View Full Version : Idea for ignis and Alsius?

12-03-2009, 07:03 PM
Considering Sytris kills evendim every time it spawns and Alsius/Ignis can't kill thier own bosses (causing a weapon imbalance!) How about we team up and Alsius and Ignis work together by killing the bosses then kill each other after in celebration!?

Just an idea but Sytris pulls away in items and power every time one of their bosses spawn

12-03-2009, 07:34 PM
Dude I heard there were times when syrtis was able to kill Evedim only with help from alsius ^^. Then we got a godsend who found the strategy :metal:

12-03-2009, 07:44 PM
Alsius can kill thorkul np actually issue is no one wants to set a actual date to try it

12-03-2009, 07:45 PM
All 3 realms used to work together every now and then to kill the boss's it was fun for a while untill people started RP whoring and we ended up calling everything off, good luck with this though.

Klutu, Day it spawns or the day after works well in Syrtis ;)

12-03-2009, 08:45 PM
All 3 realms used to work together every now and then to kill the boss's it was fun for a while untill people started RP whoring and we ended up calling everything off, good luck with this though.

Klutu, Day it spawns or the day after works well in Syrtis ;)

Well i don't say much These Days :P

i personally liked the 3 way boss events was nice for everyone to come together and have a little fun and we had some good open war afterwords.. but certain people spoiled it :p

12-03-2009, 10:29 PM
All 3 realms used to work together every now and then to kill the boss's it was fun for a while untill people started RP whoring and we ended up calling everything off, good luck with this though.

Those were good times. I think the likelihood of something like that happening again is slim to none.

12-04-2009, 05:08 AM
Anyway, let's all make an oath. Those who read this thread, and agree with the iea of helping the other realm with the bosses, promisies to don't attack characters from other realms when they are closing to fight with the boss. It's a deal? Realm alliance!

12-04-2009, 05:53 AM
I would like to give this a try. Count me in.

12-04-2009, 06:23 AM
It seem a good idea for me, at less for Thorkul. So if you do that count on me. For Dean Rah there is another problem. Dean is difficult to target (is little compared to Thorkul) and I think that many will hit the players of the other realm. But we can try.

12-04-2009, 02:57 PM
If I'm on when everyone does this, count me in.

12-04-2009, 03:20 PM
If I'm on when everyone does this, count me in.

same here, everything that do a favor to goats or to reddie (and damage grelf :D) can count on me...

it's so fun to fight goats (we are similar in numbers and the fun is much more)
than is NO FUN to fight the slimezerg..

Daen Rha and Thorkul can be done together :D
(and after a real bloody melee to end with a smile :D)

12-04-2009, 04:08 PM
It seem a good idea for me, at less for Thorkul. So if you do that count on me. For Dean Rah there is another problem. Dean is difficult to target (is little compared to Thorkul) and I think that many will hit the players of the other realm. But we can try.

I think this would be a good idea except for the fact it is hard to target daen and you would get a few characters that decide to attack the other realm just to be annoying. But if this does come together, count me in.

12-04-2009, 04:18 PM
It does sound kinda fun we should try it sometime in horus, but i really doubt people will do it. Some warlocks like to use sultar on evendim. ^^

12-04-2009, 05:10 PM
So let's try to organize something! There is an IRC channel on quakenet server, I think that the name is regnum-online. We can try to start the discussion there.
We should also "spam" a little bit in the realm chat and discuss with the other players that do not read the forum.

I have another question. What we should do if one decide to not collaborate and start to try to kill the players of the opposite realm?
IMHO the problematic characters should be killed and his allies should not intervene.

At the end we could also fight each other, but only after the boss death.

12-04-2009, 05:19 PM
I have another question. What we should do if one decide to not collaborate and start to try to kill the players of the opposite realm?
IMHO the problematic characters should be killed and his allies should not intervene.

Something like that should be done, back when all 3 used to take part if one person was a idiot and attacked someone all his freinds/clan/realm would jump in then so would the idiots/freinds/clan/realm.

