View Full Version : The new models :)

03-27-2010, 02:10 AM
Well ive looked at all my char's and i must say Ngd you have done a great job congratulations to you all.
It was well worth the wait, keep up the good work :thumb::thumb::thumb:


03-27-2010, 02:25 AM
Same here, im really impressed and also i was getting better performance as well.

03-27-2010, 02:26 AM
ya now its crashing like crazy i hope NGD fix that soon also

03-27-2010, 02:29 AM
I wish my chars would have been transfered so I could see them

03-27-2010, 02:31 AM
I havent seen anything but level 1's so I'm sure theyre great..just cant see lol.

03-27-2010, 02:37 AM
I wish my chars would have been transfered so I could see them

Me too........

03-27-2010, 02:41 AM
I did not quite like my female utghar barbarian to be honest, maybe I just have to get used to it.
I did however like the look of my female utghar warlock and my female molok barb looked really nice without armor :p

03-27-2010, 02:44 AM
I really dislike your female molok barb, lol. Guild Wars style :/
But dwarfs and utghaer fucking rock!



03-27-2010, 02:50 AM

I'll post some images too :)




03-27-2010, 02:52 AM
those look flippin' awesome! \o/

03-27-2010, 02:55 AM
I agree :clapclap: very, VERY good job !

03-27-2010, 03:01 AM
Here are some screenshots of my barbarian.
Though I can clearly admit that the new models hold much higher quality, I simply don't like the look of the female utghar warriors, especially not with the Abyssal Armor :p

With the Lion armor and the Avenger armor it looks better, but still not as good as it used to imo.

03-27-2010, 03:07 AM
goat girls got fat thighs :D

lol jk..but i think from my view..thats the part i least like. thats an area i'd really want covered up. Is it the same like this for all barb armors? knight too? (female i mean)

03-27-2010, 03:18 AM
Here are some screenshots of my barbarian.
Though I can clearly admit that the new models hold much higher quality, I simply don't like the look of the female utghar warriors, especially not with the Abyssal Armor :p

With the Lion armor and the Avenger armor it looks better, but still not as good as it used to imo.

hello znurre, female uthgars is the only character that we had to completely re-design as it was not appealing at all (in our minds and according to ourt stats).

this is a very subjective matter as you all put a lot of your imagination into your characters (even more before when the characters where so bland because of lack of poligons that you rounded the edges and added detail with your mind)

do this exersice, please take other 3 pics of your female uthgar warrior in the official server right now, similar to these pics and add them to this screens on this thread so you and us can compare.



03-27-2010, 03:30 AM
I love the New Models!

the Male Goats look Scary as Hell!

my Nordo seems too have grown a beard.. lol

and i find my Barbs a bit Hippy (Big Thighs) :P

03-27-2010, 03:35 AM
You guys have really outdone yourselves. I didn't get to see any of my higher levels on amun sadly, but looking at these pictures it looks amazing. Good work :clapclap:

03-27-2010, 07:10 AM
I cant login. Can some one please post esquelio and molok male pics? Thanks

03-27-2010, 07:39 AM
With Fixed Pipeline:



With Shader Model 2.0:



03-27-2010, 08:07 AM
The female players (at least human and dwarf, did not look at the others yet) look horrible! (--> Suggestion-Thread about new character models). Toothpick-Arms, unnatural proportions and alltogether made to look like the wet dream of a 14 year old boy. :-(((

03-27-2010, 08:23 AM
I tested a Wood Elf / female and am very disappointed. Looks ugly and moves unnaturally.

03-27-2010, 09:13 AM
really beatifull :) ... but i'm feeling a bit fat now with my knight :P . i saw also the new facial and knock down animations , i like them but as usual the barbarians one are more cool -.- . do u know that also knight exist in this game??? xD . in the end one question :P i didnt see any changes in wepons will they be redesigned???


03-27-2010, 09:29 AM
I happen to think the Female Chars (For Ignis atleast) Look really amazing. I haven't been able to test my current Characters out yet but have seen the Char Creation screen. Awesome job.

To iteomagazu... There will always be someone unhappy with the way things are done/look. TBH I was really upset to see that the tunics had been scaled back a bit. but everyone will have their issues with things. We just need to give NGD the credit they deserve for all of the hard work put in on this.

Hope I can log onto Amun soon ;)


03-27-2010, 09:32 AM
I wish my chars would have been transfered so I could see them

I can subscribe that.


03-27-2010, 10:34 AM
I'm sad to see how looking my female molok barbarian .... Ridiculous with high-heeled shoes and bare neck and shoulders. As a melee class, its just stupid :'(

03-27-2010, 11:13 AM
Uthgars looks good.
Half-elf has nice face (female)
Nordo looks good (but my female has some weird shadow under the lips)
Lizards looks good.

Hunter with those uber shoulders pads ¬¬ Hunter should be light armored, swift and agile. Now Fluffy does look like fluffy knight.

03-27-2010, 11:32 AM
Oh no, great. Now I have to change the looks in my comic too! /o\

03-27-2010, 11:33 AM
Hehehe i look more like the Inkster you already paint now

03-27-2010, 11:57 AM
I figured they might have taken references from the comic alredy xP

03-27-2010, 12:01 PM
couple of screenies :)

http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r33/Inkie_04/Regnum/screenshot2010-03-2712_04_44.jpg http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r33/Inkie_04/Regnum/screenshot2010-03-2711_56_29.jpg http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r33/Inkie_04/Regnum/screenshot2010-03-2711_55_50.jpg

03-27-2010, 12:07 PM
Hah :P

I think Ugthar staves/mounts need scaling up a bit :p

Your almost bigger than that benku and look like your holding a twig ^^

03-27-2010, 12:10 PM
hello znurre, female uthgars is the only character that we had to completely re-design as it was not appealing at all (in our minds and according to ourt stats).

this is a very subjective matter as you all put a lot of your imagination into your characters (even more before when the characters where so bland because of lack of poligons that you rounded the edges and added detail with your mind)

do this exersice, please take other 3 pics of your female uthgar warrior in the official server right now, similar to these pics and add them to this screens on this thread so you and us can compare.


