View Full Version : What bugs you most about multi person combat
05-07-2007, 10:20 AM
What bothers you most about the way your relms fights as a group?
05-07-2007, 10:56 AM
What bothers you most about the way your relms fights as a group?
That we are not enough archers and that we are better at defending forts then capturing them :tonguey:
05-07-2007, 11:03 AM
when people be pressuring conjurers to do there job when we actually trying our best, at least i know i do. or when you ask for help to capture something and they never show up to help.. only your friends show up but its not enought you know.
anyways back to topic some conju dont do there job right or dont do it at all.
05-07-2007, 11:27 AM
yes some conj play like warlocks
I also hate when im in a larger group and attack a smaller group of enemys, only to find out i was the only one who attacked...
on the other hand there are players who keep on attacking (and dieing) a larger group of enemys instead of waiting for reinforments and then start flaming in the realm chat ;)
in other words: the group dynamics suck more often than it should be
05-08-2007, 06:07 AM
when people be pressuring conjurers to do there job when we actually trying our best, at least i know i do. or when you ask for help to capture something and they never show up to help.. only your friends show up but its not enought you know.
anyways back to topic some conju dont do there job right or dont do it at all.
Yes!!! This annoys the shit out of me when people ask for vida and mana over and over again. Most people know that I try my best to keep everyones health bar filled up. :D Another thing that annoys me is that Syrtis as of late seems to not be playing as a team much. It seems like it is all about hunting or starting over a new character. This has caused Syrtis to weaken a great deal. Ignis is becoming really powerful; especially at night when Mario of Persia is online. :tsk_tsk: :tsk_tsk: :tsk_tsk:
05-08-2007, 06:33 AM
Yes!!! This annoys the shit out of me when people ask for vida and mana over and over again. Most people know that I try my best to keep everyones health bar filled up. :D Another thing that annoys me is that Syrtis as of late seems to not be playing as a team much. It seems like it is all about hunting or starting over a new character. This has caused Syrtis to weaken a great deal. Ignis is becoming really powerful; especially at night when Mario of Persia is online. :tsk_tsk: :tsk_tsk: :tsk_tsk:
man ref u should not be saying stuff like that about ur realm. i know there is time u just get pist off cuz some times they never back u up or shit but thats how it is. they just wanna go hunt and get the easy realm points and yea my realm been working on order and stuff and for the record mosty everyone in my clan like mario and the others play at night . well see u around ref
05-08-2007, 06:57 AM
man ref u should not be saying stuff like that about ur realm. i know there is time u just get pist off cuz some times they never back u up or shit but thats how it is. they just wanna go hunt and get the easy realm points and yea my realm been working on order and stuff and for the record mosty everyone in my clan like mario and the others play at night . well see u around ref
haha yes I will see you around. Ignis has many very powerful warlocks now that can cause a lot of trouble to the other realms. :ohill:
05-08-2007, 10:11 AM
We growing into a Team but from time to time
there is a lag of tactics and Strategy. :huh:
like the follow someone to get the rp :tsk_tsk:
and find them then surrounded by enemies
while our sides ar wide oppen :no:
to find out i was the only one who attacked...
@ NT
take a bag over your head -->that helps :tonguey:
05-08-2007, 11:11 AM
I also hate when im in a larger group and attack a smaller group of enemys, only to find out i was the only one who attacked...
Yes... thats horrible.
I'm that kind of player who just can't stand, watching my friends die, so I mostly rush in to help them.
Sadly, most of these actions are pure suicide, cause the one I help use to rush away from the battle, leaving me alone.
This have made me loose respect for many, many players.
Also, most of my "friends" just stand there without rushing.
Sometimes I feel like "stupid idiots" who aint helping me.
Sometimes, rp hungry enemies rush toward us, but everyone (except me) stand back and doesn't care while I have to deal with it myself, and mostly dies.
We use to call the coward ones "spanish guys", cause sadly most of the are spanish.
Thugster members and other English players doesn't fear, and they are always there to help their teammates. Ofcourse, there are plenty of spanish players that isn't coward, and I have great respect for those.
So what I wish is that everyone just tries to help their teammates the best way possible.
Then we would all get a better game experience.
05-08-2007, 04:13 PM
Yes... thats horrible.
I'm that kind of player who just can't stand, watching my friends die, so I mostly rush in to help them.
Sadly, most of these actions are pure suicide, cause the one I help use to rush away from the battle, leaving me alone.
This have made me loose respect for many, many players.
Also, most of my "friends" just stand there without rushing.
Sometimes I feel like "stupid idiots" who aint helping me.
Sometimes, rp hungry enemies rush toward us, but everyone (except me) stand back and doesn't care while I have to deal with it myself, and mostly dies.
