View Full Version : Rayge!!

05-08-2007, 08:36 AM
Hello Rayge,

First i would like to welcome you regnum and thanks for wanting to help us etc.

so i would like to be the first to ask you a question heheh

1. In what direction is the game goin right in the aspect of pvp,war, invasions( which are not active yet ) and realm balance ( what i mean by realm balance is the users etc )

2. Will we get things like friendl list, clan list with features like ( seeing whos online in the clan etc and how many realm points each character has etc )

3.In the aspect of bug reports i have posted on a thread that my clan members with the highest rank cant expel any many because they click on " expel " and confirm and the name of the character still stays on the clan list.

4. Will we see you alot on Ignis?? heheh :D

Best Regards and welcome to REGNUM ONLINE.

05-08-2007, 04:02 PM
Let's see.

1 - I can tell you that we plan on building out the PvP aspect of the game. Right now we are doing everything we can to get stability to a level that everyone is happy with. We also are working hard on being able to support many more players to make the PvP experience awesome. Everyone playing right now is on the ground floor of a constantly evolving and growing game and we believe, unlike other games, our game is going to be on a development path to build what the majority of our players want. PvP development and invasions are feedback that we have received so you can be sure effort will be put in this direction.

2 - Friend lists - I have heard discussion on this topic and let me see what I can tell you about this topic.

3 - Clan bug - let me look into this.

4 - As soon as I get through the content changes for this month I will definitely be playing and testing more.