View Full Version : syrtis theif (orcus)
04-19-2007, 04:28 PM
this proves my case this can show you the truth more than words enjoy =
04-19-2007, 04:45 PM
Um... yeah.
04-19-2007, 04:53 PM
i never wanted to show this but he made stuff up about me so i thought it was his choice
04-19-2007, 04:59 PM
Way to take sarcasm out of context, kiddo!
Seriously - I know Orcus. He's a great guy, and most certainly not a thief.
04-19-2007, 05:02 PM
Keep in mind one thing:
you have to send this kind of messages directly to NDG... this is not at t.v show.
04-19-2007, 05:11 PM
first of all don't post the same picture 3 times
secondly he was joking, there's a longer conversation and I know orcus, ask everyone in gop, ask everyone on syrtis, find people he stole from. I know how he got his money. He pwned mobs.
04-19-2007, 05:17 PM
because of his lvl u all liek him this is not a populartiy contest look at the facts!
04-19-2007, 05:18 PM
Keep in mind one thing:
you have to send this kind of messages directly to NDG... this is not at t.v show.
how do i send it to ngd?
04-19-2007, 05:22 PM
also i just wanted to show people the real side of hi man to warn u it aint a t.v show
04-19-2007, 06:21 PM
can you get banned for doubleposting too much? :p
soon he's going to post a screenshot of me telling I tricked people for money in the war zone.
04-19-2007, 06:44 PM
My god how old are you aj? There comes a time in everyone's life where they need to grow up. As you can see that conversation was taken greatly out of context. You can tell that Orcus was being sarcastic of the fact that you stole 2 million of his own gold. Orcus would not steal money from people. I have known Orcus for several months now, and he is not the typed that would steal money. Quit trying to cover your ass AJ, and just tell the truth. Try to make things right, and it will work out better for you than trying to make a complete lie up. Quit trying to blame everyone but yourself.
04-19-2007, 06:49 PM
Aj, i've told nothing about you here, but you did. ok. i thought you could change, but i see, that some people cannot.
Originally Posted by executer
look at the facts!
Facts? What facts do you have? Screenshot of me saying "i stole it from other people" ? And do you have any proof, that i wasn't joking? You can notice, that chat scrollbar is almost on top. Why, Aj? It looks like you wanted to hide next posts.
Originally Posted by Angelwinged_Devil
find people he stole from
Yeah, find some. Good luck. Looking for them will take much time, because there is nobody robbed by me. Oh, wait, maybe there is someone. Good, i've found that screenshot 2695. You told me, that i robbed you, but you didn't answer my question. Can you tell me here, how much money did i steal from you? And where did you get that money? And don't tell, that everyone in GoP is thief, you don't know anyone of us. 2696
Originally Posted by executer
how do i send it to ngd?
Send it to their email. It's good idea, i hope they've some chat log or trade transfer log. It should bring light to this problem.
04-19-2007, 06:52 PM
Orcus don't worry about it man. I am sure AJ is around 10 years old from the grammar he uses in his post and his chat dialog in Regnum. :beerchug:
I don’t think there is a rule against double posting but the admins can ban any one the chose to.
The devs are not going to do any thing about this because there is no way to steal from another player. The only way he got the money is it was given to him. If he refuses to give it back very little can or will be done as the money was given up voluntarily. I feel sorry for who ever lost the money and I doubt they will get it back.
04-19-2007, 07:06 PM
Wow this is really low guys. Orcus is a good guy and everyone in the gop will stick up for him because as a member of the GOP he is our brother. And we are not theives seriously come on why would anyone in the GOP steal when we can easily get it from mobs. Come on Grow up!
04-19-2007, 07:58 PM
I have met aj before, the guy is such a j*rk, i cant believe someone entrusted his money to a 10 years old kid
04-19-2007, 10:52 PM
I don’t think there is a rule against double posting but the admins can ban any one the chose to.
The devs are not going to do any thing about this because there is no way to steal from another player. The only way he got the money is it was given to him. If he refuses to give it back very little can or will be done as the money was given up voluntarily. I feel sorry for who ever lost the money and I doubt they will get it back.
Haha, I completely agree Tyr. Maybe everyone should drop it completely(maybe AJ). You can't "steal" from anyone. Everyone can cry all they want if they give items / money to another player and they don't get it back. Should teach you the simple lesson that you shouldn't trust anyone with your gold / items in game except for yourself. I don't even trust my best friend with my gold, let a lone a complete stranger across the world.
04-20-2007, 11:39 AM
[QUOTE=0rcus]Aj, i've told nothing about you here, but you did. ok. i thought you could change, but i see, that some people cannot.
Facts? What facts do you have? Screenshot of me saying "i stole it from other people" ? And do you have any proof, that i wasn't joking? You can notice, that chat scrollbar is almost on top. Why, Aj? It looks like you wanted to hide next posts.
Yeah, find some. Good luck. Looking for them will take much time, because there is nobody robbed by me. Oh, wait, maybe there is someone. Good, i've found that screenshot 2695. You told me, that i robbed you, but you didn't answer my question. Can you tell me here, how much money did i steal from you? And where did you get that money? And don't tell, that everyone in GoP is thief, you don't know anyone of us. 2696
ahh the scroll bar was @ teh top because i only thought of it after you said it soo i had to scroll to screenshot it and all the people who have been chatting are fro mgop an you just want them to stick up for you
04-20-2007, 11:41 AM
Haha, I completely agree Tyr. Maybe everyone should drop it completely(maybe AJ). You can't "steal" from anyone. Everyone can cry all they want if they give items / money to another player and they don't get it back. Should teach you the simple lesson that you shouldn't trust anyone with your gold / items in game except for yourself. I don't even trust my best friend with my gold, let a lone a complete stranger across the world.
also you are not aloud to transfer !