-ChilkoHere you go :)
Thanks for your reply!

EDIT: Some constructive critism:
I think the problem is the way the abyssal armor looks when equipped by a female Utghar, especially how the leggings makes it look like she's wearing an iron skirt which makes her hips look unnaturally large.
With the avenger and lion armors the new character would possibly look better than the old one if I only had my tattoos :p

03-27-2010, 12:42 PM
I prefer the new model of your goats. :)

03-27-2010, 12:46 PM
About the Uthgars; The male kind have had their "special features" - i.e. their "beastliness" - emphasized. Great! Finally looking like the berserk animals they are (in my imagination anyhow).

But their female equivalent seem to have had their "special" features toned down to the point where they seem to be of a different species more human than anything else (possibly interbred with some Avatar species?).

I don't think people choose Uthgar ladies because they want something human-feminine-pretty to look at, but because they want something different. So I think their "uthgar-ness" definitely needs to be emphasized more than this...

BTW: Those large overdimensioned asian-like shoulder pads I would rather do without... It makes characters look like vaguely defined rectangular blocks of armour instead of humanoids.

03-27-2010, 12:53 PM
Here you go :)

I really think that the old Znurre looks much better. The eye shades, the black stripes, the more... goaty look. Now Znurre looks like Meryl Streep :(

03-27-2010, 12:55 PM
Wow what an update, a few pics while my resources download:




The Dark Elves look great!

03-27-2010, 12:59 PM

The Dark Elves look great!

Guild Wars much? :p

Ignis changed a lot. Alsius did too. Syrtis ofc for me isn't changed at all. xD

03-27-2010, 01:08 PM
A ha yes GW, at first I thought more along the lines of Jedi's. xD

03-27-2010, 01:10 PM
I chose this haircut for simple reason, it was smart and sober (I liked the sad face too, but it must be because I'm a bored person) :

Now it's no more the same haircut (imo), the shape has changed too much (too bulky):

Why can't dark elves eyes be red? They were before.
I think you made females characters way too sexy (don't want to say slut). They're supposed to be fighters, not top models.
However, it's obvious you made a lot of work (and great work) on those models. It's just I'm a bit disappointed girls chars evolve in a way to attract teenagers rather than make them look like fighters.

03-27-2010, 01:20 PM
Why can't dark elves eyes be red? They were before.

Actually, I think it's possible to choose the eye color now.

03-27-2010, 01:34 PM
Managed to get on Faith for a bit. Hair and face are quite far removed from what I had though, eyes are all green now? Mine were a purple shade :/ And the hair seems to ... 'big' Least half Elf ears look better now instead of just being wood elf ears that were literaly cut in half. Prehaps an option for all players to repick their faces should be offered, hair I get is premium but that would be nice too.

Pelnil is stuck 'in' Central save column, text/buffs show up ontop of it, cant move, cant see the char.

And I think a lot of mage tunics look a bit bulky

Otherwise didnt spot any major issues in the time I was online, crashed when going to char select from Pel (in the save) though, and am having issues getting to char select.

03-27-2010, 01:35 PM
Actually, I think it's possible to choose the eye color now.
Ok, my bad. Seemed to me only male could have them red. I'll have a look later.

03-27-2010, 01:56 PM
My characters didn't make it over. So I bought a mount, rode out to Agg Market and took screenies.

The one error I can report is the shading due to the sun. It seems the skin color at least of the nordos now responds to sunlight. We seem to look like normal white people in the sun, and then pacific islanders in the shade. I dont mind this, it's just that light beams seem to travel through our body and cast the same shadow pattern on our backside. ( you can see this in some of my screens.

Hanging out near Agg Market (http://jeremy.stoic-epicurean.com/screenshots/screenshot%202010-03-26%2020_03_44.jpg)
More Hanging out (http://jeremy.stoic-epicurean.com/screenshots/screenshot%202010-03-26%2020_02_11.jpg)
Trying to save the merchant (http://jeremy.stoic-epicurean.com/screenshots/screenshot%202010-03-26%2020_00_57.jpg)
Lightbeams go throught me! (http://jeremy.stoic-epicurean.com/screenshots/screenshot%202010-03-26%2019_59_13.jpg)
a little less suntan (http://jeremy.stoic-epicurean.com/screenshots/screenshot%202010-03-26%2019_58_45.jpg)
Mages look awesome now (http://jeremy.stoic-epicurean.com/screenshots/screenshot 2010-03-26 19_56_44.jpg)

03-27-2010, 01:57 PM
damn ink you need to cut off on the hay its makeing you look beefy plus i know a good place to get inkster burgers :P

P.S im just jokeing of corse not ment to insult any one.

03-27-2010, 02:00 PM
A pair of Faith

http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/8383/screenshot2010032713382.jpg (http://img59.imageshack.us/i/screenshot2010032713382.jpg/)

Cheer emote (lol)
http://img638.imageshack.us/img638/5002/screenshot2010032713383.jpg (http://img638.imageshack.us/i/screenshot2010032713383.jpg/)

A few of the other emotes are nice, kneel seems far more 'humble' now for example,

Oh hang on, will fix those screens...

