oily tones of an ignitian this was something different.
'Who are you?'
'My name is not important, I am one of those who locked away with the soul devourer and I head a warning for you and those of all the world. The rune stones have been gathered and the lock has been found. This world is in danger of burning not just Horus but Ra, Nifhelm, Muspell, Tyr and even Amun too. One of your people is going to unleash the soul devourer and destroy this world and all it's continents and people.'
Mattdoesblock raced through the syrtian controlled wood immune and Gringgo darting around them with their superior speed diving into and out of the darkness sometimes coming back with blood on them sometimes going for hours at a time. Karma ran with Klutu who wore the sword Karma stole and Jippy and Rykor flanked him they where the first line of defence against attack from behind,
Klutu ran he was surprised he could still wield the Satarco sword he was handed though it felt slightly odd in his hands, he reminisced about when his sword shattered from the cold against Gawyn's armour he has come along way since then.
'Could you not get me any breast plates or at least a shirt something to keep me warm, my nipples are gonna get frost bite in Alsius.'
Karma chuckled and reached into a deep pocket in her robes
'I always keep a spare.'
'I'm not wearing that.'
'fine kiss your nipples good bye'
Jippy piped up
'That's what your mother said'
Klutu frowned at Karma and threw on the tunic being offered. Rykor and Jippy roared in laughter as they ran along with Klutu in a pink and white tunic. Klutz's expression turned sullen.
'I hate you guys so much.'
Lexen stood at just behind the warlocks eviscerating the forest in front of him as the Ignian army marched behind him. Vincent Valentine ran up behind the knight and cleared his throat.
'Smurv has been killed by a syrtian Lex, his mission has failed.'
Ex enraged by this news turned on his heal and grabbed Vincent Valentine.
'Why do I rely on any of you!'
He looked toward the forest and turned to the army
'We march for the Syrtian camp we will erase them with our brutal and merciless attack, Blood will be spilt this day and we shall bathe in it.'
The warlocks stopped with the burning and true to Lex's word they had made everything they touched turned to sand. They ceased and the Ignian army sprinted into the forest toward the Syrtian camp.
Gawyn, Gwynavere and Isemon raced through the forest on mounts, Gawyn led the way followed by Isemon on a horse as brilliant white as he was. Gwynavere followed on horse sometimes standing up on the horses back to scout out the surrounding area.
'Look Isemon I cant remember exactly where it is, this is foolish we might get cauGGGGHHHHHHTTTT!!!!!'
Gawyn disappeared his jet black horse and all. Gwynavere was the first off her horse and she peered down a huge hole.
'Found it!'
Isemon dismounted and jumped down the hole with a lot more surety to himself than Gwynavere who satyed pearing in at the top. Isemon landed crouched and stood every bit as regal as always his strange metal staff glinting with energy as he walked through the cave.
'It isn't glowing any more but I daren't touch it again'
Isemon let out a hand toward the smooth cylindrical object almost touching it before Gawyn caught him.
'Isemon you could not imagine the horrors have you not seen what I look like what that made me do to myself'
Isemon stroked the column with his other free hand the image shot through Isemon to Gawyn and Gawyn threw up violently Isemon just shuddered a little.
'It's Beautiful isn't it....'
Gawyn looked at the Syrtian leader shocked.
'I beg your pardon!'
'I have no need of you any more Knight and I cant let you tell anyone else what you have seen. Goodbye Gawyn'
Isemon touched Gawyn's shoulder and he let out a scream that filled the cavern, flashes of his life filled his head and searing white hot pain, then darkness.
12-19-2009, 02:24 AM
Wow, such awesome stories gawyn, i cant wait for the next.
And aww, poor ickle sol has to wear pink xD
12-19-2009, 03:31 AM
Only Awesome Gangster Barbs where pink & white tunics! don't be jealous :p
12-19-2009, 05:52 AM
Just came back to see if the new engine breaks the current death lag spell that binds Flightcap and read the rest of the stories. Blown away as ever!!!! :) If you ever do make a website to compile all the chapters I'm sure there are some people who would help with grammar etc. Shoot, I'd even try my hand at it if you'd want. Can't wait for the next installment....
12-20-2009, 10:09 AM
alright! after 2-3 days of no computer time I finally get to read the story! :D
lol @ klutu's new shirt ^^
12-21-2009, 01:36 PM
"Jippy piped up, "That's what your mother said"
Yes!!! the mandatory "your mom" joke has been included
Great work, and great story!!!
12-22-2009, 03:03 PM
CLIFFHANGER!!! ooh! im so excited lol. good job once again. :thumb_up:
12-22-2009, 03:22 PM
Klutz's expression turned sullen.
12-27-2009, 12:32 PM
Love the stories btw, your style kinda reminds me of Robert Jordan except you use goats and elves :biggrin:
I was wondering if anyone has any Ignis stories going, if not I might try writing some... :sifflote:
anyways g2g ttyl
P.S. If you need more goats to use in your story Big Phil is at your service ^^
01-05-2010, 07:10 PM
Lmao i never noticed that and i am now refusing to change it :P
I hope everyone had an awesome Christmas and a food njew year i know i did. My apologies on not posting a story my laptop has broke AGAIN!! but as soon as it gets back to me the cliffhanger will be over.
I'd like to take a moment to thank everyone who reads my stories regularly and enjoys them. Have a great new year guys and I hope 2010 brings everything you want.
P.S. Jain i'd gladly read anything you write about Ignis or any of the other realms just as i read Godot's and Arafails threads
01-05-2010, 11:44 PM
happy new year to you too Gawyn
I see technology hates you ^^ get it fixed quickly and post more stories! I can't stand the suspense xD
01-06-2010, 12:52 AM
Need techy support, again?? xD Pray tell, whats the brand of laptop so I can sue for keeping me waiting? ..... MOAAAAAAAR :bounce:
01-08-2010, 03:15 AM
hey gawyn, I saw you once or twice ingame the last two days (I ambushed you twice on the first time ^^ :p)
does that mean your laptop's on the road to recovery or are you using someone else's comp? (/me mumbles something about story...:sifflote:)
01-08-2010, 03:18 AM
lol yes my comp is fixed i was having a couple days to myself on regnum nice of you to notice ^^ (i noticed you on efe beach, then i had to break you)
i will get the story up soon cross my heart.
lol yes my comp is fixed i was having a couple days to myself on regnum nice of you to notice ^^ (i noticed you on efe beach, then i had to break you)
i will get the story up soon cross my heart.
It was dead that day....we needed some action. And it's always fun fighting you....
01-14-2010, 05:10 AM
I'm very sorry for taking so long with this next story but i'm taking my time on it and i want it to be just right before i post.
01-15-2010, 11:51 PM
I'm very sorry for taking so long with this next story but i'm taking my time on it and i want it to be just right before i post.
take your time, better to have quality work over rushed mess ;)
(vythica, that is copyright infringement :p jk)
01-17-2010, 03:53 AM
Soon Ignis and Alsius alike will feel the wrath of the entire Syrtian nation.
Thats a Big nation O.o and nice story man :P
01-18-2010, 08:45 PM
After reading these. I decided to write my own, I hope you don't mind. There could be more, but I can put no due date on them.
Loved your story Grain, you honestly have real talent
(though Ive already told you that :p)
01-19-2010, 08:25 PM
I would post a 'Oh Noes!' Pic right now, but would be nice for this thread to maintain some sensability so seriously, if you have your own storys, make your own thread.
01-19-2010, 10:33 PM
I would post a 'Oh Noes!' Pic right now, but would be nice for this thread to maintain some sensability so seriously, if you have your own storys, make your own thread.
Aren't they all Horus Stories? :) This is but another in the broad collection that the users create. :S
01-20-2010, 02:02 PM
Ok dudes i know you've been waiting patiently (thank you) here's the new story. Enjoy.
Gwynavere peered over the edge of the pit, tears running down her cheeks, after she heard Gawyn let out a scream. She slowly climbed down the side of the wall of the pit, she faced a horrible spectacle. Isemon looked radiant younger and even more handsome, his glow and warmth filled the small cave. Gwynavere looked to where Gawyn lay, it looked as though his body had been completely drained of everything. The skin, brown and moulding, like it had been the a decade not 5 minutes. With that sight Gwynavere lost her mind. She clutched at her hair and fell to her knees sobbing uncontrollably, primeval screams roared from her. A tender warm touch lifted her chin into the kind smiling face of Isemon.
'Don't cry Gwyn soon everything will be darkness and nothing will matter for you. Who knows you may even see Gawyn again.'
Those words came out of him as if what he said reassured her, he didn't care he had just killed her love and his friend. Isemon turned from Gwynavere taking something from the satchel he carried with him to this place. Gwynavere knew what they where the instant that she saw them, the stolen rune stones but not just the ones from Syrtis either. Gwynavere stood and drew her bow, fury strengthening her aim and her resolve. Isemon merely looked over his shoulder at her.
'You don't want to do that.'
'I don't know what has drove you to this Isemon but I will end it and I will kill you for what you have done.'
Scias walked through the Syrtian camp furious, a battle was about to break loose in the forest and no one was prepared. He stormed around pushing people out of his way, he barged into Isemon's tent. Nothing, no one was there on the moment before a battle the leader of this façade was gone. Scias called a few soldiers too him, Alturianwarrior and Ntkllr appeared from either side of the tent.
'Isemon has gone, I need you to gather other clan leaders. If we aren't ready then we'll be killed or hunted down and then killed, we're a long way from the safety of the great wall here.'
Alturianwarrior and Ntkllr nodded and marched off in different directions. Arwen came out of the dawn shadows her hands in her sleeves of her tunic.
'Isemon disappeared, maybe assassins got him? or maybe Gawyn and Gwyn's disappearance is connected too.'
'Uch that Tin can and the red head have gone too?'
Scias and Arwen walked a way together to a clearing where Anpu, Axis, Jakob, Teiwaz, Hunthor, Tigerious, Edean and Prometheus Wolfhair where already gathered. the most influential clan leaders in Syrtis where gathered Scias spoke.
'Isemon has disappeared, possibly dead, we believe with Gawyn and Gwynavere too. We need to make for battle or we're going to be crushed. Nothing is ready and everyone is doing whatever they want just hanging around.'
Anpu looked behind him, the Inquisition where all armoured and ready to go, he looked back at Scias with a raised eyebrow. Scias pretended not to see this.
