View Full Version : Recent Review; A Cold Shot of (Needed) Water
04-23-2010, 09:08 PM
I am somewhat in shock with the fact that the thread (with the link to the review) was closed. In reality, what was said in it was fairly accurate, and didn't contain anything that the players here haven't said before.
We now have a review that matches most, if not all, of the players complaints, and it just gets swept under a rug. Am I really the only one who has a problem with this?
The players get ignored. The reviewer gets silenced (5).
04-23-2010, 09:24 PM
What's the phrase..?
04-23-2010, 09:37 PM
Wow, that is a shock...
I thought it was a pretty refreshing and honest review too - there was no ranting, no intended insults and no one completely and utterly disagreed with it, except NGD themselves, a reaction that speaks some volumes. :/
P.S. NGD, if you're going to close a thread which gives a less than average review of your game, do not stick it in the Complaint Book. There is a line between insults and harsh critique. A thin line, but please recognise it and tranfer the thread back to General Discussion...where it belongs.
04-23-2010, 09:49 PM
As soon as something goes against NGD, they just get rid of it. Whenever someone gives some criticism it is responded to often harshly, sometimes banning, sometimes dismissing the post as idiotic and brash. I think NGD needs to shape up, their customer team is quite poor, their balance team is drifting way out of line, hunters, warlocks, and warjurers have become amazing, and everything has been F****** up (thats for another thread though :P).
But ya NGD needs to shape up.
04-23-2010, 09:54 PM
I have to say that this treatment from the staff at NGD is insulting. It's insulting to the writers, insulting to the players of this game, and I take it as a direct insult that they would be so quick to close a topic about their review but so slow to respond to any public relations inquiries.
04-23-2010, 09:55 PM
I don't consider that review to be a proper review.
You don't learn a game in 45 minutes with a lvl 3 character running around the warzone on a Horse
The only pro's related to RO was of the Models.. and Animations.. are you serious? lol
the combat system might not be what it use to be. But it's still the main reason i stick around in RO.
It's Basic but it's Good
instead of every WoW clone out there with jumping and dramatic attack motions
Rare RvR/PvP
im sure lvl 3 RvR/PvP battles are quite rare.. theres always something going on any server people just need to seek it out.
i don't also consider Mmo Sanctuary to be much of a Gaming Site..
There Game Reviews are all of Mainstream Games.. WoW LotR's Age of Conan Call of Duty -
NGD does need to wake up and start listening to some of the demands and needs
04-23-2010, 10:02 PM
The only experience we spent in the game was NOT with that particular level 3 character. We had two separate writers testing the mechanics of the game. That one experience was only a single instance of what we encountered. Information was also used that was gained from speaking to a number of players in the game. This wasn't just a haphazard review by any means.
04-23-2010, 10:11 PM
I have to say that this treatment from the staff at NGD is insulting. It's insulting to the writers, insulting to the players of this game, and I take it as a direct insult that they would be so quick to close a topic about their review but so slow to respond to any public relations inquiries.
Honestly man, they prioritized your mickey-mouse website.
NGD: 2 guys (sorry "writers") and a cheap hosting account? Yeah, we'll be right on that (*snicker*, goes back to running a real company).
04-23-2010, 10:24 PM
We have a staff of 7 people, thank you very much. Did I mention we get roughly 1,000 visits a week currently, and that's on the rise? Our site is dedicated to the free speech and ideas of online gamers, and an action like this is insulting. Our staff is mostly composed of veteran writers, some former game industry employees, and other journalists. Please don't make judgements on things you don't know anything about for the sole means of trying to dispairage our work.
Just because something is fairly new doesn't mean it's unimportant. If we're worth the time of larger companies like Sony Online Entertainment and Cryptic Studios with our publishings, then NGD Studios has no reason to treat our site disrespectfully.
Thank you.
