View Full Version : bitch slaps for horus players

01-02-2010, 10:47 PM
This is a big bitch slap for horus players.

First of I wanna say some things to keep in mind

*don't single out any realms or persons
*don't flame
*forget the past, look into the future

what I want to say is, stop being so god damn afraid of dying!, I've seen it numerous times and it's ruining a lot of fun on the server, fun that you could have, it seems people are afraid of dying sometimes because they are afraid people will think less of them, or that they think they have failed, or they think they will feel less of a man if they died, something along those lines and probably other reasons too.

you afraid you aren't a good player if you die? Good players aren't chosen by how often they die or kill but HOW they fight

This, is ruining the server, yes Staying inside the fort is good, if the goal is to cower before your enemies.

People shooting each other with peas and sticks for three minutes before there's a sultar chain or what else.

Thing is, you guys are missing out. Have you ever heard some of us old veteran farts talk about the good ole' days how it was, and how fun it was. It can still happen if people grab up their balls and start fighting, not zerging, not ganking but fighting. Fighting means you could die too, are you ok with this? I am ok with dying, I have no fear of it, this is a game and a game is for fun.

If I don't try to have fun or make an attempt at it I'm wasting my time and so are you.

I am writing this thread because some things are really pissing me off in game when I so rarely have a fair fight on my main server that is fun.

Nothing happens when you die, you get sent to the altar, in a video game, it's not real it's fiction, numbers.

I know the game has balance issues right now, no I'm not saying we shouldn't point them out, but we shouldn't make them a reason for having low quality fights.

What is better, that you have a great fight for 30 minutes and get sent back to the altar or 2 hours where it's more like "meh"?

I also know there are realm balance but people leave the game when it's not fun for them, perfectly understandable, but I'm talking about when the numbers are equal.

some people are probably going to give the fault to ngd and blame them, NGD is only half to blame, we are still teh players who chose to play this way.

So I am asking of you people, charge, into the fight, and have fun, don't care if you die or not, try to stay alive "while fighting" that's the difference, of course you won't die if you stay inside the fort and go down from the wall each time you get hit.
Do this not for my fault, but for your own and experience regnum in a new light! It's like buying a racecar and driving around in first gear.

There are people who does not read this, so just encourage them to charge in battle, they will follow if you do.

do the terminator!!!!(only this line is a joke)

01-02-2010, 10:57 PM
what I want to say is, stop being so god damn afraid of dying

Dying tickles :wiggle14:

You lose nothing from dying in battle in the game so indeed why be afraid??

(although i have been known to do a runner on a few occasions)

01-02-2010, 11:36 PM
Best post in ages.
You deserved your green karma.

It happens on RA too, and I always pity those afraid to die.
Those that fights until they die are those gaining my respect, even if they lose.

01-02-2010, 11:38 PM
Well i agree with the hole running away crap..

Everytime i pass a mage/knight/marks or a few conjs the horse is summoned and they run away..

ive been on conj and a lvl 50 lock has run away from me (im Support..)

this wont get fixed till the casting time for mounts is increased to 8-10 seconds

horses are a way to travel not a way to escape every situation

01-03-2010, 12:15 AM
Hear hear and well said Awd, Die Happy Folks!!!!!
(the only pain in the arse is if you dont have a horse like me and you have to run everywhere..on a slow ass marks..its no fun :/)

P.s why is RA down..i was enjoying pinos..?
Er back up :)

