04-26-2007, 06:19 AM
Today NGD i have been teleported to Initiation valley 2x today and now tonight i was being chased from samal by a ignis player and all of a sudden i am teleported to dead fort on the other side of ignis. Could i please get some info on this. I did have a syrtis character on this account long ago long ago. But i never had a ignis character on this account. So please if there is a way i can make it so this does not happen anymore i hate having to commit suicide in the water below initiation valley or have a bunch of new players attack me for a half hour to get me down to half hp. Thanks for your time hope we can get this resolved quick. if you need anymore info just say.
Darth Dominicus
P.S. A 49 Warlock in syrtis initiation valley mass mayhem and destruction. The guards dont even stand a chance.... :p
Darth Dominicus
P.S. A 49 Warlock in syrtis initiation valley mass mayhem and destruction. The guards dont even stand a chance.... :p