04-23-2010, 11:13 PM
In my humble opinion, the best thing about Regnum Online that differentiates it from other mmorpg is the "Realm versus realm" and the "realm invasions". And unless you have heavily trained your character, you will not understand what's up in war zone. And if you don't understand what's going on there, then writing an uninformed review is pointless.
About quests: You always get them from a NPC, you always have to click the accept button, and they never magically gets added to your journal. As you end each of the quest subtasks, you get a clear message in the center of the screen (and in the log). Check your facts. Please.
And all that bitter and biching asking for attention from staff was kind of funny. I hope you get a full time developer from Blizzard, Frogster, Turbine or NC Soft to help you make your 11th review next time. Good luck with that.
It is not terribly difficult to join a gaming community avoiding to be harsh and rude. Mr. Fox article and post looks like a childish personal revenge. This game has lots of things to be criticized for and lots of things to be appraised for. There is a lot of things that could be improved. The article failed to identify any of them
04-23-2010, 11:31 PM
Without Prejudice,
I just have visited your site and I think that you have a lot of work to do there BEFORE you review other companies. Creating a proper site rather than using a generic blog template is a good way to start. I passed on your review to my nephew who works for Ubisoft Entertainment. His response you would not appreciate I assure you, all I shall say is this. . . very Uninformed review.
My opinion at the moment is thus, your blowing the whole situation up in hope of receiving more visitors to your site
04-24-2010, 12:10 AM
Please don't make judgements on things you don't know anything about for the sole means of trying to dispairage our work.
Didn't you just do that with a review of RO using a level 3 character? What an insulting treatment of an RvR game, if you ask me. :)
To be fair, your review is accurate for things a level 3 can see. You wrote a quite useful "first impressions" piece, and perhaps if it's presented in that light then the reaction would not be so severe. However, it is far from being a thorough and accurate review of the game.
Judging Regnum after an hour of messing around with a level 3 is just plain silly. Get your hands on a war-ready character, hook up with a good clan, join them on small hunts, bridge fights, fort fights, etc. and THEN you'll have some basis to review this game properly.
P.S. Reading your review, I was amused by the section on invasions where it's partly based on "what other players had conveyed." I could be wrong, but isn't a review supposed to opinions from your experience instead of repeating some hearsay?
04-24-2010, 01:19 AM
I could quote all your "review" and reply and whit arguments, but I will limitate my angry and only says this : You can´t do a review of this kind of game If you only have played half hour.
And other thing yes in argentina we use to play game´s too ;)
Edit:And if its too hard to you press CTRL, you have the accion in a side and for you notice you could put them into the skills bar, or just do doble clic to the mobs.
04-24-2010, 01:59 PM
There's a fundamental problem with this whole situation: you (the reviewers) are NOOBS. I mean that in several ways. Your site is new, half baked and with very little content. To be honest, after having read that review, I'm surprised the whole thing isn't written in crayon. Also, you are new to the game. An hour spent running around on a horse and taking notes from other players who may or may not know what they're talking about in the first place does not give you the right to review a game like Regnum Online. I completely agreed with kailer's move of closing your thread, and I'm going to go a step further and add your site to my blocked list.
Kind regards,
04-24-2010, 03:09 PM
I've reread the review just before posting this to keep it fresh in my mind. While some people are having a nice complaint about the review quality, and also seem to be using it as far as I can see as an excuse to overlook the games problems that are reflected in the review.
So I thought I'll sum up which parts of the review I agree with and don't. For referance I have been playing for awhile with my wife Mikan who is a lot more knowledgable with the game but I feel I've picked up quite a bit, having a level 43 character should show it.
Graphics 6/10: On performance I agree on looks I don't I think Regnum's graphics would be at least an 8. Actually on performance I'd give it a 3 with the recent problems people are having ._.