'All of you please get your clans ready and the smaller ones will follow suit. I know some of you have lost your founders but that's not to say that you cant lead your clans.'
As Scias spoke the men and women of Syrtis armoured and ready to fight gathered around their various clan leaders or their substitutes. In no less than five minutes the zerg of the Syrtian force had gathered, an army that numbered in its thousands. The clan leaders closed in on one another forming a tight circle, Anpu began forming and discussing his plan. Anpu's ears twitched something in the forest was headed this way, a huge cry from one of the towers.
The clan leaders turned to their men and women shouting orders that where passed down quickly through the ranks, the order was simple and spread in seconds "prepare for battle".
Lexen's army drove through the forest, emerging to the Syrtian camp. Their make shift towers where destroyed in seconds by the warlocks and their meteors they rained down upon the massive camp. Killing dozens and starting fires in explosions as they hit. Ignean barbarian's ran at the camp they met the Syrtian barbarian's. Steel rang on steel roars filled the air, many where whipped into a thirst for the others blood. Lexen looked out over the battle, the conjurers where right behind the warriors healing those they could get to in time to save. Both sides where suffering casualties, Lexen saw the Syrtian knights by the mage's keeping them protected.
'Send in our knights to decimate their barbarians.'
Artec Jr nodded and pulled the visor down on his helm, he unsheathed his axe and ran toward the battle with the ignean knights behind him. They literally leaped into the breach making an effective spear head through the wall of barbarians, their target was Arwen the first conjurer they could find. Haranaka and Zeric of Ga quickly jumped in front of the oncoming horde of knights, protecting Arwen. The barbarian wall closed in quickly, but at least twelve knights got through. Haranaka and Zeric of Ga hunched behind their shields and rooted their feet, they let out a battle cry and they began to glow in an orange flame. The Ignean knights met against the syrtian knights shields, their attacks had little effect on the two knights. Haranaka's spear flew in a flurry of attacks and ripostes, Zeric slashed at those he could reach. They kicked and tripped the other knights that came close to Arwen, Arwen in turn was healing their wounds as fast as she could. Haranaka took a wound to his leg and Zeric on his shoulder, though 3 had fallen to their attacks their power was drained. Artec Jr grabbed Zeric by the chin snapping his neck in one swift move, Haranaka fell to Choronzon's hammer blow. Arwen was cornered, though only 8 remained she was powerless against their number. The main fight was going on fifty to sixty yards in front of her, the barbarians where weakening against the force of the Ignean barbarians and knights. Arwen locked in concentration. the knights weapons closed in on her. Bright lights began to spiral around Arwen, then they became long luminous strands of light. The attacks struck her and simply stopped, no marks, no wounds, just stopped. Artec Jr and Choronzon hammered and slashed at Arwen constantly, the only damage showing was on their weapons. Arwen smiled at their frustration applauding them as she stood. Jesus, Ntbslr and Barroomhero emerged from the shadows, their attack fast and brutal. Barroomhero's troll smashed into the knights roaring as it went, it's huge club smashing their armour and heads. Artec Jr's and Choronzon's attacks finally connected as Arwen's sanctuary fell and her body fell limp and lifeless. Crimson rubies trickling down her snow like skin, her eyes looked empty and stared into oblivion. Then a small smile broke her look and her last breath escaped her.
The battle raged on, the outcome wasn't looking good for the Syrtians. The surprise attack and their lack of organisation seemed to have beaten them. The archers from Ignis now picked their targets, instead of firing into the horde of elves and men. Bulgaro was surrounded by other barbarians, separated from his line there was no way back. He had been wounded, arrow after arrow made a dull thunk into him he roared with pain and anger. His giant green and gold axe glinting in the light of the new day, his attacks where ferociously fast and unyielding. Barbarians unfortunate enough to get caught up in Bulgaro's frenzy where eviscerated, his almost unstoppable madness regretted in seconds or didn't have time to regret it. Another arrow thunk smacked into his knee this time forcing him onto it this time. Bulgaro went berserk, he got to his feet and with overwhelming strength charged at the nearest barbarian. Hamster of Sorrow did his best to deflect the barrage of attacks from the Evendims axe, but the young barbarian was bested by the veteran. Bulgaro cleaved through Hamster of sorrows leg, from there upwards in an arc slicing him in half. Bulgaro grabbed the dismembered leg and threw it at Chuchulain, the leg knocked the barbarian over it hit him with that much force. Before Chuchulain could react Bulgaro was over him, acceptance of death had turned Bulgaro's face to hard stone. Chuchulain raised his arm in a flinch, he opened his eyes to see Bulgaro's face go wide with shock. Bulgaro fell to his knees, then to the side staring into nothingness. Captain Nintendo stood behind where Bulgaro stood, his longbow drawn cigar in his mouth and a crazed grin on his face.
'Isn't this just AWESOME!!'
Chuchulain watched the cackling hunter speed off in the other direction shouting.
'New pants for Chuchu Stat!!!'
The battle looked bad for Syrtis, being taken by surprise and no real time to fortify themselves had taken their advantage of numbers away. All looked bleak but things where about to get bleaker....
01-20-2010, 02:13 PM
WooHoo!!! That story was worth the wait :D
01-20-2010, 03:10 PM
Must... restrain... spellcheck reflexes... (Notice I didn't include grammar... like "the rain of arrow") Also, WTF conjurers have "arrow cloud" spells? I wants it!!!
Immune <3
lolol ^^
Good story as usual Gawyn, Keep it up.
Disclaimer: Its the story line that counts.
01-20-2010, 03:10 PM
Must... restrain... spellcheck reflexes...
That made me rofl for about 5 minutes :p
01-20-2010, 04:05 PM
'Isn't this just AWESOME!!'
Yes,yes it is :p
01-20-2010, 06:07 PM
Very good story. I really liked the cliffhanger ending, cant wait for the next one!
01-20-2010, 06:13 PM
Seriously, awesome and amazing, another great installment. Well worth the wait. :metal:
01-20-2010, 10:45 PM
Wow awesome dude !
Thank you very much for including me in your story, it's really a great honour ;)
I really love how you made me :)
I can't wait for the next one :thumb_up:
01-21-2010, 02:20 AM
Very good story. I really liked the cliffhanger ending, cant wait for the next one!
exactly what jip said
:thumb_up::thumb_up:for story!
01-21-2010, 02:00 PM
Ahhhh I need to know what happens, why did you have to do a cliffy?! :rale:
Lol jk partly... Awesome story Gawyn :thumb:
01-21-2010, 04:37 PM
Wow awesome dude !
Thank you very much for including me in your story, it's really a great honour ;)
I really love how you made me :)
I can't wait for the next one :thumb_up:
I love how he made me moar! :p Its just not the same without the cig....
01-25-2010, 10:10 PM
Hamster of Sorrow did his best to deflect the barrage of attacks from the Evendims axe, but the young barbarian was bested by the veteran. Bulgaro cleaved through Hamster of sorrows leg, from there upwards in an arc slicing him in half. Bulgaro grabbed the dismembered leg and threw it at Chuchulain, the leg knocked the barbarian over it hit him with that much force.
well, im honored to be in the story, i might have died right away but its still awesome. altho u forgot to mention my shiny pants xD
at least my dead body was useful hahahah
01-26-2010, 12:03 AM
would you be able to have my barb yasur in a story please it would be great to see yasur in one
01-26-2010, 03:17 PM
also, quick question: if i am dismemebered and my leg thrown across a field, is it possible to be ressed?
01-26-2010, 03:48 PM
He said a while back any death is perma, so I doubt it :p
01-26-2010, 04:27 PM
i didnt necissarily mean in the story, i meant it as sort of a joke :P
01-26-2010, 05:07 PM
Hey guys thanks for the recent comments. Yes death is still perma and no one is safe (not even myself). Recent events (namely my complete defection from syrtis, thats right Gawyn doesnt exist in syrtis anymore) mean that i will need some time to lvl my hunter and another knight to 50 though i will be writing during this time it will slow me down. To all my syrtian friends:
My reason for defection was never any one person more the entire realms war ethic e.g. Run Kill back repeat, It gets completely boring people complain about the syrtis zerg from other realms and tbh i found that it's even more boring being a part of the zerg and not having to relie on any kind of tactics at all thanks to sheer numbers, I know there are people who think the same as me and that there are those who probably think i'm deluded for choosing alsius, I just think i owe them an explanation. Also to all those friends i left behind Scias, Jesus, AwD, Faith, Rios, and The entirity of reclamation (if i havent mentioned you bite me) see you in the WZ!! :D
Yasur: I tend to write about people i have fought in the warone and their fighting styles if not their personalities.
Hampster: consider it payback for your constant T-bagging fetish :P
01-26-2010, 05:23 PM
Hampster: consider it payback for your constant T-bagging fetish :P
haahaha, i usually only do that when i kill someone trying to gank me or when i am ambushed etc. in wars i usually dont have the time.
and also, i learn from mah clannies. E'aldorm is our designated T-bagging technician XD
01-26-2010, 05:24 PM
Hey guys thanks for the recent comments. Yes death is still perma and no one is safe (not even myself). Recent events (namely my complete defection from syrtis, thats right Gawyn doesnt exist in syrtis anymore) mean that i will need some time to lvl my hunter and another knight to 50 though i will be writing during this time it will slow me down. To all my syrtian friends:
My reason for defection was never any one person more the entire realms war ethic e.g. Run Kill back repeat, It gets completely boring people complain about the syrtis zerg from other realms and tbh i found that it's even more boring being a part of the zerg and not having to relie on any kind of tactics at all thanks to sheer numbers, I know there are people who think the same as me and that there are those who probably think i'm deluded for choosing alsius, I just think i owe them an explanation. Also to all those friends i left behind Scias, Jesus, AwD, Faith, Rios, and The entirity of reclamation (if i havent mentioned you bite me) see you in the WZ!! :D
Yasur: I tend to write about people i have fought in the warone and their fighting styles if not their personalities.
Hampster: consider it payback for your constant T-bagging fetish :P
I knew it since you made your Alsius char and you removed you clan that you'd switch to Alsius so it wasn't really a surprise for me, but I understand it and I'm fine with it, and I hope you'll enjoy more the game in Alsius (damn you've a freaking courage to want to grind another knight).
Hehe, thanks for having fought in our side, Syrtis will miss you.