We use to call the coward ones "spanish guys", cause sadly most of the are spanish.
Thugster members and other English players doesn't fear, and they are always there to help their teammates. Ofcourse, there are plenty of spanish players that isn't coward, and I have great respect for those.
So what I wish is that everyone just tries to help their teammates the best way possible.
Then we would all get a better game experience.
as far i can tell alsius is strong at head to head combat. ur realm is geting stronger then wen i first had a war with it like 5 months back it got bigger and a lot more members. and about helping ur friend i know that feeling a lot. most the times i have to sta inside a fort wen one my friends have to rush in wen the enemy is right out side. mosty the times they dont help cuz they fall backand ya rp hungry. but dont u think maybe the spanish players dont go is cuz they didn t understand u maybe?
So what I wish is that everyone just tries to help their teammates the best way possible.
Then we would all get a better game experience.
Sometimes the best way is not to rush in. Most of the time the attacker of your teammate is not the immediate threat it is the three others behind him. It is better to let one die and eliminate all of enemy then rush in both of you die letting the enemy regroup.
Read this and pay attention to points 1 and 4.
Thus we may know that there are five essentials for victory: (1) He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight. (2) He will win who knows how to handle both superior and inferior forces. (3) He will win whose army is animated by the same spirit throughout all its ranks. (4) He will win who, prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared. (5) He will win who has military capacity and is not interfered with by the sovereign.--SUN TZU ON THE ART OF WAR--
05-09-2007, 08:08 AM
Damn never thought i would see anything out of the Art of war in this forum, its a great book ;)
Znurre... you should stop weining about things and think for a second, u always rush forward to kill other players. So of course you are gonna die first but that's just the way life is, u run in the front line of course the first rounds are gonna hit u first.
And about the "cowards" that are running away i understand your frustration but don't u see that its better that you die then the 3 persons you are trying to help right? Because it's better to have 3 players in action then only 1.
And also they may think that u are helping them make an escape back to the pack instead of fighting 1v1, because we alsius fight best when all our warriors attack at once.
You have weined on a lot of things lately, the weapon speed update for example. All other players weined with u for a while, then they stopped u know why?
Because they realised all they had to do was change their tactics. You have started to change tactic now when u started using blunt which i think is great but u still wein over the weapon being so slow even when the fact is that u killed 4 syrtis all by yourself.
I just think that all you do is complain and complain but this is a beta u should complain about things but not as much as u are doing.
Stop complaining over spilled milk and change your tactics. Just a tip.
Valkyria - Commander Of Valhalla Freedom Fighters
05-09-2007, 08:02 PM
Damn never thought i would see anything out of the Art of war in this forum, its a great book ;)
You have weined on a lot of things lately, the weapon speed update for example. All other players weined with u for a while, then they stopped u know why?
Because they realised all they had to do was change their tactics. You have started to change tactic now when u started using blunt which i think is great but u still wein over the weapon being so slow even when the fact is that u killed 4 syrtis all by yourself.
The Art of War is overrated in my opinion. Most stuff in there is obvious
and it wasnt just about the weapon speed. There were a LOT of downgrades for warriors.
and sure u have to fight with what u have. Blunt was state-of-the-art before the updates already
The Art of War is overrated in my opinion. Most stuff in there is obvious
Aren't all truths obvious once revealed?
05-10-2007, 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by NightTwix
The Art of War is overrated in my opinion. Most stuff in there is obvious
Yes might be -- but for a immemorial Book (ca. 2400 y.)
it's to forgive :naughty:
Originally Posted by Tyr
Aren't all truths obvious once revealed?
Very buddhist answer m8 -- nice :)
05-11-2007, 07:31 AM
Blunt was state-of-the-art before the updates already
Yes it was, but znurre was using slashing before and a while after the update so i said that it was good that he switched to blunt because then he would not be effected of the update as much because he would do more damage then with slashing.
The Art of War is overrated in my opinion. Most stuff in there is obvious
Obvious for us today yes, but have in mind that this book was written 2400+ yearss ago and people still use it today. Maybe the stuff written in it is obvious, but's effective in planning and engaging into war even after 2000 years.
Because twix, wars are always fought the same way, the only difference is that the weapons get more hightech each time.
05-11-2007, 05:50 PM
Obvious for us today yes, but have in mind that this book was written 2400+ yearss ago and people still use it today. Maybe the stuff written in it is obvious, but's effective in planning and engaging into war even after 2000 years.
Because twix, wars are always fought the same way, the only difference is that the weapons get more hightech each time.
ok i didnt make myself clear.
i read it and thought its boring. when it was written it was cool, no question
but nowadays it only useful for managers who put it in their bookshelf to make them look evil
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