Sound 4/10: This is the one I probably disagree with the most, I love some of the ambient sound in Regnum. I remember first logging in and sitting and thinking how nice the music sounded and added to the atmosphere. I'd have given sound a 7, but no higher on account of the beaches still missing music! And I agree the combat music is annoying xD But you can turn it off so little to complain about imo ;p
Gameplay 3/10: While I might want to give Regnum a little higher than a 3 I have to agree. The gameplay is bad Mikan showed me some videos from earlier on before movement nerfs for archers etc... It looked about 1000x more fun... This needs major improvement.
Customer Servive/Support: 1/10: Okay I can't comment on this one since I haven't needed support yet.
Realm vs. Realm / Invasions: 4/10: Okay so um yeah I've I kinda am a bit meh on Invasions, they don't happen too often true, but they come close to happening I don't see how this is NDGs fault. Realm vs Realm has same issues for me as Gameplay.
Conclusion: Guess I agree with most of this can't comment on the support topic once again.
ALSO... This review misses even more problems I feel such as Clan System and Preformance of the client, Banking issues etc... But we all know these they're posted all over the forum so I won't go over them all..
Summing up once again, the review makes some good points even if some believe it's quality to be low...
04-24-2010, 04:11 PM
Without Prejudice,
I just have visited your site and I think that you have a lot of work to do there BEFORE you review other companies. Creating a proper site rather than using a generic blog template is a good way to start. I passed on your review to my nephew who works for Ubisoft Entertainment. His response you would not appreciate I assure you, all I shall say is this. . . very Uninformed review.
My opinion at the moment is thus, your blowing the whole situation up in hope of receiving more visitors to your site
The site does need some improvement:
18 Votes came from 1 laggy user...
04-24-2010, 04:17 PM
Well looking at it from a hobby angle without attacking the people or the website, maybe we can see that what is being seen by them is what keeps some people from staying long enough to figure out what the game is really about. Aside from the obvious inaccuracies.
This is a noob review, written by noobs for noobs who sample other games as well. If NGD cut out the inaccuracies they would probably see what has been ending up on the forum all these years. The rest is ignorant fluff.
04-24-2010, 05:27 PM
I hate to do this but the review is kinda non-proffesional, you have the point of view of a lvl 3 char, who clearly didn't saw any war, and he's just judging the game just because what he saw was just a little bit or the server was kinda sleepy...
I really support NGD about 3 years, 4 lvl 50 chars and i have the experience of war, so a person who is using a lvl 3 char is trying to making me see that Regnum sucks at all and they don't have any wars even that i know is not like that? -.- No way.
You really had to do the review on a "good" point of view... i'm trying to say: Use a lvl 50 char, go to a war... any war... and then you can talk.
04-24-2010, 06:24 PM
What's the phrase..?
That doesnt work with mods =P
But yes, that is the right phrase
04-24-2010, 07:26 PM
Did I mention we get roughly 1,000 visits a week currently, and that's on the rise?
1000/7 = 143(rounded up) per day. if these are multiple Users visiting multiple times a day like they do this site, thats not alot at all. You seem to be a Small company acting like a big hitter this isnt working.
Your review was flawed on an epic level mainly because you didn't play for long enough to get the full scope of RO.
04-24-2010, 07:44 PM
Ooh boy am I going to get red karma for this. And I was so close to that third box too. :smile:
Alot of people here are acting like childs.
You keep going on and on about how these folks weren't in the right to review the game. Their website wasn't good enough, they weren't professional enough, they didn't use a high enough level character, etc.
I'd like to tell you something: This was NGD some years ago.
This company is exactly like the NGD that we all knew and loved when the game was first going gold.
So I ask to show them a bit more respect, they did make an honest effort and you know what, if they felt that the game was so bad, maybe it was because they logged in, and look at all the crap that players constantly spew around, and realized hey, these people are unhappy. That would tend to make me unhappy and write a bad review too, without even taking time to look at the actual content.
Hate spreads hate. If you need to look at why this is such a bad review, first look at yourselves.
Even NGD has shown that you can't always be professional with emotions in the air. Kailer's action shows that much.
