View Full Version : Ayudaaaaaaaaa

01-05-2010, 06:30 PM
HOLA... REINSTALE EL JUEGO Y CUANDO PONGO MI CONTRASEŅA ENTRA PERO QUEDA VERIFICANDO o.O y salta un errar q dice:FAILed to copy the file regnumonline .exe to self update/regnumonline .exe (error 3 :el sistema no puedo hallar la tuta espesificada)

me ayudan porfavor

01-05-2010, 06:31 PM
HOLA... REINSTALE EL JUEGO Y CUANDO PONGO MI CONTRASEŅA ENTRA PERO QUEDA VERIFICANDO o.O y salta un errar q dice:FAILed to copy the file regnumonline .exe to self update/regnumonline .exe (error 3 :el sistema no puedo hallar la tuta espesificada)

me ayudan porfavor

Uhm, the only thing I can say is this:
It's the English forum, you could get better help at the Spanish forum. (If it's Spanish) ;)

01-05-2010, 11:16 PM
He aparently re-installed Regnum again but when he tries to log in, at the moment when auto-patch is ''Verifying'' all the files he gets this error messsage: ''FAILed to copy the file regnumonline .exe to self update/regnumonline .exe'' that is in English, so he asks here in the English forum for help. :p

01-08-2010, 10:12 PM
hehehehe it is funny to see in a English forum someone asking for help in Spanish =P...
and yep it is Spanish language...


Trata de reinstalar el juego... si no te funciona descarga nuevamente la ultima version del juego e instalala... si te funcionaba antes te debe funcionar.

Someone should to move this thread to Spanish forum.