Not to mention cheap kills, I remember a certain nameless barb running directly at me as I sat to rest and killing me in 1 hit before going back to the boss...

12-05-2009, 12:56 AM
Alsius killed Thorkul tonight with a relatively small group (about 35, definately not all lvl 50), and with relative ease. But this time people were determined, organized and less selfish.

12-05-2009, 01:34 AM
Alsius killed Thorkul tonight with a relatively small group (about 35, definately not all lvl 50), and with relative ease. But this time people were determined, organized and less selfish.

It's Amazing what we can do when we actually are organised :P

12-05-2009, 04:01 AM
It's Amazing what we can do when we actually are organised :P

is that even possible?!


12-05-2009, 10:36 AM
Alsius killed Thorkul tonight with a relatively small group (about 35, definately not all lvl 50), and with relative ease. But this time people were determined, organized and less selfish.

It's amazing how easy it is to kill a stationary boss :thumb_up:

And in regards to the original post; Good Luck, Kill Thorkul as often as you like, but as for Daen.... I'm sure a few Igneans will agree to this Co-op. However, you'd better make sure you have enough Conjs to account for Daen's attacks, as well as the Terrors and attacks of those who choose not to cooperate (There are quite a few of us).

This Will not happen :devil:

12-05-2009, 11:31 AM
It's amazing how easy it is to kill a stationary boss :thumb_up:

Its amazing how easy it is to keep a boss stationary ;)

12-05-2009, 12:13 PM
I wont let you teamate for boss make sure I will be there to sultar both of your army !

12-05-2009, 12:19 PM
You can kill it you just need some teamworkd and strategy.

12-05-2009, 01:34 PM

I don't Think that word is in the Alsius Dictionary.....:p
Just kidding but seriously if people would listen when we are fighting Syrtis or Ignis at a fort we defenitly would have more chance:)

12-05-2009, 01:49 PM
What a strange idea.
Ignis killed Daen Rha not so long ago, so ignis is able to do it alone. We could kill him more often if people make a good setup for this.

Teamwork with alsius is just the easy way. Too lazy to setup and the numberway... Not fun

I think i'll teamwork with Daen Rha if i see goats in canyon, as usual :angel1:

12-05-2009, 03:14 PM
I personally don't wanna team up with anyone :P i use to enjoy the 3 realm epic killings but thats gone now each realm is able to kill there epic

12-05-2009, 08:05 PM
Its amazing how easy it is to keep a boss stationary ;)

Touche, I was just simply try to point out another aspect of the game where Realm balance is lacking, This ofc is not Alsius' fault but NGD's.

12-05-2009, 08:39 PM
Thorkul's Attacks are more Tactical then Rha's Eves (besides that Bloody Eves Fury and Mass dispell) :P

11-15 second stun on everyone is easy way for him to gain about 15-25% hp

then he dizzys for about 11-15 seconds normally by then alot of our mages our dead due to agro

then you got thorkuls bite which is a instant trip to the save ive seen him chain 3 of them together before so thats just a pain in the ass

he's not as easy as people think ive seen ignis/syrtis try to sneak and kill with 30+ and fail horribly not by Alsius interfering

12-05-2009, 10:50 PM
If I'm on when everyone does this, count me in.

Same, I'm totally up for this... if anyone doesn't like this idea they're free to stay home.

12-06-2009, 01:42 AM
Its amazing how easy it is to keep a boss stationary ;)
We've tried to keep Daen Rha stationary. (I wanted to polymorph him into stationery but that doesn't seem to be an option). It rarely works/. He has an incredible resistance to any kind of CC, taunt doesn't seem to work on him, and any barb/warlock silly enough to stand still after pulling agro from him dies soon.... Our most successful holding still of him yet has been with warjurers (and even then, hold him still and soon you're dealing with a zerg of his minions).