04-20-2007, 01:55 PM
ok executer, as from the posts you have seen me say about you, i have not done anything to antaganize you, i have said everything fair and just in the other topic, and i just don't give two shits anymore:fury:
mate how old are you, because you lie like a cheap watch:nunchaku:
GoP, as said by amyroberts, will stick up for their members we deal with things fair and what you are doing is completly wrong and you know it.
you are making up everything you say about GoP and assuming that we are concentrating on getting one over on you, trust us, we're not, just hoping justice be served.
you trying to frame Orcus, thats just idiotic(as he has been on this game for yonks, people knowing him for being a friendly person) and lands you into more trouble, giving me the impression of you thinking "if i'm going down, i'm taking everyone with me" which just not smart.
i am sick of wasting my breath on you so grow up and grow some:fury:
04-20-2007, 07:52 PM
Come on man, he was sarcastic. Plus, if you want to report someone report him directly to NGD and not create a thread for anyone to see it.
And then if you gonna accuse someone of stealing you need evidence and the only evidence you got is a picture with orcus saying that he stole money.
Because in real life saying that someone has stolen something and then later finding out he hasn't is a crime, at least here in sweden.
So if you gonna accuse someone of stealing again here is some advice:
1. Get a picture of the suspect saying he has stolen the money.
2. Get hold of people who have been robbed by the suspect.
3. Write an report that includes the name of all the people involved.
4. E-mail your report to NGD Studios.
Well that's all folks, peace out
Valkyria - Dwarf Marksman of Valhalla Freedom Fighters :viking:
04-20-2007, 08:42 PM
how do i send it to ngd?
by a private message to Niclam or Surak, 4 example :razz:
04-21-2007, 06:24 PM
[QUOTE=0rcus]Aj, i've told nothing about you here, but you did. ok. i thought you could change, but i see, that some people cannot.
Facts? What facts do you have? Screenshot of me saying "i stole it from other people" ? And do you have any proof, that i wasn't joking? You can notice, that chat scrollbar is almost on top. Why, Aj? It looks like you wanted to hide next posts.
Yeah, find some. Good luck. Looking for them will take much time, because there is nobody robbed by me. Oh, wait, maybe there is someone. Good, i've found that screenshot 2695. You told me, that i robbed you, but you didn't answer my question. Can you tell me here, how much money did i steal from you? And where did you get that money? And don't tell, that everyone in GoP is thief, you don't know anyone of us. 2696
ahh the scroll bar was @ teh top because i only thought of it after you said it soo i had to scroll to screenshot it and all the people who have been chatting are fro mgop an you just want them to stick up for you
untrue, I don't remember bigjim being in the clan, for one
04-23-2007, 04:00 PM
i havent said nothing bad about gop only orcus soo lay off
04-23-2007, 09:33 PM
What you say about one member, we all take badly so don't say that.
oh and you also said something about GoP being theifs, umm not saying something bad about GoP:fingers: , think when you post.
Orcus is an alright bloke and you did him wrong. And would you mind telling me how a lvl20 marksmen like you get, what was it? 2.2mil, mate i struggle to keep up 50k and i'm the same lvl and class as you.
Please, this arguement is annoying, give the money back, we won't hold it against ya if you do.:smile:
04-24-2007, 02:57 AM
can ya plz close this is geting on my nerves i understand he stole money from a kid and watever maybe right now ngd cant do nuthin about it cuz all the work they got on the game so just end this thing ngd it would make sence if u close this thread
07-30-2007, 01:46 PM
Your are fucking thief aj, so suck your self.....
07-30-2007, 03:31 PM
Dude, no ones going to listen to you, maybe if you explained "HOW" he "STOLE" it from you and had some hard facts, people would listen to your giberish, im not from your realm buddy, but even I can see that the man you are acusing has done nothing wrong. If you reach a high lvl as he has, it means that your are probably a mature player who has put time and effort into his account, now I can't see any high lvl stealing becasue they would know better.
And his clans sticks up for him becasue he has friends and he has put his trust somewhere, If you had any plans of that, well lol, your not having a good start, now your going to have to hide your face in shame.
STFU close this thread or blow me. We got 3 pages of this crap and NO ONE has sided with you.
07-31-2007, 08:59 AM
man dont blame the GoP if someone was bad mouthing someone from my clan i'd stick up for them. i am not in the GoP im in the GoS :tonguey: cause thats whats respectable people do stick up for there friends. as said before can you guys plz clear this up about who stole what from who when and how. because i have read this whole post and its made about as much sense as some guy punching himself in the face. Aj if someone stole frm you you obviously did something. you obviously gave away the money or gave away your password. either way seems stupid but if you did your the one to blame. also what evidence you gave us about 4 lines of text for us to go by if you really want to get evidence show us everything
08-01-2007, 03:52 PM
...are we even talking about this???
08-01-2007, 03:58 PM
Closing. Abuse reports:
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