03-27-2010, 02:01 PM
images are too small can you make them bigger?

EDIT: much better now

03-27-2010, 02:02 PM
A pair of Faith

http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/8383/screenshot2010032713382.jpg (http://img59.imageshack.us/i/screenshot2010032713382.jpg/)

Cheer emote (lol)
http://img638.imageshack.us/img638/5002/screenshot2010032713383.jpg (http://img638.imageshack.us/i/screenshot2010032713383.jpg/)

A few of the other emotes are nice, kneel seems far more 'humble' now for example,

Oh hang on, will fix those screens...

She looks like lady gaga when she's cheering. (not offense, just making an observation)

03-27-2010, 02:05 PM
Uthgars are nice, they look ":(" sad but im not gonna watch their faces much anyway :P

I know it's still in in progress, but I didnt like nordo female models.
Too long legs(compared to lenght of back), wider shoulder than before and weird runningstyle reminds me of some korean MMORPG's( like this one http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/perfectworldinternational/images/4/47/WingElf.jpg) that have anime&magna elf styled charactel models, and I personally dont like that kind of style at all :huh:

Old model looks more delicate/graceful

I can't take screenshots atm because im stuck on loading screen :P

Facial animations looks really nice, I personally dont care much about graphics as long as it works and doesn't look annoying.

Maybe nordos look better in my taste with armors, I had to make lvl1 noobs so I dont know how do they look with set of armor yet :)

03-27-2010, 02:05 PM
She looks like lady gaga when she's cheering. (not offense, just making an observation)

Non taken, I dont much like that emote either :p Just the only one I thaught to take a screen of before I crashed :)

03-27-2010, 02:06 PM
Znurre looks like Meryl Streep :(

Buy him a name change scroll, he can change his name to Meryl Sheep

03-27-2010, 02:13 PM
I'm stuck in the loading bar ingame. Before it shows the chars you have. I'm downloading netlimiter to see if it's donwloading. If it is then I don't mind and will post pics of Torg soon :)

@Ink: How could it be that no matter the model changes Ink still looks like an arrogant, autoritarian a$$hole? ;P

@Piz: Yeeeeeeees miniskirts and cleveage!!! :D

@Everyone: Female dwarf, dark elf, molok, elf, half elf? post pics people! even if you just delete a char make make new ones, remember it's amun

03-27-2010, 02:16 PM
@Everyone: Female dwarf, dark elf, molok, elf, half elf? post pics people! even if you just delete a char make make new ones, remember it's amun

Faith is half-elf :p

Though I can no longer get to char select, always get stuck in the same place about 2/3 through the blue 'loading...' bar. :(

03-27-2010, 02:22 PM
Watch out RO pr0n!


03-27-2010, 02:25 PM
Buy him a name change scroll, he can change his name to Meryl Sheep

Jajjajja Meryl Sheep :D

03-27-2010, 02:34 PM
watch out ro pr0n!
http://files.myopera.com/zielski/ro/zrzut_ekranu-4.pngLink does not work for me.

03-27-2010, 02:36 PM
@Ink: How could it be that no matter the model changes Ink still looks like an arrogant, autoritarian a$$hole? ;P

Damn! my secrets out xD ill have to post screenies of my other chars later

03-27-2010, 02:38 PM
Faith is half-elf :p

Though I can no longer get to char select, always get stuck in the same place about 2/3 through the blue 'loading...' bar. :(

Same problem but in 2/5. Netlmitier said it was downloading 0.03kb per second.... doesn't sound like it's actually donwloading much... anyone found a way to fix it, or just keep trying to log on nonstop?

03-27-2010, 02:45 PM
Dunno its just me, but my male elf char looks much better than before, even under safemode and no details. Also, looking other pics with better quality than I can have, I think NGD really did great job. I just wish my eyes are blue, and not green :P
And male Utghars (at least those posted by Inkster) look awesome.

03-27-2010, 02:58 PM
I enabled the sync resources and it downloaded to 4/5, but then it stops, it seems there are missing files.

Guess we are stuck untill the next patch on Amun then? :/

Im trying deleation of the Test server folder then reloading it, will tell if it works or not.

Nope, Im now stuck halfway through the 'a' in 'loading...' supposedly downloading at 45kbs~ no movement of the bar though,

03-27-2010, 03:16 PM
A few more snaps I was able to get before I couldn't log on anymore:


^ My legs look way too thin..



03-27-2010, 04:06 PM
Guess we are stuck untill the next patch on Amun then? :/

Im trying deleation of the Test server folder then reloading it, will tell if it works or not.

Nope, Im now stuck halfway through the 'a' in 'loading...' supposedly downloading at 45kbs~ no movement of the bar though,
Supposed to be in good way for me then, I reached the "m" :)

edit : Erm..... No "m" in english version sorry ^^

03-27-2010, 04:24 PM
Nice pictures, Great job team NGD :D

03-27-2010, 07:02 PM
I did a video where I first show my current chars, then with new models. Then I did every possible combination of race, gender and class.
enjoy (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfPTfXDFBPM&fmt=22).

03-27-2010, 07:13 PM
"This video contains an audio track that has not been authorized by WMG. The audio has been disabled. More about copyright"

Youtube owned record time XD

video is loading :P

03-27-2010, 07:33 PM
heres a few of mine.


dont i just look soo sexy or what?

03-27-2010, 07:52 PM
I honestly thought my "greyness" was a bug, and I still hope it is. The mohawk is sick though!