Speaking of rha's minions, this is really where I see the cooperation idea falling down. Area spells are actually quite useful, some would argue necessary, when fighting Daen Rha.

12-06-2009, 07:20 AM
Thorkul's Attacks are more Tactical then Rha's Eves (besides that Bloody Eves Fury and Mass dispell) :P

11-15 second stun on everyone is easy way for him to gain about 15-25% hp

then he dizzys for about 11-15 seconds normally by then alot of our mages our dead due to agro

then you got thorkuls bite which is a instant trip to the save ive seen him chain 3 of them together before so thats just a pain in the ass

he's not as easy as people think ive seen ignis/syrtis try to sneak and kill with 30+ and fail horribly not by Alsius interfering

Daen's Energy Barrier.

12-06-2009, 10:33 AM
If we can hold Evendim stationary with his aggro on a knight, so can you at Dean, not sure about thorkul thaugh, his bite insta kills anything right? So a tank would be hard to maintain.

12-06-2009, 11:38 AM
yea his bite is like Cremation sends you right to the save

we killed thorkul 1 time by keeping the agro on me we had Healerous giving me lvl 5 material wall and me buffed up to lower the damage and it worked he seems to be alot less areaish when someone holds his agro though it can be hard since he does very fast 700-1k normals

12-06-2009, 01:28 PM
YOU tanked?

Try holding the aggro on a knight, its a lot easier with Ao1, blocks, etc... helping to reduce the damage, still need several conjus spamming heals on the tank though. Id tell you how we do it but its not to hard to figure out and I dont want people to shout at me for it :p

12-06-2009, 01:48 PM
YOU tanked?

Try holding the aggro on a knight, its a lot easier with Ao1, blocks, etc... helping to reduce the damage, still need several conjus spamming heals on the tank though. Id tell you how we do it but its not to hard to figure out and I dont want people to shout at me for it :p

yeah i tanked :p

lvl 5 frenzy material wall is 50% physical damage + lvl 1 caution dropped his damage in half and i had 2-3 conj's holding me in there ^^

issue with it is i always gain agro or another barb and taunt(i think thats the one) doesnt seem to steal the agro from a barb so it's not that hard i wouldnt wanna have agro with eves mass dispel shit :P

12-06-2009, 02:03 PM
YOU tanked?

Try holding the aggro on a knight, its a lot easier with Ao1, blocks, etc... helping to reduce the damage, still need several conjus spamming heals on the tank though. Id tell you how we do it but its not to hard to figure out and I dont want people to shout at me for it :p

A knight can't hold the aggro, a boss will always target the most damaging target. At least that's what I experienced myself at Thorkul.

12-06-2009, 02:09 PM
A knight can't hold the aggro, a boss will always target the most damaging target. At least that's what I experienced myself at Thorkul.

A knight can really hold a tank. All you need is a couple of ranged, conjus and 2-3 knights tanking. We used to do it a lot but it's a bit slower than with a barb.

12-06-2009, 02:11 PM
A knight can't hold the aggro, a boss will always target the most damaging target. At least that's what I experienced myself at Thorkul.

We can hold Evendim on one knight for the entire time it takes to kill him, and have done so many times, so it is possible :)

12-06-2009, 02:12 PM
We can hold Evendim on one knight for the entire time it takes to kill him, so it is possible :)

How do you do that? Does the knight use level 19 slashing, high level auras on a lot of other players(support spells count as damage on the ally's target). How do you prevent him from targeting barbarians and such? Does Taunt(5) actually work?

12-06-2009, 02:17 PM
I may as well spill it, most of Ignis already know since they had a camo hunter watch us and post the method on their forum :)

We start off with ONLY the knight attacking, with all conjus available giving him life, pylon, gh, DI, any support to keep him alive basically, the knight is skilled with taunt (5) we keep the knight alive and he does 10-15 taunt (5)'s depending on how many we are, eventaully everyone moves in behind eve and starts to attack him under pylons gh mc the conjus are using, the conjus keep healing the knight, the knight uses Taunt (5) as much as possible, we carry on like this untill Eve dies, though sometimes if several Taunts are resisted in a row the knight will lose aggro and we all get pwnt :)

There you go, we keep it still, we keep aggro on one guy, we dont stick it on any rocks (as some Ignis claim)

Any Questions?