Kind regards.
04-25-2010, 01:09 AM
I'd like to tell you something: This was NGD some years ago.
This company is exactly like the NGD that we all knew and loved when the game was first going gold.
No, they're not. NGD has been more humble about their game developer status. NGD never started out (ineptly) criticizing other people's work. NGD are creators, and these people are critics putting on airs of being some big-shot review site when they still have a long way to go.
Personally, if they presented themselves as you describe--a small group trying to grow a new reviews site--then I would be more forgiving about the rough quality of the work. However, they are posturing as some important "media site", so in turn I expect for them to back up this image with quality in their website and their reviews.
I won't claim to know the motives of others (and by the way, neither should you).
04-25-2010, 04:59 AM
Personally, if they presented themselves as you describe--a small group trying to grow a new reviews site--then I would be more forgiving about the rough quality of the work.
Translation: The reviewers should let off Regnum on the basis that it's "rough quality of the work", that's not exactly painting the game in a positive light either... Why a review site should be more forgiving and not compare a game they're reviewing to other games..? Why should they have to compromise their quality? I think if I was doing a review for my oh so little unimportant review site I'd still want to give the fairest review I could, comparing the game I'm reviewing to others I have reviewed.
I really can't blame the reviewers for this review the starting part of play Regnum is not fun. Again the starting part of Regnum is not fun! When the game started becoming fun for me was when I got into the War Zone. You need to be a decent level for this and I wouldn't expect a reviewer to spend that amount of time reviewing a game.
I hear things about them having a level 50 character but it's mixed things, I hear it was only avaiable to them on the test server, which is pretty not useful to test a game. If this is true I don't know why anyone is getting upset that they used a level 3 character to look at the War Zone it's not like the Waz Zone exists in some sort of playable form on the test server.
Guess I'll stop the ranting now.
04-25-2010, 06:56 AM
Translation: The reviewers should let off Regnum on the basis that it's "rough quality of the work", that's not exactly painting the game in a positive light either... Why a review site should be more forgiving and not compare a game they're reviewing to other games..? Why should they have to compromise their quality? I think if I was doing a review for my oh so little unimportant review site I'd still want to give the fairest review I could, comparing the game I'm reviewing to others I have reviewed.
I see that I wasn't clear with my words so let me clarify:
Personally, if the reviewers presented themselves as you describe--a small group trying to grow a new site--then I would be more forgiving to the reviewers about the rough quality of their review and the unpolished nature of their site.
Reviews should be fair and I hope this makes it clear that I wasn't asking them to give Regnum a break. However, Mikan did ask us to give them a break because they're a small site, and the whole point of my post is to explain why I, personally, don't feel like giving them a break like that.
Again: Instead of being real about the nature of their site, these people put on airs to throw hissy fits about being "poorly treated" as a "media site". Since they want to be treated like some big corporate or well-known name, fine, I will look at their work ruthlessly with the same quality expectations that I have for the more established sites.
I don't wish them ill, but with such attitude I can't take them seriously because they fall so short of the quality mark.
If that still doesn't make sense then I apologize in advance for not expressing myself well enough. Also, maybe this is off topic so I'll take it to PMs or the Inn if you still want to discuss.
04-25-2010, 07:35 AM
Why should they have to compromise their quality?
This is what they already did by publishing a review that only describes Regnum's main feature (RvR) through hearsay, and where the description of other features (quests, classes) holds factual errors.
So basically, though it holds grains of truth the review doesn't even begin to give an insight into what Regnum is all about. Would you spend hours and hours in the game world they're describing? I wouldn't. But I do in Regnum.
They could repair some of the damage by redoing their review, doing it right this time.
04-25-2010, 09:01 AM
This is what they already did by publishing a review that only describes Regnum's main feature (RvR) through hearsay, and where the description of other features (quests, classes) holds factual errors.