I'm not liking the female utghars... they look like grey nordos :P

03-27-2010, 08:07 PM

I'm not liking the female utghars... they look like grey nordos :P

Asian nordo xD

03-27-2010, 08:25 PM

I'll post some images too :)


lol is that a hockey stick ? good shots:D

03-27-2010, 09:13 PM
1st: nordo "male" (?) conjurer (in drag! yay! what a delightful dress...)
2nd: utghar barbarian (raawwwrr!!!)

03-27-2010, 09:22 PM
I still think male alturian (at least) legs are a bit thin, they look like pins under the huge knight breastplates.

Will be able to choose our eye colour/skin tone/Tats etc on current chars when this hits the live servers? Since these options were unavilable before.

03-27-2010, 09:38 PM
I finally managed to log in Amun and get my chars !

I really love the new models in general but I think that now Male Alturian mages seem really super fat.

And I think that the new woman mage casting animations are really..... eehm...

I couldn't update other pics because my current connection really sucks and that I kept crashing everytime I was turning the camera.

03-27-2010, 09:51 PM
Holy jesus my knight is sexy!!!!



And proof that the new uber pauldrons really are impractical. :sifflote:


Perhaps it explains the evade rate...?

03-27-2010, 09:53 PM
I am sexy... and not amused (apparently)


03-27-2010, 09:57 PM
I am sexy... and not amused (apparently)


That's not the Torg I know ;(

I would post Piz, but I won't. He's bugged terribly ;/ the pauldrons are flying and they look terrible

03-27-2010, 10:00 PM
Don't worry Piz, like you said the comic doesn't have to go exactly with the game. You can keep the Torg you love ;P

The exterior might change, but I'm still me XD

03-27-2010, 10:37 PM
Don't worry Piz, like you said the comic doesn't have to go exactly with the game. You can keep the Torg you love ;P

The exterior might change, but I'm still me XD

awww \o/ that's so sweet

03-27-2010, 11:01 PM
Finally was able to log on Amun and see my characters. :D

Look Amazing NGD!

The only critique I have, (and this may just be personal preference) I think Barbarian weapons need to be scaled up a bit.

03-27-2010, 11:27 PM
Yeah I definatly agree, Barbarian weapons look too small at the moment.

Also male legs need beefing up abit. They look really thin and weedy currently. :P

03-27-2010, 11:35 PM
ok class you better pay attention cos the teacher is gona kill you O.O


but really she looks like a teacher that will stick her staff up your ass. O.O

03-27-2010, 11:44 PM
A question for NGD:

Are you planning to similarly update the weapons, shields or mobs anytime?

03-28-2010, 12:00 AM
1st: nordo "male" (?) conjurer (in drag! yay! what a delightful dress...)
2nd: utghar barbarian (raawwwrr!!!)

In the 1st image is a pj who is vanishing xDDD

03-28-2010, 12:14 AM
A few errors shown below in more screenshots. The inside of tunics seems to be completely transparent. This tends to kill the visual perception of the clothing a bit. The color of the beard on my mage changed at random times. And Gilbror's beard is totally fed up. He needs a shave.

An Utghar Knight running in Dueling Armor (painted) (http://jeremy.stoic-epicurean.com/screenshots/screenshot%202010-03-27%2017_00_59.jpg)
Utghar Knight in Dueling Armor (standard) (http://jeremy.stoic-epicurean.com/screenshots/screenshot%202010-03-27%2016_55_29.jpg)
Utghar Knight in Nimcha Armor (standard) (http://jeremy.stoic-epicurean.com/screenshots/screenshot%202010-03-27%2016_54_58.jpg)
Utghar Knight in Sudang Armor (standard) (http://jeremy.stoic-epicurean.com/screenshots/screenshot%202010-03-27%2016_45_34.jpg)
Nordo Mage Running in Dark Arch Mage Tunic (http://jeremy.stoic-epicurean.com/screenshots/screenshot%202010-03-27%2016_39_56.jpg)
Nordo Mage In Tailored? Tunic (not sure) (http://jeremy.stoic-epicurean.com/screenshots/screenshot%202010-03-27%2016_36_20.jpg)
Nordo Mage In Battle Tunic (I think) (http://jeremy.stoic-epicurean.com/screenshots/screenshot%202010-03-27%2016_36_07.jpg)
Nordo Mage In Dark Arch Mage tunic (note the transparency inside the sleeves) (http://jeremy.stoic-epicurean.com/screenshots/screenshot%202010-03-27%2016_35_43.jpg)
Nordo Mage In Dark Arch Mage Tunic (Can you tell I think this tunic rox now?) (http://jeremy.stoic-epicurean.com/screenshots/screenshot%202010-03-27%2016_35_26.jpg)
Nordo Mage another tunic (http://jeremy.stoic-epicurean.com/screenshots/screenshot%202010-03-27%2016_34_23.jpg)
Nordo Mage a viper tunic (http://jeremy.stoic-epicurean.com/screenshots/screenshot%202010-03-27%2016_33_11.jpg)
Nordo Mage a noob tunic (http://jeremy.stoic-epicurean.com/screenshots/screenshot%202010-03-27%2016_33_00.jpg)
My Nordo Mage's Goatee kept changing color each time I interacted with an NPC (http://jeremy.stoic-epicurean.com/screenshots/screenshot%202010-03-27%2016_30_03.jpg)
Gilbror's Beard is really messed up. He needs a barber. (http://jeremy.stoic-epicurean.com/screenshots/screenshot%202010-03-27%2016_29_51.jpg)
Nordo Mage in Darlud Tunic (http://jeremy.stoic-epicurean.com/screenshots/screenshot%202010-03-27%2016_27_15.jpg)
Knight In protector armor and Archer (in a skirt) (http://jeremy.stoic-epicurean.com/screenshots/screenshot%202010-03-27%2015_02_31.jpg)
Nordo knight in mostly guardian armor next to utghar barb (http://jeremy.stoic-epicurean.com/screenshots/screenshot%202010-03-27%2014_19_51.jpg)
Nordo knight in mostly guardian armor next to utghar barb (http://jeremy.stoic-epicurean.com/screenshots/screenshot%202010-03-27%2014_19_37.jpg)

03-28-2010, 12:35 AM

I finally was able to test my characters.