I wonder if your story is matching what's happenning now (your defection from syrtis) :p
01-26-2010, 05:50 PM
Your going to make ANOTHER level 50 knight? Thats hardcore :p
See you in Wz best of luck and dont turn your back on any Ugthar for to long, they bite you know :sifflote:
01-26-2010, 09:12 PM
just to let you know,you fight me in wz nearly everday.if ignis has aggy im most likely to be there and ive also had 1 on 1 battles with you at back of fort
01-27-2010, 08:04 AM
then i'll have to keep my eye out for you then ^^
01-27-2010, 02:21 PM
then i'll have to keep my eye out for you then ^^
yasur is the least of your worries :sifflote:
01-27-2010, 05:04 PM
Your going to make ANOTHER level 50 knight? Thats hardcore :p
See you in Wz best of luck and dont turn your back on any Ugthar for to long, they bite you know :sifflote:
hey! not all of us bite....except maybe on new year but that's only when we're drunk so that doesn't count! :sifflote:
01-31-2010, 03:54 PM
I'm going to put this here as I don't want to start a new thread for it, and as the subject seem to be appropriate:
Thead Halstead’s pub was perpetually empty. Outside, the bustle and conversations from Fisgeal drifted through the open door along with the scent of the stables just opposite. Through the threshold strode Prometheus Wolfhair, who deftly undid his chin strap, slipped his helm off this head and tossed it across the room into the corner. Thead looked worried, annoyed. The White Company clan leader, took a seat, his armor, mismatched, patched, scraped…matched his face and arms: the angry lines imprinted there from hundreds of battles. Hair gray, beard cropped short and grey except where a jagged scar across his jaw line seemed to bleach it white.
"Beer" he said. And before Thead could offer a soup made from flowers, mushrooms and spider webs, Prometheus followed with… "Just beer." The barbarian unbuckled his sword and let it slide clattering to the floor.
A moment later his brother, Ulixes, entered. Shorter, both younger and older at once. A slighter build, bow casually held across this smooth leather jerkin, slipped into the pub. "It happened again didn’t it." Not a question really, a statement of fact, a probing sentence.
Prometheus lifted the ceramic mug to his lips and let the beer slide comfortably into his mouth. Then nodded.
"We were at Stone. And they were there." Prometheus took another drink. "I ran up the hill, pressed against the wall, then hit the door with everything I had. It didn’t take long before it was in splinters…then I was face to face with him."
"Who?" called Thead from across the room.
"Jippy!" roared Prometheus across the room in a voice the froze the bartender. Outside in the town the voices stopped for a moment. Then slowly started again: trading magna for useless items, asking where the bookcase was, deciding their fate in a hundred little ways.
"Shut up." Ulixes warned. "And what is said here does not get repeated." The hunters piercing blue eyes, pierced the barkeep into silence.
"I couldn’t do it." Prometheus drank again. "I couldn’t do it… Oh, I wanted to. Believe you me. Klutu was there too. I raised my sword and remembered all the times we stood, at the gate, facing the ignis horde. Wait for them, see them mass, with their greedy evil faces. We few: Gage, SoL, Dingbat, Faith, and the rest who would stand in the darkness against odds and be washed away like driftwood before an angry sea." He paused looking in his cup, musing. "I’d like to say we few, we happy few. We band of brothers. For he those nights that shed their blood with me shall always be my brother." Then drinking, "Maybe I’m getting too old for this."
Jaud popped her head around the doorframe, "Goats are attacking Herb again." She said in her heavily accented French then disappeared.
"You go." He said quietly to Ulixes. "You go. I live with too many ghosts."
01-31-2010, 05:08 PM
This is the best story here. Great job Prom!! Keep it up. Maybe now that a certain knight (who I won't mention out of respect for a certain dev) doesn't play Syrtis anymore you can take over writing from a Syrtian point of view.
Big +1!!! Great job!
02-01-2010, 05:14 AM
Nice Story Prom :)
I Miss Those Nights :(
02-01-2010, 01:11 PM
Damn good story Prom...
"I couldn’t do it." Prometheus drank again. "I couldn’t do it… Oh, I wanted to."
I also have the same issue with a select few... I usually wait for them to strike the first blow, makes it easier xD
Your friend (Gage)
02-01-2010, 02:07 PM
NICE story Prom, reflexive, epic, and all that. :thumb_up: :p
02-01-2010, 02:37 PM
Awesome story Prom!
(/me misses sol and gage...)
02-06-2010, 02:50 AM
Hey hey Guys i know it's been a while but i finally got my hunter to 50 today \o/. Now with the stories you can expect to see the penultimate episode coming in the next week. Yes thats right this series of the stories is ending :(.
Do not fret though I am planning a new series of stories :). The next series of stories i need YOU, yes YOU. The next series will be purley PvP's between chars from the game what i need you to do is Sign up :P yes i want you to put your name down for a pvp you wish to fight out with anyone or anything These fights can cross realm, be mobs and even cross servers. Just post here saying you wish to participate and who you would like to fight, I will sort through the people who have posted and pick out a good matchup and base the PvP story on thier abilities and so i make it fair an unbiased i want some of you from every realm, server to post here if you would like to adudicate who would win the match up (these must be players of a good reputation and experianced fair gamers). You can pick anyone to fight in game, I pick the "winning" application then myself and the more experianced players will pick the winner then i will write the story.
Hope you guys like the idea. Post now to apply for one of the adduidcators though i will approach a few experianced players myself.
02-06-2010, 03:36 AM
Dark Barbarian vs Terminator... :swordfight:
02-06-2010, 03:39 AM
Wicked :metal:
I wish to pvp against enio in your story xD
To me he's best marks and destroyed me in arena like 13 to 3 lol.
02-06-2010, 09:23 AM
Wicked :metal:
I wish to pvp against enio in your story xD
To me he's best marks and destroyed me in arena like 13 to 3 lol.
lol yeah he is a damn good marks,but ill still have my 13 rp i got from him one day :metal:
Gawyn you can use my chars for any pvp,dont rly care who its against:p
02-06-2010, 09:25 AM
Is that Dark barbarian was inside a bar drinking alot ?? , came drunk to shaan . and just fall on the dead bodies of the warlocks just beside the door
02-06-2010, 01:31 PM
Oh, too bad that this serie will finish :confused2:
Anyways grats for your grad (and not being a confuse-bitch-spammer)
Dark Barbarian vs Terminator...
Yay I want it too !! :superpusso:
You can use Compost for any fight you wish...
02-06-2010, 05:55 PM
I wants to pvp!
Make my warj fight my hunter, lol!
02-06-2010, 10:24 PM
hamster_of_sorrow vs Overclock :P
we always argue over who is better but never get around to fighting. and i would like to see what kinda stuff you can come up.
02-07-2010, 12:51 AM
Actually guys i was just asking who would like to be an adudicater for the stories, These guys are going to be the people who decide who win. I think i'll need 7 (I will not decide on who will win as i believe i am not experiance enough in the game to make this decision) that i will choose but thanks for your enthusiam at the idea.
02-07-2010, 12:59 AM
gratz gawyn on lvl 50!
sorry I missed it :( (damn computer)
Dark Barbarian vs Terminator...
I'll bring the chips!
02-08-2010, 03:35 PM
Me and a former Syrtis Knight (Gawyn) had a tremendous PvP by Aggs before he retired... Could be a good story...
You could also write about your hilarious PvP with Dean that same night...
Your Friend,
02-08-2010, 05:50 PM
Wicked :metal:
I wish to pvp against enio in your story xD
To me he's best marks and destroyed me in arena like 13 to 3 lol.
Argh xD i dun wanna fight knights in Arena, especially not when they know what theyre doin :P
02-08-2010, 07:48 PM
Actually guys i was just asking who would like to be an adudicater for the stories, These guys are going to be the people who decide who win. I think i'll need 7 (I will not decide on who will win as i believe i am not experiance enough in the game to make this decision) that i will choose but thanks for your enthusiam at the idea.
/me volunteers
02-08-2010, 09:45 PM
Actually guys i was just asking who would like to be an adudicater for the stories, These guys are going to be the people who decide who win. I think i'll need 7 (I will not decide on who will win as i believe i am not experiance enough in the game to make this decision) that i will choose but thanks for your enthusiam at the idea.
Hey, it might be fun to organize some PVPs between players who will be in the story, let victory be the adjudicator plus get some ideas on how the fight might play out.
Okay, victory plus Immune, since he volunteered.
(It also won't help with people who want to fight their own alts, you'll have to use your creative license for that.)
02-08-2010, 09:59 PM
Rumple vs Terminator vs Dark Barbarian
may the undisputed suicidal barb win;
for the millions in lag, and crashing all over the world
this is for the "Inter-Realm Pt Barb Championship (tm)" of theeeeee......
..... theeeee ..... ummm realm :bangin:
are you ready to Rumpleeeeeeeeee!
02-09-2010, 12:10 AM
Can I request Mattdoesrock vs. Mattdoesblock?
I can volunteer as well - I've fought vs mostly everyone on horus (or pretty darn near). I know who spams Disabling Limb(5) and who doesn't {bastages}
04-02-2010, 12:31 AM
OMG new story mofo's, enjoy.
Isemon walked toward the great column, his hands caressed the stone the images of the beast within floating through his mind. He smiled. Isemon removed the stones one by one and placed them into the column, the stones merged into the column making the recesses whole as if they never existed. Gwynavere still had her bow drawn as Isemon did this, she was trembling with tears still running down her cheeks. Gwynavere let the arrow fly and it struck Isemon, nothing happened, Isemon turned and chuckled.
'Gwyn please, it disheartens me to see you act like this.'
Gwyanvere fired another arrow again it struck his flesh but it just stopped, no blood was drawn. Gwyanvere howled with rage and frustration, she focused her shots still nothing. Isemon walked over to her.
'This is so.. sad for me to do this Gwyn.'
Isemon touched her cheek and the warmth that was usually there was now fire, as though hot metal had been poured into the cavity of her bones. Gwynavere let out a piercing scream, Isemon let her experience the pain for a while then he grabbed her head between thumb and two fingers, he thrust his arm out twisting her head to one side snapping her neck. She fell to the floor limply.
'No more distractions now immortality awaits.'
