View Full Version : Conju auras VS Knight Auras, Mathematical!

06-09-2010, 06:45 AM
Hi all,
I testing lots of and i have more experience.

All aura lvl 5!

conjurer aura's:
-Greater Healing

Knight Aura's:
-Stars Shield
-DEflecting barrier.


It's the best conjurer aura! Barrier support.

Anti dmg: admg=admg(n-1)+30 --> admg=n*(z)30 N E [0,60]
Z E N+
Its discret autonom system. n Time variable, z (conjurer's number who cast mp)
1 conju maximal admg=30*60=1800 protect.
1,2,..z conjurer MAX(admg)=2500/ppl
When we no get DMG.
Fully time: 2500/[2500/(30*z)] [s]
coldown: 3 minutes.

Greater healing:
40 healt/sec
Maximum restore heal: 60*40=2400 healt /60 sec!
max healt: z*40*60! z E N+
Coldown 3 minues
15 manna /60 sec its not the best...

Knight auras:

40% resist all phisical damage!
Its konstans dmg protect!
d: 90 sec!! cd 120 sec!
-Star shielkd
40% resist all magical dmg:
Its konstans dmg protect too!
d:90 sec sc 120 sec!!!!!!
-declecting: (it's the best aura, because protect all dmg!!! )
Its konstans dmg protect too!
Duration 120 sec cd 180 sec!

So, life:

Conju cast, MP GH MC (3 aura limit knight cannot cast auras!)

Group get sultar terror: Its 800-1000 dmg (admg=2500-1000=1500)
Group get fireball: Its 500-800 dmg (admg=1500-500=1000)
(Group get other dmg, Typhon and other warriors aura, +archers aura)
GH nor work because not wounded.
MP protecting 5 sec 30*5=+150 admg
Group get second Sultar 800-100 dmg. (amdg=1150-1000=115admg)
Group get Fireball 500-800 admg(115-500, hmm get dmg)
Mp was cd gh was cd...
Next Sultar... Its easy logic.
No more protection, and conjurers its primary enemies atack!!

Knight auras: Cast SW, STS, DB

So It's simple
Sw+DB= 80% resist phisical (sultar golemfist meteor, archer atack, typhon and other areas)
STS+DB=80% REsist all magical damage, Fireball, lighting, iceblast.

So behind me AO1, 90 sec!!!!! (30 sec no ao1nad again).

For exapmle behind me sultar maximum 300 dmg! (120-300, testing)

Conjurer have 2000 healt 2000/300= 6,67 Sultar!
MP? conjurer have 2000 helat +2500 admg 4500/1000/ 4,5 sultar.

But MP its discret autonom system!! admg=MP(t) t= time variable!
Knight auras was constant!

So I think the best aura composition:

Knight use Shieldwall + DEflectinc, Conju use MP! And see loot of 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DMG.

Mannacom it's sucks!!
Shield wall or mannacom, i think my idea is SW!!!

Bot lot of shitjurers(warju) cast lvl1 manancom... I be angry... :S


06-09-2010, 08:39 AM
Nice and great to know, but the simple problem is that the Knight Aura's range was soo badly nerfed that it became so easy to get out of it's range.

Nobody stands behind that limited 6m range behind the knight, and thanks to positinal bugs it sometimes doesn't even work correctly.

I don't see a reason why a knight should stay in a fixed place, or running with his butt following his allies just to cast 3 limit-wasting auras(I prefer Mana Communion and Mana Pylon that can stack over non-stacking knight auras). There's no fun in that, are the RPs really worth it?

06-09-2010, 11:49 AM
I made similar calculations some time ago, the big problem is as PT_DaAr_PT said that most knights dont like to use their auras because its hard to stand at the right place to use them.

06-09-2010, 05:16 PM
Yes, mana com isn't as good as it used to be, but it really helps conjurer too.
I tried setup without manacom and i had really big problems with my mana and ability to give allies mana they needed, even with lvl 5 ambitious and mana/int items on me.

06-10-2010, 10:22 AM
I dropped mana comm shortly after it was nerfed. From conjurer point you do not get or get a really small benefit from it. True it helps others but mana regenerates really slow and have small area. I use synergy bond more.

Mana management problems for conjus are not only from mana comm - heals and dispell was made more expensive. Most of time i have mana, but i depend of energy borrow. If it fails which is pretty frequent i have to wait for ambitious to coold down.

Conju was alot better before.

06-10-2010, 01:26 PM
MC is helpful in crowds when targeting an ally is really hard. At least everyone gets a trickle of mana coming in. I'd rather have easier targeting, then I could synergy the mana to whoever needs it.

06-11-2010, 01:58 AM
I made similar calculations some time ago, the big problem is as PT_DaAr_PT said that most knights dont like to use their auras because its hard to stand at the right place to use them.

No, we don't use our auras because conjus flip shit if we do.

06-11-2010, 10:36 AM
That, or it's very hard to see if they're actually making some quantifable difference to the fight.

We can all see Mana Com, Pylon and Healing working 100% fine - but Shield Wall? Heroic? etc... Not so much.

06-12-2010, 09:34 AM
Knight auras are very bad against conjurer auras because the range and because the knight that want to give support with his auras eficiently have to put all his effort in this task, basicaly searching the position where they affect to more people. This is bored, very bored and difficult to achieve, because it depends his companions stay behind him motionless.

The play of the conjurer isn't change if he want to play with auras, because he can still give health and mana to range without have to search the better position.

Also, it must be taken into account the limit the 3 auras, that ends to kill the knights auras against the conjurer auras :(.

06-14-2010, 09:07 AM
Heres my suggestion to improving knights (not knarbs, you guys are awesome already):

Knight Aura's in the shield tree do not behave the same as all the other aura's so my suggestion is to not classify the arc-based skills as an aura therefore negating them from the 3-aura limit. Put them in its own category like "Shielding skill" or something like that. Increasing the arc would help too, maybe like 180 degrees

Herioc Presence however would still remain as an aura as it behaves like one and it would require your group to make a sacrifice to use it as it is still a pretty powerful spell.

I really want to see more Deflecting barriers, Star shields and Shield walls in the warzone.