01-03-2010, 05:23 AM
totally agree

death means nothing in this game dont be afraid to face the enemy.
things that i think would improve fights 100pct:

no more ranged vs ranged fights if an enemy advances dont backup or go back into the fort it really sucks for barbs and to lesser extent knights who are standing there waiting to kill stuff
don't turn fights at a fort door into an area spam battle i know its a valid tactic but still not that much fun for both sides to cast buffs spawn out of fort and cast area then retreat.
think about the numbers your enemy has on if they can only muster up 4 people think about splitting up that 50 strong syrtis zerg into 2 groups and harass the other realm
if you have the numbers do something its kinda painful to take herb to start something cause there's no action then like 30 lvl 50 ppl show up from nowhere and take it back in seconds and then vanish again.
if syrtis kicks us(ignis) out of herb think about going to samal instead of meni. its much more fun to fight a defended fort then an empty one.
Have fun and make sure your enemy can have fun too(very important)
Remember death means nothing don't be afraid to rush the enemy(not to the extent terminator does but atleast he has the right idea)

01-03-2010, 06:49 AM
With all due respect, I am going to make @@@$#@#$@$-ing sure that I never die if I can avoid it, especially if I am on full support. Why? Because there are others who enjoy a good fight too and they will need rezzed at some point. :p But by the same token, I can't count the number of times that I've sacrificed a trip back to the save altar for me so that I can rez someone who went too close to samal save....

Oh and in reference to the above poster, you are right the massive Syrtis zerg works exactly the same way as it looks. When we lose a fort 30 level 50 people show up, smash into the fort, and then disappear. If someone starts yelling "samal" maybe half will go along to take it. Once we have the fort, more people will trickle in until we outnumber the enemy 3 to 1, then someone starts yelling, "meni" or "aggers" or "shaana" but no one has the get-up-and-go to leave the cozy fort and go help. *Frustated yelling person here* :rale:

01-03-2010, 06:56 AM
I totally agree with this thread, I do not understand people who fled rather than give a good fight.

PD: I'm from Argentina and my English is not good

01-03-2010, 06:59 AM
I like both sides of the game - fort fight and open field. Most of the times when people shout to return back and be careful is not because this people are cowards and afraid to die, but because fort fights are turned to a save camp. Everyone knows how easy is to lose many people near save. And we make this mistake again and again and again.

I enjoy good fights, but hate suicidal players that depend too much of support conjurers. Sure have fun, but do not make me to be your personal HP and RESS support. This is not fun.

Have fun, play the game, but watch your HP bar.

01-03-2010, 08:29 AM
I totally agree with this thread, I do not understand people who fled rather than give a good fight.


When you all run you GET killed because all they have to do is to kill the few people who fight and then they just run behind you till you get to fortress.

Don't run, fight!

01-03-2010, 08:30 AM
It depends what dying will bring you. If it's stupidly rushing/camping saves then I'm not taking part of it. If it means standing in front of a fort waiting to get Sultar-chained then I'm not going for it either.

I've been in this game long enough not to be afraid to die, but I will do whatever it takes to survive long enough to make sure that IF I die I'll be taking several along with me. If this means staying in the fort I will do so. If this means retreating to a position that will give me an advantage I will do so.

You see, the fight isn't the fun part for me. Out-thinking your opponents, and winning through clever use of whatever tools I have on hand (spells, environment or allies) is what makes this game fun for me. This is a game and I will do what I find fun in it.

01-03-2010, 10:28 AM
i dont mind dying..and ill even make it easy if they are a zerg and im a single target and unable to even make an impact, or i may fight, i depends on my mood, sometimes its dance n party hat and give them my rp if they need it so badly.

other times in a group i wont attack a loner, but sit and watch because i know how it feels..

and above all its just a game..u just go back to save :) so have fun and try not to be frustrated..or tell people how to play or what they did wrong etc etc.

01-03-2010, 11:29 AM
Don't run, fight!

It is so easy to say this if you are part of the Syrtis zerg.

I'll accept the comments from the others, but it's harder to stomach a comment like this from a member of a realm who so heavily outnumbers the others.

It's a bit like saying: 'don't run, so that we can crush you more easily.'

01-03-2010, 11:54 AM
Although I usually get owned by 10+, yes please charge. I especially like the part about not hiding in forts.

01-03-2010, 12:40 PM
I can see many agree with me, although this is the people already not afraid of dying, this is more for the people who are, try it out, you won't lose anything from it but you have a lot to win.