Compost watched as the fires in the Syrtian camp roared, the dark blue light of the fresh dawn bathed the land where he stood. The wind brought the embers past him his snake slithered around at his feet, Compost sighed and walked to the camp his daen rha bow a parting gift from Enio. The camp was in chaos and Compost walked through it, soldiers took turns away from him without realising what they where doing. Maybe the scent of a wolf convinced their subconscious but Compost just walked in a straight line his snake loyally behind him. Drawing in on the remainders of the battle between Ignis and Syrtis Compost saw the Igneans where randomly sacking the camp stealing what treasures they could find, still Compost never quickened his pace just calmly walked on. He saw an archer round the corner into his path, Compost steadily drew his arrow. With one swift Motion he loosed it, the arrow struck home with a crunch and Hullio went down the arrow neatly stuck out from his heart. Compost carried on never slowing never speeding up, he had an arrow knocked ready this time.
Scias ran into Composts path and again Compost started to draw, hundreds of shields floated around Scias. Captain Nintendo burst from one of the burning tents a manic smile on his face, mid air he loosed a couple of arrows both of them shattering against the shields. Scias placed the bottom of his staff into the ground and the immediate area in front of him became an inferno, Captain Nintendo rolled back and fired another shot into the flame and Scias let out a cry. Captain Nintendo looked up and met Composts eyes his smile faded instantly.
Nintendo sprang back but compost let go of the arrow he had aimed at him, it punched straight through Nintendo's eye and out the back of his head a spray of blood and grey matter splashed a nearby tent.
Scias was on the ground bleeding and pulled the arrow unceremoniously from his arm, he placed his hand on the wound as he healed himself. Compost knelt in front of Scias and Scias watched as Compost cut off Captain Nintendo's ear and added it to a loop on his belt. Scias stared at Compost as he turned wordlessly to him and he drew his bow again, Scias got up and stared at Compost not afraid to die.
'At least it was at his hands rather than the hands of an Ignis.'
Compost loosed his arrow and Scias fell limp to the ground, Compost collected yet another trophy from the enemies that have their name whispered among the realm.
Compost was hit by an arrow in the back of his shoulder and fell to the ground, his snake launched into action instantly. The snake twisted its length around the chest of a troll and sunk its teeth into its neck. Biwie followed his troll into the fight as Compost got to his feet, the snake cracked the ribs of the troll and left deep wounds in the trolls neck leaving it to bleed out but still held on until the beast stopped thrashing. Compost focused and the wind spun around him, and he drew his bow loosing arrows at Biwie. Biwie fought back himself his small bow a lot faster than Composts, but due to the vortex anything he tried with his skills was lost. Compost hit with a sudden strike causing Biwie to flinch, the wind started to build up around Biwie too until both had a vortex surrounded them the cyclone's colliding ferociously. The hunters summoned shield's around them and rings leapt up at their feet.
Two of the most feared hunters did battle, Compost was on the back foot. Biwie's small bow was nimble and it was all Compost could do to evade the arrows, Compost loosed ill aimed shots at Biwie which Biwie dove to avoid. Composts cyclone died and Biwie smiled he hit compost with a shot near his eyes that made compost flinch out of the way, in a confusion checked himself for wounds. Biwie hit Compost with a blunted arrow in the leg and Compost hit the ground hard Biwie loomed over him.
'So the legendary Compost falls before me.'
Compost was helpless though he didn't expect to live through this mission, he didn't want to die by this cretins hand. Compost spat at Biwie and the elf grimaced and drew back his bow. An arrow hit Biwie square in the chest from one of the tents, a tent exploded as a huge troll emerged from it one of the Thorkuls rage clan of trolls to be precise. Biwie staggered to face it as it's club swung in an arc toward him, a gaping look of shock on Biwie's face was his last as the club smashed him over three rows of tents. Compost got to his hands and feet, the earth swaying and spinning still.
A Nordo stood by his side stroking his trolls hair as it crouched next to him, it made a light giggle when the hunter tickled behind it's ear. The Nordo himself was tall for a Nordo his red armour with blackened plates was a dead give away, even if his Mohawk that just made him look taller wasn't. Compost got to his feet and the hunter held out his clenched fist and compost hit the top of it with his own.
'Holy crap thank you, Sam'
'That's what your mom said dude'
Compost regained himself and Samhael broke his coolness by rushing into a tirade of what he just saw.
'DUDE you where like, walking through fire and just shoom smack dead and killing Scias dude that was almost a poetic death I wish I could die like that. I mean I gave up on dying ancient with kids when I became a hunter.'
Composts snake unravelled itself from the Troll it had killed and went to Composts side. Samhael spoke.
'Did you find them?'
'No but I didn't find Klutu either, it seems they completed their mission lets hope they made it,'
The skyline toward the great lake erupted in a explosion of bright light a column shot to the sky, past the stars even past the moon (which we all know is behind the stars :D).
Klutu ran still with Matt and Co in tow, He was still weary despite Karmas healing his shoulders throbbed in a dull pain. The group where halfway back to the Alsius camp, they had met little resistance Matt scoffed that Compost needn't have been so worried. The hunters where restless though everything was a little too quiet, Klutu suddenly saw why. There was nothing around them no wolves, no goblins, no orcs or bears. A forest full of them and no one could seen any of them. They all stopped and looked around, Jippy was the first to speak breaking the total silence
'What the hell is going on!'
Immune the Blue looked to Jippy
'The inhabitants of the wood have gone to ground, something is coming.'
The skyline to the south east bloomed in light, a thin column of light erupted from the lake it seemed and stated to grow wider.
Roofus the Stuntbum ran through the forest toward the ancient lake, he reached it with his ancient mage companion. the island in the centre of the lake exploded, throwing Roofus back into a tree. a thin column of light punched through, it erupted to the sky and beyond. The Ancient mage looked at Roofus with a forlorn expression
'All hope is gone.'
Lexen looked around on the field of his victory against Syrtis, the men around him cheered. An explosion shook the ground and all turned to the direction of the great lake, a thin column of light sprung from it's centre. Lexen gripped the hilt of his blade at his side instinctively, he muttered to himself.
'what devilry is this'
Isemon pushed the final rune stone into the column and starting laughing to himself, another laugh echoed his and his eyes shone with blue light. Isemon threw his head back and a beam of light shone from his mouth punching a hole through the top of the cavern. water rushed in and filled the Cavern quickly, still Isemon laughed.
'Your souls are mine!'
04-02-2010, 04:07 AM
Awesomeness Gawyn! nice too see ya finishing this story up i love reading it :D
04-02-2010, 04:09 AM
\o/ I've been waiting for this :D a pleasure to read
Compost was helpless though he didn't expect to live through this mission, he didn't want to die by this cretins hand.
lol xD I love that bit
A Nordo stood by his side stroking his trolls hair as it crouched next to him, it made a light giggle when the hunter tickled behind it's ear. The Nordo himself was tall for a Nordo his red armour with blackened plates was a dead give away, even if his Mohawk that just made him look taller wasn't. Compost got to his feet and the hunter held out his clench fist and compost hit the top of it with his own.
'Holy crap thank you, Sam'
I see you have deviously put yourself back into the story xD
'That's what your mom said dude'
The skyline toward the great lake erupted in a explosion of bright light a column shot to the sky, past the stars even past the moon (which we all know is behind the stars :D).
and a cliffhanger too! I just hope you end this one a little quicker :p
04-02-2010, 04:35 AM
Isemon laughed,
'Your souls are mine!'
Luckily I have no soul. Mwuhaha... sucks for everyone else though I guess.
Lol... "Cool story bro!". No really it was good :p (How many times did you describe that beam of light though? Like 5 times? xD)
DUDE....awesome.....great story. I've always enjoyed reading them...
04-02-2010, 01:10 PM
Hehe, you offered me a honorable death Gawyn, thanks for that !
Awesome story like always ;)
04-02-2010, 01:20 PM
Nice story sam! better then mine, but i just started haha!
04-02-2010, 01:25 PM
Woot you wrote a chapter!!
And ofc it was awesome xD
Haha i can't wait for the next :p
04-02-2010, 02:08 PM
YYYYEEEEEESSSSSSSSS i've been waiting ages for this story :clapclap:
Awesome story, as always. I'm already looking forward to the next addition :p no pressure or anything, great to see you haven't totally forgotten them though!
04-02-2010, 02:31 PM
Yup the Next story for this series will be the last, Still coming up with ideas for the next one but i'm sure most will like it.
04-02-2010, 03:53 PM
"That's what your mom said dude"
NICE WORK!!! And gratz for another great story
04-04-2010, 06:53 AM
nice story once again :)
looks like a epic showdown is coming up or something :clapclap::clapclap:
04-05-2010, 08:00 PM
I finally got around to reading this ...awesome stories Sam, grats :clapclap:
04-08-2010, 12:29 AM
Gawyn was gracious last time I posted on his post. Maybe this will wear out my welcome, but I have been thinking about it for quite some time:
“It’s days like these,” Onette said, “That resurrects all the memories.”
The two sat close together on the stone seats of the arena. Ulixes draped a protective arm around the slight warlock’s shoulders as she softly shivered against the landward breeze. “I wonder what you’d say,” She continued, “If you were here today.”
Below the Spanish conversations flowed above the occasional coughing sound of seagulls and punctuated by an occasional explosion by Ben Warrior, the inaptly named warrior of magic.
“When I think of you,” Ulixes answered, “mixed emotions cloud my view. Would you be proud or have I have let you down?”
Onetts slim almond eyes sparkled, the red robes, silk, slipped demurely a few inches down one shoulder. The hunter was constantly amazed at Onette: her wisdom, her gentleness, her generosity, and in battle her tenacity. The kind of ferocity that made her constant companion, Master of Doom, look like brilliant rings circling a peaceful garden, to devastating effect. Lately she was interested in history, clan history, and writing things down as they happened. “I don’t look back in anger,” Ulixes continued, “I look back in awe. When ever I stumbled you never let me fall.”
“You have to go.” She said. Below the Spanish combatants were laughing, “Portero! Portero!” echoed around the empty stone seats. “I am just a dream after all.”
Ulixes kissed Onette’s exposed milk white shoulder, stood, and opened his eyes…
He was on Horus. Warm light flitted between outspread oak leaves as the early afternoon sun filtered into the central save. Ulixes yawned and stretched, brushed a few blades of grass from his insignia of office, the clan crest of the White Company, the chevron that indicated he was Lord.
The usual crowd was gathered around the pillar: dancers and those simply not paying attention. Anglewinged Devil stood apart speaking, almost muttering, his long beard intertwined with the grass pushing up against his ankles, rotting shoes, and sun faded robe.
