04-03-2010, 03:24 PM
I was thinking today. The invasion system could be made a little more fun if the conflict were extended. As it stands, as soon as you get all the gems, you can open the portal. Why not instead create a countdown allowing enemy realms to attack counter-invade to retrieve their gems? It doesn't have to be long, perhaps only an hour or so.
The big disadvantage of this is that invasion forces would have to stick around after finishing their work to reap the rewards. I see this as potentially a big negative myself and I've never opened the portal.
The big advantage is it gives enemy realms a chance to put real pressure on the victorious realm to protect all 6 gems. As it stands, the portal gets opened and the gems get reset instantly, leaving the victors no real obligation to defend their own realm after owning the other two.
The big disadvantage of this is that invasion forces would have to stick around after finishing their work to reap the rewards. I see this as potentially a big negative myself and I've never opened the portal.
The big advantage is it gives enemy realms a chance to put real pressure on the victorious realm to protect all 6 gems. As it stands, the portal gets opened and the gems get reset instantly, leaving the victors no real obligation to defend their own realm after owning the other two.