A lot of these people are those who just areaspam and do nothing but wait for 3 minutes until they can areaspam again, that takes what, 15 seconds? Point with this thread is to try something different than waiting, but instead knowing you are able to die but charging anyway, anyone can die and living in this uncertanity where you have nothing else but your teammates and such to count on, where there's a risk(dying) it sounds completely like I'm opposing myself.

To me it's I know I can die, I'll try not to but not by hiding.

01-03-2010, 02:18 PM
It depends what dying will bring you.

This... +10,564.


It is so easy to say this if you are part of the Syrtis zerg.

...I also have to agree with this. This thread seems like a redressing of the 'I Miss Ignis' thread.

It's simple to say 'stay and fight; get frustrated and ragelogoff so we can have our giggles' when you are not on the receiving end of...


...every 2 hours or so.

01-03-2010, 05:47 PM
It is so easy to say this if you are part of the Syrtis zerg.

I'll accept the comments from the others, but it's harder to stomach a comment like this from a member of a realm who so heavily outnumbers the others.

It's a bit like saying: 'don't run, so that we can crush you more easily.'

On Tyr where I play Syrtis is NEARLY ALWAYS outnumbered and I hate it when my realmmates just run back to fortress and I stand alone vs 3 barbs and some mages and archers :S

01-03-2010, 07:50 PM
On Tyr where I play Syrtis is NEARLY ALWAYS outnumbered and I hate it when my realmmates just run back to fortress and I stand alone vs 3 barbs and some mages and archers :S

Ah ok, i have no idea about the numbers on TYR - i assumed you were Horus because of the title of the thread.

01-03-2010, 10:36 PM





01-04-2010, 03:56 AM






01-04-2010, 12:37 PM
It depends on what dying will bring you. If it's stupidly rushing/camping saves then I'm not taking part of it. If it means standing in front of a fort waiting to get Sultar-chained then I'm not going for it either.

I've been in this game long enough not to be afraid to die, but I will do whatever it takes to survive long enough to make sure that IF I die I'll be taking several along with me. If this means staying in the fort I will do so. If this means retreating to a position that will give me an advantage I will do so.

You see, the fight isn't the fun part for me. Out-thinking your opponents, and winning through clever use of whatever tools I have on hand (spells, environment or allies) is what makes this game fun for me. This is a game and I will do what I find fun in it.

Right HERE is the main basis that the majority of people should take into account as well. To me, this post hit the nail dead center on the head which leads to the following statement:

All and above all, (with an understanding towards this topic and a courteous mention that: I do agree with what you're saying) each and every player on this game has a different view, perspective, and perception on the game in itself. Some can be good, and others can look bad yet be misleading. My take on it? Well I just give the benefit of the doubt.

01-04-2010, 12:51 PM
It depends what dying will bring you. If it's stupidly rushing/camping saves then I'm not taking part of it. If it means standing in front of a fort waiting to get Sultar-chained then I'm not going for it either.

It's specially the second part that also needs to be dealt with, to some players not getting sultar chained means that they have to retreat and that's the only way, fighting is a way too, spreading out.

You see, the fight isn't the fun part for me. Out-thinking your opponents, and winning through clever use of whatever tools I have on hand (spells, environment or allies) is what makes this game fun for me. This is a game and I will do what I find fun in it.
using your brain is always fun, but there needs to be a drawback too, it's in the fight you have to outthink your opponent so you are partly right, again, you'll just have to try it out.

I like both sides of the game - fort fight and open field. Most of the times when people shout to return back and be careful is not because this people are cowards and afraid to die, but because fort fights are turned to a save camp. Everyone knows how easy is to lose many people near save. And we make this mistake again and again and again.

Yes, but save camping will first happen if one side is stronger than the other, and if you read the original post it says that I am talking about when the fights are fair but people still play like cowards.