Ulixes’ great bear, Cobi Jones- named after the long serving US National Soccer Team Midfielder, a player built on speed that got clever as he aged and managed to drive Mexico’s Blanco out of his mind on his last game, waited nearby, forcing the dancers into uncomfortable poses with faces too near his rear end to be natural or acceptable.
Not far away he could hear her rasping voice. Some saw her as a ginger haired beauty. The Lord of the White Company had been around long enough, close enough, not to be taken in.
Platyna stood near the merchants, a few men like Mg Noctis orbited her. Dazzling to her followers, Ulixes saw her with Prometheus’ eyes: greasy hair, stained and ragged robes, a plain face accented with a missing front tooth, the gap of which proved a home for her to insert the cracked stem of a grubby little clay pipe, that gave off an acrid smoke which should have kept the gnats which continually encircled here away, but seemed only to encourage more to circle her.
“Wolfhair,” She cawed, “do you have a halberd in that bank of yours. I know you do.”
As was his custom when dealing with the ridiculous, the White Company Commander ignored the question and set off for his rendezvous.
“Wolfhair!” She crowed. Then when he was out of hearing range, “That guy is an ass.”
An army was gathering at the swamp bridge, for the White Challenge: that White Company rite of passage. People come and go, but ceremonies, rites go on. If he could see the ghosts, the revenants of Pelez and Landriel, of Rulez and Nerlon, and a dozen others he would know that they would agree.
04-08-2010, 12:03 PM
^^ awesome story prom, You are a much more descriptive writer than i. Your stories are awesome and i'm honored you posted them here. You where even a clan leader of mine for a short time so i would never get weary of your tales :D.
Awesome platyna description.
04-14-2010, 12:43 PM
Me? Greasy hair, wearing rags, smelling bad? WTF! I am most elegant person out here!
04-18-2010, 04:57 PM
Simply someone is being a jackass as usual. That's why I am no longer playing this game.
04-18-2010, 06:32 PM
Simply someone is being a jackass as usual. That's why I am no longer playing this game.
If your not playing the game anymore how about letting people that are have those items you have stashed away?
04-18-2010, 07:48 PM
If your not playing the game anymore how about letting people that are have those items you have stashed away?
If you play Alsius, who cares about what she has stashed away o.O
Ontopic: Love the new additions, don't want to see it end D:
04-21-2010, 04:55 AM
Part 2
Already they had gathered at the swamp bridge, a cluster of figures becoming more defined as Ulixes neared. Soon he could pick out familiar faces: Jaud, slim and dangerous; Aarisewan, youthful and energetic; the twin hunters Otava and Pallaama; the mysterious Turrican, the final surviving member of the Magical Five, and others…all wearing the white stag crest of the White Company Dragoons.
“We ready to go?” Ulixes asked, answered by a general positive murmer.
Rob the Knight nudged Clutter, “This is great!...ummm…what are we doing?” Clutter shrugged.
Amanra, glanced over one slender shoulder at the young knight, then in her heavily accented French, “The White Challenge: we will take every fort one after the other and not return to Syrtis until we are done.” Rob nodded then glanced back at Clutter with one of those “are these people crazy” looks.
All in all about 15 members of the White Company Dragoons stood on the bridge. “Were we waiting for anyone else?” asked Dingbat.
“Wait!” came a voice from the direction of Stonehenge. Another group, easily larger, much larger, approached including members of the Inquisition, Reclamation, Indignation, Steel Brotherhood, Forest Guardians and a number of other clans. Anpu, his wrinkled elven face stretched into a powerful grin, “we heard there was something interesting going on.”
“Excellent” said Ulixes as Bullshit and Bulgaro clenched a full arm shake, Salvia bashed shields with Jaud, while Xia and Lorenz waded into the waiting group clasping hands and clapping backs.
“OK, anyone else?” said Dingbat sounding a little exasperated. “Let’s go!” Everyone felt excited as the barbarians urged everyone forward.
The group crossed the bridge and entered the foggy damp confines of the swamp. At a comfortable jog Anpu pulled up next to Ulixes, “Numbers are easy in Syrtis. Easy to grow, easy to lose.”
“We just need to keep them moving. If we stop, people will forget what they are doing.”
“Are you suggesting Syrtians have an attention problem?”
Ulixes answered, “I wouldn’t say attention problem. I would say that just about anything will make them lose focus.” The two laughed.
Out of the swamp without incident and into the desert proper, Ignis is an empty land, not particularly vast, but infinitely unexciting, bland, like a bowl of oatmeal without the raisons, the brown sugar, and also without the milk and water and lacking the actual bowl: a pile-of-horrible-gruel of a place. Past the tumbledown sandstone pillars and onto the beach, then up the incline and toward the black basalt walls of Shaanarid castle.
04-21-2010, 02:09 PM
:clapclap: That was great. I can't wait for the next :)
"I wouldn't say attention problem. I would say that just about anything will make them lose focus."
Haha I loved that line, it's so true xD
04-21-2010, 09:16 PM
Again awesome story :)
But im still loving how you describe(in this case, Ignis)places(previously it was a person), well put i likey. :)
Out of the swamp without incident and into the desert proper, Ignis is an empty land, not particularly vast, but infinitely unexciting, bland, like a bowl of oatmeal without the raisons, the brown sugar, and also without the milk and water and lacking the actual bowl: a pile-of-horrible-gruel of a place.
04-21-2010, 11:42 PM
Out of the swamp without incident and into the desert proper, Ignis is an empty land, not particularly vast, but infinitely unexciting, bland, like a bowl of oatmeal without the raisons, the brown sugar, and also without the milk and water and lacking the actual bowl: a pile-of-horrible-gruel of a place. Past the tumbledown sandstone pillars and onto the beach, then up the incline and toward the black basalt walls of Shaanarid castle.
I beg to differ. Yes, we were banished to the barren lands of Ignis, to rot and to die, by the treacherous wood-elves. But we survived; not only did we survive, we made the dangerous desert land our home. And we thrived in our home.
Some wise old man said, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Don't let your hatred of us shade your eyes from the beauty of our lands. There is beauty in the flawless curving sandy landscape of our deserts, with elegant ripples sculpted into them by the warm desert breeze. There is beauty in the lone venomous snake which slithers its way across our lands. What can be more elegant than the mighty desert eagle which swoops down on the unsuspecting snake, grabbing it with its ferocious claws, retreats back into the heavens it came from.
There is music in the rustle made by the cool night breeze embracing the fine sand glittering in the moonlight. What is more beautiful than the silhouette of our resilient women, walking on the pebble strewn pathway to fetch water from the oasis miles away. Nothing is more sensual than their shy smile barely visible through their veils with which they shade themselves from the fierce sand storms. What is more beautiful than our innocent children playing with their fathers' broken swords staging mock battles, unaware they would one day have to kill and die for real?
Is there a happier moment than when our warriors sit around the crackling camp fire, flames reflecting from their eyes, re-telling the legends of our great victories in battle and recalling tender moments with their sweethearts whose rights and honor they are fighting to defend. Their love keeping them going, fighting against out numbering odds with inferior weapons.
Yes, the desert is harsh. To equate it with ugliness is just you exposing your own wantonness. Just surviving in our lands is akin to war. War is child's play to us. The moment you cross into our lands, your fate is sealed. You would have signed your own death warrant.
The desert is beautiful, don't make us stain it with your blood !
04-22-2010, 11:06 AM
Alsius still pwns you all in looks :P WE HAZ SNOW
nice descriptive writing in there veluchami ^^, but no matter how many different ways you try to word it you still all live in a giant sandpit xD
nah i'm kidding
as for the next horus story i havent started it yet but i've known how it's going to end for a long time, expect laughs and ALOT of deaths.
04-22-2010, 12:56 PM
I think all of the realms are awesome lol
Oo death, destruction, terror, and humor?! Great combination xD
04-22-2010, 10:27 PM
Alsius still pwns you all in looks :P WE HAZ SNOW
nice descriptive writing in there veluchami ^^, but no matter how many different ways you try to word it you still all live in a giant sandpit xD
nah i'm kidding
as for the next horus story i havent started it yet but i've known how it's going to end for a long time, expect laughs and ALOT of deaths.
Looking forward to your next story. Btw, Sorry if I intruded into your thread. I just tried to do what I call 'Collaborative story telling' Sort of an enemy side to Malik's story. I think it would add a new dimension and more fun to stories that people write :)
for eg: If someone writes about a fight with 'an ignean army' people from Ignis side could write their own version of the battle. But it should not contradict the original story, just give more insight into the original teller's story line and thus enriching it. I just did a pilot to see how people react to it :) This to and fro could be really fun, if more people take part in it :) Would be kinda like role-playing on the forums xD
04-22-2010, 10:34 PM
Expect moar! Tutu in his awesome dress!
just don't let me die stupidly xD
or by beetle swarm >.>
04-22-2010, 11:17 PM
Expect moar! Tutu in his awesome dress!
just don't let me die stupidly xD
or by beetle swarm >.>
lolz or death from the pitiful dmg that beetle does xD thats like being killed with kick or baelestra.
Looking forward to your next story. Btw, Sorry if I intruded into your thread. I just tried to do what I call 'Collaborative story telling' Sort of an enemy side to Malik's story. I think it would add a new dimension and more fun to stories that people write :)
for eg: If someone writes about a fight with 'an ignean army' people from Ignis side could write their own version of the battle. But it should not contradict the original story, just give more insight into the original teller's story line and thus enriching it. I just did a pilot to see how people react to it :) This to and fro could be really fun, if more people take part in it :) Would be kinda like role-playing on the forums xD
Yeah i have RP'd on role-playing forums before and yeah it would be awesome but perhaps a new thread and storyline (i've killed most of Horus in mine) RP threads tend to take up huge posts and the stories here would just get lost in them :P If one is made i'll join most definatly ^^
05-01-2010, 06:05 AM
Part 3
Shanaarid’s awesome black walls rose threateningly above the clustered syrtians. Already they were bleeding people. Somewhere between the swamp and the beach a hunter tracked some poor hapless bastard and peeled away at least seven who will most likely kill the stranded grinder, then wander aimlessly through the desert until they are killed by an ignis war party. The story was always the same.
Sparks flew as the axes, hammers and swords of warriors along with powerful staff fire dented first then shredded the gray metal doors of the castle. Soon the battered enterance gave way and like a green wave the syrtians rushed into the stone courtyard. The soulless guardians were quickly dispatched, while the castle’s fiery captain was first encircled, then engulfed in a storm of angry elven weaponry. A moment later the castle was theirs.