So basically, though it holds grains of truth the review doesn't even begin to give an insight into what Regnum is all about. Would you spend hours and hours in the game world they're describing? I wouldn't. But I do in Regnum.
They could repair some of the damage by redoing their review, doing it right this time.
Not only is this just your opinion, but you waste your first post to rant at another user.
Back on-topic:
About the level 50 character, it was given on RA, not Horus, and the reviewer probably just assumed that NGD lied about giving them one without knowing how the mechanics of logging in to diferent servers work (logging into Horus creates a new realm/character). It sounds more like an honest mistake to me, especially since NGD is never, EVER clear about the details of mechanics of the game.
A new player basically just has to assume everything, or they can go by the in-game text which is often horribly outdated and wrong. Skilled players may know what their doing, but I assure you noobs most certainly do not.
Even if he had used the level 50 character, he would've ran into this problem. And it's not his problem to begin with, it is caused by the game being overwhelmingly undocumented besides a hint here and there. If someone had pointed him to Regnum Wiki ( first, the review probably would've been alot more bright. But I stress, very strongly, that this is information created by fans and has not been provided for or confirmed by NGD in any way! So it cannot be considered part of "the game experience".
You just can't blame the guy for doing this the way he did without being a hippocrit. While we can overlook NGD's daily mistakes such as putting wrong information in the in-game interface, not making it clear what subclasses do (look around the forum at how many 'what is the point of my class in war' threads there are), and many other, as you say, "heresays", a new player, and especially a reviewer, WILL NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. And it's time for both NGD and us to face that, just as the thread title suggests.
But this is just *my* opinion, so take it for what you will. But I think I've been playing the game long enough to know.
Kind regards.
04-25-2010, 09:54 AM
And it's not his problem to begin with, it is caused by the game being overwhelmingly undocumented besides a hint here and there. If someone had pointed him to Regnum Wiki ( first, the review probably would've been alot more bright. But I stress, very strongly, that this is information created by fans and has not been provided for or confirmed by NGD in any way! So it cannot be considered part of "the game experience".
This is pretty much untrue. Most of the game is explained through quests as you level up. Like almost every other MMO out there, NGD has written quests that explain the basic mechanics, events, places etc. of Regnum as you play. Some other games, especially the larger ones (eg: Runescape) provide printed instructions; but what NGD does is by no means uncommon.
Some information is hidden (especially derived stats), but this is a design choice, not a bug. Some of this information has been added to the wiki through ingame research.
The basic problem with the review though was that is was just unprofessional. Can you imagine a reviewer at a reputable website like not being able to figure out his level 50 character might be on another server than the one he's playing? It beggars belief...
04-25-2010, 12:13 PM
@ Everyone
This guy's a hack and we're feeding him.
This isn't about censorship at all. The review was wrongly censored by Kailer and Chilko fixed that. (Even though one could hardly call locking that thread censorship, the link still worked).
What the whole hullabaloo is about is a crap review written by 3 guys with a GoDaddy account and a Gateway© computer.
Bottom line why the review sucked; they didn't play the game, they sat around with the Dark Legion...
Also, talking to other players doesn't equate to doing your own research and testing of the game.
04-25-2010, 01:48 PM
I have to say that this treatment from the staff at NGD is insulting. It's insulting to the writers, insulting to the players of this game, and I take it as a direct insult that they would be so quick to close a topic about their review but so slow to respond to any public relations inquiries.
What I find most insulting in all of this is that you'd make a review on an RvR game based on half an hour of gameplay with a lvl 3 character. Your review of Regnum Online was very poor, shows lack of professionalism and it was completely biased.
Sure RO has lots of things that need to be worked on, and I have to agree the costumer support is not the best, but the way you imply you were treated does not give you the right to do such a review based on hear say and lies. You were given a lvl 50 char on RA, which is the most populated server in this game, why didn't you use it? How do you expect to have a say in the RvR aspect of this game if you played in wz with a lvl 3 character?