I'll focus more on the models rather than the armor textures n such i guess.

I lgged into my conj first thing, and i honestly hope the vesper tunic as is is just overlooked. it made me thing wtf honestly. so i killed a rock, and it gave me a shaman tunic, which i put on immedtiately. the stance out of battle i believe is too STIIF, legs too bent at the knee, and it makes my conjs ass look big lol.

Its not so bad in battle stance..but when i used all my attack speed gear and sm to kill mobs..the normal staff hit animation that quick was kinda silly to me, but overall i cant complain too much about the casting anims (lotsa cast gear i hardly see it anyways)

running my conj seemed a bit odd too. just from her posture.

I tried my knight and my hunter, and they have a more fluid stance out of battle (or maybe its me, but i compared pics and their legs do seem a little less bent, which i think looks more natural.

I realize this isnt final, so my only additons i could ask for would be a finalized version for the feemale conjurers stance (it is warrior unequipped while they used to have their own unique)

I am a bit disappointed that you cannot wear a hat/helm yet without losing your hair!

and my tunic is a mess, which im assuming is just a work in progress atm, because i cannot honestly believe that is what it will be finished (textures dont mesh/align, no detail etc etc compared to the shaman tunic i put on. and the shape is odd.

Smme scaling needs to be done on staffs (or if they just plan to replace with new models eventually), the new models are visibly taller as well, and ofc more polygons so thats understandable.



03-28-2010, 12:43 AM
Only tested out my knight so far, and with it i'm really happy ^^
I think the way NGD made the armor is awesome. However, there were some problems. First there is a black beard on my char, i don't have one lol. And when i casted ao1 the animation is stuck in my uber giant shoulderpads. Also when i zoom out alot, the character changes color lol, and when i play with character detail his arms go through his armor and are not covered properly.
Other than these small problems which ngd will surely fix i love the new designs^^

03-28-2010, 12:49 AM
Lol at the background of your pic (midgets now have learned to levitate so theyre not whacking our ankles anymore)

03-28-2010, 01:16 AM
Well i think my char looks worse..
Compared to this, oh and 1 pauldron? what? im not that cheap..
Sweet my first post on forums.

03-28-2010, 01:57 AM
I didn't take any screenshots (crashes when I try xD), but Dark Elf looks sweet. Real badassed. Buuuut, legs would not support. Also the girls, eh, need longer backs. Currently they are the shape of children with supermodel legs.

03-28-2010, 03:40 AM
Lol at the background of your pic (midgets now have learned to levitate so theyre not whacking our ankles anymore)

Hahaha, i just noticed that. I was lagging and crashing constantly so that is probably why that guy is flying lol

03-28-2010, 03:46 AM
exactly :) otherwise i think they look nice..just needs some tweaks (and thats what i hope this thread and their feedback is for, so they can adjust and such)

i think the legs mainly is the problem for the female mages so far, that and their stance..as my knight and hunter who are female too, look pretty good as far as I can tell, especially the faces, but my alturian seems prettier now than my elves XD (aside from the fact I never noticed how well endowed alturian women are compared to elves!, well from the side)

Another issue is the models don't seem to sit on horses properly yet (theres a gap, and they arent positioned correctly, someone else posted a picture though, not speficially of this issue, but its visible in the picture, and i see it myself when riding a horse)

I also get the same transparent sleeve problem with some tunics, but i dont notice any with my knight or hunter.




03-28-2010, 08:36 AM
A few more screenshots I took yesterday with maxed graphs.


I'm loving my conj, though textures seem a bit off at times. Don't see much of a dif on the hunter, but my knight...damn, it's just plain ugly, terrible... :ohill:

03-28-2010, 08:39 AM
El Desbalance with new graphics doing sailor moon pose :wub2:

Also i noticed the old combat system is back in some forms Oo

03-28-2010, 09:12 AM
Men: From Okay to very nice.
Females: HORRIBLE!!! Please change to more natural look!

(Edit: Btw., most grown up persons do not like sailormoon poses -.- and I think you get most of your money from grown up persons...)

03-28-2010, 09:12 AM
Also i noticed the old combat system is back in some forms OoI noticed this too, but discarded it as the small lag on Amun.

03-28-2010, 09:18 AM
I still like the tunics for mages as they are (long ones), but glad to see NGD came to their senses and seems to resign from hooker like skirts for female mages, thank you NGD.


03-28-2010, 09:19 AM
(Edit: Btw., most grown up persons do not like sailormoon poses -.- and I think you get most of your money from grown up persons...)
Hell yeah, female mages doing normal hits look just ridiculous xD

03-28-2010, 09:57 AM
So basically:

Ignis = Awesome, favourized, mages ftw.

Syrtis = phail, we look like we can't swallow something, archer pauldrons flying in the air

Alsius = Poor female uthgars :S

03-28-2010, 10:12 AM
Alsius = Poor female uthgars :S
I prefer the old Znurre too ^^

Well 2 things that haven't been posted :

Skull tunic, female version:

Kissing or smoking animation :confused:

03-28-2010, 10:49 AM
So basically:

Ignis = Awesome, favourized, mages ftw.