“Let’s go! Go! Go!” yelled Ulixes.
“Samal!” answered Dingbat, urging the elves back out of the door and onto the long drawbridge.
“Wait, where are you guys going?” yelled Smerda Mudic. “We can hold here.”
“Next fort,” answered Dingbat, “Let’s go!”
Someone shouted, “You have to know when to hold em.”
Dingbat answered, “Know when to fold ‘em.”
“Know when to walk away, and know when to run,” Ulixes continued, “Now let’s run!”
All the TWC was back across the bridge. One stray iggy running to his castle’s defense had already been dispatched. Clutter, his robes slightly bedraggled from all the running leaned over to Rob the Knight, “What is all that hold ‘em fold ‘em stuff about?”
Rob Shrugged, I have no idea.” They both looked over to Jaud.
“Sorry, I only speak English and French.”
Taken Shan had raised the alarm all over ignis. A good number had decided to stay in the castle. The main force of Syrtis raced back down the peninsula. At the obelisks a few more advance ignis were laid low.
Sounding a little exasperated, “Keep moving past their save. Don’t stop to fight!” ordered Dingbat.
At the pillar already a knot of furious ignis warriors, mages and archers had gathered. Many familiar faces turned as they sensed the elves’ approach. Efrendi, Wes the Devious, Artec Jr., Plunder and others.
The leading edge of the syrtis group went down, the air filled with green smoke and hideous laughing skulls. Followed closely by a flight of arrows and golden staff bolts. Jaud and Salvia waded into the gap slamming their shields into opponents faces. Followed closely by the black axe of Mandefix ripe with gore. The barbarian moved almost mechanically, sifting for an overhead chop, twist, swing to the side where it met tissue with a sickening thud, then reverse, spin and separate an enemy’s arm from his body, Mandefix whirling dervish of death, locked into a grim ballet or steel, feet moving, turning, bracing, releasing…until Vincent Valentine’s first arrow tripped him, the unstable barbarian taken by momentum was momentarily defenseless, leaving Efrendi enough time to impale the barbarian on his wicked sword, while Plunder finished him, his magic allowing the warlock to savor the sweet marrow of the warrior’s soul.
Jaud kicked free of Artec Jr. and rushed past the save. Up the southern slope, Dingbat, Anpu and Xia put out a covering fire while syrtians made a mad dash in every direction. Nocking deadly darts to long bows, they did their best, to clear a path for slower mages.
In the end Salvia and Malmsteen were last seen on the ground, bloody and helpless. The three turned and also ran into the desert. Behind their backs they heard Efrendi’s typhoon finish their friends.
05-01-2010, 06:37 AM
Great stories boss :D Very detailed, I like.
05-01-2010, 08:00 AM
Nicee!! :D i like it!!
05-07-2010, 01:13 AM
Part 4
The thin whisper of scurrying rats met their ears as the sun sank in a blaze of blood reds, mottled oranges, and confused browns. The cold desert wind made Xia shiver as the small group huddled around a sputtering fire while the orc captain stalked near his tent, throwing angry glances towards his own fire pit.
“What a god forsaken place” said Anpu kicking dust and watching it slide sideways away from the group and between the hide tents. Little bands of Syrtis were running all over the desert, they began to trickle into the camp by ones and twos.
Turrican pulled the trailing edge of his turban across his mouth and nose, walked over to Ulixes, “Change.”
“Yes, change.” Answered the hunter, “Change comes. Change or die.”
“We can ignore change, stagnate, drag along half alive, or we can plan for tomorrow.”
“I don’t know if I like it.” the conjurer said. “Maybe these new people like change. Maybe they will change things in a bad way.”
“There is always risk.” Ulixes cupped a palm of sand, “Sand. You heat it, it become glass, but still sand somehow.” Then looking into the gathering night, “The world always changes; the sun comes up it goes down, I get older, get grey hair, get fat, get thin. Even this changes,” he said opening his palm and letting the wind take the sand from his hand in a light brown stream, “It will never be here again, but,” The hunter said clasping Turrican’s shoulder, “This won’t change, friendship, camaraderie, honor, on that you can be sure.”
Dingbat yelled, sounding a little exasperated, “Are you two going to get a room or get to Samal!”
Dingbat, Turrican, and Ulixes vaulted over the quartered body of an orc warrior that strayed a little too close to Shrikant’s Sartico sword and chased after the shrinking image of the Inquisition party.
Rand Althor grey armor clad and Jaud were already on the door at Samal. Soon joined by Rob the Knight, Tienwarr, Yadi, and a collection of mages and archers. The twins, Pallaama Hunter and Otava sprinted around the back side tracking and diligently keeping watch for stray ignis. Xia and Anpu finished off the tower guards as Shrikant leapt at the door as more and more of the elf party joined the fray at the empty fort’s gates.
By the time the door had splintered, word came that Shanaarid had been taken and the elven numbers had again surged past twenty. Only a moment more and the empty fortress was in Syrtian hands.
Once more the shouts of “Go! Go! Go!” urged the Syrtians out of the gates and again into the open desert. And like a machine they were out the door leaving only a trail of dust, blown to the west, never to rest in the same place again.
Nice stories Ulixes and Gawyn. :thumb:
05-15-2010, 12:34 PM
Night fell with the suddenness of a drunken dwarf falling off an overly large stool, err, a regular stool, and with all the grace.
At Samal, Sap joined the group adding his able sword to the mix. As the elves passed the desert traders, Sap sidled up to Aarisawan, “I would like to come back to your clan.”
“You would.” She said. “That’s great.” The huntress reached into her satchel and produced a patch, a uniform insignia of the White Company, and handed it to the burly barbarian.
“Thank you.” He said, then slipped back in the pack of runners. He came close to Ulixes. “Hello boss.” He said grinning.
“Hey Sap, back in the clan I see.” said the leader, doubtfully.
“Yes, I am, and I’d like to know when I can have a higher rank, I have done all the ranking tasks already.” He smiled. “And, when we get back I’d like to look in the bank.”
“You use us Sap, you use people.” Ulixes fixed his gaze at the younger man. “Is that the kind of person you want to be? Grasping. Destructive.”
Sap, taken aback, lost a step or two. “Wait a second I don’t use you.”
“I don’t know what happens in the other clans you and Noctis have been in, but I feel used. Look, we are both adults here, or at least one of us is...if you are in the clan for camaraderie, for honor, and for the things the clan is about, then you won’t mind sticking around for a while before you have access to the bank and higher rank.”
“When.” said the barbarian.
“I think maybe a month or two.”
“OK.” The barbarian said and jogged back toward the front of the pack. Drawing back even with Jaud, “Hey Jaud, old buddy, when we get back I’d like to look in that old bank for a lion’s…” Jaud’s hand went up cutting him off.
“I don’t think the bank is open to new recruits.”
“I’m not new.” protested Sap.
“If there is anyone new, it is you.” said Dingbat, sounding a little exasperated.
“Hmm.” said Sap. He jogged back toward the center.
“Aarisawan…” He said.
“Don’t even talk to me about the bank.” She said.
“No,” he said taking his patch off. “I just wanted to give you this.” He handed her his clan insignia and jogged away.
Desert sand turned to grass and dead trees as word came that Samal was back in Ignis hands. Up ahead the black mass of Menirah slowly separated itself from the night horizon. Standing at the center of the gate…not standing actually but in fact dancing directly above the gate, Dark Barbarian, shoulders moving, head bobbing back and forth.
Anpu took a cleansing breath, his ears wiggled a bit, testing the air, calculating aim for wind speed. Nocked an arrow and drew back full and let fly. It’s course adjusted for wind, slipped sideways and impacted with the dancing man’s metal codpiece, causing the barbarins hands to fly to his groin; that arrow was followed by Dingbat’s then Xia’s, then two more from Pallaama and Otava. The barbarian pitched sideways landing in the courtyard.
The four guards were quickly dispatched, and the barbarian and knight’s muscle quickly brought the door down. In a moment the castle was theirs. In another the Syrtians were out the gate and running into the night as mounted Ignis reached the just deserted fort and began to mechanically retake it.
Soon the group was at the stone bridge to Alsius
05-15-2010, 12:44 PM
lol Sap never changes thats why he was kicked from my old clan :P
05-15-2010, 03:51 PM
Nice stories Malik.
Just so you know, I'm a marksman and you spelled my name wrong =P
05-16-2010, 12:06 PM
Yep, I am spelling all kinds of peoples names wrong. I'm lucky if I get my own name right.
06-02-2010, 04:01 AM
Part 6
Crossing the bridge into Alsius, the temperature dropped, and it seemed to the elves…that everything in Alsius was tight and shrunken, like a scrotum after a twenty minute ice bath. Which was, coincidently, the same thing the elves thought of dwarves and their wiry and kinky beards. Logically speaking if it was a more normal temperature dwarves would be, you know, a much more normal size.
Of course that kind of logic broke down when considering the bovine utghars. Philosophically two shriveled kinky haired dwarves standing next to an erect sleek utghar look like a complete unit, or a “twig and berries” as they say in Fisgael.
Silent-Thoughts was neither twig nor berry, though intimately familiar with both. At the sight of the elves crossing the bridge, she ducked behind the brown trunk of a nearby evergreen and disappeared. Pallaama Hunter and Otava rushed to the spot in time to miss the nordo hunter slipping away branches still at her passing snow completely undisturbed.
The elves ran on toward Imperia. The group had shed more members, now down to no more than twenty. The twin hunters Otava and Pallaama led the way, followed by Inquisition members Anpu and Xia. A cluster of warriors Rand Althor, Sap, Yadi, Tianwarr, Shrikant and Lorenz followed along with the robed figures of Nemus, Thenuviel, Turrican, and amanra, then Aarisawan, Clutter, and Rob the Knight with Jaud, Dingbat and Ulixes bringing up the rear.
To a man they knew taking Imperia would be easy. Getting out alive would be the hard part. Word came just then that Menirah had fallen back into ignis hands.
06-03-2010, 04:10 AM
Silent Thought is a marks :angel1:
really nice stories there Malik, well written (yet why the sudden philosophical narrative of the views of elves concerning their hairy neighbours? :p)
06-03-2010, 01:07 PM
Silent Thought is a marks :angel1:
Ulixes probably just missed putting the "-" in between instead of a space, cause i think Silent-Thoughts is a hunter ;)
And nice story. I sorta liked the philosophical view, was funny. Write more please :D
06-04-2010, 12:46 AM
I could be wrong about marksmen and hunters. I forget all the time who is who and what is what.