"I also have my doubts on the quality of these battles based on the lack of variety in character abilities. Basically, all characters of the same class are the same."
This is outrageous to say the least. You were not present in any battle, but somehow you think you can give such an opinion? Based on your oh so great experience in the wz...?
If you're doing a review on an RvR game, I would have expected you would at least have the decency to play the game.
04-25-2010, 02:05 PM
If you're doing a review on an RvR game, I would have expected you would at least have the decency to play the game.
This. To do so is like reviewing a Racer without ever driving anything in game ...
04-25-2010, 02:31 PM
When I originally posted this, the link had been removed.
Granted, the reviewers probably should have spent more time in the game, but that fact doesn't invalidate their opinions; RvR is somewhat hard to find at times; it takes a long time to get to the good stuff in the game; it's only 'free to play' in theory; customer support is lacking.
These are all things that we, as players, have pointed out before, but now people are getting huffed because someone else had the audacity to point out the same flaws?
I don't see the review as being 'biased', because in order for bias to exist, they must have been comparing it to some other better (at least to them) game. Even if they were comparing RO to WoW or something (as hard as I tried, I found no instance of this), it should be a good thing that RO is being compared to other games that have thousands of people playing it, and would serve as a good indication of where the game is, and where it needs to be, and could be, with very little changes.
My point is this; it makes no sense to get upset because someone sees a turd on the ground, everyone says it's a turd, and then, that hypothetical someone calls it a turd. You don't need to go smell other things in order to verify a turds eligibility to be a turd.
04-25-2010, 04:35 PM
When I originally posted this, the link had been removed.
Granted, the reviewers probably should have spent more time in the game, but that fact doesn't invalidate their opinions; RvR is somewhat hard to find at times; it takes a long time to get to the good stuff in the game; it's only 'free to play' in theory; customer support is lacking.
These are all things that we, as players, have pointed out before, but now people are getting huffed because someone else had the audacity to point out the same flaws?
I don't see the review as being 'biased', because in order for bias to exist, they must have been comparing it to some other better (at least to them) game. Even if they were comparing RO to WoW or something (as hard as I tried, I found no instance of this), it should be a good thing that RO is being compared to other games that have thousands of people playing it, and would serve as a good indication of where the game is, and where it needs to be, and could be, with very little changes.
My point is this; it makes no sense to get upset because someone sees a turd on the ground, everyone says it's a turd, and then, that hypothetical someone calls it a turd. You don't need to go smell other things in order to verify a turds eligibility to be a turd.
True we've been complaining about the same stuff for a long time, but we know what we're talking about, we've been playing for years. For someone to make a review like that only because he did not like the way he was treated is ridiculous, and yes, biased:
He should at least know what he's talking about before making such comments, he should have played the game instead of making assumptions based on a lvl 3 character and absolutely no wz experience. This game is flawed in so many ways, but it is still unique in it's RvR concept, and that should have been taken into consideration in that review.
04-25-2010, 04:37 PM
NGD's Complaint System
But seriously, the review was pedantic and unfounded. It's like Car and Driver magazine reviewing a new car only after seeing it in the showroom but not even revving up the engine or taking it for a spin.
04-25-2010, 07:26 PM
True we've been complaining about the same stuff for a long time, but we know what we're talking about, we've been playing for years. For someone to make a review like that only because he did not like the way he was treated is ridiculous, and yes, biased:
He should at least know what he's talking about before making such comments, he should have played the game instead of making assumptions based on a lvl 3 character and absolutely no wz experience. This game is flawed in so many ways, but it is still unique in it's RvR concept, and that should have been taken into consideration in that review.
What do you expect? That he write a review after getting his character to 50? He wont be writing many reviews in his lifetime then.
So what is the alternative? He reviews as much as possible from a lvl 3 character, and asks people around for their opinion. Both of which he did.