12-06-2009, 02:19 PM
Ah, so Taunt(5) actually works XD Didn't expect that.

12-06-2009, 02:23 PM
It works if you use a load of it, but realy since knight is ment to be tank you should only need 1 at 5 to capture aggro, having to spend several mins preparing just for a class to manage its role is a bit silly :)

12-06-2009, 02:24 PM
There you go, we keep it still, we keep aggro on one guy, we dont stick it on any rocks (as some Ignis claim)

Any Questions?

Lol funny how even if our method for killing Evendim was posted in the Ignis forum, some Ignis are still adamant that we glitch Evendim.

As Umaril stated, it's just smart use of class skills and lots of patience.

12-06-2009, 02:24 PM
Only 1 knight?

12-06-2009, 02:29 PM
Only 1 knight?

Only need 1, with several conjus would need to keep changing between them to heal, with just 1 all conjus can focus heals on 1 guy.

12-06-2009, 02:30 PM
Only need 1, with several conjus would need to keep changing between them to heal, with just 1 all conjus can focus heals on 1 guy.

We made like 3 times Vesper with 3-5 knights and 10-15 conjus and it gone awesome.

12-06-2009, 02:45 PM
I may as well spill it, most of Ignis already know since they had a camo hunter watch us and post the method on their forum :)

We start off with ONLY the knight attacking, with all conjus available giving him life, pylon, gh, DI, any support to keep him alive basically, the knight is skilled with taunt (5) we keep the knight alive and he does 10-15 taunt (5)'s depending on how many we are, eventaully everyone moves in behind eve and starts to attack him under pylons gh mc the conjus are using, the conjus keep healing the knight, the knight uses Taunt (5) as much as possible, we carry on like this untill Eve dies, though sometimes if several Taunts are resisted in a row the knight will lose aggro and we all get pwnt :)

There you go, we keep it still, we keep aggro on one guy, we dont stick it on any rocks (as some Ignis claim)

Any Questions?

Argh Faith, if you thought about this post :
-> http://teamignis.info/viewtopic.php?f=81&t=386
They didn't really know. xD

12-06-2009, 03:06 PM
Argh Faith, if you thought about this post :
-> http://teamignis.info/viewtopic.php?f=81&t=386
They didn't really know. xD

Lol. They copyed our tactic :P

12-06-2009, 09:02 PM
Regnum Dictionary

1) A skill tree used by the warrior class
2) A foreign concept that deals with organization, teamwork and planning, thus fairly alien to the majority of life that inhabits Regnum (be it mobs, npc or players) with the notable exceptions of those with extraordinary talent and originality
(Prime Example: the Rabid Werewolf and his Giant Stone Golem companion that terrorizes all players resting near their territory)


12-06-2009, 10:32 PM
evendim and daen can be easily done with a aggroed knight but thorkul is kinda hard to do it with since his bite is deady XD but like i said earlier we should plan something for all realms in horus to do attack on all 3 bosses

12-06-2009, 10:50 PM
Wasn't his bite blocked by DI?

12-07-2009, 04:46 AM
Ah, so Taunt(5) actually works XD Didn't expect that.
Well, I'm not sure if it would need to. All you really need is a knight to attack first and then to keep up his dmg output, so as long as the knight manages to do a reasonable amount of dmg to keep evendim's attention (probably 10% of the dmg), the mob would keep aggro. But taunt(5), whether or not it works, is, like all other lvl 5 non-damaging debuffs, worth 1000 dmg per cast.

12-09-2009, 05:27 PM
Wasn't his bite blocked by DI?

i dont think so :P i dont think anything can stop bite