Just to be sure I added in the hyphen.
06-04-2010, 03:36 AM
Ulixes probably just missed putting the "-" in between instead of a space, cause i think Silent-Thoughts is a hunter ;)
And nice story. I sorta liked the philosophical view, was funny. Write more please :D
Neh, Thought's is a marks too, but what difference does it make :p
Another great story, boss :)
08-12-2010, 01:14 AM
ok this has been a LONG time overdue and no it isn't the last one as promised apologies for that, if i had kept this going to the end it would have been 8 pages long so i decided to make it a 2 parter and here's the first part.
Roofus the Stuntbum watched as the lake around the central island started to roll, giant waves grew as they travelled to the shore. As they broke the froth of the wave burst into flame sending infernos across the beach and over the land around the ancient lake, the beaches shone after the first waves broke as they where turned to glass. The light piercing the sky grew wider and wider, engulfing the island and the lake. A shadow roiled within the light, it grew but moved as though struggling against bonds. Roofus was lost for words he could not believe his eyes, the raw power coming from the island he hadn't even seen from the most powerful warlocks in existence or ever existed. The light shrank in on itself and an eerie silence fell across the land.
An intense explosion came from the centre of the light, destroying all in its path. The explosion made the water surge into one huge wave, it barrelled toward the shore and as the wave hit the lands all around it flame white ad intense roared from it. The inferno scoured the land and destroyed herbred fort killing the small contingent residing there, turning it to slag. The flames spread in a circle from the island, as it went it devoured all that was left green in ignis and making a desert in syrtis. Roofus turned from the oncoming wave and ran for his life, the ancient mage with him stopped him with a light hand on his shoulder. The wave crashed into the burnt cliff and fire soared up its face over the top to spill into alsius's land, the mage held out his arms in front of him. The flame surged around him and Roofus in a small circle, the effort was visible as the ancient roared. against the flame. At the bridge connecting alsius and syrtis the flames channelled down the gorge cut out by the river, it sliced through the bridge cleanly leaving the gargoyles at either side guarding an massive gap.
Eventually the destructive wave dissipated, leaving Roofus standing in a fog of ash. The forest had turned into a field long black stalagmites, that where once alsius's plentiful trees. Roofus stood on the last patch of green for miles. The ash fell quickly and the residual heat beaten eventually by alsius's stabbing cold, Roofus gazed upon madness. A behemoth of a monster rose out of a crouched position, its skin roiling with water and lightning over a body of earth. Its hands surrounded by flame the monsters head was that of something he has never seen before, the face of a man ears of an elf and horns of an utghar. On a massive scale all emotionless made of purest white marble, its eyes covered with ice and frost streaming from them. The expression was as stoney as the flesh that made it, it never changed and on it's shoulder stood the white robed figure of Isemon. A halo of flame and lightning floating above his head, his long blonde hair ragged and drawn carelessly over his face. His eyes had changed to a vibrant red, a grin of insanity fixed permanently to his features. His arm outstretched touched the creatures neck where his palm melted into the marble, tendrils of it ran up his arm. Roofus stepped back griping his temples.
'Isemon what the hell have you done?'
Klutu, Mattdoesblock, Jippy, Gringgo, immune the blue and K A R M A all stood transfixed by the image of the beast. Jippy recovered quicker than the others, he gripped Klutu by the shoulder.
'Tutu your mom's here to take you home.'
The whole group laughed, although they where faced with a terrifying enemy they couldn't help it. Gringgo spoke.
'what the hell do we do now fkrs?'
Klutu shook his head in thought.
'we get back to camp consult with Compost and the other council members.'
Samhael and Compost fled from the Syrtian camp, now they had the distraction of the monster. The wave of flame had cut off the retreat of a group of Syrtian's who where steeling themselves for a final fight. Though they ran through the forest toward the remains of Aggersborg, the beast had fixed itself on the Syrtian camp and the Ignean army and the Syrtian survivors. Isemon's voice boomed and shook the ground of Horus, all he said was.
'Feed on them.'
The beast reached into the Ignean army, its flames enveloping them as it did. Some tried fighting back, lightning crackled down onto the hand and green skulls revolved around it intricate glowing patterns formed on it, but nothing happened. The Behemoths hand opened up rapidly and an expanse of flame engulfed a huge portion of the Ignean's army. They did not burn nor did the ground scorch, they just fell limp onto the floor thin slivers of smoke escaped their bodies and was absorbed by the giant hand. Some reached into the flame to try and save their fallen comrades, but
they only fell to the ground themselves. Lexen looked around and quickly came to his senses, he ordered conjs to his left and right to move back from the expanding cloud of flame. He ordered them to give the warlocks and remaining marksmen in their ranks protection, the conjurers started to concentrate their power and small thin strands of fuchsia light started to thread its way between the army until all the conjurers warlocks and where surrounded by the aura. The monstrosity recoiled for another strike. Isemon still grinning his eyes filled with murderous intent, his perfect features becoming marred with dirt his robes not quite a brilliant white and his hair becoming knotted and ragged. The beasts death clouded fist came in for a strike, the aura of the conjurers went from idly floating between the conjurers to speeding up with a fervour the fist came down with horrific speed. Warlocks flinched, but Lexen kept the Orders going to his clan and his realm mates. The marksmen aimed and warlocks infused their magic's into the arrows they had knocked.
'Aim for its wrist' cried Lexen
'Don't let it through Conjurers, Orimae you lead the defence, DO NOT let Ignis down'
Orimae Fionne nodded and took control of the 20 strong aura group, she opened her palms to the sky with outstretched arms and the strands from the aura shot between her hands. Coiling itself into a ball squirming with the strands of the aura, the fist now eclipsed them, seconds from impact Orimae spun on the spot launching the strands out toward the danger. They came to life spiralling around one another striking the fist head on, they danced between the fingers and gripped the wrist of the titan. Orimae made a gesture as though pulling something to one side, the strands made themselves longer pulling the fist to the side and jerking the behemoth off balance. The fist crashed into the cliff face less than 200 metres away from them, the ground lurched and the marksmen's aim was knocked off balance. They loosed despite it, many missed exploding harmlessly in the dawn sky but a handful hit home the explosions of magic hit the beasts flesh and evaporated its strange fluid skin. The fist fell away from the arm and Isemon roared with pain, the sound made a few of the Ignean's collapse blood pouring from their ears and nose life's light fading from their eyes. The beast recoiled Isemons smile didn't fade but fury lit his eyes. The beasts wrist plunged into the waters and they formed around it, eventually remaking the lost appendage. Thunderclouds started to form across the sky appearing from the centre of the island, the sky grew dark and the beast moved in again toward the Ignean army, Lexen had given his best against this beast though he did harm, the might of his force could not just keep fighting this relentless assault off.
'Ori we have to retreat.'
Orimae Fionne crouched over the body of one of those effected by the roar of Isemon, snapped her head to Lexen. The word retreat from him was a foreign one, one she had never heard him speak. It took a couple of seconds for her to come around from the shock of it, eventually she slowly nodded in agreement.
Word spread through the ranks of the army quickly, most darted to the forests of alsius that where left standing. Some carried wounded and a handful turned to face the beast, one of these was Lexen.
Lexen drew his blade and donned his shield, faced the enemy head on he raised his blade in challenge with a roar. Next to him stepped up Arjania to his left and Oppervaagheid to his right, then Heldern Warsong a giant of a man, his hulking massiveness and dull features disguised his intelligence and sharp reflexes, he spoke with a deep basso of a voice.
'Lexen I am all for a brave death, but a foolish one is not my style. What are you planning?'
'I'm gonna cut one of that things eyes out.'
Heldern laughed deep and hearty and slapped lexen on the back.
'well I think I can get you there, if I'm given enough power.'
Oppervaagheid sighed and grabbed Heldern's palm, looking at it very closely his eyes darted from line to line letting out a sigh he said.
'I can give you that much power with my empowering spells, but I'm going to have to put a little more in them than usual.'
Arjania punched Heldern lightly on the arm and snapped at the men.
'If you ladies have finished talking, then we have a 20 league tall monster that's about to rip us apart to deal with.'
Lexen nodded and Oppervaagheid sighed Heldern roared and flexed a red glow of flame surrounding him. Lexen started to focus, orange light enveloped his shoulders, Oppervaagheid grasped Heldern closed his eyes placed a hand on his chest, runic writings in light came up around Heldern's feet on the ground. symbols of the bear and of the fox bore him strength. Oppervaagheid wavered and Heldern grabbed Lexen by the arm and leg, he spun with him twice releasing him on the third spin. Lexen flew through the air, Heldern's strength had been amplified to massive heights. Lexen was streaking across almost a mile in distance the behemoths feature less stone face, Arjania called a meteor from the heavens changing its course with her will. She flung it at Lexen the ball of flaming rock quickly caught up hitting Lexen's feet, lending him yet more speed and more flight the beast was recoiling from what was coming but too slow. Lexen pointed his blade and stabbed the beast in the eye slicing into the cold neatly, the stone bore the impact of the meteor and it merely bounced off the stone. Lexen hung there his blade buried to the hilt in the eye of the beast, a strange liquid of black oozed from the wound. Lexen wrenched his blade away from himself opening up the wound the fluid oozed out down the face of the beast, Lexen fell down onto the monsters shoulder faced Isemon, the beast clasped a hand to its eye roaring and Lexen nearly lost his balance he strode carefully toward Isemon who's attention was elsewhere. It was odd for Lexen being so high up and knee deep in water, he could see the cities of each realm beyond their walls. Syrtis a sea of green, Alsius a huge mountain range with small glimpses of the cities and towns and his beloved ignis its cities and towns proud and massive gleaming in the dawn. Isemon spoke.
'Enjoy it whilst it lasts Lexen.... then again you wont live long enough to see it burn.'
08-12-2010, 01:15 AM
(12000 character limit)
Lexen grimaced at Isemon making the last few strides and then a leap toward Isemon, Isemon snapped his gaze onto Lexen and Lexen's blade hit a barrier that surrounded Isemon, Lexen attacked again and again each hit weakening Isemons protection. The barrier faltered and Isemon moved fluidly and as fast as a snake, he gripped Lexen's wrist and smiled.