Syrtis = phail, we look like we can't swallow something, archer pauldrons flying in the air

Alsius = Poor female uthgars :S

wth is up with archers opening their mouths while shooting? It just doesn't look right...

No comments on the female goats :ohill:

03-28-2010, 12:28 PM
http://letku.eu/upload/ylwa.png - how can i hunt if i have heels? my pants are so ugly and i look better without them. my forest keeper bp looks bad.
http://letku.eu/upload/eyf.png - when i created this char i wanted to be small and slender. now i am giant. ty ngd.
http://letku.eu/upload/diotima.png - bald and fat ass. no ty.

good job ngd! old models are better

03-28-2010, 01:02 PM
I shouldn't have gone to Inkster's fast food (http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/forum/showpost.php?p=986051&postcount=3)...


03-28-2010, 01:13 PM
I think NGD did a good job with the female mage models, but female archers and warriors need to lose the high heels. Hunters are especially unbelievable in that impractical footwear...how can anyone in those heels zoom away at high speeds? It's going to be an immersion killer (that applies to any class with speed buffs, really) so replace them with some decent shoes please.

I'm also not happy with the anime-style leg proportions, but I think the heels are also playing a part in this. The current (old) models are cool for not following cartoon/anime conventions in their designs and I wish these new ones would have more of that "realistic" feel.

I appreciate the effort going into this art upgrade, regardless.

EDIT: After seeing female mage animations...both casting and normal attack animations need to go back to the drawing board. These look like movements that Tinkerbell or the tooth fairy would do, not movements of characters in a war game. :(

03-28-2010, 01:30 PM
I think NGD did a good job with the female mage models, but female archers and warriors need to lose the high heels. Hunters are especially unbelievable in that impractical footwear...how can anyone in those heels zoom away at high speeds? It's going to be an immersion killer (that applies to any class with speed buffs, really) so replace them with some decent shoes please.

I'm also not happy with the anime-style leg proportions, but I think the heels are also playing a part in this. The current (old) models are cool for not following cartoon/anime conventions in their designs and I wish these new ones would have more of that "realistic" feel.

I appreciate the effort going into this art upgrade, regardless.

I totally agree, female archer of Syrtis are not nice at all:
- heels ?? seriously ?
- big ass ?
- running animation = robot
- normal attack animation : why bow has to return to horizontal position on each arrow ?
- strafing animation : short bow crosses the head
- manga-style actions : cheer, kiss especially looks too childish to me

Overall, i still prefer my old model. Atm, nothing really positive over the old one.

Quality of animations are much more important that armour details imho.

Let's hope all this will be improved.

03-28-2010, 01:51 PM
Overall the new models are great.
I do not like the female Syrtis models at least. Especially the running animation needs some work.
Appart from this... good job so far ;)

The knocked down animation of warriors makes me laugh everytime.

03-28-2010, 01:59 PM
Pauldrons on archer armour are generaly to high, they are 'floating'

High heals in war ... just no.

Framerate for me is generaly fine but will drop drastically causing very jagged animation fro about 7 seconds every couple of mins.

Faith's hair no longer suits the shape of her head which is now much thinner than it was :'/

And female mage cast animations, they are a joke right?

Otherwise good job, most of it looks great.

03-28-2010, 02:25 PM
- big ass ?

... what a huge FAT ASS! It looks awful.
I made my hunter as small as it could be, I wanted her to be tiny :huh:

And the high heels, the opening of the mouth when shooting... it's just not right imo.

03-28-2010, 02:27 PM
I totally agree, female archer of Syrtis are not nice at all:
- heels ?? seriously ?
- big ass ?

I disagree, as a female player myself, I prefer having my chars wearing high heels. I am not from syrtis but it would be appealing to my eyes seeing my enemy wear heels HEHE....its cool really.

03-28-2010, 02:33 PM
why are the male archer's hips so huge O.o

03-28-2010, 02:38 PM
Well, my marks leggins are bugged, and those red eyes, ewwww.

And my knight, well, hes really a knight now. But I have the feeling that if i fall over i squash the enemies instead of killing them with my spear, because I look like im carrying 1 ton armour with me.

03-28-2010, 02:49 PM
Most leggins are too short to the top, or the bps arent long enough, you see underwear at the top part of leggins on all archer legs i tested.

03-28-2010, 03:58 PM
this game has too meny problems if this keeps up insted of makeing people angery they will just walk away in fear..

03-28-2010, 05:29 PM
I disagree, as a female player myself, I prefer having my chars wearing high heels. I am not from syrtis but it would be appealing to my eyes seeing my enemy wear heels HEHE....its cool really.

It just doesn't make sense for a hunter. How can you run all around the Regnum world with such shoes ?

03-28-2010, 06:15 PM
Why was this moved to the complaint book?

03-28-2010, 06:18 PM
Why was this moved to the complaint book?

I guess because most of the posts are on the lines of

'XY and Z are wrong please change it"

03-28-2010, 06:23 PM
This was in fact supposed to be a positive thread, shame so many people bitched that it got moved to here

03-28-2010, 06:49 PM
I really Love the Female characters in Ignis. Please don't change how they look.

I still can't get on amun but I have seen my characters in the Character load screen and think they look awesome. One thing I did notice was the tattoos were gone on all my moloks :/ I hope this is fixed.

Thank you NGD for all your awesome work. :clapclap:

03-28-2010, 06:50 PM
Why was this moved to the complaint book?

