View Full Version : user already logged in?

10-02-2006, 06:29 AM
soo, I finally was able to play after a nifty update and so far so good. However, after playing a while, it just disconnected. Now when I try to login, I get "user already logged in." Interesting.

10-02-2006, 10:45 AM
Server had a problem and went down. Bad luck :( It is up and running now.

Welcome to Regnum :)

10-02-2006, 01:26 PM
Welcome to Regnum!
Just to make your play a little bit more interesting:
If you play under windows, use directX mode, it looks better.
if you play under linux, you ´ll have to use opengl, it´s look pretty closer as DX do, except for the water.

Some commands: (for the command line i mean hahaha).
/chat <players nick> //You can imagine what could be this use for.
/reset_powers //You can reset all your skills and disciplines, and retrain them
/party <players nick> //Create a party or call a party member to join yours
Hope you enjoy the game.

Regards, Zeroena.