Lexen aged physically in seconds, his skin flaking away from muscle and bone his bone ageing from white to brown. Eventually that too fell to dust, his armour and weapon fell the massive height to the sea bed below. Isemon focused on the others, Oppervaagheid lay against a tree, Arjania and Heldern looked on in dismay as Lexen was turned to nothing by Isemon. Isemon went back to his distant thoughtful stance for a few seconds, then he snapped out of it with a manic smile and was more focused.
'want the bad news boys and girls?... I just figured out how this thing works.'
Isemon flicked his wrist toward the Ignean's standing against him, the ground he gestured and spears erupted diagonally from the ground in an area. Heldern got two of the wicked spikes through each thigh and another through his hip, one of the spikes shattered against Arjania's barrier but the others impaled her through the chest and stomach, killing her instantly. Oppervaagheid managed to cast a sanctuary spell the spikes shattered over and over, Isemon saw this clenched his fist and the sanctuary disappeared. Oppervaagheid froze in horror as the spikes impaled him, Heldern still suffering due to being taller than the field of spears killed at, Isemon gestured again and a bolt from the sky a larger spear shot through his throat. The spears themselves a red and black affair, as though made out of the flesh and bone of those that had fallen. With the last cry of a courageous barbarian the Ignean force had fallen. Isemon and his gigantic vessel the soul devourer, moved off toward Alsius the ground trembling as though it itself was afraid as the beast walked across it.
08-12-2010, 02:08 AM
Epic! Can't wait for the conclusion!
P.s. :sifflote:
'well I think I can get you there, if I'm given enough power.'
Lexen nodded and Oppervaagheid sighed Heldern roared and flexed a red glow of flame surrounding him.
08-12-2010, 02:16 AM
awesome! better hurry up with that next part Gawyn :D
@Matt: roflmao xDDD
08-12-2010, 04:42 AM
Omfg gawyn... that was so awesome. I really really want to know what happens next so pretty please with a cherry on top write and post it fast :p
@Matt: lol, nice pics
08-12-2010, 05:47 AM
Nice story xD
lol 12000 char limit haha!
08-12-2010, 05:12 PM
Isemon went back to his distant thoughtful stance for a few seconds, then he snapped out of it with a manic smile and was more focused.
'want the bad news boys and girls?...
I just figured out how this thing works.'
That instantly made me feel a Dean Winchester - Supernatural moment....
As always my fine kung-fu midget fkr.... AWSOME! Incredible job.... sooooo looking forward to the next part. :drunk:
08-12-2010, 06:24 PM
Awesome story dude (lol @ evil Isemon), but wasn't it supposed to be the end ? :sifflote:
Anyways, I can't wait the next one :biggrin:
08-12-2010, 10:05 PM
Awesome story dude (lol @ evil Isemon), but wasn't it supposed to be the end ? :sifflote:
Anyways, I can't wait the next one :biggrin:
I said i was Sorry, I hit the character limit for christ sake and still got about 18000 characters to go. :p
and i'm tied between one of two endings atm maybe i'll write both and post the Alternate ending too or just say fuck it my fingers have been bleeding enough this week and leave you with just the one :D
08-12-2010, 11:50 PM
"Jippy recovered quicker than the others, he gripped Klutu by the shoulder. 'Tutu your mom's here to take you home."
Very nice my friend, inclusion of the "ur mom" joke is a prerequisite of any good story...
"Isemon and his gigantic vessel the soul devourer, moved off toward Alsius the ground trembling as though it itself was afraid as the beast walked across it."
BRING IT ISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
08-14-2010, 07:44 AM
I said i was Sorry, I hit the character limit for christ sake and still got about 18000 characters to go. :p
and i'm tied between one of two endings atm maybe i'll write both and post the Alternate ending too or just say fuck it my fingers have been bleeding enough this week and leave you with just the one :D
Is one of the endings "And Ultimate rode towards the sunset on Herb beach" xD ?
Joking :D your writing is awesome, keep it up and make sure Alsius wins everything in the end:P
08-16-2010, 01:58 AM
YESSS!! I've been waiting so long for this ^_^ as you know :p
Great job fkr! :metal:
08-21-2010, 01:00 PM
O.o omg, i just realised, i thought you stopped writing when you moved to alsius gawyn ù.ù
Ofc your story is awesome, even if i am a bad guy :P ,
i am in vacation and just amusing during my afternoon reading your stories
Waiting for the end :D
03-22-2011, 12:09 PM
Ok guys i've neglected this big time and tbh i'm not too interested in finishing it i'll write the last part and let you fill in what happened.
Klutu bloodied and beaten lay just out of reach of the fallen gargantuan, Alsius in its bickering and splintered nature was destroyed he and a few wounded where all that where left.
Isemon stood above Klutu resplendant and shining fire licked the ground at his feet and lighning crackled from his eyes. It was all lost through each clans own arrogance Alsius had failed. The Monster was felled by the sacrifice of an unknown mage accompanied by the knight roofus, Roofus was captured and brutally murdered though he put up no resistance other than shouting he was there to help.
Jippy lay motionless no words of humor or smiling greeting would he ever utter again.
Enio and Rhanya dead within arms reach the wicked red spear rain impaling them in grotesque shapes.
Ultimate was propped up on his spear he charged isemon, accepting death and trying to avenge his friends.
Isemon merely clicked a finger and the great knight crumpled into flame. he spoke his voice normal though that was oddly discomforting.
"hmph admirable stupidity."
Others ran only to be struck down by spears that rained down from the sky.
Isemon grabbed klutu by the chin, and hoisted him with two fingers just below his jaw.
Klutu looked into his eyes knowing death was certain.
"You could have stopped me SoL, I could have been defeated by a man born of syrtis. Why do you think i waited for them to be destroyed? Roofus had me worried for a second but your foolish ignorant realm mates saw that an enemy was defeated."
he laughed his laugh sang with glee, Klutu felt the rage swelling up he was weapon less and his body would not obey the commands his mind sent out.
"though that ancient may have stopped me attaining unlimited power i still abosorbed enough of the vessel to make me God like."
Isemon smiled and ripped klutu in two, the blood rained down upon him and he revelled in it. Isemon turned to the land that was all him own now.
As he turned he was greated with the aura of somthing else, a man though tall just looked like any other warrior except one thing his flaming hair.
Isemon took a step back stuck with upmost fear.
"God like eh... shame you might have been a tough opponent."
"...Surakor..... you.... you're just a myth.."
Surakor smiled coyly and clenched his fist, smashing it into Isemon. Isemon flew back and into the side of a mountain it crumpled and avalanched. Changing the scenery
The dust cloud swept over surakor and another explosion reached his ears, though the dust would block a mortals view surakor could easily see Isemon robes ripped but not a scratch on his flesh.
Isemon gestured the ground split and fire poured from it the force was headed to surakor who merely leapt with speed to one side, Isemon had anticipated it and was there to meet him, fist brought into his stomach and with the other hand he brought down upon Surakor with a wave of light. It created a hole in the earth which Isemon could only assume Surakor was at the bottom of.
Isemon looked into the darkness of the hole feeling with his senses to see if anything had survived. he could not feel anything and turned in a victorious celebration.
"I have defeated even a God!"
Warmth licked at isemons back... though the warmth did not fill him inside instead it made him colder, Isemon turned to see Surakor hovering above the whole, two savage looking blades of fire in each hand his hair no longer spiked but long and tail like, a trickle of molten fire leaked from his mouth.
"congratulations, you're the only mortal to have made me bleed"
"I am not a mortal Surakor!"
Surakor laughed jovially, and struck at isemon. Isemon stepped back but his eyes widened in shock, two blades of fire appeared from his chest coming out from his back.
"...this.... this... cant be.."
Surakor smiled behind isemon mischeviously.
"oh but it is"
Surakor moved the two blades apart and they cleaved through isemons Immortal flesh he crumbled into stone pieces as he hit the floor.
Surakor turned to the destruction caused, he had hoped the mortals would not have needed his intervention in this and proved their strength of unity, Alas Surakors dream of every clan working together and fighting the war for the good of each others realm was not realised.
Lightning struck around him as the light faded the other Gods stood there looking at the mess, Kailer, Chilko and Ponter. All saddened by the mess.
"the world we created is tearing itself apart."
Surak nodded in agreement with Chilko.
"we need to reset it, restore the lives of those lost."
Chilko, sighed
"we have little resources to do that."
Surakor stepped forward.
"we dont have a choice Chilko."
"very... well.... which of us shall offer our energy to put this right."
Ponter stepped forward and nodded. Chilko placed outstretched palm onto his chest and started a chant...
The pieces of isemons fallen form rattled. Surakor placed a hand on Chilkos arm pointing a puzzled look at Isemons remains. The four Gods turned and looked as the pieces fit themselves back togeter and soon an elven form stood made of white marble. The colour leaked back into the form and Isemon gasped. He turned and lashed out at the Gods.
Ponter the God of knights waved his hand and blows of unseen force merely glanced off a sheild around them. Kailer advanced on Isemon and Isemon went to strike the dwarven God, his fist merely caught in his grasp. Kailer spoke in his booming voice.
"Do you think his energy will do?"
Chilko pondered running a hand through his hair.
"Only one way to find out..."
Isemon tried to wrench free of Kailers grip to no avail Surakor grabbed his other arm and held him there. Isemon writhed as Chilko approached hand outstetched chanting words of a language alien to his ears.
"you are indeed correct Isemon but i can feed you immortal energy into this world."
Isemon screamed now. His voice quaking the mountains and boiling the seas.
Chilkos palm touched isemons chest and white light consumed him it left his body in waves along the floor grass growing trees sprouting as it did. Rocks pieced themself back into the mountain side and life grew back to the places that had it burnt away.
"ressurect the dead Surakor, and hope they learn a lesson from this."
Isemons corpse fell to the ground limp mortal and lifeless...
03-22-2011, 05:54 PM
All I can say is -WOW- That was a great ending to a great story!!!:thumb:
05-29-2017, 06:43 PM
..Soul devourer...
soul monger... *cough*
Isemon pushed the final rune stone into the column and starting laughing to himself, another laugh echoed his and his eyes shone with blue light. Isemon threw his head back and a beam of light shone from his mouth punching a hole through the top of the cavern. water rushed in and filled the Cavern quickly, still Isemon laughed.
'Your souls are mine!'
summoned from the runes stones *COUGH COUGH*
06-10-2017, 09:33 AM
This is a timely necro, these really brimg back some good memories. Nice to see them again after so many years :)
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