View Full Version : twiistedkaos looking for a clan!

04-25-2007, 01:51 AM
I'm a level 30 warlock, I'm a nice player and enjoy RvR and just playing regnum. Of course, I need to level more before I would be called useful in RvR, but I do my part :). I'm training in the warzone, and attack any enemy realm that comes close to me, dispite their level. Anywas, I play on the Syrtis realm and would like to join a clan with majority english speakers, or atleaste can speak and understand english. I know some spanish, but I'm far from the best and normally don't type in spanish unless I have a question that needs to be answered.

04-25-2007, 06:56 AM
hello twiistedchaos, You are more than welcome in the official english speaking clan, orcus, shilva, me, sardid, vusaya, boomer, lady ardea alba are the ones to contact ;)

04-25-2007, 03:52 PM
hello twiistedchaos, You are more than welcome in the official english speaking clan, orcus, shilva, me, sardid, vusaya, boomer, lady ardea alba are the ones to contact ;)

Tried contacting shilva in game, but perhaps he/she was afk because I got no response. I'll try jumping on the game later and messaging one of you. I may or may not be on today. As being a senior in school, I have a few things I must complete before friday so my time is very limited. I will try to be on later though to message one of you. After friday, I should have my normal schedules back and be able to play more.

04-26-2007, 03:28 PM
i won't be on this week at all so don't try me, just saying. got a lot of work to do RL:smile: