View Full Version : My magnanite staff - some notes about the selection screen

02-11-2010, 11:46 PM
I had a little difficulty uploading the images here due to the filtering of websites that allow you to upload images, in my country.

Since I do not have any advertising/commercial activity whatsover on my blog, i don't believe it would be against the rules to post the address here for you to go and check the images (if it is, my apologies in advance)

(second post from top - click on those two small images to enlarge)

Oh and a tip for all those who may forge their magnanite staves soon:
when you get all the ingots and go to Oddi, you will get a selection screen
the screen has two staves that look identical and does NOT show you neither the name nor stats. So for the record:

The one on top is fast/20 staff
the one below is the scorching ancestral staff medium/30
(and do NOT close this selection screen or your mags might go away)
if you want you can try on amun first - that's what i did

02-11-2010, 11:54 PM
Grats on your staff vult :)

i know i had issues with selecting my weapon 2.

also very scared of making a mistake

wish ngd would show the stats or the name of the weapon

02-12-2010, 09:58 AM
Awesome! Congratulations mate! :thumb_up: Go get the pointy ears now! Wooohooo! :viking:
So, I guess You don't need those magna I still got on my chars for You anymore and I can spend them on whor... the poor! Of course, the poor! :sifflote:

03-17-2010, 11:40 PM
Very nice staff =) Gz, question though.. everyone tells me that geting a magna staff isnt worth the trouble on a lock :ohill: I like the look but are there any real "advantages" to geting it over another staff when you rely mostly on your skills? :ignis:

03-12-2011, 01:51 PM
Since Amun is closed, I wonder if I can trust the fact that the one below is the medium range 30.
Is there any chance that the place has changed ?