Because "Complaint book" = /dev/null ?

03-28-2010, 06:59 PM
why the hell has this been moved to the complaint book ??????????????

This was supposed to be congratulating NGD for the good work they have done with the new char's and as usual people jump in to a post and put their complaints were there not supposed to be!! Great thanks Good work guys !!

03-28-2010, 07:05 PM
One thing I did notice was the tattoos were gone on all my moloks :/

"Tattoos" is now an option in char creation for some classes, I guess NGD will allow you to pick some for your char when these go to the live servers, same for Ugthar females.

Same for eye colour/skin tone I hope :) The eyes on my chars right now are freakishly lime-green :s

03-28-2010, 07:37 PM
Move this back too General! it wasnt supose too be a Flame Thread it was supose thank NGD for there work.

03-28-2010, 08:14 PM
Woot it got moved back! thank you Mr Dev - Dky :P

03-28-2010, 08:18 PM
YAY!!! Thank You for moving it back. :clapclap:

03-28-2010, 11:12 PM
Put me in the group of people not complaining. My characters look fine. I can understand how some people may now be dissatisfied with the look of their chars. To them in say, let's ask ngd for a one-time appearance change scroll to let people re-customize their faces/eyes/hair.

03-29-2010, 12:19 AM
Count me in as liking my new look, too. My tunic has a nice high neckline, I do show a bit of knee, but if that's gonna set off the 14yo's, they're welcome to it :rolleyes2:

And dang! when I challenge, I'm fierce!

Yeah, the high heels probably explain why I'm always at the back of the group, and my ballerina attack looks a bit silly, but all in all, it looks pretty great!

Alsius specific stuff:

The male dwarfs and utghars look awesome!

Female utghars, at least, should get a scroll or whatever to let them get their tattoos back, I wouldn't mind if everyone got one so they could tweak their appearance.

03-29-2010, 12:57 AM
It just doesn't make sense for a hunter. How can you run all around the Regnum world with such shoes ?

It's a video game, it's fake. Lol we fight dwarfs, goats, elfs and summon magic dragons and we can shoot lightning bolts, and fireballs.... why do people think that having high heels is the unrealistic part of RO xD

I love the new character models, though i've only seen the screenshots of most high lv people and tried out my knight and a bunch of low lv characters. Keep up the awesome job NGD.

03-29-2010, 07:20 AM
Thank you for moving my thread back mwaaaaah :)

03-29-2010, 07:36 AM
I like the new models - haven't had time to play on it yet, but they're a great improvement. Not to mention most of females look fine to me (not so slutty at all). Female Uthgars might need some tattoos, but apart from that, I think it's all gravy.
I'm proud to have an Uthgar character now, even if they are male. :D

03-29-2010, 10:17 AM
It's a video game, it's fake. Lol we fight dwarfs, goats, elfs and summon magic dragons and we can shoot lightning bolts, and fireballs.... why do people think that having high heels is the unrealistic part of RO xD

Eh, I think that accepting fantastic elements (dragons, magic, etc.) can't be compared to asking for reasonable appearances.

Wouldn't you complain too if your knight's armor looked un-knightly, like made with flowing cloth or cut like a bikini? (TY NGD for not giving knights and barbs chainmail bikinis.)

High heels just look wrong on fast classes to me. Mages can keep them. :)

03-29-2010, 10:31 AM
If anyone has any issues with the new character models please DONT post here, this is after all a positive thread and you will be going offtopic

Instead post here (http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/forum/showthread.php?t=58512)


03-29-2010, 04:10 PM
Eh, I think that accepting fantastic elements (dragons, magic, etc.) can't be compared to asking for reasonable appearances.

Wouldn't you complain too if your knight's armor looked un-knightly, like made with flowing cloth or cut like a bikini? (TY NGD for not giving knights and barbs chainmail bikinis.)

High heels just look wrong on fast classes to me. Mages can keep them. :)

You have a point there, it is a shame if alot of people wouldn't like their new look, for me though i see nothing wrong with having it like this in a game. Just my opinion though. And i think there is a big difference between a male knight wearing a bikini xD then a normal archer having high boots. When i compare every class to how it was before, i prefer all the new character models to the old ones.

03-29-2010, 04:21 PM
I also prefer the new char models ^^ especially the initiation clothes; now I will have no shame in removing my armour/robe! \o/ (that sounded weird xD)

03-29-2010, 04:50 PM
I really like most of them! And the expressions and faces and male uthgars, sure! But there are issues I'm surprised with on this stage

03-29-2010, 09:39 PM
after playing some time with the new models I just have to say they are awesome!
only if they could improve the gameplay with the same quality.

03-29-2010, 10:43 PM
I'm happy with my character model

03-30-2010, 12:47 AM
O... M... G....

i look sexy



03-30-2010, 12:58 AM
O... M... G....

i look sexy



id tap that!

03-30-2010, 02:48 AM
This was supposed to be congratulating NGD for the good work they have done with the new char's and as usual people jump in to a post and put their complaints were there not supposed to be!! Great thanks Good work guys !!
If anyone has any issues with the new character models please DONT post here, this is after all a positive thread and you will be going offtopic

Instead post here (http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/forum/showthread.php?t=58512)

Lovely and I agree, I'm sick of people complaining, NDG did wonderful, and actually released them without making us wait a year or two.
I do hope they give us a scroll or something, when they make the new graphics mandatory, with all the new toys we can play with, like skin tone and so on. But again, Its beautiful :] and I feel like raging when all I see are complaints.
Thanks for the new models NDG they're great :D
and remember:

03-30-2010, 04:53 PM
It's a video game, it's fake. Lol we fight dwarfs, goats, elfs and summon magic dragons and we can shoot lightning bolts, and fireballs.... why do people think that having high heels is the unrealistic part of RO xD

I love the new character models, though i've only seen the screenshots of most high lv people and tried out my knight and a bunch of low lv characters. Keep up the awesome job NGD.