One time It was at a fort (happens several times) where the numbers were good and equal and there were a chance to have a good fight, the force which was taking the fort back started charging, (no sultars,) the ones who had the fort immediately went inside and waited to do a mass door area spam

01-04-2010, 09:58 PM
mixed feelings on this one.
while I'm mostly the "CHARGE" kind of player that goes right for the middle of the fray(yeh it gets me killed alot) and I think that would be the
time for my teammates to follow up with sultars etc. and would love to see
them more aggressive.

I also think, you got to make your own fun in the game and not rely on the opposing team to play however it is you want just so you can boost your RP score. If you want toorchistrate the game for all players of all realms you'll soon find yourself mighty lonely.

01-05-2010, 09:43 AM
using your brain is always fun, but there needs to be a drawback too, it's in the fight you have to outthink your opponent so you are partly right, again, you'll just have to try it out.

I don't understand this sentence. Can anyone clarify this?

01-05-2010, 10:37 AM
too long :(

01-05-2010, 11:30 AM
I don't understand this sentence. Can anyone clarify this?

yes, you use your brain in the fight to outcome your opponent, if there's no risk of dying, it becomes too easy and you don't get that special rush of adrenaline.

The way that galynn said it reminded me of some kind of brainscrambler.

Understand now?

01-05-2010, 03:28 PM
Hm, according to Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Outcome), word "outcome" is something like a result. It still sounds little confusing, but I got it.

Hehe, on a funny side, your "adrenaline rush" reminded me on first post on this page (http://www.medhelp.org/posts/Mens-Health/ADRENALINE-RUSHES-GOOD-OR-BAD/show/183070). [clicky]

01-05-2010, 04:15 PM
Hm, according to Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Outcome), word "outcome" is something like a result. It still sounds little confusing, but I got it.

Hehe, on a funny side, your "adrenaline rush" reminded me on first post on this page (http://www.medhelp.org/posts/Mens-Health/ADRENALINE-RUSHES-GOOD-OR-BAD/show/183070). [clicky]


01-05-2010, 06:32 PM
If it means standing in front of a fort waiting to get Sultar-chained then I'm not going for it either.
= your Mages and Archers suck.

But to be honest, players in regnum have long forgotten how to rush properly.
Some time ago i complained that new players were not listening to experienced ones. Now its already the next generation and the players are gradually playing worse. I am not even going to start talking about Horus ...

01-05-2010, 10:54 PM
What Eli2 said.

The big problem with charging now is that a lot of ranged players will see a warrior or two rushing forwards (and who ever has more than two warriors in an initial force, eh? ^^), and will be like "Oh gosh they're going to die better hang back and save myself." They don't seem to realise that if they protect the warriors getting to the enemy, the warriors will protect the ranged classes from the enemy once they've got there.
As a barbarian I have some of the best area effects available. I can hold a massive army still for long enough to pick their conjurers to pieces, effectively turning the opposition into fodder when they wake up. But I have to actually get there to do it. I can't wait for the first sultar, because if I'm not running when the first one hits, I won't arrive before they have time to stop me – if there is no following sultar in this case, I can do jack all. I'll wait for the warlocks and the marksmen to be ready, but when I see an opening I don't have time to say anything, and way back, Onslaught was enough of a cue. It still should be. But no-one follows the charging barbarian anymore.

01-06-2010, 09:32 AM
But no-one follows the charging barbarian anymore.

True, only the other day we were fighting Ignis, I spotted one of their conjus only about 15m from where the main fight was so went to attack them, about 4 seconds later I had every single Ignis player on me and when I looked back aat Syrtis all our archers mages even most of our warriors were running in the opposite direction back to a empty fort, no 'back' no 'retreat' just cowardice and panic that taking a slight risk might get them killed. Bearing in mind we had 4 conjus (4! thats a ton nowadays) and outnumbered Ignis (as per 90% of the time) the occasional death is no big deal if its for a cause.