He could have provided a better review if NGD provides a lvl 50 character for people who want to review their game. Some one said that these people, being a startup, weren't humble enough to merit sympathy. Was NGD humble? They acted like some mighty gaming company Goliath, who cant be bothered by this little David, despite having just one successful game to their credit (which's gotten worse in the past year).
Ok, NGD thinks that this company is not 'big enough' to merit a response to. They write their misguided critique. So why is NGD feeling threatened? If they dont give a rat's ass about this critique then they shouldn't have removed the thread and moved it to complaints. Nice PR move there NGD !
Critique (
Any one can write a critique, bad or good. NGD could have averted a bad one, by providing a better response to the people who wrote it. They chose not to. Fine. You should be mature enough to deal with it.
Every business decision has a risk, you took it, you should have stood by it. But this brilliant PR move to move it to the complaints section and to remove the link did you no good. This david might have just slayed the goliath not because David was awesome, but because Goliath was stupid. Little drops of water form the mighty ocean. Every little thing counts.
Let me prove it. So as a new gamer who wants to try RO I would type, 'Regnum online mmo review' in Google brings this thread in the top 4-5 results.
This (
Think of consequences before you do something, be it blance or moderating the forums. Please !
Arrogance (
Humility (
And finally the classic... learn from other's mistakes (
04-25-2010, 07:56 PM
He, they DID give a (or more, I don't know, but at least 1) level 50 char, but he didn't use it!
04-25-2010, 08:02 PM
Yeah, I heard it was on Amun... Good luck trying out RvR on Amun ! :)
Btw, I agree, that the quality of the review is bad. But my problem is with the moderation.
04-25-2010, 11:50 PM
Is this a "Surak, make me 50 or fear the consecuences" ? LOL
Yeah, I heard it was on Amun... Good luck trying out RvR on Amun ! :)
Btw, I agree, that the quality of the review is bad. But my problem is with the moderation.
No, it was on Ra. In which case he would've gotten a much better look of the game than if he played on Horus.
04-26-2010, 12:55 AM
No, it was on Ra. In which case he would've gotten a much better look of the game than if he played on Horus.
Aww.. I wonder why he chose to review on lvl 3 char lol. Maybe horus people responded better on realm chat in a language he understood. Hmm..
That aside, why would NGD remove the link from the forums and move the thread? Obviously, he said it is a 'review'. Bad review or good review, it definitely was a review. Oh well since, its been reinstated, no need to do more post mortem. NGD, you did the right thing. But why the sticky? oO One of chilko's rage moments?
04-26-2010, 12:59 AM
Aww.. I wonder why he chose to review on lvl 3 char lol.
If anyone actually read what the reviewers said on their site, they received no level 50 character, checking all servers just to make sure, and only received enough Ximerin to buy a horse, which they used in the review.
I don't know if this is true or not but I sincerely doubt a whole group of guys would lie especially given NGD's track record of not doing things right even when they mean to. What I mean is, they have a habit of partially doing things, and not noticing until later.
Like I said, I don't know if that was the case here, but people need to stop raging so much over this.
No one knows for sure except NGD and the reviewers. Period.
(Surpsingly enough, I've gotten more green karma for this thread than red. It seems that there are still some people left in the forums with a sense of logic instead of just coming up with ways to rant at either NGD or MMO Sanctuary as they see fit.)
Kind regards.
04-26-2010, 01:08 AM
If anyone actually read what the reviewers said on their site, they received no level 50 character, checking all servers just to make sure, and only received enough Ximerin to buy a horse, which they used in the review.
This is not accurate.
Nowhere on their site can I find a place the reviewer says they logged into Ra to check on their level 50 character. They only say they were given no level 50 on their account. A cynical interpretation of this is that they are not directly answering this question (did you actually log on to Ra?) to avoid looking foolish.
Also nowhere can I find how much xim was credited to their account. It was enough to buy a mount. But in the absence of any definite statement, it seems strange to assume they were only given 3k xim and that was it.
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