Heroic fantasy world implies some distance from reality for sure, but your character belongs to a class, and we still need to stick to a partial realism, especially when things become ridiculous. I don't like asian rpgs for this reason, toon-like design, manga-style characters (with eyes bigger than mouth), one strength of RO is just that, it doesn't look like a cartoon.

I don't care big swords, i don't care fireballs, but female mage animation, high heels for hunters, are just ridiculous and aren't consistent with the "role" you play.

03-31-2010, 02:52 PM

If I see the knights you see the leggs that are very very thin and than that big breastplate and other things for me (nothing against gays) it looks a little bit gay! I am sorry but I don't like the leggs of the warriors AT ALL!

03-31-2010, 03:03 PM

If I see the knights you see the leggs that are very very thin and than that big breastplate and other things for me (nothing against gays) it looks a little bit gay! I am sorry but I don't like the leggs of the warriors AT ALL!

Wrong thread dude try the one in the complaint section this is a POSITIVE thread

03-31-2010, 03:56 PM
I like that we are seeing Quivers, (at last ^^) Is the current one just a base model for other ones to be built around? Because to be honest it looks a bit plain on a high level archer, would be nice to see it change with arrow types.

03-31-2010, 03:59 PM
The way Utghars look now makes me wonder if I made the right choice joining Syrtis. :p

03-31-2010, 04:02 PM
The way Utghars look now makes me wonder if I made the right choice joining Syrtis. :p

/me puts on his dark hood and robe

yes....join the dark...er I mean the alsius side......we have beer.....

but really the goats looks so cool, and I really like them :D dwarves look AWESOME as well

03-31-2010, 04:10 PM
The way Utghars look now makes me wonder if I made the right choice joining Syrtis. :p

mmm but you play in syrtis so you should know you didnt already xD

03-31-2010, 07:38 PM
would be nice to see it change with arrow types.

that's the idea in the future

03-31-2010, 07:48 PM
that's the idea in the future

Thats what I was hoping :)

03-31-2010, 08:17 PM
with the new models would this make Capes a Possible future addition :P

03-31-2010, 08:18 PM
I think the quivers look great!

Only one thing I'd add though, is that at the moment (last I saw them was yesterday, so sorry if they've changed already) they're abit too light coloured, it'd be nice if they were a little darker.

Great work!

03-31-2010, 08:24 PM
Uthgar males = awesome, so vivid!
Quivers = awesome, it's like first pages of my comic came true ;D

Can't wait for all models (mobs and buildings) to obtain same experience level, so they'd have same style :D

04-01-2010, 01:26 AM
Wrong thread dude try the one in the complaint section this is a POSITIVE thread
What's not positive about knights looking gay? ;P (Aside: All the authentic gay people I know look just like everyone else, or in some cases better dressed - although I know a few gay slobs, too. Am I failing to notice something?)

04-01-2010, 12:39 PM
My internet does strange and I am not able to play Regnum for a while. Could someone please post me some pics of a Utghar that is near a human?

Gays are famous on there way of move and how they dress... That's just a fact not all the gays are like that but the most are. And I have nothing against gays but it's just how they dress etc. That's why the leggs are gay.

04-01-2010, 03:47 PM
Ok here is my first feedback for the follwoing models:

Nordo male mage: good job, really like it maybe the chest and shuolders are a bit too buff but yeah it is a fighting game after all.

Nordo female mage: I like it too, even the animations with the oddly lifted left leg. I can easily live with high heels for a mage. And the overall look is much less odd than for e.g. the dwarf females - see below. Th echallenging scream looks like the mouth turns into a frog's mouth.

Uthgar male barb: Well male Uthgars simply rock. Very very well done. The facial expressions are just great and it is sad that they will mostly not be seen :).

Dwarf female knight: Most of it looks good but please no high heels for a knight. Also the leggings and the skirts leave quite a bit of skin space in between - this just doesn't look good. Also their lower legs are way too thin compared to their butt. I like how their butt looks like after all dwarves should be a bit stout, so maybe make the skirts a bit longer and make the calves a bit more stout.

Dwarf female archer: All of what applies to the female knight applies here too. Quivers looks awesome.

04-04-2010, 01:02 AM
Most of my posts about the new models will be in the bug report thread xP But I really think they are a step in the right direction. They look far more fitting for an MMORPG ^^

04-06-2010, 01:52 PM
Do I lose my paints when the new models are there? :huh:

04-06-2010, 02:43 PM
other than the fact that moloks look like they are on steriods and knights (and some barbs) look a bit like linebackers, i think that the models are very very well done and its nice to see something that good looking come out of a Free to Play game.

i think that the new models could be implemented very soon as long as the segfaults under linux are fixed (and a few other minor things too)

04-08-2010, 02:53 PM
Well heres how my guys and gals look on the live servers now:

Faith (Still think armour on legs is to short)
Kailas (Think pauldrons on this plate are to big, hes a marks not a knight)
Umaril (Other tunic is the same type but painted blue, now shows as violet, I guess the red and the blue are mixing somehow?)
And Short Stuff

04-08-2010, 06:12 PM
great job to NGD, thumbs up to new chars, very very very cool...

you are great dudes

continue this path :D